A Summer Training Report

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Submitted in partial fulfillment of the Requirement for the degree of M.B.A.-5 year Integrated Practice Oriented Programmer (Session 2009-2014) Submitted by: RUPESH KUMAR MBA (5-year) 6th Sem Roll No. 17



The main objective of project is to become familier with the necessary theortical input and to gain sufficient practical exposure to establish a distant linkage between the conceptual knowledge acquired at the college and practicing those concept . The choice of the present topic of the study was the fulfillment of a much long desire to contribute something the sphere of research on current topic . A study on CONSUMER ATTITUDE TOWARDS STOCK MARKET & SHARE BROKER SERVICE has been selected. This inspire me to take the present study to know the real position of Stock Market.



There is always a sense of gratitude which are express to other for the selfless services they render during all phase of life. I have completed this project with the help of different personalities . I feel obliged to all of them .

I feel to acknowledge my indebtedness and deep sense of gratitude to my expert guide Mr. Sudhir Ahllawat (Arcedia share and stock broker ltd.) without their guidance and encouraging attitude it would have not possible for me to complete this project.


I Rupesh kumar here by declare that the report entitled is CONSUMER ATTITUDE TOWARDS STOCK MARKET & SHARE BROKER SERVICES submitted by me for the partial of fulfillment of degree of Master of Business Administration from Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, is having original work conducted by me. The data and facts provided in the report are authentic to the best of my knowledge. I solemnly declare that the work done by me is original and no copy of it has been submitted to any other university for award of any other degree, diploma, and fellowship on similar topic.



1. To understand the behavior of investors. 2. To know the investors preferences. 3. To find out the awareness about financial products of India. 4. To find out the different segments of investors. 5. To find out the different competitors of India. 6. To find out the future opportunities of India.


1. The significance of my study is to get knowledge about stock market. And to know the customers attitude towards stock market. What the people actually think about stock market. To know the basics of stock market. I choose this sector because stock market is at boom. To know that how to invest in stock market and how to play the game. The significance of my study is to become more strong in financial sector.

History of Arcadia
Welcome to Arcadia Share & Stock Brokers Pvt. Ltd. Arcadia came to life in 1995, right on the wave of a post-liberalisation market economy. As financial services became a major contributor to economic growth, Arcadia has steadily shaped into a leading financial service provider.Arcadia has steadily shaped into a leading financial service provider. Head Office 328,NINAD, Bldg No.7,Service Road, Near Bhavishya Nidhi Bhavan, Bandra (East), Mumbai-400051. CONTACT NUMBERS : +91 22 67739999 TOLL FREE :1800 22 1555 FAX NUMBER : +91 22 26478988 EMAIL : info@arcadiashare.com WEBSITE : www.arcadiastock.com

TOP MANAGEMENT MR. ANTONY SEQUEIRA - FOUNDER, MANAGING DIRECTOR The chief promoter of Arcadia has been associated with capital markets for over 26 years. Mr.

Sequeira has a rich 19 years of banking experience with Corporation Bank & Syndicate Bank. For six years he was the Chief Executive of M/S Uday S. Kotak, now known as Kotak Securities. Mr. Sequeira is respected in the organisation for being a complete taskmaster. His thrust for client satisfaction is an energizing force within the organization. He is completely committed towards making Arcadia a one-stop financial service provider.

MR.NITIN BRAHMBHATT - DIRECTOR The director is an arbitrage consultant by profession, with 25 years experience in the capital market. Between 1985 and 1995, he played the role of a leading market maker in the Bombay Stock Exchange. He has a rich experience in the field of arbitrage. The credit for building the arbitrage team for Arcadia goes to him. It is his innovative ideas that have made Arcadia a leading arbitrage player in the country. Under his leadership, Arcadia has created a mammoth network of branches & franchaisees.

