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s FW Taylor devised a system for classifying motions into basic divisions called Therbligs Comprehensive business strategy consists of corporate objectives

Inspection should be avoided prior to long run of a manufacturing stage as it becomes duplication of w

regular lubrication with carefully selected lubricants is an essential factor in the maintenance of high gr Three times estimates are transformed into expected time before using it into a network Production activity control (PAC) is not related with shop floor control (sfc)

Quality cannot be incorporated into a product by inspection but it can be incorporated only while manu Cost of proactive maintenance and cost of quality planning are examples of appraisal cost Japanese people call inventory as necessary evil The concept of 'Annualised Hours' was used exclusively in Japan Normal time can not be equated to the standard time

The component produced on completely automatic machines may be subjected to sampling inspection machines require cent percent inspection It would not affect the project completion time if non critical activities take longer time than planned In JIT, it is not possible for each and every item help as inventory variations in time during study can be reduced to some extent but can not be eliminated totally

In case of backward pass computation, the latest event time of the burst event equals the smallest of th of the activity converging on the head event Scheduling should be done on a daily basis of the company makes promises in days aggregate plans are tactical plans In case of forward computation, the earliest event time of the first event is zero

The component produced on completely automatic machines may be subjected to samplin completely manually operated machines require cent percent inspection

Maintenance function must be decentralised apart from the size of the manufacturing organisation for i

Objective of work study is to improve productivity

root causes of many failures in meeting planned production can be attributed to poor medium / long ra

The problems of congestion, bottlenecks and backtracking can not be visualised by using templates an

The main purpose of kanban systems is to streamline manufacturing and procurement processes rathe






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Flow process chart (Materials) is also called as ______

The task of allocation of jobs to machines is carried out by the _____ in consultation with the s The _____ is the probability that a good lot will be rejected by the sampling plan _______ are used to create histograms such as shown on Pareto chart

American society of mechanical engineers and British standard institute have advocated ____

a ______ is another typical chart which is used to record frequency of movements between wo _______ logic is used to support the order promising process _______ is a series of time intervals that specifies what types of order changes are allowed

The term that refers to a complex web of thoughts, ideas, insights, experiences, goals, exper general guidance for specific actions in pursuit of particular ends is _____ IN a hospital, inputs are ____ and outputs are cured patients A _____ layout is one that reduces the material handling activities to minimum _____ uses estimate arrival rates and serive rates to calculate an optimum staffing plan

____ is the card prepared by the dispatching section of PPC from the route laid down in the pr authority to carry out the task specified therein Delay is indicated by _______ during recording for method study

_______ is computed by subtracting the sum of set up and processing times from the time rem

The _____ is the maximum percentage defective that are for the purpose of sampling inspect

A ______ is the systematic recording and critical examination of existing and proposed ways o and more effective methods and reducing costs

REL chart exihibits relationship between ____ of departments in terms of degree of closeness Material flow in process layout is duration of each activity is referred to as _____

______ is a statistical methodology used for determining the cause and effect relationship bet

production control work is ______ in case of floor inspection as compared with the centralised

______ shows the hypothized relationship between potential causes and the problems under s The _____ is the probability that a bad lot will be accepted by the sampling plan. The _______ technique builds the network from activities

_______ is normally set to cover a minimum of cumulative lead time plus time for lot sizing low An operation is indicated by _____ during recording for method study

A _____ phase is the follow up phase after the implementation which serves as a monitoring a ______ of production management is viwed as the efficiency with which inputs are converted An approach to scheduling that starts from the present time and schedules each job to start

Answer Operation process chart scheduler producer's risk DMAIC five travel chart Make to Order Time fence

decision making Patients good Queuing theory

job card Letter Dee slack

acceptable quality level

method study pairs discontinous project duration

Design of experiments (DOE) easier cause and effect diagram consumer's risk Critical path method planning horizion Circle critical examination effectiveness forward scheduling

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Questions JIT needs a simple control system which is provided by

A managerial statement of period by period (time phased) production rates, work force lev capacity limitations is referred to as What do you understand by analysis of motions employed by workmen to perform a task

Which kind of preventative inspection detects some defects in moving parts, internal crac

The diagram that focuses on efforts or problems that have the greatest potential for impro graph is known as Detachable tickets is the useful method of production feedback in case of What do you understand by the timeframe for the maintenance needs of the equipment What does tall of an arrow represent The rule 'earliest due date (EDO) states

A way of scheduling the ordering or production of parts or raw materials so that they will b

The element governing operation of business and its contacts and relationships with socie stakeholders is termed as

The process of changing inputs to outputs thereby adding some value to entity can be def

traditional manufacturing stresses "getting hands dirty" while JIT manufacturing emphasis Japanese recommend use of

Previous on-hand inventory, minus the larger of next periods forecast to actual orders is te Providing flexibility in plant layout means

Six sigma is a business strategy or approach for systematic improvement of business proc The middle compartment of control board contains the copy / shop order of the item

Main objective of a good plant layout is

What do you mean by the study of repetitive short cycle which involve quick hand / feet m What is represented by an arrow in a network

What do you unerstand by the selection of the job for the method on the basis of money s

What do you mean by planned corrective maintenance which provides an oppportunity to frequency of breakdowns The common form of JIT layout is PERT is As the precursor to developing strategic plan, it is desirable to conduct The rule Random R states What does tail of an arrow represent What do you understand by totality of features and charecteristics of a product or service

An approach to scheduling that starts from the present time and schedules each job to sta Production planning includes How to obtain the elemental time in case of fly back method

In management coefficient model, workforce in the previous period, ending inventory for p

The dispatching function can be performed conveniently through the use of what is called The scheduling chart with horizontal rows representing jobs or resources to be scheduled MPS balances demand with The two aspects viz. allocation of resources and timing of resources are pertaining to Selection of site among alternative locations is based on

The middle compartment of control board contains the copy of work order / shop order of

_______ is the application of statistical methods to analyze data, study and monitor proces

276 Kanban

production plan Method study Internal inspection

Pareto Diagram multiple production maintenance inspection schedule Start of an activity The job with earlier due date goes first

Materials requirement planning

Values operation

5 S technique Projected on hand inventory layout can be changed without much cost if required bottom line profitability to be processed next on the machine

reduce material handling cost micro motion study activity economic consideration

design-out maintenance U-line project evaluation and review technique SWOT analysis pick up any job in the queue with equal probability Start of an activity Quality forward scheduling predetermination of manufacturing requirements by judgement of observer production rate Gantt Chart Load chart supply scheduling Total investment (?)

