WealthRays in Business Standard

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I. I

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Cutting back in a slowdown

Rising prtces and reduced incomes take a toll on ycurftrrances. Here's how to tacl<1eit


"UII.SI-Yoor,Bangalo:rreb asullWctlel

Rooonandl}mhu~hartd.~rcS(Q9h~ In \t lhre-:.1-b'e(ueom house. \Vitb a bab.y 011the \vay; the C(lU1J1e decided il ~J.$ bt:$ l(l spit Ctlt:tliJ.g.expeose"S, -V.~e hadtalC?:n-athteeIted.(PQI('~:;';'l!":l!

rt;;'JI Wmt rl<JI 111~l wu";":b

.JJ,igheJ;.tli<"11 fOr a-r.'D~bedtoQmllo:tse.JJ urwe Kll~l'I'ihar cxt>('~($ \vOuh,1inCtc~se once wt!

assessexpensesandcsaunnecessaejvflt:s., cowJ ::-;1)i1l1l.)atl1i.:,ajx:rii(1..(1J1:.:r"::I, E\7cn" l)J.'fl~j!~ S9~ of tbt tbi-n_g~th~1 "t;h )'UU_ (If Jhe CE::J11 ruHn Yf.ilirno;qelOM COl))(1 sa\'9'J'ou~~"26 :propen9tr..9S3l!---eru-t':eruertainmeru:and lclsore lakA tr- tn[eratr.n()_'2()~vear1Mlrof{.Sf) lmth. ""l........ """,_ to isnor~these, rot being The n~th.m is.ro -CI.\f on the uumbec of smolf """" YeI. :m-a mood.1yba.<I5_lM.<f could ~\tIQ'~ }h.c:(t_Hl1r~~a;ytt: Ha~tuull~Pthl~m ..tllf<"'li~' add up1oalot; p-;WealIb R,D.ys$tl)UP, "?w can also 3a\'61m PauI..l)'Som.aof'Cl.t1lunslJl\'CSitJQt.:t1lScn.'iu..ot;. r,Jn."_I..j1:ar,,,,,h:rt:'-"llly ot1fi~'s f&tnc\! rmnnsaysl1retrickisto.redure~s.and DCol.srop tBininr; ll-Te- mJnlmnro batance fil.!!OI1( acconnr,
s,penillr':g all ~cr_ F:rr-m....an!.:L Y(l'u.xm ~::;:fngln~JVt usedtoe:aring(lu.t-e-.-ay~nd. Rdut'C:1 to twowcckvnds in the l1lonm. Anil. _""lining y"" save




tn varj<1,Ds

lihq-our b'iby,"sn~!'i.Robcr:. wne ~ad(."ljt' tht;_ sol'lw1lro1dulIslr}' ,5". tffil'''' shilred toa twobedroom unh.

b'ilnlcs and IttVcm-h1~ .:111 (Ire money in one p~ wW glve 8~!t~~ elnergeUl!Y. Uttt! .II" loall, on you," in-w:anr:e polley, wh.eh comes at a lower i111cr-csl-raw.. i~re3.d of person-

I t

-~p."Hrom d;illy honsehold expense<. the ,Ir=9uplti)l.1!t!~ thoy'll h(l,"'d Itl ~<':HU~ Itlt (I:)T dM't}lf~ sin ee both were ,"orUng. W1th o:l:pehSC$ rising r~Ul(IIY blit ~"'rui,,"'llOII<.e(ll,%u1'.tbe couple b~vefll_'o put on I\okl' heir

:;_;;t ~}:l


~nd...dl.n.n&', btodga by u..ooo (QOO per d:!~


and~ aa ve U,(l()U_

-pians to buy a house,

t-loWeve.r. RoctlerJHI!~ hse:a."Wl!>ill .UI lusurlIna;. w).lcy III hersons rome and b"itllLkile.P-

geneyurpc<lo. "WhenIYlltttidworking,

J bad

Si.atl()dlerl:it'Je._ 'l'hls.fCJJ\.'oo~\ling \\,'i11 hdlp me-

lli\v$htcu1.eill.;uf.m<e_poJlcy. NoW.IIKl"estllrt-

'In' ht'!l<;1og n1u:~,a ~tSoJ:S. IfJtbyC06tS

lintl~.hol_ds.Cl'O$"lndla are b<:UlgtO!<ocllOe<U Ji\'ing._:expeese~, ln1ike.SjwatWfb. O... .rf i'r::renl ~d8t~,I.tn~'{ttlt:~-{)f 8o(ujs-b..'l.te.risen tlCfO'&i the~r&, wlth .annu.al (:'OJl!)utllet prl.::.e_ lut1aLk:1l <:Jm~tO10p.r<:ent_ 'Op the other hand, Incomes