MR. Arjun Mudda - Executive Director Mr. Arjun has 14 years of practical experience in hard core operations client development ,setting up retail business and customer service from the broking market. He is basically a self starter a team builder who had performed very well in the broking field by running the start up companies on his own efforts and took it to a highly progressive level. He has always shown to be the back bone of the company and continues to be the same. He has been instrumental in setting up and developing retail business. Since so many years, he has had hands on experience in building up good network and excellent relationship building in the market.

Important Milestones:
1995 1998 2000 2002 2003 Arcadia became the member of National Stock Exchange. Arcadia acquired Trading as well as Clearing membership of NSE F&O. Arcadia group acquired the membership of NCDEX, MCX . Arcadia became the depository participant of NSDL. Arcadia acquired Trading as well as Clearing membership of NSE F&O.


Arcadia group acquired the membership of NCDEX, MCX and NMCE.


Arcadia became clearing and trading member of Currency Derivatives in NSE, BSE and MCX.

1)NSE Corporate Office

National Stock Exchange of India Ltd. Exchange Plaza Plot no. C/1, G Block Bandra-Kurla Complex Bandra (E) Mumbai - 400 051 India E-mail: cc_nse@nse.co.in
2)BSE Corporate Office

Bombay Stock Exchange Limited

Phiroze jeejeebhoy towers Dalal Street, Mumbai- 400001, India Website: www.bseindia.com

Our Memberships

National Stock Exchange (NSE) Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) Multi Commodity Exchange (MCX) National Commodities & Derivatives Exchange (NCDEX) National Multi-commodities Exchange of India Limited (NMCE) National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL) Central Depository Services Limited (CDSL) Dubai Gold & Commodity Exchange (DGCX) (Registered with ESCA, Dubai) London Stock Exchange (FSA registered Broking Entity, London)


Introduction to derivatives The emergence of the market for derivative products, most notably forwards, futures and options, can be traced back to the willingness of risk-averse economic agents to guard themselves against uncertainties arising out of fluctuations in asset prices. By their very nature, the financial markets are marked by a very high degree of volatility. Through the use of derivative products, it is possible to partially or fully transfer price risks by lockingin asset prices. As instruments of risk management, these generally do not influence the fluctuations in the underlying asset prices. However, by locking-in asset prices, derivative products minimize the impact of fluctuations in asset prices on the profitability and cash flow situation of risk-averse investors.

1.1 Derivatives defined

Derivative is a product whose value is derived from the value of one or more basic variables, called bases (underlying asset, index, or reference rate), in a contractual manner. The underlying asset can be equity, forex, commodity or any other asset. For example, wheat farmers may wish to sell their harvest at a future date to eliminate the risk of a change in prices by that date. Such a transaction is an example of a derivative. The price of this derivative is driven by the spot price of wheat which is the underlying. In the Indian context the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956 (SC(R)A) definesderivative to include

1. A security derived from a debt instrument, share, loan whether secured , risk instrument or contract for differences or any other form of security. 2. A contract which derives its value from the prices, or index of prices, of underlying securities.Derivatives are securities under the SC(R)A and hence the trading of derivatives is governed by the regulatory framework under the SC(R)A.

The following three broad categories of participants

hedgers, speculators, and arbitrageurs trade in the derivatives market.

1.Hedgers:- face risk associated with the price of an asset. They use futures or options
markets to reduce or eliminate this risk.

2.Speculators:- Wish to bet on future movements in the price of an asset. Futures and
options contracts can give them an extra leverage; that is, they can increase both the potential gains and potential losses in a speculative venture.
3. Arbitrageurs:- are in business to take advantage of a discrepancy between prices in

two different markets. If, for example, they see the futures price of an asset getting out of line with the cash price, they will take offsetting positions in the two markets to lock in a profit.

The derivatives market performs a number of economic functions.

First, prices in an organized derivatives market reflect the perception of market

participants about the future and lead the prices of underlying to the perceived future level. The prices of derivatives converge with the prices of the underlying at the expiration of the derivative contract. Thus derivatives help in discovery of future as well as current prices.

Second, the derivatives market helps to transfer risks from those who have them but
may not like them to those who have an appetite for them.

