Symposium Program

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Symposium P r o g r a m
O c t . 25 ( M o n . )

Registration (8:30- 9:20) Opening Session (9:20- 10:50)

Chairperson; A. Masaike (Fukui IT), Scientific secretary; K. Oyama (Tokyo) S. Sugimoto (KEK-Tanashi) S. Yamada (KEK) T. Hatsuda (Kyoto) Opening address Future projects of KEK An introductory talk to the symposium - Coffee Break (10:50 - 11:10) (5) (20+5) (50+10)

Session I (Mesons in Nuclear Medium; 11:10 - 12:30, 14:00 - 15:20)

Chairperson; K. Yazaki (Tokyo Woman's Christian), Scientific secretary; K. Oyama (Tokyo) R. Rapp (SUNY) K. Maruyama (CNS, Tokyo) Vector mesons in nuclear medium 90 meson in the nucleus - Lunch (12:30 - 14:00) H. En'yo (Kyoto) J. Friese (TU Mtinchen) ~ production at KEK HADES at GSI (30+ 10) (30+ 10) (30+ 10) (30+10)

Session II (Nucleon Resonances in Nuclei and Related Topics; 15:20- 16:10, 16:40- 18:20)
Chairperson; K. Nakai (Science U Tokyo), Scientific secretary; Y. Umemoto (Nara Women's) H. Yamazaki (Tohoku) J. Chiba (KEK) S 11(1535) resonance in nuclei Delta in nuclei excited by hadronic processes - Coffee Break (16:10 - 16:40) G. Huber (Regina) I.T. Cheon (Yonsei) H. Utsunomiya (Konan) I.A. Pshenichnov (INR) Physics of double Delta excitation in the deuteron and 3He (20+5) Vector meson contribution to pion photoproduction on the nucleon Photoneutron cross section measurement on 9Be by inverse Compton scattering of laser photons Nuclear disintegration induced by virtual photons at heavy-ion colliders (20+5) (20+5) (20+5) (20+5) (20+5)


- Reception (18:30- 20:00) -

Oct. 26 ( T u e . ) Session III (Strangeness Physics; 9:00- 10:20, 10:40- 12:20 ) Chairperson; T. Motoba (Osaka E-C), Scientific secretary; M. Yamaguchi (Ehime) K. Maeda (Tohoku) E.Ya. Paryev (INR) T. Mart (Indonesia) H. Yamamura (Okayama US) K photoproduction on nuclei Comment Theoretical aspects of strangeness electroproduction Hyperon polarization in kaon photoproduction from the deuteron - Coffee Break (10:20 - 10:40) E. Paul (Bonn) O. Hashimoto (Tohoku) H. Kohri (Osaka) Physics of associated strangeness production experiments at ELSA Retrospect and prospect of hypernuclear physics Spin-orbit splitting of 13 AC - Lunch (12:20- 13:50) Session IV (N-N Correlations and Few-body Physics; 13:50- 15:55, 16:25- 17:30) Chairperson; T. Suzuki (Fukui), Scientific secretary; N. Naka (Ehime) T. Suda (RIKEN) G. Orlandini (Trento) S. Hirenzaki (Nara Women's) Photodisintegration reactions of 3He and 4He at TAGX (50+ 10) Photonuclear cross sections of three-nucleon systems and the role of three-nucleon forces (30+ 10) (20+5) - Coffee Break (15:55 - 16:25) P. Grabmayr (Ttibingen) E.L. Lomon (MIT) Two-nucleon emission experiments at Mainz searching for NN correlations (30+ 10) (20+5) - Banquet (19:00 - 21:00) Quark substructure and isobar effects on deuteron form factors Quasi-deuteron picture for 3He and 4He Photodisintegration (30+ 10) (30+ 10) (15+5) (15+5) (20+5) (10) (20+5)


Oct. 27 (Wed.)
Session V (Nucleon Structure Studied by High-Energy Electrons; 9:00 - 10:40, 11:00- 12:05) Chairperson; H. Abramowicz (Tel Aviv), Scientific secretary; M. Chiba (Tohoku) A. Levy (Tel Aviv) K. Nagano (KEK/DESY) The proton and the photon: who is probing whom in electroproduction ? High-Q 2 neutral- and charged-current reactions at HERA (30+10) - Coffee Break (10:40 - 11:00) Y. Sakemi (Tokyo IT) W. Meyer (Bochum) Spin structure of the nucleon studied by HERMES A first measurement of the GDH-sum rule at MAMI - Lunch (12:05 - 13:35)Session VI (New Facilities; 13:35 - 15:55) Chairperson; J.C. Kim (Seoul National), Scientific secretary; Y. Miyake (Osaka) W. Hersman (New Hampshire) Topics of few-body physics at J-Lab Y. Yamaguchi (Tokyo) J. Kasagi (Tohoku) T. Hotta (RCNP, Osaka) T. Katayama (Tokyo/RIKEN) Closing S e s s i o n (15:55 - 16:15) Chairperson; Y. Sumi (Hiroshima Int.), Scientific secretary; Y. Miyake (Osaka) H. Okuno (KEK-Tanashi) Summary talk Use of the polarized photon beams at high energies Nuclear physics experiments with 1.2-GeV STB ring at LNS, Tohoku LEPS at SPring-8 MUSES Project (15+5) (15+5) (15+5) (50+10) (30+10) (50+10)




O c t . 28 ( T h u . ) Tour of KEK-facilities on request

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