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A project of Volunteers in Asia Preservation of Foods



Agromisa P.O. Box 41 6700 aa Wageningen THE NETHERLANDS Available from: same as above or Stichting TOOL Entrepotdok 68A/69A 1018 AD Amsterdam THE NETHERLANDS Reproduced by permission. Reproduction of this microfiche document in any form is subject to the same restrictions as those of the original document.

AGROMISAFOUNDATION Agromisa is a volunteer organisation of students from the Faculty of Agriculture in Wageningen, the Netherlands. The organisation was established in 1933. Agromisa aims at improving the position of socially and economically underprivileged groups in developing countries, by transferring agricultural knowledge to those organisations and persons who devote themselves to these groups. Agricultural knowledge is transferred in the following ways: - we give answers and recommendations in writing to those who pose questions - we provide an'"entrance" for visitors and those who pose to the different departments of the Eaculty of questions, Agriculture - we publish the Agrodoks - we publish a Dutch quarterly magazine for development workers: VRAAGBAAR - we sell practical books on agriculture in the tropics I The second aim of Agromisa is to increase the awareness for development problems among the Dutch people. Agromisa is a member of the TOOL Foundation (TOOL = Technical Assistance for Developing Countries). In the TOOL Foundation are gathered the agricultural, technical and medical groups in Holland, working to achieve the same aims as Agromisa. ATOL is a sister organisation of TOOL in Belgium. If you are working with underprivileged groups in developing countries, then the groups participating in TOOL, and ATOL, can give you advice on the following subjects: Building and building materials ;:ster power Machinery Wind power Electrotechnics Solar energy Chemical technology Biogas Roads and waterworks Fossile energy continued on kack cover

Foreword -m This brochure view of the simple revised chapters. The principles first specific preserving pal attention the processing as this Eountries. Comparisons difficult, scribe as this of the cost prices of the various as possible, it methods is very We have tried so that you will to debe is dependent on many factors. and techniques in the general will of preserving of spoilage introduction. be explained, on drying and spoilage Following prevention this, are treated methods of spoilage points the various edition Voedingsmiddelen", ("dokje", techniques and includes or little document) "dokje", is meant to give a general It is a completely "Konserveren van in extended or new

used to preserve


of the old Dutch-language

much new information

and the most important

to the method will by jam and juice to vegetable of milk.

be repeated. and smoking of fish and fruit drying, not usually and meat, and on New chapters of vegetables, and has been omitted, in developing making have been extended. salting on deep freezing available

The chapters

The chapter


needs facilities

every method as practically In closing, we would appreciate theaevaluation

able to see which materials complete and return

are required. -

very much if you would

form on page 84.

Agrodok 3: PRESERVATION OF FOODS Table of contents Introduction 1. Spoilage: Causes, effects of spoilage meat and fruit by heat and prevention 1.1 tihat is spoilage? 1.2 Prevention 2, Preserving 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Preparations 2.3 Processing 2.4 Storage 3. Drying of Vegetables and Fruit product 3.1 Introduction 3.2 The quality 3.3 Pretreatment 3.4 Drying 3.6 Hygiene 3.7 Preparing 4. Preservation dried foods for 4 with salt use 3.8 Remarks on table 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Requirements 4.3 Preparations 4.4 Salting 4.5 Warning 5. Preservation 6. Preserving 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Making fruit 6.4 Fruit jelly juices preparation fruit for preserving meat and fish 6.3 Lemonade concentrates 6.5 Making candied 6.6 dam making 7. Simple techniques 7.1 Introduction in acetic fruit acid making by jam and juice methods techniques 3.5 Packing and storage of the fresh techniques vegetables,

1 2 2 4 8 8 11 12 15 26 26 26 27 28 25 36 36 36 41 41 42 43 44 46 47 48 48 48 53 53 54 54 60 60

of vegetables

Table of contents, 7.2 Salting 7.3 Salting 8. Dairy

continued of meat of fish 61 64 66 71 71 71 milk 72 82

and drying and drying

7.4 Smoking of meat and fish products 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Milking 8.3 Preparing 9. Final List remarks and literature

of Tables of vegetables of fruit; and fruit and processing times times in water 17 19 21 36 43 58

1. Preparation glass bath 3. Preparation pressure 4. Preparation 5. Preparation 6. Juice List la, jars 2. Preparation


in a boiling

of vegetables cooker and drying

and meat; sterilization for various

times in a products

conditions for

of vegetables

salting types of fruit


from various

of Figures b, c Glass jar racks bags vegetables seals 16 16 31 31 31 32 42 57 57 57 70 70 70 churns 77 77 77 ' ~.~ ~~_~ ~~-.-

2. An autoclave 3. Drying 6. Storage 4 and 5. Improved sun driers 7. The bush drier 8 and 9. Salting 10. Bottle 11. A fruit 12. A juice press steamer top sealer

13. Smoke grill 14. Smoke oven 15. Smoke house 16 and 17. Butter


of Figures,

continued frame for cheese waking pressing cheese 77 77 77 81

18. Cheese cutting 19. Curd stirrer 20. Cheese mold 21. A cantilever

system for


Introduction Man is dependent origin. certain developed for his food on products of plant and animal available in

Because most of these products to preserve preserving foods. Preserved have spoiled. longer own vegetables

are only easily

seasons of the year and because food spoils, would normally grow their

methods have been long after of towns, as people

foods can be eaten With the growth times increased, and keep animals.

the products the need for could periods

foods for

no longer Preservation of time. Preservation

is the process

by which foods can be kept for'llonger excess foods available Consumpdestroys foods usually

must be:;seen as a means to store

at certain tion


be consumed in times when food is scarce. as preservation language, value ifoods. dokje to a number of simple on a small to process preserved scale, and store is paid to small thiir in plain preserved

of fresh

foods is always preferable as fresh

sane of the nutritional are not as healthy Attention techniques, or village make it omically. In times of scarcity to the diet, independent season. This Ydbkje" begins

is paid in this meant to preserve Special for people

preservation to

such as the household scale methods, surplus econ-

level. possible


foods can be a welcome addition sales out of season are possible, in the harvest and its prevention.

Through preservation of the normally with

lower market prices a discussion

of speilage

Knowledge of the causes of spoilage preserve correctly. After preservation are explained each method are descrfbed. The following various product foods: of meat, canning, manufacture,

is necessary

in order

to be able to

this, the principles and the methods of and the advantages and disadvantages of are treated drying, with data for and smoking dairy

methods of preservation of vegetables juice pickling fruit preservation, and fermenting.


and fruits,


jam .manwfacture,


1. 1.1


Causes, Effects,

and Prevention

What is Spoilage Spoilage ful (sour, Most fresh is the deterioration moldy) and/or within in food which makes it a carrier of disease distasterotten, germs. without

foods spoil

days when they are stored If one of the following it can be considered offensive a different The food, smell, color,

care in warm surroundings. When is food spoiled? can be applied is definitely strongly (bulging stmach death. Spoilage - continuation overripening - reactions Spoilage important here. It Enzymatic teurization, portance quicken organisms foods useful usually changed. Molds can grow on almost directly rancid. They often this tins) to the food, to be eaten: or slimy

properties and

to be spoiled moldy surfaces,

sour or sharp flavor, surfaces.

gas development nausea and vomiting, cases it can cause

when consumed, can

cause such symptoms as diarrhoea, infections and cramps..

stomach pains, In very serious

can be Qaused by: molds, yeasts, of the earioon4: in fruit) in the food itself: and taste occurs quickest. This is the most dealt with pasmethods combatted. and will be the only cake most easily by microorganisms chemical reactions leading to and bacteria life processes in foods (for example,

- microorganisms:

changes in the color

cause of spoilage spoilage is usually

is also the cause of spoilage sterilization). and is very difficult type of spoilage. cause spoilage

stopped by heating Chemical spoilage to prevent. in food?


is of minor im-

Some preservation Not all micro-

Which microorganisms (m.o.) (cheese m.o.,

cause spoilage. are

Some cause desired thousands of types.

changes in M.o. are infections

and sauerkraut of which there with


these are caused by serious

not visible

the naked eye, so that

and food poisoning

can be caused without all foods.

the food being visibly They usually can be seen and on

on the foods and can alter

the taste,

making a food taste in sour products,

grow at low temperatures,







-. v---


dry products often such as peanut, temperature Bacteria as well

such as grain corn (maize)

or bread.

Some molds can produce poisonous toxins, especially multiply milk, in moist at low vegetables) and poisoning so that and can begin to seeds



substances , called

or soy bean. They often (meat, fish,

Yeasts can also cause spoilage. and in sour products. can grow in fresh foods Some bacteria

which are not sour. as spoilage. they are less grow again after When can spoilage spoilage -

can cause infection techniques eccur ?