to be processed next on the machine statistical process control

S.No 1

























Questions Scale model used for layout analysis have following advantages

The purpose of MPS can be stated in the following lines

The process of production planning and control includes

Which are the advantages of work sampling over time study

JIT purchasing is based on the following fundamental principles

IN an organisation there may not be a formal PPC department if

the work involved in production activity control (PAC) are

Which are the factors on which the structure of transportation cost depends

Which three of the following options can be used to reduce the duration of activity during pro

IN management prospective, Kanban is a visual indicator that triggers replenishment of item

How work measurement is useful to figure out better method

DMAIC and DMADV are both

According to Bauer, functions of PAC are as follows

Quality is a customer satisfaction aimed at meeting the following

MPS is stated in end items. It has three parts

Value addition to an entity can be done by the following

In MPS, the following need to be clearly understood about the quantities

Which of the following is not the characteristic of project production

The cost of quality can be divided into the following areas

External factors affecting scheduling are

which of the following are types of non-destructive testing

Components of production management include

Which of the following are regional factors which govern the selection of plant location

Aggregate planning has certain prerequired inputs which are inevitable. They include

The most typical causes of innovations that shift competitive advantage are as follows

The SMED can be implemented through stages which

Which of the work measurement techniques involve the direct observations

Which of the following situations highlights the need of proximity of plant location to sources

Effective scheduling leads to meeting customer requirements through

Important improvements in manufacturing performance can be gained by introducing flexibil

Machining cells in place of conventional batch system result in

Which of the following work measurement techniques involve the direct observsations

157 Nontechnical person finds it easy to comprehend overhead facilities can be shown models can be shifted easily

to establish the production schedule for the specific models/ options of products to provide the schedule input for the MRP process to provide the schedule used by order processing to acknowledge delivery dates for the curre release production order follow up progress purchase material The observer need not be present at place of work for a longer time Work sampling study can be interrupted at any time without affecting the results work sampling study gives unbiased results suppliers facilities are an extension of buyer's own facilities delivery lot size should be just enough to satisfy immediate higher level requirement rejections interrupt supply and hence must be eliminated work is highly repetitive in nature planning activities are performed by the line staff number of workmen is not large To have activities performed as planned To report on operating results To revise plan to achieve desired results Medium of shipment characteristics of the commodity average distance of shipment allocating more manpower and machines than originally planned working additional shifts or overtime awarding work to vendors who charge extra but expedite deliveries

Card bin rack It identifies elements which consumes excessive time it points out wasted motions it draws attention to unnecessary work Six Sigma methodologies used to drive defects to less than 3.4 per million opportunities. Data intensive solution approaches. Intuition has no place in Six Sigma -- only cold, hard facts. Implemented by Green Belts, Black Belts and Master Black Belts. Ways to help meet the business/financial bottom-line numbers. Implemented with the support of a champion and process owner scheduling monitoring dispatching stated needs unstated needs expectations master schedule available to promise alteration transport inspection The quantities represent production not demand the quantities may consist of combination of customer order and demand forecasts the quantities represent what needs to be produced and not what can be produced continuous flow of material highly mechanised material handling virtually zero manufacturing cycle time

appraisal cost prevention cost failure and hidden cost customers demand customers delivery dates visual testing eddy current magnetic flow detectors capacity planning job design production planning proximity to market climatic condition industrial and taxation laws information about resources and facilities available Demand forecast for the period for which the planning has to be done cost of various alternatives and resources new technologies and quality practices new or shifting buyer needs emergence of new industry segment Convert internal setup to external setup streamline all aspects of setup operations time study production study work sampling If raw materials are of perishable nature If raw materials are expensive transport

If weight of raw materials is substantially reduced after processing Improved delivery performance meeting company's customer service goals reducing production lead time use of alternate routings adjustments in labour assignments overlap scheduling simplification of material flow increased material movement time study production study work sampling

S.No MTF 1 Voice of customer Critical to quality Defect Stable Operation

2 Store issue order Move order Machine setup order Forwarding Note

3 Dispatching Backward scheduling tool order inspection order Master production schedule 4 manufacturing resource planing (MRP II) capacity requirements planning (CRP) planning horizon 5 Question Crash cost of an activity Normal time of an activity Crash time of activity Normal cost of an activity Question Interruption for machine utilisation Input for scheduling Technique of scheduling Scheduling Device

Question Temperature of motor Exhaust gas Air leakage Corrosion Question Forcasting requirement for indirect material Inventory control by classification Structure of the product Material Planning for dependent demand Question First off inspection Critical operation inspection Patrolling inspection Key operation inspection Question Template REL chart Flow diagram Travel chart Question Toung Eye Nose Ear Question unit production of very large product High production volume low variety Low production volume high variety Grouping into families of similar product Question Emerson Efficiency Plan Craft Work Sampling

Gantt Chart Question Community Facilities Proximity to market Industrial and labour attitude Legislation and taxation Question Change in chemical characteristic Consumption of effort Information given Subtraction Question Bottom compartment of control board Control board Top compartment of control board Middle compartment of control board Question Scale model Factor Analysis Minimization of production delays Maximum visibility Question Fixation of inventory level Symptom of ill planned purchasing Factor influencing material planning Net requirement of material under MRP Question Table lubrication Draining and refilling of oil reserviors of plunger pump Parts lubricated with oil nipple Tools and slideways Question

Pessimistic time Expected time Optimistic time Most likely time Question When to inspect What to inspect How to inspect How much to inspect Question Fixed Position Layout Product Layout Process Layout Combined Layout Question Scheduling of interrelated activities of small projects with consideration of uncertainty of duration of activities. Two machines & processing time depends on sequence of job loading Sufficient orders and resonable choice of machines Time relationship between when a product is required and when it can be made available

Production plan Staffing plan search decision rule Dell Capacity plan Aggregate plan Master production schedule short-term schedule

27 What your process can deliver Attributes most important to Failing to deliver what customer Ensuring consistant, predictable processes

