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Stephen Hawking Interesting Facts

Stephen Hawking is diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, a type of motor neuron disease that has left him almost completely paralyzed.

Most people diagnosed with ALS die within 2-5 years but Hawking has lived 40 years since being diagnosed Stephen Hawking worked expansively on the subject of black holes. He providing theories for their behavior, including the idea that they emit radiation. In 1999 The Simpsons wanted to use Stephen Hawking in the episode "They Saved Lisa's Brain, Hawking agreed not only to allow the producers to use his image but to do his own voice work. Stephen Hawkings favourite show is the Simpsons Stephen Hawking is British but his speech synthesiser has an American accent and wasnt upgraded because he said that if he changes his voice his wife might divorce him and people wouldnt recognize him The speech synthesizer Stephen Hawking uses is called DECtalk DTC01 and he types the words with his cheek on a portable computer on his wheelchair Stephen Hawking is known for his book A Brief History of Time Hawkings most famous discovery is his quantum theory of general relativity that shows that black holes emit radiation Stephen Hawking

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