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CREATE TABLESPACE ODI_DATA DATAFILE 'D:\app\prapatra\oradata\orcl/odi_data01.

dbf' SIZE 500M AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 100M MAXSIZE 2000M EXTENT MANAGEMENT LOCAL SEGMENT SPACE MANAGEMENT AUTO ; CREATE TABLESPACE ODI_STAGE_DATA DATAFILE 'D:\app\prapatra\oradata\orcl/odi_stage_data01.dbf' SIZE 500M AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 100M MAXSIZE 2000M EXTENT MANAGEMENT LOCAL SEGMENT SPACE MANAGEMENT AUTO ; select tablespace_name from dba_tablespaces; create user rfi_odi_mst_1 identified by rfi_odi_mst_1; default tablespace ODI_DATA; grant resource, connect to rfi_odi_mst_1; drop user rfi_odi_mst_1 cascade; grant select_catalog_role, alter session, analyze any, create any synonym, create type, create database link, create library, create procedure, create public database link, create public synonym, create sequence, create session, create synonym, create table, create trigger, create view, drop any synonym, execute any procedure, select any sequence, select any table, query rewrite to rfi_odi_mst_1; / alter user RFI_ODI_MST_1 quota unlimited on ODI_DATA; GRANT UNLIMITED TABLESPACE TO ODI_DATA; / grant select on sys.dba_role_privs to RFI_ODI_TEMP; /

grant select on sys.dba_jobs to RFI_ODI_TEMP / grant select on sys.dba_roles to &1 snp_rem_rep / SELECT * FROM snp_rem_rep; SELECT * FROM USER_OBJECTS WHERE COLUMN_NAME ='REP_ID'; UPDATE snp_rem_rep SET REP_ID =1 WHERE rep_name= 'RFI_ODI_INS'; select table_name from user_tab_columns where column_name = 'rep_id'; select table_name from user_tab_columns where column_name = 'rep_id'; select * from all_all_tables where object_name = 'snp_rem_rep'; select * from user_objects where object_name ='SNP_REM_REP';

select object_name from user_objects where object_name='SNP_REM_REP' ====================== oracle.odi.core.config.RepositoriesNotBoundException: ODI-10150: Work repository with ID 1 is not bound to master: Definition in master ID:1, Name:RFI_ODI_INS, Timestamp:1374582981296 Definition in work ID:802, Name:RFI_ODI_INS, Timestamp:1374582981296. at nding( at oracle.odi.core.repository.Repository.getWorkRepository(Repository.ja va:228) at oracle.odi.core.OdiInstance.createWorkRepository( ) at oracle.odi.core.OdiInstance.<init>( at oracle.odi.core.OdiInstance.createInstance( at oracle.odi.ui.docking.panes.OdiCnxFactory$ 3) at at

ODI-10013: This import action has been cancelled because it could damage your re pository. This is due to an SNP_CONNECT object that has object identifier 4000 t hat is greater than that for the current SNP_CONNECT id sequence. Importing this object would lead to primary key violations in the future.

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