Instructs stores department to conduct inventory of scrap material Instructs workmen for movement of material from manufacturer to stockist Instructs settlers to set up machine tools mentioned therein informs dispatch / finish parts stores regarding the description of the goods accompanying the note

execution of current production schedule relative to the current state of the production sy An approach to scheduling that starts from a desired due date and works backward instructs to keep necessary tools ready for issue One for each stage of inspection A specific statement of exactly what, usually in terms of individualend terms or product models, will be produced in each time period provides simulation capabilities and cost information for other functional areas of business information about resources and facilities available normally set to cover a minimum of cumulative lead time Correct Answer Cc Tn Tc Cn Correct Answer Preventive maintenance Overlapping of operations Critical Path Analysis Strings

Correct Answer Body Smell Listen Watch Correct Answer Past consumption analysis technique ABC Analysis BOM MRP Correct Answer First piece produced after tool change After whose no rework is possible Inspection at the place of actual production Costlier operation Correct Answer Two dimensional cutouts Degree of closeness Tracing movements Distance and frequency of movements Correct Answer Sweet Crack Burnout Impact Correct Answer Fixed Position Layout Product Layout Process Layout Cellular Layout Correct Answer Wage Payment Facilities Planning Machine utilization

Production Scheduling Correct Answer Educational facility Fragile product Productivity of labour Licenses Correct Answer Chemical reaction Posting a ledger Giving directions or instructions Removal of worn-out part from a machine Correct Answer Bunch of work orders arranged in a sequence in which they are to be processed. Pictorial view of machine loading activity Work order of item currently being worked on the machine Work order of item to be processed next on the machine Correct Answer Layout analysis Method to evaluate layouts Objective of good layout Principles of good layout Correct Answer Reorder level Over ordering Lead time Stock on hand Correct Answer Weekly Yearly Daily two to three times a day Correct Answer

b Te a m Correct Answer Stages of inspection Specification Inspection devices Sampling or cent percent inspection Correct Answer Project Layout Line Layout Functional Layout Mixed Layout Correct Answer Critical Path Analysis Johnson's Two Machine Algorithm Index Method Critical Ratio Scheduling

Linear decision rule service aggregate plan manufacturing aggregate plan depend upon aggregate

Which makes sure that there is enough

e production system

Production & Operational Managem

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Production & Operational Management

The ________ breakdowns usually cost more, partly due to damage done to the adjustment components and partly due to emergency actions. Unexpected

Which of the following schedules are recommended to prepare and follow as a part of preventive maintenance system? Preventive inspection schedule , Cleaning and upkeep schedule , Lubrication schedule

One of the characterstic of layout is about the flow of material / personnel. In a good layout the flow should be Unidirectional

Which kind of natural delays and interruptions are considered during estimation of activity time? Shop efficiency , Breakdowns , Absenteeism

Which of the following aspects are essential to ensure quality of purchased items? Defining right quality for the job , Vendor performance evaluation , Making sure that suppliers understand the requirements

An activity should represent an operation or set of operations which can be performed using a particular kind of equipment or a special skill. TRUE

Which characteristics are verified in cent percent sampling? All important characteristics

Which of the following symbols are used in flow process chart but not used in operation process chart? Storage , Delay , Transport

OC curve of ideal sampling plan suggests that all lots less than 3% defectives have the probability of acceptance of ________. One

Where the ignorance towards the degradation of machine leads to? Eventual breakdown

Which are three different bases to establish an activity time? Past experience , Judgement , Historical data

What are the uses of failure statistics analysis? To forecast the defect , To identify causes of major repetative failures , To quantify the frequency of preventive inspection

One detachable ticket is prepared for each ________. Operation

What do you mean by the study of repetitive short cycle operations which involve quick hand / feet motions? Micromotion study

The ________ is necessary when the job requires detailed of one or more of the job characteristics with the help of special equipment which is not available at the producing company. Inspection order

The ________ is the maintenance work initiated on a result of knowledge of the condition of an item from routine or continuous checking. Condition monitoring

In case of backward pass computation, the latest event time of the end event equals to the earliest event time minus duration of that activity. FALSE

What do you mean by a single event which represents the joint completion of more than one activities? Merge event

The ________ is the watch dog which ensures that every element of production and activities which could affect the quality of end product are regulated to the extent desirable. Quality control

Which of the following is a cause of plant breakdown? Overloading of machines

Who prepares the daily production report? Shop Supervisor

Why graphical method of recording is preferred over the descriptive method during method study? It segregates effective part form ineffective parts , It reduces effort involved in writing , Critical examinations easier and more effective

Capacity decisions have a direct influence on performance of production system in respect of ________ Delivery performance

An Ideal OC curve is ________ shaped curve that accpets all the lots with quality equal to or better than AQL . Rectangular

With a general OC curve, probability of acceptance of lots of good quality is never unity. TRUE

What do you understand by identification of defects in materials, components, machining processes or men to fix responsibility of defectives, thereby preventing or minimising occurance of defectives?

Preventive function

Which of the following situations demand the technical consideration while selecting a job for method study? Jobs having inconsistent quality , Operations inviting frequent requests from supervisors for relaxation in allowed time because of variations in materials and tool performance , Jobs in which too many man-hours are spend in checking and rechecking work

What is the nature of the sampling plan for critical defects? Tight

The steeper the OC curve, the better is the discrimination between good and bad lots. TRUE

Systematic maintenance system can completely eliminate the wear and tear of machines. FALSE

Operation Process Chart provides information on time and distances FALSE

The event numbers as far as possible reflect the logical relationships of the activities. TRUE

The ________ is a set of tools and techniques by which products are made to comply with the specifications at minimum cost to the firm. Quality control system

Production control work is ________ in case of floor inspection as compared with the centralised inspection. easier

What is the relation between duration of an activity and length of an arrow? No relation

Process Sheets for parts in batch production are not maintained as standard process sheet FALSE

Three time estimates are transformed into expected time before using it into a network. TRUE

The ________ are the definitions of the measurable as well as nonmeasurable characteristics of the product. Specifications

Which of the following situations demand that the human consideration should be given preference over other considerations? Inconsistent earnings where the earnings are tied to output , Poor morale evidenced by petty or trivial complaints , Repeated cases of accidents and health hazards

Which of the following are examples of specifications? Commercial standards , Assembly and testing instructions , Bill of material

What does the additional cost incurred to reduce the duration of an activity by one unit of time represent? Activity cost slope

Document raised by Sales department for goods manufactured to stock is called Shipment order

How many of the following are types of specification? Material specifications , Dimensional specifications , Performance specifications

Which of the following are activities of corrective maintenance? Modifications and improvements , Overhauling , Emergency repairs

Scrap allowance is added to net requirement of material while ordering for material TRUE