A number of bacteria to preservation food poisoning on: Water,

can form spores,

sensitive and/or

an insufficient

heat treatment. Food poisoning,,and in the food. Their growth carbohydrates, Milk quantities conditions minerals, and which, such as can still in con-

occur only when m.o. have multiplied in the food: nutrients quickly. proteins, in large

in the food is dependent the nutrients the mentioned sequently, asiilttyj: and sometimes vitamins spoil

must be present. are present

and meat are foods where

Most bacteria

grow best in neutral Molds, yeasts9 fruits). for the m.o.: (yoghurt,

found in milk,

meat, and fish. available vegetables);

and some bacteria M.O. grow poorly

grow in sour products The amount of water dry products (milk, meat, fish,

(powdered milk, substances


as compared to watery


The presence.of inhibit The temperature usually don't

subh as preservatives

and some herbs which The ideal temperature die. others or for

the development of microorganisms develope;

of microorganisms. js between 7 and 55'C. at temperatures resistant of oxygen. and processing of the food (preservation to adapt to quicker in the or poisons multiply new microorganisms of microorganisms can multiply Below -1O'C molds above 1OO'C.

at which the foods are stored:

1 grawth

above 80C they usually to temperatures

Spores and poisons The oxygen level: cannot

are often

Some microorganisms

need oxygen to grow, yrhile

grow in the presence

The time between infection consumption). the new food. than others, food can vary. In addition, so that

Time is needed for the levels

some microorganisms

At 37'C bacteria

from 1000 to 10,000,000 on a combispoil

individual organisms in seven hours. The actual rate at which the bacteria nation of the factors mentioned. A'watery

grow is dependent product at 25'C will


much quicker

than a dry, intestines, badly after

sour product take place? cuts, cleaned

at 5'C. InfecLion can be caused by people dust, sewage, can also pets, disverContamination animals, or hands) soil, foods. domestic

How does contamination (germs on skin, surface water,

throat spoiled apparatus, animals.

manure, and other slaughtered

take place through min, or unhygenically Contamination astrous. placing it

a preservative


is especially was stored. with

An example of this on the same plate contamination? hygiene, using the toilet, work and before

is the contamination where the fresh'meat Hygiene! Wash hands thoroughly after touching handling food.

of cooked meat by

How to prevent soap after doing dirty -

Use good personal

hot water

and after


and infections,

Change towels steel kitchen

and wash clothes block. smoothly

regularly. pblished wood, tiles, stone). washing with

Keep food on smooth sureaces which can be and are washed well'(stainless Keep the places where food is stored soda water. Wash all Cover all Never store Ensure proper tools used with pests hygiene foods regularly. are kept. foods well. away from the places where.-foods at room temperature. when animals are slaughtered. boil the water before use. left-overs clean by regularly

Try to keep all

Use clean water. of Spoilage

Where necessary

1.2 Prevention preservation quickly 1. with 2. with

As already decay. retention radical


in the introduction, the storage life



deals with .

-- extending

of products and properties products

which otherwise of the foods. completely by

This preservation of the original

can be done in quality in,new

ti&ways with

changes which result

new qualities. Preservation microorganisms. ways: 1. The microorganisms can method will are removed: liquids This is a very costly (filtering of drinking method which water). This only be used with is based on the delay or prevention The dangers of microorganisms of spoilage can be avoided in three

not be discussed.



2. The microorganisms When all is called are killed, important faster sterilization less easily its three acidity, the acidjty sterilization,

are killed:

This is usually

done with

heat. the process


are killed !s given, time.

by the heat treatment can be stored

and the product is called

for a long time.

When a short only be stored with

heat treatment the process for a limited

so that not all microorganisms pasteurization, and the product can The acidity Microorganisms quicker. sourness of the food is very and spores die and grow by Microorganisms is indicated is, up into

heat sterilization. in an acid product in the former

by heating

than in a less acid product,

is therefore A product's

in acid products. expressed in "pH*.

The more sour a product Food can be divided

the greater

and the lower the pH.

groups based ontheir group

acid content: products most vegetables, meat, and fish. tomatoes, berries, citrus pears, milk? strawapples rhubarb,

weak acid or neutral acid strongly acid

I!!! more than 4.5 4.0 - 4.5 less than 4.0

pineapples, products,


3. Microorganism microorganisms is cl'eated. a. (2-4'C)


is suppressed: grow,

An environment

in which

can no longer There are various Products for

or can grow only very slowly; in the refrigerator for much longer periods and energy Extensive with the must be accurately of energy needed for supplied

ways to do this: remain fresh

low temperature: in the deep freeze maintained, supply freezing, information purchase and quality. this

4-7 days; they can be stored (-2O'C).

Low temperature

and high demands are made upon the freezer Because of the high costs not be discussed is usually Drying water itself. grow. method will further.

from the manufacturer of a freezer, of the water foods, with content:


reduction preserving

is the oldest

method of to be and cheapest

When sufficient the product

is removed from a product, The simplest

microorganisms removed varies

can no longer

The amount of water


method is to dry the products sun). driers Somewhat more expensive in which the products

in the open air and difficult are artificially

(with dried

or without with warmed due to the is

methods make use of

Sun-dried products are of slightly less quality air. breakdown of certain vitamins in sunlight.


the osmotic


this of fruit.


sugar or salt

added to stop microorganism jam making, keep well. ritional d. Addition partly treated and the candying


Examples are salting These preserved for vegetables. substances therefore is low. of certain this and will nature

of meats, products The nutcan not be

The method is less suitable value of the final of preservatives: product Addition In practice

prevent here.


method is only used as of the substances accurately. or by adding al"new" foods can as for drinks, sausage, odor and taste, products. of a preservation of the stored method sun), involved It the in

an aid to other the accompanying cohol or acids

methods of preserving, Because of the poisonous directions or by special By preserving

must be followed in liquids microbial

e. Changing the foods: be made. These often

processes alcoholic

have a very specific sauerkraut, fermented The choice properties materials,

example cheese, yoghurt, smoked products,

and many local

Which method should be chosen? depends on the product, the accessibility storage facilities, each method. It salting desireable accepted. A number of advantages summarized here: heat treatment: and water; and for value jars fairly or tins expensive; with lids and drying -the desired packing of energy possible


(wood, gasoline,


electricity, and the costs

is sometimes necessary

to combine methods, the products of several

as for example is also are to be

meat, or adding acid and then sterilizing. customs if

to conform to the local

and disadvantages labor

methods are much energy and canning

intensive; storage


are needed; of the product


machines are needed; packing long periods; is good. (freezing): are needed;

is expensive)

is easy (below 25%) and the nutritional using much energy; value and length of

the quality

low temperatures high investments

very expensive the quality,



storage drying:

are good. inexpensive, little no energy equipment (sun drying) needed: or only relatively airtight little storage dry and/or

energy needed;

required; quality and nutritional value reasonable with good storage. high osmotic pressure: inexpensive when sugar or salt are cheap; no energy required; good quality (excess fermentation needed; taste general rather storage at room temperature; long storage often salting with possible; gives a reasonable vegetables; nutritional techniques); length ;obten good. quality and food value with meat but poor quality for fruit; and pickling: and odor often short sugar). cheap (native changed; food value no ci:ergy in radically of storage sugar gives value low

( a few weeks);



Preserving 2.1 2.1.1


Meat, and Fruit

By Heat

Introduction General Heating Iriformation is one of the commonest preservation and fruit. Sterilized meats in tins methods. Fruits or jars Heating can also be can also be kept is

suitable preserved for

for many types of vegetables as juices.

long periods. stared:.forz aloag,time ( until~t#re+ext the air to a product and then ' present in the jar or tin are killed in seal on the jar makes (deterioration The timing

In general, heated products canbe harvest). This is done by closing off heating infections taste Not all tempepature jar or tin, this, so that spoilage from outside products the microorganisms is stopped. impossible. and microbial

The hermetic Chemical


and color)

continues. can be heated in the same way. on the infection (lOOC), higher while level, less temperature. water Sour products by heating in a boiling and the the such cooker the product, such as fruit sour products in a pressure water bafh

given are dependent and the storage in boiling

can be sterilized or sterilizer, Vegetables (canning, longer

as meats and vegetables can be stored not sterilizing).

must be sterilized longer are: of the product is reasonable by using are: when heated

where temperatures

than lFIOC can be achieved.

Advantages the quality accurately

of heating storage

and safer

of the product following

with fresh,

vegetables, healthy for that

good with product.


The best quality Disadvantages the high price a. b.


Is achieved of heating packing


and by

the heat specifications foods due to:

of the preserved materials

Glass or tin pensive The processing

must be used, and may be exGlass can be reused. sun drying, jars is less. canning in glass when compared with for

and difficult

to obtain. is, The costs

equipment requires

very expensive. The treatment The process especially as a result requires with

much fuel. than other causes taste methods do. and vitamin into losses, the water.

more clean water

The long heating

at high temperatures vegetables. conversions

The nutritional

value of the food is lowered,

of chemical

and loss of nutrients

The quality as much fresh In this variety chapter

is better fruit

than by other and vegetables

It is preferable to eat as possible during the whole year. sterilization and canning first. of a


the methods are given for fruits, and meats. in this procedure,

of vegetables,

Because the packing be discussed


are very important 2.1.2.

these will

Packing Materials Tin-plated cans and glass jars or bottles of the vessels Big, in small or flat of the product can be packed in all tin or jar can be used to hold the must be chosen acbulky products tins or jars such as which allow and

products. cording pieces products tins

The shape and velume to the quantity of meat must be sterilized the center brine, etc. in juices,

to be processed.

the heat to penetrate or jars. The contents possible or jar one day. the packing tins and jars than with a. Tins These are iron They are especially izing larger are aany different shapes (cylindrical comnon volumes aref capacity on the inside. layers supplier in liters should


Small products

shapes and types of as

of an opened

must be consumed as quickly the contents or jars, in ?general, of a tin

(in any case within be adapted it material smaller tins C!f course

24 hours),

so that

to the quantity is true, of treated

of food consumed in one meal or the tins the cheaper bigger product.

the larger so that

per kilo or jars.

must be heated longer,

the quality

is somewhat lower

cans which are covered with used for sterilizing, tins flat= 0.85 good. Unfortunately

a thin


of tin. for sterilThere and A few

and are very suitable with varying capacities


they can only be used once. wide and shallow). 0.95 3.1

types available; = long and thdn; 0.58

Tins can also vary by the presence Unvarnished Highly tins on the inside about these. are also available to maintain

or absence of a varnish Tins with products; berries, and 'taste. for special (cherries, good color

layer specfal consult plums) with the

tins are often acid products

must be put in varnished With every tin the help of a tin simple hand-operated sealer. tools

comes a lid, Various to

which can be hermetically types are available, machines. new automatic


ranging from The sealer must


be properly the tin after justed.


to prevent air


This can be checked by closing it in boiling the sealer clean, water. If, must be readand do not reout. If they are hot water and

with a little a few minutes,

water and immersing is seen to escape,

Tins delivered quire let extra washing'. not clean, b. Glass

from the factory

are fairly

Store them upside down to keep dirt wash them in hot soda water (1.5%), rinse with dry on a clean cloth. The lids

them drip

must also be clean.

