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Christians and

Muslims United

Don’t let propaganda cause

hatred between these religious
groups. There is no need for it.
In this brochure I am going to point
What you can do
out to you the major similarities and
1. differences between the two and why
they should help one another.
Educate yourself with truth
which you wont find in the
media you must really look for
Major Differences
it. Internet is a good place to
look but look carefully there is 1.
lots of propaganda sites their
too, but it also has many real Christians believe in only one God.
biased sites. Depending on which sect a christian
belongs to also determines what they
2. may also take to worship with god.
Want to know more Such as saints, the holy spirit, Mother
Copy and distribute this about Islam and mary, and prophets such as Jesus.
brochure. Christianity? Theses are used as intercessors to god.

You can look online at

Muslims also believe in only one God.
Don’t let satin divide the people They do not worship anything else but
any more or he will continue to the one God. Muslims do not have any
divide and concur till there is kind of intercessor to god they pray
no more believers. directly to God.
Major Similarities Judgment.
Christians believe in orignal
sin thus the need to believe 1.
Jesus christ died to save them
Christians believe in Jesus
from their sins.
Christ, peace be upon him.
Muslims believe everyone is
Muslims believe in Jesus
born without sin and each
Christ, peace be upon him.
person is responsible on the
day of judgement for his own 2.
sins that he created in his life
time. Christians believe in only one
These are the 2 major Now why should these religions
differences. Muslims believe in only one
God. Help each other?

3. They are both on the same side.

Christians believe in the hear Gods side. They are both

after, heaven and hell, as well
Fighting the same enemy.
as angels and demons.
Muslims believe in the hear
after, heaven and hell, as well
as angels and demons.


Christians believe in the day of


Muslims believe in the day of

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