A properly designed sampling plan can control sampling errors and completely eliminate them. FALSE

Which of the following cases indicated that the operation has occurred? Movement of components to assembly section , Raw material movement , A worker's trip to grinder to sharpen the tools

Which manufacturing method is ideal for the use of air gauges as inspection device? Mass

Out of two basic criteria for the selection of a manufacturing method, one is, it must be able to meet the specifications of final product and the other is, it must be Cost effective method

Any premise in which persons are employed for purpose of making any product/s is called Factory

Cent percent inspection does not mean inspection of component for 100% quality characteristics. TRUE

How to reveal the capability of the sampling plan to discriminate between good lots and bad lots? Operating characteristics curve ( OC )

Which of the following may be the objectives of project crashing? To achieve uniformity in requirement of resources , To complete the project in the least possible time , To reduce project cost below it's normal cost

The ________ is the maximum percentage defective that for the purpose of sampling inspection can be considered satisfactory as a process average. Acceptable quality level

Which are the different methods of recording actual progress of work? Display boards , Progress cards , Network updating

Provision of drainage facilities is important for the following type of industry Chemical Process

Under MRP system for common items order for procurement is placed based on requirement for each product FALSE

Lubrication survey should never be done for a new machine. FALSE

Which are the subtasks of the maintenance phase of the method study? Monitoring and control , Performance appraisal , Audit on savings

What do you understand by the metallergical aspects of product which forms the vital part of engineering function? Material specifications

Who is responsible for return of surplus material? Dispatcher

The ratio of output to input of a production system is commonly known as Productivity

Which of the following information is available in summary of part in a chart during methods study? Frequency of each symbol , Total time for each symbol , Total distance travelled by the object

Which of the following are examples of consumption of physical effort during recording for method study? Bending , Positioning , Unloading

Which of the following causes can be responsible for derailing the production schedule in a factory? Errors in drawings , Delay in receipt of material from vendor , Excessive absenteeism

Which is the ideal place to write a description of an activity in a network? Above the arrow

Which of the following cases indicates change in physical characteristic? Turning , Grinding , Drilling

Objective of Work Study is to improve Productivity TRUE

Which are the major types of defects? Minor , Major , Critical

A ________ is another form of subcontracting. Hiring capacity

An ________ history card is the record of all repairs, replacements and engineering changes carried out in the equipment during it's period of service. Equipment history card

What do you understand by the measurement of work to establish allowed time for a job for the defined method? Work measurement

Which kind of relationship exists between those activities which can be carried out simultaneously and both activities require definite time to finish? Concurrent activities

Which of the following products should be produced by using mass production? Refrigerator , Tyre for automobile , Television Set

A ________helps to avoid crowding of jobs at a particular machine by change of route of some of the jobs or by diverting work to other machine. Control board

A good maintenance system is not a luxary but a ________. Necessity

Production Planning is a centralised activity which includes functions such as ________ Scheduling

The process of changing inputs into outputs thereby adding some value to entity can be defined as Operation

The problems concerning movements can be better visualized by drawing a diagram, either, flow diagram or string diagram. TRUE

As a general rule, the number of tail event of an activity is more than that of it's head event. FALSE

Which of the following concepts must be understood for the achievement of quality? Quality of conformance , Purpose of product , Quality of design

Which of the following factors affect the quality control function? Quality of workmanship , Production aids , Manufacturing facilities

Which portion of the perforated route sheet should be signed by the operator or supervisor? Lower portion

Work study is also called ________ study Time and Motion

Which are the factors on which the structure of the transportation cost depends? Average distance of shipment , Characteristics of the commodity , Medium of shipment

What do you understand by the difference between the specification limits within which manufacturing process is expected to produce? Design tolerance

Quality can not be inspected into a product, it must be manufactured into it by the supplier. TRUE

A good plant layout helps in Reducing handling costs

Floor inspection delays the identification of faults which can not be rectified immediately before large lots are spoiled. FALSE

Goods after final inspection should accompany ________to enable dispatch department to identify and draw correct reference. Forwarding note

In case of two handed process chart, inspection symbol is used when check by touch or feel is involved. TRUE

Which of the following are characteristics of an operating characteristics curve? Producer risk , Consumer Risk , Acceptable Quality Level

Technique of Value Engineering can be effectively employed in design of a product to To meet the intended function at lowest cost

Technique which can help an organization to reduce inventory is called MRP

Since value of c can never be negativee, hence" if LCLp works out to be negative, it is taken as zero." TRUE

A sampling plan which perfectly discriminates will have vertical OC curve. TRUE

Which of the following are examples of gross materials? Timber , Iron ore , Sugar cane

The time chart, if necessary, may be modified considering the limitations of resource. TRUE

The ________ is the probability that a good lot will be rejected by the sampling plan. Producer's risk

What are the benefits of inspection and quality control? Adequate maintenance of quality , Ensures parts are within specified limits of accuracy , Gives economy in production through reduction of defective work

The ________ advocates maintenance procedures whereby the condition of the plant is constantly watched through systematic inspection to unearth unhealthy conditions and preventive Preventive Maintenance

Inadequate production capacity ultimately leads to Poor Customer Service

The ________ is the probability that a bad lot will be accepted by the sampling plan. Consumer's risk

Which document is used for returning the surplus material? Stores Return Note

The ________ is specified to indicate the maximum permissible variability in the dimensions product or parts. Tolerance

How should a dummy activity be represented in a network? By dotted line

When should operator or supervisor is supposed to sign the perforated route sheet? After completion of operation

Which of the following observations are expected from the preventive maintenance person? Wrong allignments , Overheating defects , Excessive play

Route Sheet generally contains following information Material Specification , Sequence of operation , Skill of Labour

In case of forward pass computation, the earliest event time of a plain event equals the earliest event time of the preceding event plus duration of activity emanating from the preceding event. TRUE

In case of Batch Production which kind of labour is expected? Skilled in one specific Manufacturing Process

Following are some of the factors considered for evaluation of alternative layouts Flow of Material , Equipment utilization , Ease of supervision

Material Planning is an integral part of Production Planning

What is the meaning of surplus material in context with stores issue order? Materials issued are not fully consumed

Which are the subfactors of community facilities or social infrastructure? Accomodation , Educational , Entertainment

The ________ pertain to the climatic conditions which the component , product or material should withstand. Environmental specifications

Which is the alternative way of indicating the load other than numerical way, in case of Gantt chart ? Graphical approach

Shop order is one of the subsidiary order TRUE

The easiest way to bring the delayed job within the promised delivery time by using extra shift or weekly holiday is ________. Overtime working

Which symbol is used to represent event in a network ? Circle

Data from Process Sheet can be used to Prepare load and schedule charts

Which three of the following are causes of continuous upward pattern of Xbar-R control chart? Wear of tool , Abnormal rise in temperature , Accumulation of dirt

The operator should not stop production if first piece is not approved by the inspector. FALSE

What are the advantages of templates over diagrams?