Glass jars can be used for Glass has the advantage that it sumed and that and the fact the glass that light doesn't

sterilizing under pressure and for canning. can be reused after the product is conaffect the product, The fragility Jars differ A rubber of glass, in ring are two disadvantages.

can get to the product and jars zinc lids mechanisms. and the jar. These are: (figure la,

Use only undamaged lids size and in the sealing jars with ceramic is put between the lid lined

to get a good seal. page16 ).

Jar and lid

are reusable,

but the

Wet the ring and put it on the clean rim of the jar. Fill the jar, clean any spills, screw the lid on tightly and then give the lid a quarter turn back. Air can then escape during the process. Imnediately be tightened -jars tight. jar - jars it with after again, divided lids (figure lb). into In addition to a screw cap there is the lid and which seals the jar aircan be used only once, but the other with jars, a plastic but the lids heating. soap (soda) and layer must on is warm and seals is a lid heating, when the jars are still hot, the lids should,:,

ring must be renewed each time.

also a type of disk which fits The disk and lid with (made of carton Fill lc). air are reusable. caps (figure the lid allows is cold.

or cork) On the jar

and close as with

the inside; be new.

to escape when the jar The jars can be reused, closed before before

off when the jar The lids

can be screwed tightly must be cleaned jars 1.0,

The.jars hot water. has their

and lids

using with until sizes.

Keep the clean 0.75, lids, own rings,

in hot water 1.5 and 2.0 liter parts

they are required. Each manufacturer on the jars.

Jars come in 0.50, Best results

and sometimes clamps which fit when all

are achieved

are of the same make.




Equipment_ the whole process are: vegetables, knives pre-boiling, at 1OO'C. tins cooker for sterilizing at temperprocessing bottles, lids, etc.

The items needed for tubs for washing cutting kettles shallow

and rinsing boiling,

equipment ; tables, for warming, open pans for

sterilizing sealing or pressure

hand sealing a thermometer atures higher

machines for (autoclave) than 100C

to check the temperature

- a sterilizer

A number of important scribed. important Before points beginning will


of the process

have already

been de-

the descrjption

of the work method a few other of microorganisms filling and more

be mentioned. work pays off in lower levels The time meen may not be lower and jars. and sterilizing by which the given in

Clean and tidy must therefore jars or tins the tables, 2.2.

chance of success of the process. be as short are filled and closed

as possible,

and the temperatures than that

Never use damaged tins

Preparations Specific information and Fruit use only healthy, unbruised fruit and fresh vegetables. in and processing preserves. and cut into vegetables to shrink before as short as possible is to be found in the tables on the following


The general

work method is here described.

a. Vegetables

For canning order

Keep the time between harvest to get the best quality

Wash the produce, cut and remove inedible parts, Cook all small pieces. Work as quickly as possible. them and to keep the number of microorganisms canning. Normally fruit is not cooked. b. Meat and Fish Processing 'growth vegetables. meat to a preserve bacteria bottling pieces is posgible,

as low as possible


the danger of then with but sterilizing smaller

of pathogenic Therefore

is much higher

with meat and fish

of meat is not advised,

is possible. Use only clean pieces


of meat; remove bones, cut into

(a few cm thick),

season where desired.

Brown the meat; big pieces

-12should be partly bigger fresh, pieces. Only fatty healthy cooked before fish fish. Ire suitable frying. Use flat tins, especially Start V- I i-

for heat processing.

Wash them and gut them so that when being removed. raw, fried, the bones, then wash the fish

the intestines in cold fish

do not touch the flesh and, with big fish, water. straight smaller 2.3. 2.3.1. The fish

Remove the head and tail thoroughly or cooked. Big fish Put small fish

can be tinned jars oval tins

up in suitable pieces Processing Canning

or tins (herrings).


somewhat bigger

can be put in flat

h? 2 to be cut into

to go into Techniques

small tins.

After ling water, hot oil, is better that no air

the preparations, are put into broth, into

the products, the jars to a half hot salt

c IIl

warm or heated to the filas quickly as possible, or the 14quid Take care wrder the rim with hot vegetables

temperature, hot cooking put first

or tins

and these are then filled as is indicated

centime&;sr solution,

hot sugar solution, the vegetables.

in the table. the tin or jar, in with

With leafy before the product.

bubbles are sealed composition water. Use boiling

A correct portant.

and temperature

of the liquid

is very im. of the

A sugar solution

of 40% is not 400 grams adding the liquid,

of sugar in 11)OOml water but 400 grams sugar in 600 ml water. Glass jars, product. The sealing table. shallow If it temperature may never be lower and tins than indicated bottles, and tins temperature can be sealed after as long as the sealing has been reached in the middle

in the in a is

is lower,

the jars

must be quickly


water bath until

the temperature

in the middle of the tin

equal or higher temperature Seal quickly 2.3.2.

than the indicated


Always measure the

in the middle of the tin. and apply the recommended heat treatment. With Temperatures unless the jars Up To 100C can be stored canning Conning below 2nC. is not

Canning in Glass

Canning cannot be advised If you live possible, large kettle higher with than 300 a. perforated and you must sterilize

meters above sea level, the foods. rack on the bottom,

is done in a

on which the jars


are placed. with jars be used.

Thi lids Two layers

are attached of jars


clamps to the jars. so that

Other pans can also

wooden racks or cloths in the lower layer

on the bottom to hold the jars can be used, placed above the water. as the jars, temperature. for

the rim of the in the pan are removed to cool on a When the these vegetables without

are just

The water The jars

should be warm or the same temperature when the pan is heated from the pan imnediately shelf jars falling or cloth. are closed off. Table 1 gives should be stored Never eat spoiled storage. 2.3.3, Sterilizing The boiling acid prevents To prevent boiling and jars rolling boils greater table':: water; In A Boiling water processing in a cool, food. times for properly to the proper after

Begin timing

the time is up and allowed up by thelid

Leave the clamps on the jars they can be lifted

a few hours.


The canned below 20C

dark place at temperatures

Before consumption

the vegetables

should be cooked for

15 minutes.

Never eat from jars

which have opened during

Water Bath sour products. with The

bath is used to preserve jars from breaking, into under water. making sure that sterilization start

the growth the glass tins boils during

of any surviving

microorganisms. hot but not yet The tins only bath the process remains at a An open water At the boiling Begintiming the water period. water.

can go straight again, altitudes longer

should be completely boil the entire

when thewater

at 100C for altitudes

up to 300 meters above sea level. at a lower temperature, the same effect, to achieve

the water boils

and the products

must be sterilized

as shown in the

altitude 0 - 300 meters 300 - 600 meters 600 - 900 meters 900 -1200.meters

sterilization a a f l/5 a a + 2/5 a a + 3/5 a

time in minutes minutes minutes minutes minutes a=

example IO minutes 14 minutes 16 minutes

a = 12 minutes a= a=


After be put into


the tins

can be cooled

in cold water, Glass jars

which should be should only can be speeded

changed occassionally up by gradually

to speed the cooling.

cold water when they are luke-warm. adding cold water times are given in table

The cooling 2.

to the hot water

in the sterilizer,

The sterilization 2.3.4. Sterilization

With an Autoclaye I- .

For sterilizing with temperatures higher than 100C a'pressure cooker or autoclave is needed. These high temperatures can be reached only by means of over-pressure. At sea level boils at 115'C. water boils In higher at 121C when the autoclave has one atwater mosphere over-pressure. required temperature. At an ever-pressure As a rule of 0.7 atmosphere extra

areas more over-pressure 0.1 atmosphere The temperature a theater. with

is needed to get the is needed per 1000 cooker has to is the same for

meters above sea level. be carefully a pressure checked with

in the pressure The principle

cooker and an autoclave. the jars be blocked, lids

The general water. in the autoclave. a quarter turn close reached, and pressure

work method is: The holes in the

Cover the bottom of the autoclave Place the basket with basket must not all

steam must be able to pass through. back. system. Apply heat. system up. time starts. as possible This can should build the ventilation the cooking as constant

Remember to give the jar Seal the-autoclave After (the air When the (see table : by regulating Tins: After be done quicker be done slowly When the pressure When the tins Glass jars: gone before mediately.

and open the ventilation

the steam has escaped 10 minutes has been removed) and let necessary temperature is 3) Keep the temperature the heating. the processing with small? and carefully let tins

the over-pressure

the steam escape slowly. than with bigger

ones, but still

as the tins refreshing this

can deform or even burst. can be opened. Remove the tins cold. is them) dry them. now and then to keep it

is again normal the lid (which

and immerse in cold water, are cool Wait until

takes as long as heating cools

the autoclave

down and the over-pressure

Remove the jars and tighten the lids imopening the lid. The disadvantages of glass jars is that they cannot be The safest way is to cool them in the open air until cooked quickly.


they are hand warm and then to put them in cold water. A second technique for sterilization with an autoclave The autoclave use: more is comenergy and water but gives a better product.

pletely filled with water and the tins The process is as -above. The cooling sterilization,

and jars are put into this. can be quickened by slowly reto the autoclave after

moving the hot water and adding cold water


Storage Label them so that one knows should stay below 2O'C. still takes place. temperature. Don't Only the pile The

Store the canned foods in a cool place. The temperature during storage the contents. the cooler storeroom ventilate the better, should with as chemical air spoilage the preserves too tightly; dry air; could rust

should be able to move between them. a constant in warm, humid weather,as Check the product for

also be dry and with avoid ventilation the tins. preserves

condensation spoilage.

