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1. Aytona, Marie Rose T.


Planet of Life

The film that we watched last week was entitled Planet of Life. It discussed the origin and the evolution of man. There are many theories and beliefs saying where human beings really came from. There are religious beliefs, and there are also scientific beliefs. Scientists found evidences and imprints like fossils and artifacts that led them to the answer of the question, Where humans came from? they believe that the primates are the ancestors of the human beings. Ordinary people think differently from the educated people like the scientists. Although scientist were able to get and present evidences saying that people came from the apes, monkeys, and the like, it is still hard to believe that we are like them. I personally do not believe that we descended from those animals. Of course, I would not want to categorize myself as being similar with cats, dogs, frogs, and any kind of animals. I would prefer believing that we came from Adam and Eve rather than believing that we came from some kind of animal.

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