Can be conveniently moved on the graph paper , Less laborious , Saves time

What is the name of the document on which details of the process are recorded by the symbols and charting conventions? Chart

Site selection should also take into account topography and soil structure of the land. TRUE

Which are the different types of flow process charts used for method study? Equipment type , Man type , Material type

Which of the following method can be used to record the facts during the method study? Micromotion study , Cyclegraph , Chronocyclegraph

Which are the distinguished features of TQM ? Covers all kinds of industries , Gradual removal of interdepartmental barriers , Continuous improvement

Which of the following possibilities can be explored by using flow process chart? Eliminating the operations or combining the operations with another , Reducing the distance traveled by the workmen or materials , Avoiding the waiting time and thereby reduce production losses

It pays in the long run to inform the customer regarding expected delays in the deliveries. TRUE

Which are the basic requirements of the " Quality of Design "? Identification of right product , Selection of appropriate features , Ensure that product renders satisfactory service to customer

Which of the following technique is event oriented ? Project Evaluation & Review Technique

Following is not a function of PPC Product Planning

Product layout offer following advantages There is economy in manufacturing time

Quality control determines what, when, and how much to inspect while inspection actually conducts examination of goods. TRUE

Tool breakage has got nearly zero chances in case of eventual breakdown. FALSE

What do you mean by the selection of the job for the method study on the basis of manufacturing difficulties? Technical consideration

Which kind of labour force is required in case of Jobbing Production? Highly Skilled

A set of activities to keep an equipment in the specified condition is called as ________. Maintenance

Sampling inspection suffice to check the work of line inspectors and stage inspectors. TRUE

Which of the following can be subtypes of corrective maintenance? Shutdown Maintenance , Design-out Maintenance , Design-in Maintenance

What do you understand by the quality specified by the designer on behalf the customer? Quality of design

Scale model used for layout analysis have following advantages Nontechnical person finds it easy to comprehend , Ovehead facilities can be shown , Models can be shifted easily

Following are the commonly used factors considered for evaluation of layout in factor analysis method Flow of material , Equipment utilization , Working condition

Delay in completion of projects result in unwelcome additions to the fixed manufacturing expenses. TRUE

Which of the following techniques is used by industrial engineering department to obtain the utilisation index? Work Sampling Studies

Order preparation process for products manufatured to order requires following documents Sales Order , Work order , Shop order

What are uses of diagrams in method study? Study different plant layouts and select the most optimum one , Study the extent of traffic over the different routes of the plant , Identify the extent of backtracking, cross traffic and obstacles encountered during the movement of material.

How to exercise control over quality? Periodical analysis of inspecting reports to establish causes of rejections , Preperation of quality standard and specifications , Exercising control over inputs

In case of centralised inspection, inspection rooms generally become bottleneck and cause delay in taking action regarding rejection or rework. TRUE

The ________ must ensure that the product satisfy the functional requirements of it's usage. Quality of design

Regular lubrication with carefully selected lubricants is an essential factor in the maintenance of high grade machine tools working under continuous load. TRUE

Which of the following is not the characteristic of Project Production? Continuous flow of material , Highly mechanised material handling , Virtually zero manufacturing cycle time

What is indicated by the hugging points lying close to mean of the process in X bar-R- control chart? Biases in measurements , Recording done without actual measurements , Improper selection of samples

Following is one of the tasks of Production Control Actual issue of forms and documents

Which are the three basic types of control chart by attribute? p-chart , c-chart , np-chart

Status of PPC department in an organization depends on following factor manufacturing process

In case of an OC curve, the risk of rejecting a good quality lot may vary between ________. 0.01 to 10%

What does tail of an arrow represent? Start of an activity

Which rule is used for numbering of events? Fulkerson's Rule

MRP is based on the concept of inventory demand which is of following type Dependent and independent

Which varaible is taken along the abscissa or X axis? Time

F W Taylor devised a system for classifying motions into basic divisions called Therbligs FALSE

What do you mean by the project duration for which the total cost is minimum? Optimum duration

As a general rule, a site five times the actual plant size is considered minimum for parking, access facilities and future expansion. TRUE

Process planning is the process of establishing shortest and most economic path of production

The term ________ emplies the foregone profit due to inability of company to produce. Opportunity cost

Latest finishing date is the latest event time of the tail event. FALSE

Which are the distinct functions of scientific quality control? Acceptance function , Preventive function , Assurance function

Breakdown of machines, absenteeism of worker does not dislocate the manufacturing activity in process layout TRUE

For p-chart, "Inspection by variables" is much faster than "Inspection by attributes" FALSE

The ________ includes preventive maintenance activities whose needs are identified through inspection which requires stoppage of machines. Shutdown Maintenance

Which of the following industries justify the use of move order? Power plant , Steel plant , Heavy machinery manufacturing

Which of the following is the most popular technique for Project Production? PERT & CPM

Fixed position layout is adopted when product is very heavy involving assembly of large number of parts

Plant location decisions concern following type of organizations Manufacturing and service organizations

Product layout is suitable when Products have reasonable stable demand

While numbering as per Fulkerson's rule, arrows emerging from the initial event are deleted so as to create one or more initial events. TRUE

Which utilities are considered as infrastructural requirements? Disposal of waste , Power , Water

The problems of congestion, bottlenecks and backtracking can not be visualized by using templates and models. FALSE

Which of the following factors related to the labour and wages are considered while deciding the plant location? Prevailing wage pattern , Productivity of labour , Industrial relations

Which of the following are examples of incentives offered by the Central and State Governments for setting up industries in particular locations? Exemption from excise duty , Soft loans , Subsidy in electrical charges

Which details are recorded in columns when each square of progress card is split up into columns? Date , Shift , Quantity produced

What do you understand by the selection of the job for the method study on the basis of money saving potential of the job? Economic consideration

Who has introduced the useful concept of control chart in 1931? Walter Shewhart

A network can have more than one starting event but completion event must be only one. FALSE