Always use the oldest


. General Remarks For Using the Tables: Use as little Use clean herbs and spices salt. If the salt is not pure, heat it on a as possible. These are often a ' source of contamination and purified dry iron sheet above a hot fire.









an autoclave



1: Preparation glass jars

of vegetables (13 liter

and fruit

and processing




product strawberries

preparation wash, sprinkile weight before in sugar, packing and remove pits reduce liquid, with add in packing with let ) of the product stand two hours



apricots applesauce raspberries cherries

peel,;fplit no sugar wash, sprinkle sugar, cherries let

make applesauce,

75% sugar, w


i of the weight Sweet

stand two hours before need 25% sugar solution, 75% syrup 1 hour

wash, remove stems, pack. sour cherries

25% or 75% sugar, cold 40% sugar, 40% sugar, cold cold

pears peaches rhubarb

hard: soft: peel, clean, with sugar.

cook for

peel and cut halve and remove pits cut into Pack with pieces, juices sprinkle weight after in 2 hours. 40% sugar, boil if 1% salt boil for shortly, 10 minutes water boil strain in 1% to the tightly fresh fresh fresh boiling boiling boiling water water water for fresh boiling water solution, wafm strain cold 1 of the product

plums currant juice

wash, (peel), halve wash currants, shortly, cloudy remove stems, simner one hour,

tomatoes tomato puree endive

wash wash tomatoes, and reduce juice cut, salt, jar wash, boil add fresh before cut to jar boiling height,


the vegetables

asparagus snow peas turnip tops


5 minutes remove ends, wash, boil salted liqi:i;! watet for wash, MI for 5 minutes, before in lightly add boiling packing 10 minutes

to the jar


table product peas

1, continued

preparation -. shell, wash, do not boil wash, break, lightly salted use fresh add boiling packing boil for 10 minutes wash, boil with in withwater some salt, before in lightly salted salted

canning fresh fresh

liquid boiling boiling water water

green beans spinach

leaves only. liquid

out water for 5 minutes tightly wash, cut,

to the jar boil



remove tops, salted shell, water clean water cut,

fresh fresh fresh fresh

boiling boiling boiling boiling

water water water water

water for wash, boil

10 minutes in lightly in lightly l-2 minutes

broad beans carrots cauliflower

for 5 minutes and wash, boil for 5 minutes wash, boil for plus salt

product strawberries apricots apple sauce raspberries cherries pears peaches snow peas turnip peas beans (fresh) tops



product, rhubarb plums currant tomatoes tomato puree endive asparagus snap beans broad beans carrots 24 hours cauliflower spinach juice



30 min. 8O'C. 30 min. 8O'C. 30 min. 8O'C. 20 min. 75OC. 30 min. 80C. 30 min. 80C. 30 min. 80OC. 1 hour 100C. 14 hour 100C. 14 hour 1OO'C. repeat after 1 hour 1OO'C.

30 min. 8O'C. 30 min. SOOC. 20 min. 75OC. 20 min. 80'~. 30 min. 80C. l$ hour 1OO'C. 11 hour 1OO'C. 14 hour 1OO'C. 11 hour 1OO'C. 11 hour 1OO'C. 14 hour 1OO'C. 14 hour 100%. I \ ., , -

i \

- lY-

_- --



Table 2: Preparation and 3 liters. and sterilized product apples (whole) apples (slices) apple sauce apricots berries cherries figs

of fruit

and sterilization jars otherwise, water

times of fruit or tins products all

in a boiling of 0.58, 0.85, are blanched

water bath using glass

of fi and 1 liter bath.

Unless stated in the boiling

preparation peel, into peel, blanch tins remove core, in 1% salt boil for 10 minutes, at 82'C. fruit, add minimum wash with sugar and fill and overripe slice and blanch for for 3 minutes, fit tightly

liquid boiling boiling water water or or

20% sugar 20% sugar 25% sugar, 30% sugar, 30% sugar, boiling boiling boiling boiling

3 minutes 5% weight

pulp apples, remove stalks, remove stalks carefully remove stalks, sour cherries remove stalks, 1OOOC

wash, halve and fill

wash (remove pits). add extra boil sugar

in 30% sugar until 65% sugar, fill at fill


the syrup contains grapefruit grapes mango oranges wwa peaches pears pineapple plums rhubarb sauerkraut strawberries peel, jars

remove seeds, split first with liquid wash peel,


40% sugar, 15% sugar,

boiling boiling boiling boiling boiling boiling 8O'C. boiling boiling

remove stalks, steam for peel, peel, boil halve, peel, filling peel, stalks chunks, boil for core, remove seeds,

2 minutes,

slice, jars or tins into segments

40% sugar t 0.25% vinegar, 15% sugar, vinegar,

pack into split


remove seeds, halve or slice for 1 minute remove pits halve,

50% sugar t 0.25% peel, until 25% sugar, 20% sugar, 30% sugar, wash, remove cut i nto glass or tins 20.X: sugar, boiling 30% sugar, bbiling

in water,

keep under water cut into rings fruit, bits, into

remotie any overripe (halve) wash, remove unedible pack tightly 10 minutes wash


and pack hot

remove tops,


table product

2, continued preparation wash, steam 15 seconds, water, remove skins, cut into slices, fill fill immediately peel, dip in cold liquid 0.5% dry salt calcium vinegar chloride, t 0.07%.

tomatoes banana

chloride t 0.1% calcium boiling

3.5% sugar t 0.5%

lychee fruit puree


(halve) fill at 70-8O'C. parts, after blanch hearts in 10% (puree) times

50% sugar t 0.25% vinegar, boiling 3% salt boiling 1.5% salt, boiling t 4% vinegar,

prepare, for

artichoke sweet peppers

remove outer 5 minutes (peel blanch cut, lye),

in 1% vinegar boiling for 3 minutes, sterilization glass 41. -1


sealing temperature

in boiling

water bath (minutes) tins 3.1 1.

apples apple sauce apricots berries cherries figs grapefruit grapes mango oranges papaya peaches pears pineapple plums rhubarb sauerkraut strawberries tomatoes banana '

60 82 60
70 70 95

5 25

5 25

0.58 15 5 15 15 15

0.85 15 5

25 15

25 15


77 95 77 77 71 71 75 ,*

10 20 10 20 20 !5 20 20 10

10 20 10 20 20 35 20 20 Jll
30 10 45 15

20 20 20 10 18
15 10 minutes,

15 15

20 10 30 jr) 30 10 20 20

do not boil


18 20 25 30 TO
25 lc 25 -1 i3

20 30

40 7, L, 2'1 ii1 .,il.

15 1 Lj 15' 1')

82 86 71

IO 45 15


45 10

'.':I 12

30 20.



3: drying




3improved sun dryers: .: _ B: ventilation holes, C: air heater, D: insulation A: glass, F: angle of incidence of the sun E: racks with the to-be-dried product, The arrows show the direction of the air flow. figure 6: a clip

Close bags with



-NC-.&. II




'cold air


7: the "bush drier"


where it artificial 3.4.3.

rains drier


and for

long periods,


is a good idea to keep an drier.

in reserve Drying

or to always use an artificial


Improved Sundrying Drying This raises by regulating temperature The ventilation It over the product techniques relative section protected can write structure 3.1. for goes quicker when the racks are placed through to 60 -75'C. (see figure elpecially in a structure so that the suns rays can enter a glass cover and the warmth is trapped. Over-heating 2). Without can be avoided ventilation the process. it

the temperature the ventilation

can reach 909lOO'C,

at the end of the drying condensation boxes before will a better leading

must be good enough to prevent to heat the air 3). in special giving (figure These techniques possible with

on the glass.

is also possible

speed the sun drying product. These as the in is you high humidity, as explained is that drying

in dry areas (beware of overheating), also make drying moisture decreases An extra

in areas with technique and using

a higher of this building already

temperature, in this

advantage for 4 is

the product boxes. The

from rain.

Should you be interested

method of drying, the technique


shown in figure

Commonly applied;

shown in figure Heatini

5 is less common.

With Fuel or when large when the fuel quantities supply (above 100 kg/day) the air with wood or Vegetables is not a problem. one should consider heating

In wet climates, have to be processed, other fuels, especially with this dry better

of the end product can be obtained Instituut A fire The fire stirred capacity: material: . 1. The Bush Drier The he;lted air

method than in the sun, and the color, odor and taste Two methods will be briefly described to is better. If You are interested, Department 63, Amsterdam, further information AO/OPR, Koninklijk the Netherlands. air.

give an idea of the technique, voor de Tropen, (figure

from Agromisa or from: Mauritskade 7)

in an oven made ft-brn welded i ;n cans heats the surrounding rises through

a th-in Ic;ger of the to-be-dried product on racks. must be watched at a! i times a~til the projluct has to be shaken or intervals. nettic::, wire, wood, nails, 0.1 to 1 ton/day oil one sack rc~-tl., (24 tibl?rs) drums, gal~anix~;I 'iron sh~+ts, d (oment, sancl

at regu9ar





costs, accurate


costs, Instituut Ventilation

high fuel


and attendance from


work is required.

Agromisa or the Koninklijk 2. Air Driers (or air layer air With Artificial ventilator

Instructions can be obtained voor de Tropen (see above).

