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SCAFFOLD This investigation is NOT a choice Part

Title AIM

Do red snake lollies stretch further than other colours? To investigate whether Allens red Snakes Alive lollies stretch further than other coloured snakes. Red Allens Snakes Alive lollies will stretch further than any other colour of Allens snakes.

Helpful Comments
General title The title has now been changed from a question to a statement and has been refined to only include Allens Snakes Alive lollies. Basic prediction of what you expect your results to show. A better answer would also include a suggestion as to how or why you came to this hypothesis eg Is there something in the red colouring that makes the snake more stretchy This is where you need to research and find information from at least 3 different sources eg website or science magazine, textbook, DVD , newspaper etc that will tell you more about your investigation eg you might find out more about the chemicals that give the snakes their colour or what is involved in the production process of Snakes Alive or the quality control of the production etc Be sure that you reference each piece of information correctly...check your diary p 16-18 or your Assessment Handbook to do it properly. The example is a cut and paste with a reference but does not display any depth or explanation in the writers own words. Make sure there is a list of all the equipment you will use in the experiment. Make sure it is drawn correctly (pencil and ruler) and correctly labelled. This would be a good place to include equipment photos if you want.



Allens Snakes Alive are long fruit flavoured chewy lollies shaped like Snakes. Allens Snakes are marketed as 99% fat free. The packs contain a variety of different coloured snakes, each a different flavour: blackberry, strawberry, pineapple, lemon and apricot.

red snake



ruler 1. Buy two large bags of Allens Snakes Alive 2. Separate the snakes into the different colours. 3. Measure using a ruler with mm divisions to the closest mm 4. Record in a table the length of each of the snakes of different colours 5. Calculate an average starting length for each colour snake 6. Stretch each snake carefully to the maximum length 7. Measure each snake again immediately after stretching using the same ruler 8. Record the stretched length 9. ..Continue with each step 10. RISK PREVENTION Hitting someone in the Perform the experiment eye or face when in a place that is free pulling the snake from passersby

This method has been started well. Make sure this part is in steps, just like a recipe in a book. Do this then do that etc. Clearly identify the dependent, independent and controlled variables and control. Make sure that your test is a fair test State clearly that you will repeat the same experiment and how many times. Pictures would be good here too to show how the experiment was done. The language is good here too because it is written in the third person.

Make sure you identify each risk and come up with a way to really prevent or reduce this risk. Sometimes you really have to think hard about these but dont just write be careful this is not good enough. It is also helpful to do your risk assessment as a table.


Red Snake 1 2 3

Start length(cm) 10.5 10.6 10.4

Stretched length(cm) 16.8 17.0 16.9

Difference (cm) 5.3 6.4 6.5 etc



Sometimes when stretching the snakes they were pulled too fast or too hard and broke so that snake wasnt able to be used. My brother sometimes ate my experiment so I had to get mum to buy some more. It was noticed that the red snakes in my experiment stretched further than any other colour by at least 0.3 of a cm. etc My hypothesis was correct. Red snakes do stretch more than other colours, although there was very little difference in how much the other colours stretched.

This is record of all the results of all your experiments. It also needs to include averages and graphs that are correctly calculated or drawn. This example does not show any averages or graphs and would not score well. Here you discuss your results and anything that may have gone wrong. Try to be thorough here and include as much information as possible. This Discussion would score only very basic marks.

Here you need to answer your aim. The example shown is very brief and does not give enough detail to score very well.

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