Essentials of A Good Business Letter

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Essentials of a Good Business Letter

Promptness Knowledge of the Subject Appropriateness Accuracy, completeness and Clarity Courtesy Tact Persuasion

Conciseness Salesmanship The You attitude The Positive and Pleasant approach Care for Culture

Indented form-British convention Block form-American style. No indention. All lines begin at the left margin. Modified Block form-Date and the complimentary close on the right . Paragraphs begin at the left margin Hanging indented form-Inside address is in block form.Date and complimantary close on the right. Beginning of each paragraph is at the left margin, but the following lines are indented 3 to 5 spaces.

Layout of a Letter

NOMA Letter Layout Style

NOMA-National Office Management Association. Recommended by the American Organization, also accepted in Britain. Salutation and complimentary close are omitted Subject is in capitals three lines below the inside address and no full stops

Parts of a letter

Heading-name of the firm/company Reference Number-Eg:-25/PD/67 25 may stand for the number given to the Department PD-code for the personnel department 67-number allotted to the person addressed

Date- Usually it is written on the right hand side parallel to the reference number The following format is recommendedJuly 4, 2012 Inside address Addressing individuals Salutation Subject line

Body of the Letter

Opening paragraph-rapport with the reader Second paragraph-proper subject Third paragraph-subject elaboration Fourth paragraph-goodwill ending with openings for further business

Formal Close

The formal close is Yours faithfully, Yours sincerely, Signature appears below the complimentary close and the name of the signatory should be written/typed/printed below the signature. Enclosures should be mentioned below

Types of Business Letters

Enquiry and replies Placing and fulfilling orders Complaints and follow up Status Enquiry Collection Letters Sales Letters Goodwill Letters and Greetings Circular Letters Employment Related Correspondence



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