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They take more than money

Criminals want to rip-off your identity, your finan- THE FIVE MAJOR TYPES OF
cial history, and everything else that you’ve worked IDENTITY THEFT INVOLVE:
hard to earn. They are determined to make a name
for themselves by taking advantage of your credit • Driver’s licenses
• Social Security Numbers
• You should know: 37 percent of victims experienced
problems beyond the time they spend recovering and their • Medical information Marketed by: Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc.
out of pocket expenses. The problems included being Services provided by: Kroll Inc.
• Character/Criminal actions
harassed by debt collectors, unable to use existing credit
cards, subjected to criminal investigations or civil suits, being • Financial transactions
arrested, or having difficulty accessing bank accounts.

EXCLUSIONS: Legal Remedy - Any Stolen Identity Event where the vic-
tim is unwilling to prosecute the person who caused the victim to suffer the
a u t h o ri z e d u s
un e fraud or its consequences. Dishonest Acts - Any dishonest, criminal, mali-
It can take minutes to steal your identity, but years ed of cious or fraudulent acts, if the Member(s) that suffered the fraud personally
rt participated in, directed or had knowledge of such acts. Financial Loss -
to repair the financial damage and emotional toll on

Membership Services do not cover any financial losses attributed to the Sto-


you and maybe your loved ones. len Identity Event, including but not limited to, money stolen from a wallet,

h o u s e h old s

unauthorized purchases of retail goods or services online, by phone, mail

n g cr e dit c ar
• You should know: Almost one-quarter of victims of or direct. Pre-existing Stolen Identity Event Limitations - If either the
victim had knowledge of, or reasonably should have had knowledge of, the
new account and other frauds did not discover the misuse pre-existing stolen identity event based on information provided to them
prior to enrollment in the Identity Theft Shield program, such an event or
of information for at least six months after it started. the consequences caused by it are not covered. Business - A covered stolen
on identity event does not include the theft or unauthorized or illegal use of
ill i

m their business name, DBA or any other method of identifying their busi-

e ness activity.

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did not k n o w
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For more information, please contact your


Pre-Paid Legal Independent Associate


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BRO.IDT • 52896 • 4.09 ©2009 Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc., Ada, OK
No one expects Identity theft to happen to them, but it affects CREDIT REPORT IDENTITY RESTORATION
millions of people in North America each year. • An up-to-date Experian credit report, including • Identity restoration means that licensed
your personal credit score calculated and analyzed investigators will work to correct damages
by an independent service. caused by identity theft. This includes working
You should know: A credit report and your credit score (a with affected public agencies, like the Social
When an identity thief strikes, the emotions can feel similar to those expe- statistical analysis of your credit history) is reviewed by many Security Administration, the U.S. Postal Service
types of companies, from mobile phone service providers and law enforcement personnel. In addition,
rienced during a house fire. All of a sudden, everything you’ve worked for and home loan lenders to potential employers. fraud alerts will be sent on your behalf to all
three credit repositories and affected companies
is threatened. If your home were on fire, would you want the fire depart-
and agencies. Finally, proactive searches of
ment to send you brochures about how to put out the fire, then follow up applicable local and national databases will
be made on your behalf (to look for information
with brochures about how to rebuild? Of course not. You’d want them to
CONTINUOUS MONITORING you may not be aware of).
• Continuous monitoring of your credit file at Experian You should know: If someone steals your identity and no
jump in the truck, turn on the sirens, and bring the water! Identity Theft means you will be alerted about new activity. action is taken you can have serious problems when you try
You should know: Credit monitoring is essential to discover- to get a loan, apply for a credit card or during other types
Shield puts the experts in the field of identity restoration on your side.
ing if your credit file has been accessed to open new ac- of financial transactions. Creditors may also use collection
counts, if late payment notations are added, or collection agencies to harass you to demand payments, even if it’s not
notices have been filed. In many cases, changes of address your debt. This crime can disrupt all aspects of your life.
and other public records are reflected in your credit file as
well. If not initiated by you, any of these actions can indicate
You’ll get so much more than a potential identity theft.
NOTE: Your IDT membership covers you and your spouse.

“do it yourself” information!

After you enroll in the Pre-Paid Legal Identity Theft Shield plan, you’ll receive your membership packet containing the “Consumer Report and
Monitoring Authorization Form” to start the process. Just fill out this simple form and return it, or call 1-800-654-7757 after your membership is
processed by Pre-Paid Legal.
You will have a toll-free number to report any potential discrepancies in your credit report. If the discrepancy is identity theft, a Fraud
Restoration package will be rushed to you and our expert investigators will assist you in steps to correct inaccuracies.

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