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451B Inquiry Project

Why use Service-Learning in Language Arts classes?

What is servicelearning?
Service-learning is an approach that facilitates students learning of academic standards through engaging them in providing service that meets real community needs. (Thomsen, 2006, p.vii)

Major Components:
Needs to be related to learning
goals or outcomes

Project must provide a necessary

service for the community

Applied research

(Mettetal, 2006)

Why would we use it?

Service-learning resulted in enhanced personal development such as higher self-esteem, less depression and increased social competence. (Mettetal, 1996)

Side effects may include:

Increased interest in subject matter

Increased engagement in school

Improved classroom behaviors Strong relationships with peers

Learning about possible careers

Becoming more civic-minded Knowledge and skills gained last longer! are deeper!
are more easily transferred to other settings!
(Thomsen, 2006)

Any opposition?

Everything that Natalia said plus:

Very time-consuming!

A little risky
Exposure to unpleasant people (yikes!)
Mattetal (1997)


_____Why Teach Literature?_____


Discuss with the following with your neighbor:

What is the number ONE reason that we teach literature in school today?

Write it down your answer (can be the same or different than your neighbor) This is personal opinion time meets sharing is caring!

York (1974) took a survey of his class of studentteachers who will teach English and asked them why they teach literature. These are the top nine answers he collected:
1. 2. 3.
It develops the childs imagination. It leads on to creative written work. It teaches vocabulary.

5. 6.

It gives enjoyment, pleasure, and entertainment.

It encourages wider reading. It improves spelling, punctuation, and grammar.

8. 9.

It gives new and vicarious experience.

It provides relaxation from more formal lessons. It broadens views, minds, outlooks, and knowledge.

Literature and Social Relevance (Levine,1970) <3

The study of literature can and should be at the forefront of solving the problems in society and the world. Literature is a record of of human experience.

Hopefully, by educating them to an awareness of the diversity of possible ways of life and of the power of words over mens minds and actions, we may make them more sensitive, more tolerant. We may even develop in them...the habit of examining their own thinking and feeling, of evaluating- nay challenging- their own culture-bound biases, and the social consequences of their attitudes. (p.31)

But wait! Is English literature the same as English language arts?

B.C. Ministry of Education, English Language Arts IRPs:-

The aim of English Language Arts is to provide students with opportunities for personal and intellectual growth through speaking, listening, reading, viewing, writing, and representing to make meaning of the world and to prepare them to participate effectively in all aspects of society.

In Pulling Together, Schnellert suggests that learning in English language arts is about:

*considering what is necessary to live and contribute to a healthy society. looking critically at who are as individuals, communities, and nations

gaining insight into ourselves and making changes (or not)

creating rich and worthy lives by learning through literature and other texts- because we cannot possibly learn it all through direct experience reading and creating a variety of texts that examine the world *deciding for ourselves what it means to live and act in the world

Making it work:
Service-learning: Using the language arts to make a difference (Shanklin, 2009)

Nearly every project that can be developed, requires the students to use their language art skills to communicate, report, and reflect. There are service-learning projects that also primarily focus on literacy and language art skills too. For example, tutoring, students could create childrens books to be donated, pen-pal letters to homebound seniors.

Thanks Educational Ministry of B.C.!

B.C. Perfomance Standards

Check it out! Sample Whose responsibility are these PLOs?

If not you, then WHO?

Ms. Wegners Social Justice Unit:

Works Cited:
B.C. Ministry of Education Website. Levine, C. (1970). Literature and Social Relevance. The Bulletin of the Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association , 25-32.

Mettetal, G., & Bryant, D. (1996). Service learning research projects. College Teaching, 44(1), 24-28. doi: 10.1080/87567555.1996.9925551
Thomsen, K. (2006). Service learning in grades K-8: Experiential learning that builds character and motivation. Thousand Oaks, Calif: Corwin Press. Shanklin, N. (2009). Service-learning: Using the language arts to make a difference. Voices from the Middle, 17(1), 41-43. Schnellert, L., & Canadian Electronic Library (Firm). (2009). Pulling together: Integrating inquiry, assessment, and instruction in today's english classroom. Markham, Ont: Pembroke. YORKE, M. (1974). Why teach literature ? A survey of student-teachers' opinions. English in Education, 8(2), 5-9. doi: 10.1111/j.17548845.1974.tb00408.x

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