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Table name : SKB1 : G/L Account Master ( Company Code) Fields: BUKRS: Company Code SAKNR: G/L Account

Table name : SKA1 : G/L Account Master ( Chart of Accounts ) Fields: KTOPL: Char of Accounts SAKNR: G/L Account Table name : SKAT : G/L Account Master Record ( Chart of Accounts : Description ) Fields: SPRAS: Language KTOPL: Char of Accounts SAKNR: G/L Account

Cost Center & Cost Element Cost element CSKB Cost center CSKS COFIT Total by CO-Object COEP line items by CO-Object

Company Code Address Info

Company code info T001-ADRNR T001 ADRC

House Bank & Payment Method T012, T012T, T012K, T012D

table T042Y. In this table the key entries include the Account ID. Here you can use the "House Bank", "Payment Method" and "Currency" with differenct account Id's.

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