A motor-powered in a fairly thick

is used to blow warm air through the product, floor.

from the motor be spread of the the air

warmed by a burner) layer depends on the air

which should

on a drying

The maximum thickness Extra heating

speed and the water content importance. wet periods. (see page 34). example for

of the product; of the drying cooperative burner attendance use)


is of lesser during

may be necessary capacity: material: costs:

1 ton or more in 8 hours ( for motor (2 or 3 hp is enough), netting,, costs, accurate material building costs,

ventilators fuel costs, insight

(can be made of wood)

wood, nails, construction: information: 3.5.

and, where needed, a paraffin work and technical


see above addresses

Packing and Storage At the end of the drying period all foreign material air (stems, etc.) Dried ' as pieces which are not yet dry enough. from the surrounding has to take place The product

should be removed, as well vegetables their relative can easily low water content humidity

absorb water and packing drying lowest.

because of

in a dry room. It in the shade can be

is a good idea to finish

in the warmest part

of the day when the products

is at its

can be cooled

and when the work has been done hygienically, packed imnediately. The packing proof. way that (properly waterproof. or a sealing plastic A plastic is the best. cellophane the force with The dried sealed) It material products will is also must be waterproof, can only against

the cooled airtight, insects.

and insectin such a bags gas and a hot iron Normal plastic cellophane This kind of

remain good when stored but are not entirely

they are dry and protected do for possible

some time,

to use polymer-coated is available).

bags (which are water

and airproof). obtained,

These can be closed with and is not too strong.

machine (where electricity

is not so easily

bag of a thicker quality (polyethyleen, 0.05 mm thick) These can be closed tightly with a metal clip or with although the quality of the closure also depends on of the which the bag is closed and on the flexability



material better closed with well

(see figure


The plastic

bags still

have to be stored jars

in a

cool place and must be protected tightly a quantity as well. sufficient


'rats and mice.

to put a number of small bags in bigger Small bags are useful, opening for of the tin. meal. one family oil, varnish, regular

It is therefore or tins which can be will not

as the products

absorb water dispite Gourds can also and smeared with

Each bag can best be filled They must be closed sealing material. lime is someabsorb water the can be stored

serve as packing/storage linseed aedessicant is needed. just 4). before dried After that

material. or other

To be on the safe side, times packed with cium oxide for quicker, products so it the product 100 kg. product

such as slaked

in small paper bags.

About 100 gr. calthan storing can destorage

Ground products use, rather the quality makes longer

is wise to grind (see table

in ground form.


and packed vegetables

for about one year crease quickly. possible. 3.6. Hygiene Drying must therefore -

Cool storage,

as in a cellar,

a product

does not make that quality regularly water.




be avoided.

Work hygienically: and remove all trash promptly. hand should to

Use only drinking Clean equiptment be clean.

- ,A11 workers 3.7.

must have good personal



Persons who are ill touch the food. Wash hands often. See further Preparing

or who have open wounds should not be allowed

remarks about personal Dried Foods For Use


on page 4.

Soak the product water as dried fruit;

in a small quantity For fruit vegetables; soak 8 to 12 hours. as dried

of water

in a covered pan use li to

and using water of good quality. 2) times as much water After minutes soaking

use one to 16 times as much For vegetables, soak 30 minutes, for Powders

do not need to be soaked, cook the product for in the same water fruit). 10 or 15 (not always necessary



Remarks On The Use of Table 4 The following product information

S\ is meant to give an idea of the work

method to be followed. Because the drying circumstances always vary somewhat, the numbers should be seen as an indication rather than as One must experiment to determine method for each situation and product. Extra information specific products can be obtained from the authors. rack capacity: drying. depending characteristics has been given fhe moisture equiptment. The figures for on the relative of the final content itself are based on the use of single artificial humidity product: drying and air will flow speed. of the final is sufficiently without especially itself product dry, since expensive when absolute instructions. the best concerning

racks and sun

The capacity

be the same or higher,

to help determine

A description when the product standards,

is difficult use the local with that given

to determine

When in doubt,

these are in contradiction maximum temperature: fairly easily.

in the table. is difficult temperature temperature air can be measured the air but at the end of the thermometer

The temperature When the product this should with

of the product much water

to measure, but the temperature may be higher.than the drying just against process

of the drying contains be avoided.

the maximum given

in the table, Protect

Measure the air

above the product direct sunlight.

a thermometer.

Table 4: Preparation Product Fruit apricots peaches and mangos plums grapes cherries sort

and Drying Preparation


For Various Drying


Conditions/Remarks -. . -- -.


wash, halve, wash, halve, by quality

remove pits remove pits and size

spread on racks one layer thick with the cut side up the , spread on racks with cut side up large plums should be turned water before s

10 minutes

lye dip,boiling

occassionally dip in boiling packing

no usual pretreatment, sometimes a lye dip given wash and renlove pits speeds drying juice) (this but loses


Product bananas figs apples pears

Preparation peel and cut in half the length or slice partly cut wash, peel, quarter and reremove the core wash, cut in half, tree-dried, in do not



spread on racks with side upward. full sulfite (request sun, thereafter treatment information

the cut shade

move the core and stems pineapple peel and cut

Maximum 2 days in advisable from authors] 6O'C.

maximum temperature Vegetables .: Product!:' Preparation -: .. Blanching time (minutes) greens (spinach) Cabbage select, cut, wash 2 Remarks

and' blanch wash, cut (51m1thick) and blanch imnediately 3-4 moderately storage ,dried 5 - 8 long


remove tops and strings wash,. break by hand


'should not be packed directly in tins; .' or bags


use fresh, clean, slice

young roots,

pppe . 4 - 6

cut with steel

a stainless

remove tops and



wash, peel and remove eyes, wash, slice mm thick 2-3 6

can be powdered to use as a thickener

sweet potatoes

wash, peel and remove eyes, juice , wash, slice to prevent. 2-3 mm thick, dip in lemon

6 - 8

blanch . or boil before

6-8 minutes 20-30 minutes peol'ng; can be

ground to powder

brown discoloration


table Product

4, continued Preparation Blanching (minutes) time Remarks

onions garlic

peel, thick

cut. 3 nun

none none

can be ground to powder can be ground to powder

peel (not necessary when making powder), cut slices 3tmn thick


wash, dip in boiling water, slices thick peel, cut in 7-10 mn


rub paraffin the racks sticking



to prevent

egg plant

remove stem and flower parts, wash and cut in slices 3 mn thick



select, thick

wash, remove 6 mm

after with

blanching cold water


stems, slice chilis (capsicum) select, little cut, pumpkin

remove stems chilis are not none sometimes-blanched big ones are cut 3 - 6 need not peel when making powder

to 5-10 nin pieces remove stem and flower parts, cut, remove slice seeds, peel, 31m1thick

table product

4, continued rack final product description water content (%) max. yield per 100 kg. tgmp. fresh product (kg) ( C) pretreated dried

Fruit apricots peach and mango plums grapes cherries bananas figs apples pears Vegetables greens cabbage beans carrots potatoes sweet potat0 onions garlic tomatoes egg plant okra chilis pumpkin 4 4 5 4 4 6 4 5 5 5 5-7 5 5-7 brittle brittle tough,brittle tough brittle tough,brittle tough,brittle 60 63 65 65 65 60-65 71 70-90 90 90 85 70 4-5 10 9-12 10 7-12 90 9 2.5 4 4 4 5 5 4 4 5 5-7 5 7-8 brittle,cribp tough, brittle brittle,dark brittle hard,brittle hard, brittle . 65 55 68 71 65 71 60-75 85 90 80-85 74 80-85 B-10 6-9 9-12 8-9 11 27 6 6 25 6 6 6 6 15-20 10-14 25 12 15-20 15-20 10-15 4-8 6 18 14t leathery leathery kneadable,pit kneadable leathery hard kneadable,skin; flexible bouyant leathery ' 68 i 65 60 80-85 10 45-20 71 66 68 ! 74 71 74 90 85-90 100 90 80 85 18 15-20 34 7 28 15 20


More information - Solar Drying practical convection Caribbean - Sundrying Agricultural (gives

about drying

can be found in: Climates, a The

of Crops and Foods In Humid Tropical manual on construction solar dryers Institute, ventiliated


and use of enclosed Jamaca, 1973

by James McDowell

Food and Nutrition of Fruits Services Bulletin

and Vegetables and Vegetables and product Cabinet

by Th. Jackson and B.B. Mohammed by E. Reid, AFPRO, New Delhi, for small Produce, India

no 5, FAO, Rome, 1969 information scale processing) Do-ItQuebec, 1966

- How To Dry Fruits technical

- How To Make a Solar Yourself-Leaflet (also Questions - Koninklijk Mauritskade Amsterdam the Netherlands (specialized available Instituut 63

Dryer For Agricultural

number 6, Brace Research Institute, in French) Voor de Tropen (agricultura

can also be sent to: 1 research dept.)

in artificial of McGill 800


and specific



- Brace Research Institute MacDonald College Quebec, Canada (for more information about sun drying) University Ste Anne de Bellevue


4. Preservation 4.1.

Of Vegetables

With The Aid Of Salt

Introduction One of the oldest methods of preserving food is by salting. is a simple and cheap method of preserving if salt is plentiful disadvantages, only be salted for "acid especially when there fermentation", value. when large nutrients are needed. and should, available, like Vegetables in fact, lose much of their

This and cheap, amounts fresh

However, the method has its of salt salting, vegetables products of salt

through cannot be used. can produce good The quality

are surplus

and when other

methods of preserving

The use of small amounts of salt, sauerkraut,

which has good nutritional one wishes or heavy brine

needed depends on the vegetables amounts of salt of salt

to preserve.

Use of large growth.

A !:5 ratio and they therefore being used. It's with

is added to vegetables gives

to stop microorganism a very salty taste water several times before

This method of preserving This results

the vegetables

need to be soaked in fresh in the loss of large and less Vinegar or light labor Large quantities brine

amounts of nutrients. intensive of salt than preserving can be added dry or

an easy way of preserving small amounts of salt. solution (brine).

as a salt

sometimes has to be added as well. to create appreciated 1:20, light I proper taste. brine condition The or less method, as

Use of small amounts of salt Enough salt for The acid gives proportion as light salt brine brine. those microorganisms the product of salt

is added to the vegetables a special, often

which form acids which .preserve is about

the vegetables.

to vegetables When vinegar The brine

to be added as dry salt

is also added to this of salt success. will shrink

is needed.

method is easier for odor, salted longer

than the dry salt

gives an even distribution is a condition The color, for although With the dry salt

and vegetables.