Need for change in layout can occur due to following reason introduction of new product

An activity can share the same tail event and same head event with any other activity. FALSE

What do you mean by the graphical representation of the project which is composed as series of connected arrows and circles to describe the interrelationship of the activities involved? Network

What do you mean by the verification of object against predetermined standards of quality or quantity or both? Inspection

The ________ is the defect level for which lots are regarded as bad lots. Lot Tolerance Percentage Defective

How non-critical activities are shown in the time chart during project scheduling? Thin lines

Every network does not necessarily have a critical path. FALSE

Which method of critical path determination begins with the end event and moves backward to the start event of the project network? Backward pass computation

Dust gets mixed with lubricants, forms an abrasive substance and causes pre-mature failure of machinery. TRUE

It would not affect the project completion time if non-critical activities take little loner time than planned. TRUE

The ________ is the process of withdrawing the equipment from the production line, dismantling it unitwise, visualising defects, effecting adjustments, replacing worn-out parts and finally building it up to get desired accuracies. Reconditioning

Flow process charts do record movements as well as visual pictures. FALSE

Process Planning is concerned with decisions regarding requirement of machines and manpower for meeting customer demand FALSE

What is the meaning of " Product features" according to J.M.Juran? Quality of design

Which three of the following options can be used to reduce the duration of activity during project crashing? Allocating more manpower and machines than originally planned for. , Working additional shifts or overtime. , Awarding work to vendors who charge extra but expedite deliveries.

Which is the next stage to the inspection based quality control in the historical development of quality management. Quality assurance

Following are some of the Principles of Management advocated by F W Taylor Selection of best worker for each particular task , Division of work between worker and management , Training and development of the workmen

How the concept of float is helpful to planners? To decide priorities in allocation of resources , To minimize the requirement of resources , To prevent peaks and valleys in requirement of resources

Which kind of defect can be called as minor defect? Which does not reduce the usability of the product for its intended use

Sampling inspection is best suited when cost of inspection is much higher than the loss arising from the acceptance of a defective part. TRUE

Which element of a network represents a task which has got a definite beginning and definite end? Activity

Which features should be covered by the specifications of materials while defining the qualitative requirement? Material composition , Dimensions , Any heat treatment if required

In case of X bar, if the process is not under control indicated by some points falling outside the control limits, such points outside the control limits are eliminated and new trial control limits for the remaining points are computed. TRUE

Maintenance function must be decentralised apart from a size of a manufacturing organisation for it's better functioning. FALSE

Theoretical capacity equals number of normal working hours of that machine. TRUE

Which of the following factors play important role while selecting or rejecting a particular site from legislation and taxation point of view? Labour laws , Building codes , Policies regarding issue of licences

Skill of labour force in a product type layout is usually higher than in the process type of layout FALSE

What is the base for considering activity time as single time estimate or three time estimate? Level of uncertainty

Product layout is employed for manufacturing following products refrigirators

Diversified labour is adequately available in rural area as compared to urban area. FALSE

Which of the following technique makes three time estimates for each activity? Project Evaluation & Review Technique

Suburban location provides the compromise netween rural and urban locations. TRUE

Which time is determined by the backward pass computation method of determination of critical path ? Latest allowable time for each event

Even in a small set up wherein maintenance of a machine is looked after by a mechanic cum worker, he should report directly to the person responsible for the manufacturing operations. TRUE

Kanban system is essentially a computer based system for production scheduling and control


Which of the following are the major steps of making of the X bar-R control chart? Collection of data , Claculation of mean,range,grand average and mean range , Set up control chart for average and calculate control limits of range chart

For p-chart, p bar is the ratio of total number of units inspected to the total number of units defectives. FALSE

Which kind of preventive inspection detects some maintenance related characteristics by making use of human senses, when equipment is in operation? Extrernal inspection

Process Engineer does not get sufficient time for designing tooling for most economic production run when Delivery time is less

How dummy activities are shown in the time chart during project scheduling? Vertical lines

The control chart for number of defectives is more convenient to make than control chart for fraction defectives sincethe fugure of number of defectives units can be directly taken from the inspection report. TRUE

Which are the advantages of suburban location? Avaialability of adequate land at lower cost , Both skilled and unskilled labour can be available , Plant expansion is easier due to less or no restriction for building and construction

What do you understand by the timeframe for the maintenance needs of the equipment? Maintenance inspection schedule

Which of the following are assignable cause? Large varaitions in hardness of material , Tool wear , Errors in setting

Which of the following policies is advisable in case of low product variety and large volumes? Low Skilled Labour & Special Purpose Machines

Which phase of method study is concerned with analyzing the facts critically, generating alternatives which form the basis for selection and development of improved methods? Critical examination

Gross requirement of finished product is determined on the basis of following Forecasted sales , Pending sales order , Management decision to stock

ngle Answer Main objective of a good plant layout is Reduce material handling cost

ultiple Answer Which of the following are important considerations concerning activity times? Activity time should be obtained from the person responsible for the completion of an activity , Activity time must be independent of any influence which the preceding or succeeding activity may have on it. , Activity time may assume that just the normal quantity of resources required to carry out the activity are available.

All activities must not be tied up into the network FALSE

ngle Answer What do you mean by lowest possible direct cost required to complete an activity within it's normal time? Normal cost

ultiple Answer In an organization there may not be a formal PPC department if Work is highly repetitive in nature , Planning activities are performed by the line staff , Number of workmen is not very large

ultiple Answer Which of the following cases can be treated as delay during recording of method study? Operators awaiting instructions from supervisor , Worker waiting for his turn at tools stores , Jobs awaiting at the machines for their turn

Inspection order is must even for simple jobs which can be inspected by shop inspector with the tooling available on shop. FALSE

Cent percent inspection is often more practical and economical than sampling inspection. FALSE

A load chart specifies the work to be carried out by each person of company during shift hours. FALSE

Cellular layout is based on the concept of Group Technology TRUE

ultiple Answer Expediting function is concerned with following activities Progress chasing to identify delays which may hold up production , Communicating possible delays in delivery date commitment to sales department , Devising cures to keep rate of production in line with schedule

ngle Answer What is represented by an arrow in a network? Activity

Independent float either affects the float of preceding activities or that of succeeding activities. FALSE

ngle Answer The document raised by PPC which authorises different functions to take action as per instruction is called Work Order

ngle Answer A good layout makes effective use of space. Utilization of space for a department like Stores can be measured by Proportion of Cubic volume space utilized

ultiple Answer Following are some of the factors which influence process planning Order Quantity , Process capability of machine , Delivery Dates

