Method Statement: Maritime Safety Queensland Hydrographic Survey

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Date: Reference No: Regional Harbour Master Port

Maritime Safety Queensland Hydrographic Survey


Facility Survey Area Survey Class

Hydrographic Surveyor (Supervising) Hydrographic Surveyor (Field Work) Purpose of Survey Purpose of Survey Key Depth Survey area Declared Depth Horizontal Positioning Connection to Horizontal Datum Methods of Obtaining Horizontal Position Calibration Methods and Calibration Frequency Dynamic Calibration of Survey System Rejection Criteria for Horizontal Position Data

Certification Certification

Datum: GDA 94

Vertical Datum Connection to Vertical Datum Location of Tide Gauges

Datum: LAT

Method of Measuring Tidal Heights

MSQ Method Statement

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Document 630/046/007

Calibration Methods and Calibration frequency

Depth Measurement
Survey Vessel Description (Length, Beam, Hull Type) Method(s) to be used to Determine Least Depths Echo Sounder Frequency(s)

Method and Frequency of Echo Sounder Calibration Method to Compensate for Transducer Motion Limiting Sea Conditions affecting Survey Quality Squat of Transducers at Sounding Speed Seabed Coverage Method to Ensure Seabed Coverage Criteria is met

Echo Sounder Pulse Repetition Rate Beam Widths - Along Track and Across Travel Survey Vessel Speed over Ground Sounding Line Spacing and Orientation Process for sounding Berth and Channel Limits Rejection Criteria for Line Running

MSQ Method Statement

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Document 630/046/007

Sounding Reduction and Data Presentation

Methods to Reduce Raw Data to Sounding Datum Principle and Method used in Sounding Selection Principle and Process for Rounding of Soundings Positioning of Selected Soundings Method of Contour Generation Scale of Plans Digital Format of Final Data

Data Quality and Retention

The Method(s) used to Derive the Quality of the Data and Ability to meet the Depth Tolerance as Required in the Standards

The Time Frame(s) and Those Responsible for Retention of Raw Data Gathered during the Survey and the Final Results

I certify that this Method Statement and the methods described herein conform to the hydrographic survey meeting the Survey Class.

.........Certified Practitioner Hydrography 1

(Signature) (Print Name)

MSQ Method Statement

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Document 630/046/007

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