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Reading the Bible as Literature


GENERAL DIRECTIONS: Use the three principles of literary interpretation to come up with a full reading of a Biblical passage.

SPECIFIC DIRECTIONS: 1. As a group, agree on which text i.e. passage each of the members is going to read. 2. Individually, research about your passage. Make sure that your sources are valid and legitimate. 3. After gathering enough data, discuss among yourselves the passage you have chosen. Agree on the genre of the text. Cite evidences to support your claim (genre). Then articulate the Author Meaning and Text Meaning of the passage. When you do these, make sure that you employ the big ideas of the three principles on literary interpretation. 4. When your group is done, work individually for the Personal Meaning of the text. Elaborate on it i.e. articulate your context so that any reader would clearly understand your reading. 5. Complete the table on the next page. 6. When you are done, upload your worksheet to Scribd, and embed it to your PLW.


The Potters Vessel

JEREMIAH 18, 1-12

Promises of Redemption & Restoration

ISAIAH 43, 1-11

The Parable of the Rich Fool

LUKE 12, 13-21

The Healing of a Deaf Man

MARK 7, 31-37

The Parable of the Lost Son

LUKE 15, 11-32

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Eldric Carreon

PASSAGE LUKE 15, 11-32 (The Parable of the Lost Son)

August 5,2013


AUTHOR MEANING The author wrote this parable so that he can convey his message to us in a much more relatable way. The author implies that the Father in the story is God and that we symbolize the long lost son. The author wanted to say that whatever happens to us, God will always accept us. The author wanted to show Gods undying love for us as his people and that even if we go astray from his teaching, he will always love and accept us with open arms. Luke wrote his gospel for all the Theophilus ,those who loved God, and the other people who loved God also. This might have been done to reafrm their ideas about Gods loving presence.

TEXT MEANING The text simply narrates the story between a father and a his long lost son. It shows at rst that the son is very stubborn and he does not heed the warnings that his father tell him. He then gets his own share of the fortune and then he leaves to go somewhere, however, he spends all the money and in the end, he goes back to his father who accepts him wholeheartedly.

PERSONAL MEANING The parable has a very personal meaning to me since in a way, I can relate it to my own relationship with my own father. My father and I often disagree about stuff but in the end, he still nds a way to show that he loves me even if I am stubborn and dont listen to him. Another way that this is personal to me is that it helps me with my relationship with God. It shows that even if it seems that I did so many things wrong, God will always accept me and forgive me

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