Availability of training schools, colleges and management institutes reduces the company's internal training needs. TRUE

ultiple Answer Which of the following are examples of pure materials? Bakeries , Ice factories , Woolen

ultiple Answer Which of the following are steps to identify the critical path in a small network? Compare the durations of all paths to identify the longest path. , Sum up the durations of activities along each path. , Enumerate all paths in the network and list down activities on each path.

ultiple Answer Which are the three types of float? Total float , Independent float , Free float

ultiple Answer Which of the following are major inputs to scheduling? Overlapping of operations , Effective Capacity per work centre , Performance standards

ngle Answer How to calculate activity cost slope? Activity cost slope = ( Crash cost - Normal cost ) / ( Normal time - Crash time )

ultiple Answer Which of the following are minimum requirement for a good quality of design? Resonable cost , Resonable procurement time , Resonable manufacturing time

In case of control chart, large smaples such as n=15 or 20 are used if the process standard deviation is small. FALSE

ngle Answer Production Planning includes Predetermination of manufacturing requirements

ngle Answer How does the control chart of statistical quality control helps the operating personnel? Identify the presence of an assignable cause before it develops

ngle Answer What can be the worst effect due to excessive vibration? Breakdown

ultiple Answer Which of the following activities are used while recording for method study? Delay , Operation , Inspection

ngle Answer

Taxes / duties levied is one of the important determinant for location decision as taxes/duties substantially influence Product cost

The component produced on completely automatic machines may be subjected to sampling inspection while parts produced on semi-automatic and completely manual operated machines require cent percent inspection. TRUE

An ideal OC curve is never possible only with cent percent inspection. FALSE

For p-chart, the central line of fraction defectives is determined by average percentage defectives. TRUE

ultiple Answer What are the benefits of reconditioning? Eliminates problems and frequent breakdowns , Increases life of an equipment , It helps to plan requirement of replacement spares

ultiple Answer Which of the following processes or activities are denoted by using symbols while recording in method study? Transport , Delay , Storage

ngle Answer Which is the zone beyond LTPD in case of Oc curve of a general plan? Zone of rejection

Grouping of machines gives a lot of flexibility in loading and scheduling TRUE

A lot declared rejected in sampling inspection should not be inspected 100% in any case. FALSE

ultiple Answer Which of the following are the basic requirements of quality standard? Deifinite , Undesrstandable , Economically viable

The plotting of activities - critical, non-critical and dummy activities- is strictly according to their precedence relationship. TRUE

ultiple Answer Which of the following three methods used to select the qualified supplier? By vendor plant surveys , By reputation , By experience

ultiple Answer Operation Layout generally contains following information Part Sketch , Standard Time , Jigs and fixtures

ngle Answer Where does the SPC exercises the control to prevent the occurances of defectives? On manufacturing process

ngle Answer Which photographic technique is used to record path of motions of the members of the body during method study? Cyclograph

In Gantt Chart, the horizontal lines devide vertical lines into sections which represents either operations or work centres. TRUE

Floor inspection promotes tendency of machines to drift out of limits and produce defectives. FALSE

ultiple Answer Which are the different methods to record details of the existing method during method study? Charts , Diagrams , Templates or models

ngle Answer Gross requirement of products is determined on the basis of Both forecast and pending orders

ngle Answer What do you mean by lowest possible direct cost required to complete an activity within it's crashed time? Crash cost

ngle Answer What do you understand by the extent the products manufactured conforms to the laid down design? Quality of conformance

ultiple Answer Which kind of possible defectives can be reduced due to first off inspection? Due to mistakes in reading blue prints , Due to errors in tooling , Due to wrong machine set up

Cent percent inspection is required on WIP prior to the key, critical or costly operation. TRUE

ngle Answer Why stores issue order should not be issued as soon as it is prepared? Material may or may not be available at the time of preparation

ultiple Answer Plant layout facilitates processing of products in most effective manner through the following Shortest possible distance , Shortest processing time , Minimum movement

After goods have been manufactured, route sheets and operation layouts should not be collected back. FALSE

ultiple Answer Which of the following is a part of preparing manufacturing order set as a primary function of dispatching? Operational layouts , Move orders , Pre-filled stores issue orders

Specifications is the basic tool of inspection. TRUE

ngle Answer How is the probability of acceptance in case of Acceptable Quality Level (AQL )? Very high

The dispatching function is of very importance in flow and mass production units. FALSE

Proper care and storage is not an essential part of a well planned lubrication system. FALSE

ngle Answer Management often fails to realize the importance of efficient layout due to following reason losses resulting from poor layout are not directly shown in the financial statements

Complexity and difficulty of Planning is influenced by types of layout TRUE

ultiple Answer MRP utilises the following information Master production schedule , Product structure , Lead time for procurement/manufacturing

ultiple Answer Which of the following are types of non-destructive testing? Visual Testing , Eddy current , Magnetic flow detectors

ngle Answer Providing flexibility in plant layout means Layout can be changed without much cost if required

ultiple Answer Which of the following are scheduling techniques? Critical Path Analysis , Index Method , Johnson's two machine algorithm

A network should be progression of activities always moving forward. TRUE

ngle Answer Which is the ideal place to inspect jigs and fixtures in a mass manufacturing unit? Separate inspection room

ultiple Answer Which of the following are types of sampling plan? Single sampling plan , Double sampling plan , Multiple sampling plan

ultiple Answer Which of the following are ideal situations for the preventive inspection? Weekly off and holidays , Non-production hours , Stand-up equipment

ngle Answer What do you mean by the chart on which the major activities and entry points of materials are recorded to have graphic view of operations and inspections involved in the process? Operation process chart

ngle Answer Which kind of gauge consists of electrical contacts operating a series of colloured signal lamps which indicate whether the dimension is correct, oversize or undersize? Multiple gauging

ultiple Answer Components of Production Management include Capacity Planning , Job Design , Production Planning

ngle Answer Which of the following is the criteria for the percentage defectives in the zone of the indecision? Lots having the percentage defective more than AQL but less than LPTD

ultiple Answer Which of the following are examples of addition during recording for method study? Brazing , Welding , Riveting

ultiple Answer Which of the following situations demand the economic consideration while selecting a job for method study? Unorderly movement of men and materials , Excessive process defectives , Too many suggestions received for improvement from a department or section

