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Welcome to the Simpson ES Media Center!

Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. 3:50 p.m.

EQ: Who works in the media center?

Ms. Stephenson Ms. Dunlap

Ms. Clement

EQ: Who else helps in the media center?

Spectacular volunteers!

EQ: What are the Simpson norms for our media center?

EQ: What do I do during a fire drill in the media center?

Turn your voice o for the ENTIRE re drill. Line up at the front door of the media center. Walk quickly, DONT run! Exit the building through Simpson Square. Wait paHently and silently! Your media center workers are re chiefs and will be very busy with re drill duHes.

EQ: What do I do during a tornado drill in the media center?

Turn your voice o for the ENTIRE tornado drill. Exit the door by the biographies, and line up against the wall. Get in your tornado-safe posiHon. Wait paHently and silently as we wait for word that the drill is over.

Password condenHality

EQ: How do I log into the Simpson computers and the media catalog (Destiny)?

User names and passwords Type student ID twice Change password to lower case rst iniHal, last iniHal, birth month, birth day, grade level (e.g. sd09063)

EQ: How do I find different types of books in the media center?


Reference Books

Everybody Books
These picture books are organized by the authors last name.

Fiction Chapter Books

These books are in alphabetical order by the authors last name.

Non-Fiction Books
These books are organized according to the Dewey Decimal System and then the authors last name.

000- 099 100-199

Dewey Decimal System

General Works Philosophy and Psychology Social Science Language Natural Science

Encyclopedias, reference works, computers Brain research, quesAon & answer books.

200-299 Religion and Mythology 300-399 400-499 500-599

Bible stories, religions of the world, Greek myths. EducaAon, law, sociology, transportaAon, eAqueJe, folklore and fairy tales.

Grammar, sign language, dicAonaries, and picture books in many languages. Experiments, math, astronomy, chemistry, physics, geology, biology, books on specic animals. Anatomy, medicine, airplanes, space travel, cookbooks and animals such as dogs, cats, and horses. Art, how-to-draw books, craUs, music, joke and riddle books, and sports Poetry, plays, and classic literature. History, geography and travel, atlases, explorers, biographies

600-699 700-799 800-899 900-999

Applied Science Arts and RecreaAon Literature Geography & History


EQ: How do I check out books from the media center?

Get a shelf marker from the porch to hold your place when removing a book.

Get your library card from the book shelf by the front door.

Take your book to the circulation desk to check it out.

Put your library card and shelf marker back where they belong.

EQ: How many books may I check out, and how long may I keep them?
Kindergarten through 1st Grade 1 book Grades 2 through 5 2 books You may keep your book for 2 weeks.

EQ: How do I care for my book?

Read with clean hands. Dont eat or drink while reading. Dont leave your book outside Dont leave your book where a pet or young sibling could damage it.

EQ: How do I return my book?

Please do not put your book back on the shelf.

Drop your book in the slot in the circulation desk.

We look forward to seeing you in the media center!

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