Third, derivatives, due to their inherent nature, are linked to the underlying cash
markets. With the introduction of derivatives, the underlying market witnesses higher trading volumes because of participation by more players who would not otherwise participate for lack of an arrangement to transfer risk.

Fourth, speculative trades shift to a more controlled environment of derivatives

market . In the absence of an organized derivatives market, speculators trade in the underlying cash markets. Margining, monitoring and surveillance of the activities of various participants become extremely difficult in these kind of mixed markets.

Finally, derivatives markets help increase savings and investment in the long run.
Transfer of risk enables market participants to expand their volume of activity.

1.3 Types of derivatives Forwards: A forward contract is a customized contract between two entities, where
settlement takes place on a specifi c date in the future at todays pre-agreed price.

Futures: A futures contract is an agreement between two parties to buy or sell an asset
at a certain time in the future at a certain price. Futures contracts are special types of forward contracts in the sense that the former are standardized exchange-traded contracts.

Options: Options are of two types - calls and puts. Calls give the buyer the right but not
the obligation to buy a given quantity of the underlying asset, at a given price on or before a given future date. Puts give the buyer the right, but not the obligation to sell a given quantity of the underlying asset at a given price on or before a given date.

Warrants: Options generally have lives of upto one year, the majority of options traded
on options exchanges having a maximum maturity of nine months. Longer-dated options are called warrants and are generally traded over-the-counter.

LEAPS: The acronym LEAPS means Long-Term Equity Anticipation Securities. These
are options having a maturity of upto three years.

Baskets: Basket options are options on portfolios of underlying assets. The underlying
asset is usually a moving average of a basket of assets. Equity index options are a form of basket options.

Swaps: Swaps are private agreements between two parties to exchange cash flows in
the future according to a prearranged formula. They can be regarded as portfolios of forward contracts. The two commonly used swaps are :

Stock ?
Stock is a share in the ownership of a company. It represents a claim on the company's assets and earnings Whether you say shares, equity or stock, it all means the same thing. An e-brokerage is a brokerage house that allows you to buy and sell stocks and obtain investment information from its Web site. Some ebrokerages are provided by traditional and well-established "offline" brokerage houses and a few are exclusively online only.

Futures and options trading system

The futures & options trading system of NSE, called NEAT-F&O trading system, provides a fully automated screen-based trading for Nifty futures & options and stock futures & options on a nationwide basis as well as an online monitoring and surveillance mechanism. It supports an order driven market and provides complete transparency of trading operations. It is similar to that of trading of equities in the cash market segment.

The software for the F&O market has been developed to facilitate efficient and transparent trading in futures and options instruments. Keeping in view the familiarity of trading members with the current capital market trading system, modifications have been performed in the existing capital market trading system so as to make it suitable for trading futures and options.

Basis of trading
The NEAT F&O system supports an order driven market, wherein orders match automatically. Order matching is essentially on the basis of security, its price , time and quantity. All quantity fields are in units and price in rupees. The lot size on the futures market is for 200 Nifties. The exchange notifies the regular lot size and tick size for each of the contracts traded on this segment from time to time. When any order enters the trading system, it is an active order. It tries to find a match on the other side of the book. If it finds a match, a trade is generated. If it does not find a match, the order becomes passive and goes and sits in the respective outstanding order book in the system.


1.1 Introduction

The trading on stock exchanges in India used to take place through open outcry without use of information technology for immediate matching or recording of trades. This was time consuming and inefficient. This imposed limits on trading volumes and efficiency. In order to provide efficiency, liquidity and transparency, NSE introduced a nation-wide on-line fully-automated screen based trading system (SBTS) where a member can punch into the computer quantities of securities and the prices at which he likes to transact and the transaction is executed as soon as it finds a matching sale or buy order from a counter party. SBTS electronically matches orders on a strict price/time priority and hence cuts down on time, cost and risk of error, as well as on fraud resulting in improved operational efficiency. It allows faster incorporation of price sensitive information into prevailing prices, thus increasing the informational efficiency of markets. It enables market participants, irrespective of their geographical locations, to trade with one another simultaneously, improving the depth and liquidity of the market. It provides full anonymity by accepting orders, big or small, from members without revealing their identity, thus providing equal access to everybody. It also provides a perfect audit trail, which helps to resolve disputes by logging in the trade execution process in entirety. This sucked liquidity from other exchanges and in the very first year of its operation, NSE became the leading stock exchange in the country, impacting the fortunes of other exchanges and forcing them to adopt SBTS also. Today India can boast that almost 100% trading take place through electronic order matching. Technology was used to carry the trading platform from the trading hall of stock exchanges to the premises of brokers. NSE carried the trading platform further to the PCs