-Families need to ill'S< lIst al toans w]l'clti't:o~~ll Int.'r'h~ and ciff-crcntiatc exm ~ ontllelnl~e:st:yO\J ~ the .ecessa.y one and q."~Jd h&\!'~:-.aid ~an h~.:-1n\'~" \\'ba( lht.",. UtU wrt.;tU. onre thi.."'! edJn_aSy~.em.,ci~~estmeI,l[ doIl=.Cun:ngou ~ wliJ I'I.n 0' ".(:ufrill,\! _d.'ifMI~ ~_ier,-D'Sooza sa\!S. aver .recent years, the l\ancly"in nmesor need. fot other ~Jai C.XpCtll;C$-, ,'bLflorlwrw!'{yto lijlVeU10n~ prices of goods "."" e~Tj~ t:1 PA'Y 1uRunrnoe l)'l'Crnj. thenfs DOt mucb yoo can dc. risen across the bHrdt umrhroughyouceredtr caru, SM'sS;ldigppaJ:,"Tbere IsDOlb with ilMU.I' CQn5iumer iBg-1DUdl .. family om do ab<>m pri('.-mflation cloW to 1.0 talhet Utau lhrough yow (-=:ma1~~_Jil<e mOO1h1~ per Cledt, fo.dng bank 'li'-COUllt 4j!",,~1y. grooerie-s. or ch.iJilre"b''S scltnol "''''52holds to art Itvlng H(J(\'(."\lCf,...J.ln~UJ't.) you pa)f I~lC

fees" P<ople are






fu11y.[0 ZI\!(ljd

.etable'S-wtere theepriees are ar\... llU~h; 1111(~ .. The next~.-is'!owtback-on c~ditt!Ud Ioam.If:;ou1taredues<lftll1il<llOD yourcred 11 card and \'OL ",11 ,h;,; avo<. ~ back of the em-eIope cafrulatkn suggeslS ~"'!l could be
l-..yif1g .cari~ l10,(lQ(h.;il1cm.-t.

durin;; ..... k1r l>o;oal'1> fo, ""S

the h:igtiin:ere:st Qfl 8llfdlle. days,,! \!.",,"!!foltc. p;:ri"l~~~e<iunyom:cte!h

11card statM\c:'J1L

This \v!ll g~\r~ ~()U-3() i.o4~

+lll",t1onteclu1:)}~~eo:OIhnY~bMdy dsen by

Illovlngslowly. ~

saJ~'ies In ,he In(b,r- ~y ru.ll1al;luilp"},IlIl!rll.cCMIil <:aItlreIlo'""

cosr42 fXftccnUnayc.ar. AI[thiSSQu~

Olle-c.m also plaruecmring"",<;uses$Uj:ll""

Hc:hoQl(OQO salt':;to QtlintldcW'ith liTi1~tutingFD. This- wu:wvonr $tl};ngs 'Will earn 'yoU "a hi;:;bcr

r~~. S_a'ys ~trr"SJt_SadlgolJ;illat Laddefi PlnaTi.cinl Ad\;I.:.tury .s\!r:.tk!I.l~"tt is-:;t f~i\!.Cthal :po ... b.~..,gone liP ru)d ar._J1;Jrtlrl~a hUJtJ.,n on r,\tnilie:s. 'thls is"u big-t;tIess for hotL5ehv1<B." AIlOrll"' sign of Ole t:!g~~~ In peMnal I?u~-;s i:il!ingspert~tllrol.@ etedit_cards.

r~lir 1"'( Ceor YClP'ry;l_('~ rb&..~. for mast>$"'-~ .jo""'rinvest~useacbmomlLS_

e.xfJ'I!l.st~frl~ ~'001 cldld na:::dlrlf$.o!.IlL""" ~kt

phoneotyourwrneeeiDg~s:jStemcan fiJTthetdetallwu!s2YI~l)Ian.

J\ln), Ula1<h ~\"m. 11';""11~'" OI'miniJ ,",..hperl1C!l1li'\;Ill1 in_e<l-in afuod <lepoSir~fDl wou:d"",,,just QIl_.Y<n+rluv~tn)eut but p;t;ing lO \)ru;. t'L!Ul(Ill -uo,ooo.lIl~woru$, you hg,'a.ncUnlcr- ~"aro~mre!u..\n. jllD&t\.e::;~eIl::W:UYP(~Y e outlli3w offJll_OOO .... nnnUy. In this =c, your hou)O IMn.~oodSl~tJauaOl.

W1Jattodo break )'OlILIDand lm1 Jllly.cffIh<><:redit;:--ard E..:en smallsteps.to cut e.'ij)e.mies .and stretch InthlS ';;!>Iation. bali!nci,_"m., teOIiIy or rising dlJOS. yOllrllnance. ... QU1a:flc1 d 5tr..;tblesum 1.0, Yltp{S8V' OVerfill.$l)(!.J)(lin~r.nnugli(~::lr~~,:, h~'liaiQc,r~se..d; xpen-soes and a.lim:ted iDootr.. ewitb tile-need to lmom.:.,.'IIo."ay isby ti.nacW adjustnl611tS to lngs, Eo! instrulCe.:every eR,tratl,000 saved per dlso, 17p-sJ:QeTI.uif.1Jidi ...iduals-areprotfelrlni to 1.""aSllutIL;avUll'l'J""" ro,)'OUf gool "-"l""""'__fl" il, ... """lf nllOl<,illshigtl RI')fIlh.d~.I" .Iidy >IUD"ftM,;l4.1.kJlo.Yli<3IJ rolt-(),.'EW I b~jrl(:s.!;ls:i~ t.he.y.ro:n't t:.,,,-e tr.e man- SOme-tou2h cbvi<.:es. The $t:uting pOOlt is- to er:m....r __ on~ l!Oflleloan_ )'OU ~-ears.

''''lUl''''' ""'.,!da,


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