During set up of X bar-R control chart, control limts should be practically revised from time to time as additional data is accumulated. TRUE

ngle Answer The document which incorporates details of process planning for a job is called Route Sheet

Repetitive movements between work stations which are difficult to be traced on string diagrams can be conveniently shown on flow diagrams. FALSE

ultiple Answer Which of the following cases can be referred as operation in method study recording? Change in physical characteristic , Consumption of physical effort , Change in chemical characteristic

ngle Answer Site factors for plant location include Suitability of land

ultiple Answer Which of the following defects can be observed during preventive inspection by using human senses? Deviation from normal sound , Excessive Vibration , Leakage of a gas

ultiple Answer Lack of material planning results in the following Over ordering , under ordering , stockouts

ngle Answer Following is one of the techniques used for Material Planning for high value material MRP

ngle Answer What do you understand by totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bears on it's ability to satisfy the customer? Quality

ultiple Answer Which are the sources of information to update the progress card daily? Detachable ticket , Daily production report , Job Card

ultiple Answer Major contributors in the development of Control Charts, Sampling plan are F H Dodge , H G Roming , Walter Schewhart

Feasibility of time schedule requires that an activity be scheduled before any of it's predecessors are scheduled. FALSE

Operation process charts though indicates the sequence of events but do not show movements. TRUE

One major difference between CPM and PERT is the former's adaptability for the projects where high degree of uncertainty prevails and activity times during performance are expected to vary considerably for certain activities. FALSE

ngle Answer What is the reason of fluctuations, if the control chart evaluates that the process is in a state of statistical control? Random variability

ngle Answer Plant Layout decisions are considered to be Strategic

ultiple Answer What are the uses of the instruction manual provided by the manufacturer of a machine? It gives instructions regarding installation and operation of the equipment , It contains note on common troubles with causes and remedies for troubleshooting , It enlists points, frequency and type of lubrication

ngle Answer One of the sophisticated operations research techniques used in material planning is Dynamic programming

Job life is one of the factors that influence Process Planning TRUE

ultiple Answer Material Requirement Planning is very useful in following situations Long Lead time for procurement , Several levels of assemblies in product , Long manufacturing cycle

Both, preventive and breakdown maintenance work must be assigned to the same team. FALSE

ngle Answer What is the specific name for the Gantt chart when it shows at a glance the scheduling of various operations involved in a job? Job Schedule

ultiple Answer Which of the following factors decide the choice between the cent percent and sampling inspection? Nature of inspection , Natural tolerance versus design tolerance , Vendor's quality rating

ultiple Answer Which of the following are examples of attributes? Cracks , Burrs , Texture

ngle Answer In mass/batch production organizations where goods are produced for stocking, Work Order is raised on the basis of Sales Programme

ultiple Answer Which are major benefits of identifying the critical path? It helps to identify the set of activities and events which are critical and as such must be carefully controlled and monitored , It identifies activities to be given preference in allocation of resources. , It helps to exercise "control by exception".

Shape od an OC curve is a function of sample size and the acceptance number. TRUE

ngle Answer Process type layout is suitable when there is wide variation in processing time of operations

In case of backward pass computation, the latest event time of the burst event equals the smallest of the difference between the latest event time of the head event less duration of the activity converging on the head event. TRUE

ultiple Answer Which of the following activities can become a part of a preventive maintenance system? Condition monitoring , Planned Lubrication , Preventive inspection

ultiple Answer Which of the following method can be adopted to overcome the problem of rushing up a job for it's timely completion? Use of optimum speeds and feeds , Subcontracting , Job splitting

In case of X bar-R charts,it is ensured that the assignable causes are detected before the tolerances are violated, upper and lower statistical limits are worked out and inserted into a chart. TRUE

ngle Answer How to calculate float? Parallel critical path time minus Non-critical path time

ngle Answer What is the cause of inherent variation or internal variation? Cumulative effect of number of chance causes

Originating process of raw material influence Process Planning TRUE

Planned lubrication is said to be the nervous system of the equipment. TRUE

ultiple Answer Which of the following can be termed as operation while recording for method study?

Information received , Addition or subtraction , Information given

ngle Answer Which industry out of the following industries require maximum consideration for safety factor while selecting plant location? Nuclear power plant

ultiple Answer Which are reason due to which the progress of work is rarely in line with its plan? Absenteeism , Machine breakdowns , Substandard performance against prefixed production standards

Any proposed change must not be intimated to workers in advance. FALSE

ngle Answer How industry has responded to the fact of existence of inherant variability of the manufacturing process? Inclusion of certain tolerance on the basic dimensions in the drawing

ngle Answer Where does the central line is located in case of p-chart? at p bar

ngle Answer The product layout has following disadvantage Layout is not flexible

Inspection Order can be a verbal order True

ngle Answer How to claculate the producer risk in the OC Curve? Probability that a good lot will be rejected by the sampling

Fixed cost is lower in case of continuous production than intermittent production. False

While making X bar-R-chart, values of X bar and R are recoded samplewise either on the extreme right of the individual measurements on the data sheet or in a separate sheet. True

In case of X bar, if the pocess is not under control indicated by some points falling outside the control limits, such points outside the control limits are eliminated and new trial control limits for the remaining points are computed. True

ngle Answer Which of the following is the most popular technique for Project Production? PERT & CPM

ultiple Answer Which of the following are the most suitable cases where we can use CPA as effective technique of scheduling? Overhauling of a CNC machine , Purchase and installation of a newly imported special purpose machine , Design, production and testing of prototype of a fighter aircraft.

Sample sizes for the construction of p-chart are typicaly larger that for Xbar-R-charts. True

ngle Answer What is the location of lower control limit in the X bar-R control chart? 3 standard deviations below central line

ngle Answer What is the basic philosophy of statistical process control? Prevention is better than cure

Expediting action is necessary if the delays and interruptions are abnormal and hence any subsequent delay is bound to extend the promised delivery date. TRUE

ultiple Answer Which are the first three steps of Critical Path Analysis technique? Activity relationships , Activity identification , Network construction

ultiple Answer Plant Layout is concerned with optimum arrangement of the following Storage space , Machines , Material Handling Equipment

Planned lubrication is said to be the nervous system of the equipment. TRUE

ngle Answer Which kind of inspection is followed in case of product layout? Pilot inspection

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