at the residence of investors through the Internet and to handheld devices through WAP for convenience of mobile investors. This made a huge difference in terms of equal access to investors in a geographically vast country like India. The trading network is depicted in Figure 1.1. NSE has main computer which is connected through Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT) installed at its office. The main computer runs on a fault tolerant STRATUS mainframe computer at the Exchange. Brokers have terminals (identified as the PCs in the Figure 1) installed at their premises which are connected through VSATs/leased lines/modems. An investor informs a broker to place an order on his behalf. The broker enters the order through his PC, which runs under Windows NT and sends signal to the Satellite via VSAT/leased line/modem. The signal is directed to mainframe

computer at NSE via VSAT at NSE's office. A message relating to the order activity is broadcast to the respective member. The order confirmation message is immediately displayed on the PC of the broker. This order matches with the existing passive order(s), otherwise it waits for the active orders to enter the system. On order matching, a message is broadcast to the respective member. The trading system operates on a strict price time priority. All orders received on the system are sorted with the best priced order getting the first priority for matching i.e., the best buy orders match with the best sell order. Similar priced orders are sorted on time priority basis, i.e. the one that came in early gets priority over the later one. Orders are matched automatically by the computer keeping the system transparent, objective and fair. Where an order does not find a match, it remains in the system and is displayed to the whole market, till a fresh order comes in or the earlier order is cancelled or modified. The trading system provides tremendous flexibility to the users in terms of kinds of orders that can be placed on the system. Several time-related (good till cancelled, good till day, immediate or

Market Types
The Capital Market system has four types of market.

Normal Market

Normal market consists of various book types wherein orders are segregated as Regular Lot Orders, Special Term Orders, Negotiated Trade Orders and Stop Loss Orders depending on their order attributes.

Odd Lot Market

The odd lot market facility is used for the Limited Physical Market.

The RETDEBT market facility on the NEAT system of capital market segment is used for transactions in Retail Debt Market session. Trading in Retail Detail Market takes place in the same manner as in equities (capital market) segment.

Auction Market
In the Auction market, auctions are initiated by the Exchange on behalf of trading members for settlement related reasons.

Market Phases
The system is normally made available for trading on all days except Saturdays, Sundays and other holidays. Holidays are declared by the exchange from time to time. A trading day typically consists of a number of discrete stages as explained in the subsequent section.

1.6.1 Opening

The trading member can carry out the following activities after login to the NEAT system and before the market opens for trading.

Set up Market Watch (the securities which the user would like to view on the screen)
Viewing Inquiry screens. At the point of time when the market is opening for trading, the trading member cannot login to the system. A message "Market status is changing. Cannot logon for sometime." is displayed. If the member is already logged in, he cannot perform trading activities till market is opened.

1.6.2 Open Phase

The open period indicates the commencement of trading activity. To signify the start of trading, a message is sent to all the trader workstations. The market open time for different markets is notified by the Exchange to all the trading members. Order entry is allowed when all the securities have been opened. During this phase, orders are matched on a continuous basis. Trading in all the instruments is allowed unless they are specifically prohibited by the exchange. The activities that are allowed at this stage are Inquiry, Order Entry, Order Modification, Order Cancellation (including quick order cancellation) and Order Matching.

1.6.3 Market Close

When the market closes, trading in all instruments for that market comes to an end. A message to this effect is sent to all trading members. No further orders are accepted, but the user is permitted to perform activities like inquiries.

