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RXMOP:MO=RXORX-263-0&-1&-2&-3&-4&-5&-6&-7&-8&-9&-10&-11; (Site managed object data) RXMFP:MO=RXOTG-263, SUBORD, FAULTY;(Fault Status of the site managed object) RXASP:MO=RXOTG-263; ( Managed

Object Alarm Situation Internal) RXAPP:MO=RXOTG-263; (Abis Path Status) RXCDP:MO=RXOTG-263; (Managed Object Configuration Data) RXMOP:MO=RXOCF-263; (Managed Object Invevtory) RXMOP:MO=RXOTG-263; (Managed Object Invevtory) RXMSP:MO=RXOTG-263, SUBORD;(TG's TS Status) RXTCP:MOTY=RXOTG,CELL=JCG6;(To show the TG against Cell) RLCHP:CELL=JCG6;(To know the HSN for a cell) RLCFP:CELL=JCG6;(To know the ARFCNs on a cell including Hopping ARFCNs) RLNRP:CELL=JCG6, CELLR=ALL;(To know the Neighbour Relation Data) RLMFP:CELL=JCG6;(Cel Measurement Frequencies) RLBDP:CELL=JCG6;(Cell general Equipage Data) RLSLP:CELL=JCG6;(TCH Configuration on a Cell) RLCRP:CELL=JCG6,DETAIL;(TCH Current Status on a Cell) RLSBP:CELL=JCG6;(BCCH Information on a cell) RLDEP:CELL=JCG6;(Cell Description Data) DTSTP:DIP=189RBL2;(RBLT Status) DTQSP:DIP=189RBL2;(RBLT Path Quality) DTQUP:DIP=189RBL2;(RBLT Path Parameters) RXBLI:MO=RXOTRX-263-4,FORCE; (To Block a TRX) RXBLE:MO=RXOTRX-263-4; (To Unblock a TRX) RXBLI:MO=RXOTG-263, subord, force; (To Block a TG) RXBLE:MO=RXOTG-263; (To Unblock a TG) RXESE:MO-RXOTG-263, SUBORD; (TO oUT OF sERVICE A TG) RLSTC:CELL=JCG6, STATE = HALTED; (To Halt A Cell) RLSTC:CELL=JCG6, STATE = ACTIVE; (To Un-Halt A Cell

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