This even disas liquid leaves than with


method the product and taste or pickled cooking needed for instructions,

the product. the brine.

are better vegetables salting will


The preparation fresh product chapter. vegetables, data, A description

is the same as for

times are sometimes necessary.' and the special be given in this

of the equiptment followed by exact


4.2. Salt:

Requirements This should salt be finely granulated prepacked vinegar steel. and without a drying this agent. Disby

infect Vinegar: ceramic,

which isn't the salt other or cider

or which is locally with



on a metal sheet and heating vessels:

over a hot fire.

Use white glass

a 495% concentration. made from pine wood should The jars with clean, plate. stainless plate A pressure jars (figure

Jars and crocks,or be avoided hot water. Muslin Pressure steel cloth: plate:

These can be made of wood, plastic, Barrels of the vegetables.

or stainless

as they can change the taste

must be very clean.

Wash them in hot soda water and rinse over vegetables or grid

This is laid

and under the pressure glass,

The cloth

is used to remove the froth This is a plate A weight smaller of the liquid

from the surface of wood, ceramic, 8).

of the vegetables.

or plastic.

is put on top of this (see figure than the diameter is not needed. plate

to keep the vegetables The pressure certain

under the surface should be slightly plate g), Weight: level glass correct Knives: which catches

of the vessel.

under the neck can be used with

in which case a weight of the liquid. jar. a measuring steel cup: knives

This is put on the pressure The weight

to keep the vegetables

under the

can be a clean

stone or a water-filled

Scales and/or

These are needed to weigh or measure the salt and vinegar. are needed to cut the vegetables.

amounts of vegetables, Stainless





Preparations The vegetables must be prepared properly before salting. Table 5 the

gives directions for preparing a number of vegetables best salting method for each type of vegetable. Table 5: Preparation method for Product cabbage lettuce swedes turnips green beans and of vegetables each vegetable for type. salting

and indicates

and the best salting

Preparation remove outer shred wash,remove outer shred wash well; cut into utes; brine remove tops and bottoms; small pieces tips; short blanch pieces; 5 minwhole leaves and stalk; leaves and stalks;

Method light light light light light salting salting salting salting, brine

wash; cut off cut into method

heavy salting,

beans can be used with sweet corn peas boil shell; wait the cobs for with until

the light

10 minutes; method do

heavy salting heavy salting heavy brine

remove kernels the heavy brine repacking shelling; the 5 minutes see peas okra into small pieces cut into is needed see peas heavy brine light light brine brine and leaves; no cutting from big vats

to small pots before not use overripe heavy brine brown beans okra cauliflower see peas cut ripe small with green tomatoes beets kale beet tops onions sweet pepper see green tomatoes trim leaves; remove stalks pieces;

peas with

method; blanch

the heavy brine


wash well,

do not slice

see green tomatoes use the light brine

wash well;

whole leaves see kale remove dry skins cut 'lengthwise; remove seeds and stem see kale heavy brine heavy brine


4.4. 4.4.1.


Methods (20 - 25%)

Heavy Salting

Mix the vegetables and the salt well, using 250 gram per kilo of vegetables. Fill the crocks with the mixture of vegetables and salt, cover with muslin cloth, the pressure plate, and a weight, as shown in figure plate jars. 8. After infections the crocks and store brine Add brine (250 gram salt per liter product water) until the pressure into smaller from is just submerged. must be repacked Pour the remaining jars, until should only be big enough to contain in an opened jar. product Fresh brine in the smaller enough for one meal, as liquid the vegetables tightly

about two weeks the salted appear quickly over the salted covered.

These jars

are completely

may be needed.

Seal the jars

them as cool as possible. the vegetables vegetables soaking, before the salt has to be removed. for water). therefore Pour offzthe half a day the vegetables ( 1 kilo during drain. Soak the vegetables in 10 liters should

Before using and let water in fresh

The vegetables be avoided

loose nutrients where possible,

and this use.

for example,

when the vegetables

are to be used in soup.

Always cook the vegetables 4.4.2. Heavy brine Fill several figure water) tables. salt fresh 8). the crocks layers (20%) or, jars


the prepared the pressure the pressure

vegetables, plate, plate

cover with (see per liter submerged. 200 grams the crocks water) after at Add when about two After where necessary

of muslin

cloth, until

and the weight is just sprinkle Store

Pour the brine quantity

(200 gram salt

+ 65 gram vinegar

over the vegetables To maintain

The required per kilo brine

of brine the proper

is about half salt

of the volume of the vegeplate.



over the pressure the vegetables

21925'C and make sure that (200 grams salt necessary. The vegetables weeks. repacking so that Shell

remain under the brine. per liter jars

+ 65 grams vinegar

have to be packed into this add the old brine are submerged.

smaller hasn't

peas and brown beans if

been done yet. brine tightly.

the vegetables the vegetables

plus fresh

Close the jars of vegetables 10 limit nutrient

Before use the vegetables excess salt. water. Avoid soaking

should be soaked for half

a day to remove of fresh Cook the loss.

Drain and Soak one kilo where possible

in one liter


vegetables 4.4.3. Light


use. (2.5 - 5%)


Mix the prepared vegetables with salt (25 grams salt per kilo vegetables, for green beans 50 grams of salt + 50 ml. vinegar per kilo). Fill plate doesn't water). vegetables froth 4.4.4. If smaller jars it the vegetables containers after with are to be kept longer fermentation. The fermented a screw cap. plus, product they have to be repacked fermented is packed tightly fresh water. the lid (for into brine Close closed water 1 liter This jars). and into glass until Vegetables Pour brine in small jars the crocks with the vegetables with several as in figure a few hours, water. and salt layers 8. mixture, packing tightly. from the If this plus per liter The Skim the in section Cover the vegetables and the weight, happen within Brine will vegetables, of muslin The salt cloth, the pressure brine.

draws the liquid

which should gradually for french per liter

become covered with add brine Store

( 25 grams of salt at 20-25'C. 2-3 weeks. as expiained

beans should be made from 50 grams of salt the crocks lasting

50 ml. of vinegar regularly

begin an acid fermentation from the surface

of the vegetabies,

do not need repacking. of 0.5 - 1 liter is covered,

over the product

using the old brine air

where necessary, per liter

made from 25 grams of salt * the jars bath for The jars process 4.4.4. but make sure that it a quarter ( for 25 minutes will Light Fill jars then giving

plus 50 ml. vinegar turn back.

can escape by twisting Heat the jars jars) immediately after or 30 minutes

in a boiling heating.

0.5 liter closed the contents

should be tightly pasteurize Brine (5%)

and stop fermentation.

or crocks


the prepared


and cover with


muslin cloth, the pressuPeplate,and (50 grams of salt + 50 ml. vinegar You will plate is just submerged. vegetables An acid froth in brine. Keep the jars will fermentation re!lularly jars

the weight, as in figure 8. Add brine per liter water) until the pressure need about half or crocks of the volume of the place (+15'C.). . in a cool

take place during the next 2-3 weeks. Remove the After the fermentation it is best to repack (see below). inio smaller ur\ti! jars with screw lids. Pack and add brine the vegetabltis are submerged. can be made usrng 5!? grams of' salt plus 50 ml. .

the veget.ables the glass Where necessary

from the crocks t<ghtly frtesh brine


vinegar the twist

per liter lid and the jars

water. give it for

Close the jars a quarter water jars).

so that


can escape by closing the contents 0.5 liter imnediately for tightly use. after a few days with

turn back.


by heating

in a boiling 1 liter

bath (25 minutes Close the jars and rinsed

jars and 30 minutes after heating. The vegetables Removing froth A white other when fermenting microorganisms. in the vegetables. The froth plate cloth. place during layer with If

need only be drained fermentation will of froth


appear on the vegetables brine is left and light salt

the light this froth

methods (sometimes of undesirable it will

methods as well).

This is caused by the growth undisturbed

use up the acid smell and taste and pressure on the and reout quantities.

from the fermentation

process and can cause an unpleasant removing the weight cloth, keeping plate

is best removed by first lifting together the muslin with 8.

and carefully Rinse this,

the froth and weight, in large

the pressure

these as shown in figure day, especially

This treatment


be carried

every.other 4.5. Warning

when the froth

is produced

Peas, beans, sweet corn and greens preserved be cooked for vegetables, thrown out. It level is important that the vegetables Vegetables 10 minutes that before them. or slimy, or that use. even to test



always have to

Do not eat uncooked preserved have a bad Smell, must be

are soft

are always

kept submerged below the

of the liquid. can be found in: by salting or brining of Agriculture number 1932, US-Department

More information Preservation Farmer's Bulletin

of vegetables


5. Preserving

in Acetic

Acid by pickling vegetables in acetic (cabbage, meat and fish acid. This method onions, cucumber), herring, have has to

Foods can also be preserved of preserving fruit (lemons, can be done with olives)


and sometimes with


To obtain a product which can be stored, the foods first rollmops). to be salted and heated before being put into vinegar. When ordinary be heated . vinegar in a closed other vinegar pan. is used (5% acetic acid in water), it

made of enamel or stainless corrodes The acetic has to be lower lowing pickling vegetables water) cooled filled acetic quid. vinegar solution, use clean a cool, storing with sugar. vinegar. local for vinegars vinegar The following or fruits several

Because of this, the utensils should be steel. The high acid concentration of the of 4%. (The pH The folacid) or

materials. this can be checked with or cider used: vinegar pH papers). (5% acetic acid). and prepared per liter and are

acid should have a minimum concentration than 3.5; can be used: white (concentrations are put into hours, At this depending salt a boiling

vary up to 100% acetic heavy brine solution,

method is generally

The cleaned

(200 grams of salt brought (with to a boil,

on the size and shape of the product. the product herbs and spices The jars warm The acid Always and in

They are next put into to 70-80C. if necessary, acid

temperature the brine)

but without so that all

is transferred

to jars.

to 1.5 cm. under the rim and the product pieces are covered vinegar 2 for The jars are filled, white therefore, distilled concentration as quickly first

is covered with

by at least

i cm. of the liacetic dilution.

to 0.5 cm under the rim. or the stronger of about 5% after information as possible (lactic 4). fruit acid If

used, either glass airy jars

must have a final

(see chapter Store

about cleaning

types of jars). Gurkins

Close the jars place,

and cool quickly fermentation).by in crocks, there with after

the products

as cool as possible. solution

are sometimes fermented jars

them for

some time in a salt-vinegar (see chapter

which they are packed into

is no experience water and turns into

this process. eaution is advised. Vinegar can be home-made by fermenting A kind of wine is produced first, Experiment ingredients.


which subsequently

to find the best way to make w?ne and vinegar using Information on fernlenting fruit juices is available

from Agromisa.