1.6.4 Surcon

Surveillance and Control (SURCON) is that period after market close during which, the users have inquiry access only. After the end of SURCON period, the system processes the data for making the system available for the next trading day.When the system starts processing data, the interactive connection with the NEAT system is lost and the message to that effect is displayed at the trader workstation.

Demat Account Opening

A demat account is opened on the same lines as that of a Bank Account. Prescribed Account opening forms are available with the DP, needs to be filled in. Standard Agreements are to be signed by the Client and the DP, which details the rights and obligations of both parties. Along with the form the client requires to attach Photographs of Account holder, Attested copies of proof of residence and proof of identity needs to be submitted along with the account opening form. In case of Corporate clients, additional attachments required are - true copy of the resolution for Demat a/c opening along with signatories to operate the account and true copy of the Memorandum and Articles of Association is to be attached.

Market Timings
Trading on the equities segment takes place on all days of the week (except Saturdays and Sundays and holidays declared by the exchange in advance) The market timings of the equities segment are: Normal market open : 09:55 hours.


Sensex is an index, an index is basically an indicator. It gives you a general idea about whether most of the stocks have gone up or most of the stocks have gone down. The sensex is an

indicator of all the prices of the major companies of the BSE(Bombay stock exchange)

NIFTY (Nifty Fifty)

Nifty is an indicator of all the major companies of NSE. The Nifty index is a composite of the top 50 stocks listed on the National stock exchange. It is a simplified tool which helps investors & ordinary people alike, understand what happens in the stock market & by extension, the economy.


Problem Statement:-

Keeping in view the fact that there is a cutthroat competition between the share broker companies Arcadia share and stock Ltd.wanted to know the people attitude towards stock market and share broker services.

Research Design:For this purpose I use data collection method . In the data collection method , we have collected both primary and secondary data to meet our objective. The primary data was collected by a survey based on the questionnaire.

Data Source:The data that is collected from different sources, as the first hand information that is called primary data. The sources of primary data is my research is questionnaire and observation method. The secondary data were also used in my report preparation. This is collected from company records and from Internet.

Research Approach:The required information in the form of data is collected through survey method, with the help of personal interview through questionnaire method.

Research instrument :Once the source of data collection is decided then comes the insrtument for data collection or the research instrument. In this survey method a questionnaire was formed. This is phillip by the potential customers through personal interview.

Sampling plan:There is a stage where the planning is done about the sample units, sample size, sampling procedures, etc.

a) Sample Units:This means, which is to be surveyed. So as mention earlierthat the sample units is potential customers.

b) Sample Size:The sample size means how many people should be surveyed. So the total sample size is 100 , which cover from different area of rohtak.

c) Sampling Procedure:I chose cluster sampling for my research.

d) Data collection method:Personal interview method is used for collection of primary data in the form of questionnaire from respondents.

1. Have you ever invested in any financial product? a) yes b) no

2. In future, In which product you would like to invest? a) F.D. c) insurance e) Saving A/c g) any others 3. Do you have De-mat/trading account? a) yes b) no b) mutual fund d) Stock(shares) f) Post Office

4. In which financial institution you have your De-mat/trading account? a) Karvy c) Kotak e) Others 5.If yes, .Which type of services you have avail from our organization. a) stock trading c) insurance e) real estate b) mutual fund d) loan f) any others b) Arcadia d) Share Khan

6.If no. through which company you invested? .. 7.If no, then whats the reason you dont want to go for trade.? a) risk c) any other factor 8. Up to what amount you would like to invest? a) 500-1000 c) 5000-10000 b) 1000-5000 d) More than 10000 b) time

9. In which type of facility you dont satisfy? a) Stock Broking c) Insurance e) Real estate b) Mutual Fund d) Loan f) others

Total number of customer attended

Bank employee Govt. employee Business Men Private Employee 30 10 40 20

Category of customer 40 30 20 10 0
Bank Govt. BusinessPrivate


employee employee Men Employee

Have you ever invested in any financial product

Yes No

74 26

yes no

In future, In which product you would like to invest?

