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A homage to Samuel

Ong, hero of the 'Hello

Garci' expose
by Jesusa Bernardo

R.I.P., Samuel Ong. Be in peace where your soul will traverse.

Your noble efforts to inform your Filipino compatriots of the
terrible crime and farce behind the presidency of the
incumbent through your dissemination of the "Hello, Garci?"
tapes will not be in vain. In time, the Cheater, Fake 'President'
Gloria Macapagal Arroyo will reap her awful karma. In time, no
wicked crime against the motherland will go unpunished.

The agony of choosing whether to go by the way of the heroes,

or give in to the seduction of the richly rewarded traitors of
the Republic, you excruciatingly went through. In the end, you
chose to whistle the truth--surreptitiously at first, and when
you sensed mortal danger, you publicly owned up to it. For four
years you endured so much, as you hoped and waited for
change. The sweet closure of justice did not come in your
lifetime, but it will, it should, in time.

History will judge you a patriotic hero—that I am sure of. In

behalf of the Filipinos who were unable to physically comfort
you, or adequately support you during your principled crusade,
I bid you a farewell laden with the heartfelt gratitude of a
nation you served with conviction.
Taos-pusong pamamaalam, Dir. Samuel Ong.

Samuel Ong a "hero of truth," says

Ex-Pres. Joseph Estrada

(Dir. Samuel Ong was the former deputy director of the National
Bureau of Investigation who presented the "mother of all tapes,"
the master tape containing the wiretapped conversations about
apparent vote rigging between President Gloria Arroyo and
elections commissioner Garcillano and certain military and other officials
during the 2004 presidential elections. Born October 8, 1945, Ong succumbed
to lung cancer on May 22, 2009. He is said to have died minutes after having
the deposed President Joseph "Erap" Estrada on his bedside. Erap referred to
him as a "hero of truth)."

The cheated presidential aspirant in 2004: Fernando Poe, Jr.

Gloria Arroyo, rigged the 2004 votes,

says the 'Hello Garci' tapes

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