6. Preserving candied 6.1.


By Jam and Juice



of syrups,




Introduction There are several possible methods of preserving been dealt with fruit. Canning,

sterilizing chapters.

and drying

have already

in the preceding jams and

This chapter jellies. A fruit Apricots with fore


the possibilities

of making juice,

This can be done with all fruit; fruit mixtures can also be used. mixture often gives a better, more rounded taste in the final product. and peaches combine very well juices grapefruit, not just according with or apricot before to your life with fruit All pots, glass, with orange or grapefruit Pineapple The juices juice. mixed i can also be mixed. juice. use. is often

Orange and grapefruit orange, preserving,

are best mixed be-

in the mixtures no effect It

Choose the proportion of the fruit individual taste. The proportions have The following methods are of these two. and of causing sometimes slightly comes into plastic. conAvoid ~ should be made be attacked taste

on the storage is best to start increases product. steel, Overripe

of the product. fresh,

based on preserving Moldy fruit musty tasting tact, of stainless by the acid zinc layer and possible 6.2. flaking

sugar or heat or a combination undamaged fruit in a tasteless, with cans, which the fruit the product

which is not overripe.

the chance of spoiling results materials kettles, tools

food poisoning.

such as knives,

pans, and bottles, as these will in a metallic

undamaged enamel or good quality and kettles, resulting The acid can dissolve materials,

using aluminum or galvanized in the fruit. of the galvanized zinc Fruit fruit poisoning. Juices juices

the aluminum and the

Preserved longed boiling juice. indicated that will Packing

keep their


taste except

and attractive with

color Prothan is juices


they are not heated for or heating 6. Therefore, in table be bottled

too long or at a too high a temperature. changes the taste, The extraction any longer

tomato and apricot

take care not to heat the juice and heating or canned.

is the same for

materials (see also Chapter 2) - ..-Jars and hottles of 0.5-i liter are best.



than 1


are less suitable, hold twice Jars: lids Follow

as they need a longer and easier



One liter bottles,

bottles as they (boil), lids, and

are of course cheaper and keep in hot water

to use than 0.5 liter

as much juice.

Clean jars or bottles with soda,sterilite (95'C -1OO'C) until ready for filling. instructions use. with metal tops. a plastic Always use layer for heating the jars,

the manufacturers rubbers. just before

and sealing

If no instructions

are available,

heat the jars

in hot water Use bottles tops that while

Bottles: clean inside product, taste

which can be closed

have never been used.

Tops with

on the the

are the best.

Bottle tops with a cork layer inside can infect those with metal foil on the inside can give a metallic Bottle top sealers, sealer as shown in figure is properly 10, Make sure that the bottle adjusted,

and food poisoning. the instructions bottles: A burning Bottling

are available. following Sulphured method. the ribbon uith

from the manufacturer in sulphured ribbon bottles

and those in chapter is a special is full


preserving bottle vapor closed the cork.

piece of sulphur place.

is put into

the,washed of sulphur The

and the cork is put into

When the bottle down for

is removed and doused in a bowl of water. 10 minutes out of the bottle, extraction of fruit

the top and is held upside

to disinfect filled. ways.

The vapor is let . The juice the juice as possible traction the fruit filter or filling Heat before apricots berries red cherries peaches b 'three methods it as little after and it

which is then quickly can be done in three

With all and to expose as quickly exPress and sterilization ----.extraction

is important as possible the extraction. gives

to work as quickly to the open air. Heating

as possible

Use the juice Heating after

the fruit

helps the juice of the juice. extraction for

the juices as possible,

a deeper color. heat the juices the desired --.

also deactivates

the enz,ymes in the fruit, as quickly in a boiling



water bath until


has been reached. extraction rhubarb tomatoes plums purple

(see table) Do not heat before apples. morrel citrus ----.-(sour) cherries clriten grapes


grapes _ __. _-.--.-_.

-. *----.

fruit ---- -----

-5oMethod 1 The extraction Figure juice can be cleared

of fruit

juice basket it

requires press.

a fruit

press or a fruit

mill. The a

11 shows a popular

by heating

This method gives cloudy juice. to 60C and then straining it through

cloth (use a clean, washed, finely woven cloth such as muslin or several layers of cheese cloth). The advantages of this juice is that it retains the smell and nutritional value of the fresh fruit, because the juice is extracted Method 2 Clean the fruit, very little without obtained Method 3 Steaming of fruit lot pits). water cloth of clear juice. The fruit in the kettle and is collected for The material lid with without holes is a labor intensive method which, however, gives a Wash and cut fruit into pieces (if necessary remove the is put into a juice steamer (see figure 12). Bring the to a boil the juice hard fruit and allow pan. the steam to develope. the juice fruit this drips For soft The steam through the from the fruit; about 14 hours. steamer is: a plate a kettle or pan with a in the pottery be of galvanized which is laid the juice (muslin (glazed metal water until cloth, onto a wet muslin pressing with crush and cut into sufficient put this but this liquid into will pieces. a sieve, be cloudy. Next heat the fruit and let juice. the juice drip is with has been removed. Turn the mass without boiling.

or stirring.

This gives a clear

More juice


and the heat extract about one hour,

in a small

method takes

needed for a juice ( a wash kettle hole),

or sterilirer'made or grate to catch white cloths

a cork in the thermometer

bottom of the pan; a small enamelled pottery, which is put on the plate before using); can sometimes contain sure to enquire sible),one paper) apples, without fruit acid

pan or bowl or a dish of glazed or grate

a lead compound which can cause lead poisoning; two boiled weave, to be pulled to catch methods, fruit

where posover the

of coarse weave and one of fine or pan; a piece of strong on the cloth all three with

edge of the k&ttle

parchment paper (grease-proof the condensation. mentioned, can are best squeezed extraction or as a base for sour juices, but as already

to be put over the fruit One can use most fruit morrel heating yoghurt. cherries, (method 1). Before bottling

green grapes and citrus The fruit pulp left

over after

be used as a spread on bread (add sugar where necessary) the extracted juices, By mixing to them, or the juices can be mixed.

one can add sugar'and/or sweet with

no expensive

sugar has to be added,



of Fruit

Juices can be kept in cleaned can also be kept this It is better the bottles, before filling in a pan or kettle, to prevent constantly. especially boiling stirring boiled preferably scorching. Juice with a flame is in is is but The juice preserved the juice Stir cannot or sterilized and sulphured or sterilize or sterilized these. first and

Sour fruit bottles. spoiling The juice pasteurize Method 1: divider, brought this cloudy. placed thoroughly treated


Other juices is greater. and then fill Pasteurizing where available, to the boiling Better inside results a larger and fill

way, but the chance of in two ways. One can first

to pasteurize

can be pasteurized This last can be heated point,

or one can'fill

the bottles

then pasteurize. The juice

method is preferable.

on the fire

way will

have a mildly

taste, contains or jars.

when the juice water.

can be achieved pan&which the bottles

when the pan with a thermometer). Tomato juice

gently be

and heat to 88'C (check with in this way because of its (see below). is ready for filling,

Remove the pan and must be boiled or jars or jars from im-

from the fire and sterilized the hot water mediately juice temperature of the juice reheated for minutes. vessels 5 minutes. after to fill

low acid concentration, remove the bottles Fill all

When the juice

or reopen the bottles musn't fall




to the brim with

the hot juice. again to the top, below 85'C.

Remove any froth Keep the juice happens,

and add extra at the proper The temperature must be 3'

( hold above a fire

or in a hot water bath). If this and invert

the juice

to 85'C.

Put the tops on the bottles Close the lids on the jars or jars of bottles the bottles (see cooling pasteurizing from the hot water bath, removing any spills, Ordinary with bottles corks,

them imnediately them for Cool the


and invert surface. below). quickly

Do not place turning before

on a cold

and jars, drain

Method 2: Filling immediately lid

Remove the bottles must be cleaned are placed sterilized well,

and fill ring with or with a a and

to 2 cm. under the rim. on the jar.

When using jars before

the neck of the jar loosely

the sealing a pieces

are sealed


which are secured wilh a hole in the center, water Bring btltil the wattr it

of strin!]

damp piece of cellophane piece of string. Fill juice or to 75'C. a kettle (for

agas? secured with thp level :~il (for for

or pan with or jars, pasteurizing)

&aches to the

of t.he sterilizing) After

in the bottle

and heat the bottles

20 minutes.

-52this, take the bottles squares. out of the kettle, Cover the bottles (for press the corks with a cloth securely cool into over to

the bottles

or place a second piece

of damp cellophane

(without and let

a hole)

the cellophane

hand temperature (*60C). Cooling of jars and bottles When the bottles into This bottles the water is drained or jars with a big crock or pail is repeated

method 1 and 2): hot to the touch they can be placed After a few minutes l/3 of and replaced with cold water.

are still

hand warm water. or pail

from the crock

once or twice.