Sample Size 100 FD 45 MF 26

Insuranc e 39 Stock 23

Saving Post A/c 60


Office others 30 15

FD MF Insurance Stock saving A/c Post office any other

Do you have De-mat/trading account

Sample Size 100

Yes 60

No 40

60 50 40 30 20 10 0



If no, then whats the reason you dont want to go for trade.?

risk time any others

21 10 9

risk time any others

In which financial institution you have your De-mat/trading account

Share karvy Arcadia kotak 15 20 10 Khan 8 others 7

market position of arcadia

20 15 10 5 0 karvy kotak others Series1

If yes, .Which type of services you have avail from our organization

Insuranc Stock 14 MF 17 e 5 loan 20

Real estate 26 others 0

Stock MF Insurance loan Real estate others

If no. through which company you invested?

Paras nath 17 karvy 13 Unicon 4 others 6

20 15 10 5 0
Paras Karvy Unicorn others



Up to what amount you would like to invest

500-1000 1000-5000 5000-10000 MORE THEN 10000

56 24 16 4

60 50 40 30 20 10 0

Series1 500-1000 10005000 5000- MORE 10000 THEN 10000

In which type of facility you dont satisfy

Stock Broking 36% MF 40%

Insuranc e 8% Loan 0 Real estate 16%


I have completed my project is consumer attitude towards share market and stock broker services and for this purpose my area for opening Trading account was at rohtak there were some other banks also. And according to my survey at I came to know about these findings. 1. Some bank employees are not aware of share market. Even in many banks bank employees are not availing the facility of right shares issued by their bank to them. 2. Bank employees are interested to open their demat account with the local brokers because of lesser amount charged by them for opening demat account and it is time saving also for the bank employees because they are availing the facility of demat account opening in the local market. 3. But some bank employees which are regular investor of share market are interested to open demat account with arcadia because of product profile and maximum of them are interested in sell n cash and 8% govt. relief bonds. 4. In some banks employees are not aware about the dematerialization of securities because they does not consider it as a compulsory mode of settlement of trades. 5. Maximum bank employees of these banks are also interested in product profile of arcadia and many of them were already dealing in many products of the arcadia. According to my survey I have compare the charges of different organizations such as karvy, Kotak, Paras nath which are given as follows. With the help of this

comparison any one can know about the difference between the charges, which are taken by different-different organizations.


1. 2.

Mailers/Banners should be properly used. Better competitive analysis should be done and new campaigns should be designed including the latest development around.


The corporation should extensively participate in exhibitions and fairs where their potential customers are expected.


The corporations customers support should be best. Act of the marketing force should be well trained and should be able to handle any of he enquiring.


arcadia should not ignore the segment and undeveloped city in terms of their product can be easily.


There should be also some short of entertainment facility, which should be given to the arcadia staff.


1. At the time of visiting the banks, the concerned authority was not available. For most of the time, the client/ customer had to be attended after lunch.

2. In opening the Trading account, certain documents are required i.e. photographs, proof of identity. Most of the clients did not have the documents of the spot so I had to visit the requisite branch more than once.

3. The customers are least interested to fill in the questionnaires especially when it comes to fill in their names addresses or the type of holding they have, they do not want to disclose the information. The customers visiting the company get irritated if they asked to fill in the questionnaires


I have done my training in Arcadia share and stock broker Ltd. Rohtak. During my training I did the project Consumer attitude towards share market and stock broker service. I choose this sector because stock market is at boom at this time. I learnt about stock market during my training. I learnt about basics of stock market and various terms of stock market. And I did the work for the company. I opened some D-met accounts . I saw the attitude of persons towards share market and about the service of Arcadia by quistionnaire method. I found some limitations of the company and has given some suggestions to improve it. I have given lead to the company and told the people about India. Arcadia is a one of the leading company of stock market. And after my training I learnt about stock market. I thanks to Arcadia for giving me such opportunity to learn about stock market and attitude of people about it.












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