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Kamie Pearson Math 1020 8-3-2013

Math 1020 Reflection Paper

Medical math plays an important role in the nursing field. Just being able to receive a passing grade in this course will not qualify you enough to confidently fulfill your role as a care provider. I have been a certified nursing assistant for six years and as such, I have firsthand knowledge of its importance in my field of work. During the time I have spent in this class, I have learned to appreciate medical maths importance in my occupation. Those who merely pass this class may one day find themselves unable to properly administer to a patient who may be in a life threating situation. In this case you learn to do the math by hand as well as the science behind the math of nursing. Earlier this year in Maine a doctor was fined by a state licensing board for failing to spot a medication error which resulted in a patients death. He was the third such practitioner in the state within a years time to make a medication error resulting in a patients death. This clearly demonstrates the importance of a solid understanding of medical math and also the importance of paying attention to detail and its application in the field. In conclusion, we can clearly see that medical math is much more important than just a passing grade. There is much to learn throughout this course that has direct application into the medical field, and those who truly desire to excel in the field should take special care to not only obtain a passing grade, but to understand the curriculum in its entirety that they may best serve and take proper care of those who are under their charge.

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