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Day and objectives Day 1 Introduction Objectives: Students will be able to: 1.

Describe the digestive system in the human body 2. Understand the roles of the organs in the digestive system and be able to identify and label them

Activities 1. The instructor will introduce the topic and students will complete a KWL activity on the classes blog page. 2. Students will view a video that will give them an understanding of the topic and will discuss various parts of the digestive system. Students will be asked to complete a pop quiz activity to ensure they watched the video and understood what was discussed 3. The students will be assigned several readings including one from their interactive textbooks to complete along with some essential questions to guide their reading. 4. After their readings students will be asked to respond to a blog post sharing what they learned and commenting on their classmates posts. 5. Finally, students will be asked to complete an assessment in Google forms so that the teacher can assess where they are in understanding the concept and meeting the days 2 objectives. 1. The instructor will meet with the students in a Wimba classroom and will begin the class with a lecture and discussion about the digestive system and the different processes involved. Students will be asked questions and able to participate, discuss and ask questions of their own 2. Students will be assigned several readings that they will divide among their group members. 3. Each group member will summarize their findings and share them with their group on their group wiki page. 4. Students will then synthesize that information to address the questions on the class blog post including: What are the processes involved in digestion? And What is the ultimate goal of the digestive process.? 1. The instructor will begin by introducing the topic through a screencast discussing how our digestive system compares to that of other vertebrate creatures, what similarities there are and why they are important. 2. After viewing the screen cast students will be expected to complete at least 2 of the virtual dissections that the instructor introduced in the lecture 3. After completing the dissection students will be asked to complete the corresponding lab report, describing their process and findings. 4. Lab reports will be shared via the class blog so that students have access to other students findings and research. 5. Finally, students will be asked to comment on at least one other lab report from someone who did a different dissection than their own.

Day 2 Processes Objectives: Students will be able to: 1. Research the different processes of the digestive system and identify when and where each process takes place 2. Understand and explain why our body needs to digest food in the first place and what the ultimate objective is Day3 Comparison Objectives: Students will be able to 1. Virtually dissect and label the different parts of another animals digestive system 2. Compare and contrast the anatomy of the human digestive system and to another animals digestive system, clearly summarizing the similarities in terms of processes (mechanical,

chemical, etc.) Day 4 Homeostasis Objective: Students will be able to 1. Research what our bodies gain from the digestive process 2. Synthesize the information learned along with previous lessons to explain how the digestive system is a part of the bodies overall homeostatic processes. 1. Todays assignment would begin with a class discussion in the Wimba meeting space. The instructor will review information about the bodies homeostatic processes and will guide students in realizing what our bodies gain from the digestive process. 2. Students will be asked to complete several readings, and participate in an online interactive pop quiz to review their readings. 3. Students will then complete an online worksheet compiling their findings and asking them to write a conclusion about how digestion is related to homeostasis. 4. Students will then be introduced to the presentation that they will be creating as a conclusion to the unit and will be asked to begin their presentations and gathering resources 1. Students will continue to work on their presentations after a brief introduction and example provided by the instructor. 2. Students will be allowed to share information through their group wiki page to help them in their research process. 3. Finally, students will be asked to share their findings through a multimedia presentation (students can use Google Presenter, a website a screencast or whatever they feel is best for them). 4. Each student will post their presentation to the class blog and will review at least one other students presentations. 5. The presentations will be graded using a rubric and will act as the final overall assessment for the unit.

Day 5 Review and assessment Objectives: Students will be able to 1. Demonstrate a thorough understanding of the digestive system its processes and functions through a presentation 2. Students will share their presentations and comment on another students presentation.

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