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The Birth of the Universe

Conditions of Singularity
Incredibly dense Extremely high pressure Extremely hot

Matter cannot exist All matter exists as ENERGY E=mc2

The Singularity Expands

10-35 seconds: Universe Inflates, T & P go down Conditions right for some Energy to turn into Matter (E=mc2). Unified force begins to fractionate Gravity emerges as distinct force. Fabric of space emerges.

The Singularity Expands

By 10-5 seconds: Unified Force split into modern forces: Gravity, Strong, Electromagnetic, weak

The Singularity Expands

By 1 second: Fundamental particles emerge from matter. Electrons quarks ..

The Singularity Expands

Between 3 seconds to 3 minutes: Temp and Pressure going down as universe expands. Density of matter going down (particles getting farther apart). Fundamental particles slam into each other to form protons and neutrons (strong force holds them together). As window of opportunity of just right T & P & Density for protons & neutrons to crash together and hold together.. And not just blow each other apart!

Only Lightweight Nuclei are Formed Hydrogen, a bit of Helium, a pinch of Lithium

The Singularity Expands

300,000 years: Electrons captured by nuclei = real atoms exist. Matter is now all organized . Energy from BB fills space. Energy is high energy - Gamma Rays.
Prediction: These gamma rays fill the fabric of space therefore they should expand along with space (the tape measure idea).
Today they should be stretched out to Microwaves

Why would gamma rays become microwaves?

They fill space - are part of the fabric of space. They expand along with space - wavelength gets stretched out. Given rate of expansion, can calculate how much waves have stretched.
Like a Slinky stretching out

How do they know these are The BIG BANG microwaves?

They FILL the universe -- come toward earth from all directions. Means it is not being generated by a point source.
You can turn away from a point source light..

Penzias and Wilson couldnt get away from the microwaves interfering with their antenna

The Singularity Expands

300 million years: Gravitational attraction between bits of matter causes clumping of matter. First stars form (very dense clumps of matter).
Q. What matter makes up the stars? What element(s)?

Stars clump into Galaxies.

The Singularity Expands

9 billion years after Big Bang
which is 5 billion years ago from today:

Our sun forms. Planets in our solar system forming too. Remember the History of Life Timeline? Q. How old is the Earth? Answer: ~4.6 billion years old.

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