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Use of time

Id like to start this TFTD on the use of time by saying how impressed I was by all of you during the Whole School Eucharist. We were part of making history that day and I am very proud to be associated as your School Chaplain to a school that always rises to the occasion. So a BIG THANK YOU to all who made the occasion what it was. At the end of the service on Monday I encouraged you to take the love out of the service and do something with it. This week Id like you to monitor how you spend your time. Do you wish your life away? Do we use our time differently from previous generations? Why is managing time important? These are all challenging questions. What Id really love you to do this week is to measure what you do for yourself and what you choose to do for others. I think its always important to try and do something for someone else every day. That person may not ever know youve done it. The point is not the recognition but the doing. On Sunday I am doing a charity abseil for the Stroke Association. As well as having fun I am hoping to raise money for people I will never meet. My friend died of a stroke when she was in her 30s. That maybe explains why I want to do it. I dont want recognition; I just want to make a difference in a small way. Saturday evening is Earth hour. We are all encouraged to turn our lights off for 1 hour between 8.30-9.30pm. This is happening all around the world. If every household turned their lights off for 1 hour on Saturday night, imagine how much energy wed save the Earth. I encourage you to participate in that as a small contribution to doing things for others by using your time wisely. For reflection: What do you already do for others?


Is recognition for good works important? Do we have a responsibility to the earth? Prayer: Loving a generous God, help us to follow your example this week and do what we can for others. You gave us everything including eternal life, the least we can do for you is use our time wisely and generously. Amen

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