&re put into ed directly

To remove the last of the heat, the jars or cold running water for 5 minutes, but the flow should at the bottles. but this time can be reduced process. The and jars dur ing the cooling a dark, the juice

The cooling Storage

takes about 30-40 minutes, and jars dry and put them into the longer and bottles will the jars boxes. prepared will juices

somewhat by moving the bottles of the bottles Wipe the bottles lower the storage storage packed in cardboard Hygienically stored and their loss will color is available,

cool and dry place. will keep,


If no dark

must be wrapped in paper or quickly, for even if they are the

not spoil

in warmer places. be faster

However, they will At higher


loose taste Long storage

and vitamins, is possible which



example 20C.,

than at a lower regularly for


at tempentures

of 0-5OC. fungus and remove any bottles of these bottles. If the taste is of the Never use the contents in a boiling (quantity increase

Chect the bottles show signs of spoilage. Preservation Tomato juice

of tomato juice is preserved water bath. citric acid This will ripe depending on the quantity the chance of success with Boil the pieces per liter the.

acceptable;add 0.3-0.5% tomatoes) aefore boiling. juice. Use only healthy, and press the obtained seeds and to soften of juice other juices.

tomatoes with a fine

a deep color. colander a teaspoon

pulp through acid.

or sieve to remove the of salt is the same as with a boiling water method

the mass. juice

Add, to taste, is poured into are placed 2 for

or 3-5 grams of citric The boiling The bottles 15-20 minutes water bath). and jars

The bottling into

the bottles

and the bottles bath and for using

are closed. heated for a boiling

( see chapter

the correct



The Preparation Where storage

of Lemonade Concentrates space is limited or bottles are hard to get, of this one can much


make lemonade concentrates.

The disadvantage with the juice

is that

sugar is needed for this. With most fruits one starts section liquid acid, acid with 6.2, juice extraction). sugar per liter first corks Fruits juice kjlo of juice


by method 2 (see

The juice is brought is added and dissolved while and finally and let cool, cooled.

to the boil and 1.5 kg stirring. The

is skinzned (where necessary) dissolve in hot water is then mixed with or cellophane. such as berries, through lemon juice juice until cherries,

hen using citric The lemon juice or citric the bottles. Close

the syrup and this

is poured into

plums, and the like grapefruit, acid solution stirring. etc.

are ground down are squeezed. The and 1.5

raw and forced is sieved,

a sieve;


or citric added while all

added to taste The liquid

sugar per liter regularly these tightly. Jelly

is then covered, bottles

but stirred and close 6.4. Fruit Jelly or citric

sugar is dissolved.

This can take a day the syrup into

or even longer.

When the sugar is dissolved,pour

Preparation from fruit juice and sugar (and, where necessary, lemon

IS prepared

acid solution).

The juice

can be from one or more types of fruit. extraction). juice are especially Slowly

Extract the juice with method 3 (see section 6.2, juice Apple, grape, red currant, black currant, and elderberry good for making jelly. Reduce the fruit A general juice recipe is given below: to 2/3 of the original

volume by boiling. stirring. mass until jars with

add 3 kilo sugar per liter of reduced juice ,while sired, lemon juice or citric acid. Boil the jelly when sprinkled off any froth these setting, sides. Another follows: necessary recipe for jelly, of juicti or citric which uses less fuel to the boil acid as Ltiell). onto a plate from the jelly. with paper. this has'to The jelly and cooled, Fill well-cleaned a metal, glass,

Add, if dea few drops, Skim and seal or with wax; after seal all is as for ; '

have the thickness or plastic

of jelly. the jelly lid,


cellophane, be covered with


can also be covered with a second layer

hot paraffin

to compietely but more sugar, Boil 'th? liquid


a liter

and add 1.5 kilo

sugar (if

add lemon juice


5 minutes scribed pectin)

(remove froth above. or with Jelly albedo

where necessary). can also be made with (the white


the jars

and close

as deon the


(see directions

of an orange peel).

6.5 Makina Candied Fruit Preservation the osmotic product fruit largely slowly with sugar is based on the effect in a product; "dries out". of sugar to increase water milk from the used with (sweetened depends fruit is


the sugar withdraws

and the product (candying

The method is mostly this

or jam making) but can also be used with The.:energy and expense needed for and the circumstances. sugar until decay is impossible. ripe for picking, with

condensed milk). impregnated


on the product that

With candying,the

the sugar concentration is first

is so high peeled and until

(&65-70% sugar) Fresh fruit, cut into pieces

at the most just or slices pierced with

l-2 cm thick. a fork.

These are boiled

in water

they can be easily and soaked overnight sugar solution the boil is repeated

The fruit pieces in a 30% sugar solution (by weight). being allowed to stand overnight. contains refraction *72X sugar. a sugar refractometer,

are then boiled After this the brought to This process The sugar a small, handy and

is increased until

by 10% and the mass is momentarily

again before

the sugar solution in which the light in the liquid. several are kept for afterwards. as well

concentration cheap apparatus, centage The fruits

can be checked with

index is measured in persaturated If this with sugar solution is not by boiling a generous acid, etc). and a

sugar present

weeks in this

of H2% and dried must consist available, concentrated dash of acid This converts fructose. 6.6. Jam making Jam preserves A few recipes for

To prevent


the sugar solution

of glucose "inverted" solution (vinegar,

as beet or cane sugar.

sugar can be used. lemon juice, into citric invert

This can be prepared 20 minutes hydrochloric a mixture acid, sugar,

of beet or cane sugar for

the saccharose

of glucose


by the sugar action,



the fruit.

jam making are given: Method: weigh and cut larger pieces of fruit into parts.

1. Volume Reduction Clean the fruit,


heat the fruit soft. cooking quickly fruit) gradually Boil


a small amount of water Reduce the fruit

in a wide pan with original

a lid


Mash the fruit.

to 2/3 of its

volume by

in an open pan. Stir the sugar (3 kilo per kilo of fresh into the fruit mass and boil For another few minutes. or citric well acid. have the (see lid, so a few drops, scattered on a plate with a metal, and cooled, the jam. glass, with

When the jam is very sweet add a few drops of lemon juice the jam until thickness of jam. Skim the mass if necessary. section 5.1) and fill them as full as possible jars liquid that all immediately paraffin with paper. wax. damp cellophane After setting and/or this or a greaseproof

Clean the jars

Close the or plastic of hot

The jam can also be covered

a layer

is covered with

a second layer

sides are sealed.

2. Extra Sugar Method: Boil juice the fruit after Boil cleaning and cutting until of fresh soft. fruit, Mash the fruit plus lemon Follow the inand gradually structions 3. Pectin Pectin a preserving closed add 1.5 kilo for method 1 for Method: is a jellying agent. agent used to set the jam. follow Apple pulp (apple It is not, for however, use en(the white If you buy pectin, the directions of sugar per kilo filling

where desired.

the mass for another and sealing.

5 Ijnutes.

in the package.

sauce) or ground albedo

of orange peel) 4. Light Boil lemon juice (see section the jars the twist down. with lids

can be used instead (chutney, soft with and boil inner

of pectin, fruit puree) Add sugar plus, extra. where desired, Clean jars Close Give it into Relids. until

Sugar Method: the fruit to taste, 5.1) rings, until and fill

and then mash.

the mass for a few minutes the hot mass to 4-l and twist closing; pan and fill gently lids, glass with for

cm under the rim. or glass lids water place

metal lids in a large

a quarter

turn back after

are clamped the jars

Place a rack or cloth Bring 2. the water

reaches the neck of the jars. the pan. in chapter move the jars

Heat the water and boil

(&70'C.).and using after

to a boil

20 minutes.

from the water and cool gradually, should be uqed I;lirly quickly

the method described is opened.

The product

a jar



of Chutney. of fruit (tomato, onions, rhubarb, etc.) use 1 dl. ginger table vinegar Spanish peppers, powder and mus-

With one kilo

(5%), 125 gram brown sugar,

tard powder to taste. Heat the sugar in the vinegar until dissolved, add the rest and boil the chutney until thick. Complete the preparations using the recipe for jam making. Mannelade is made from citrus which case p&tin time, per kilo Addresses use are: - Mather and Platt England - International 94063, USA Machinery Corp., Co., Breedstraat 3, St. Niklaas Waas, Belgium California - James Dole Engineering 1400 Industrial Way, Redwood City, Ltd. Food Machinery Dept., Radcliffe , Manchester, of jam. for ordering simple hand equiptment and information about their is not needed. sodium benzoate-can fruit. The peel can also be used, in When the jam is to be kept for a long be added as a preservative, using up to 250 mg.

1. 2. 3. 4.

press to be pressed fruit sieve and cloth juice collector 11: A Fruit Press


10: A metal bottle

top sealer


Z' -3'



cork jr! the thermometer hole

musUn_ c!cath
.,: tied around the lid

P /+

parchment paper coarsely woven cloth

\ .


sterilizer )r:washkettle

rnamelled pan?...)r ston&dr6 dish

I 1 I.. Al SC (II;,I, F/ii $;,


' steam

finely woven cloth as a juice filter

: : juice j;il'I'jl!j y-i:i; --. .;..; -zT:.l:. q--r _. -.-. y-'-'IT-7 -_- - :. w~Ad-~~-t&/;

m. :. .. . - -,: : -- - 'I. _;- .. -'-7Fx. ,'.I_+: - water for evaporation n;;np--. supporting rack or plate heat source 12: A juice steamer

Table 6: Instructions All when Fruit Apples juice



extraction without is desired.

from various sugar;

types of fruit.

can be preserved

sugar need only be added

a sweetened taste

Preparation wash; use juice mill (fine) ripe fruit; centrifuge, hand press or vegetable

Extraction do not heat; through cloth boil strain or bag in a little soft, steamer cloth; use a or ' press .. a clean

Sugar none

apricots and peaches

use solid

wash, remove stems

water until use a juice

1 part sugar + .4 parts water + .5parts 1 part part juice juice citrus or + 1 juice 1


wash and crush the ripe berries; heat to 8O'C.

press through filter juice or steamer

where desired: part juice I part 3 parts sugar + juice

sugar + 1 part

straw L berries cherries and morrels citrus fruit

see berries wash, remove stems and pits cut, heat to 80C. [not for morrels) remove navels do not heat and seeds;

see berries press through filter juice steamer; do cloth;

where desired: part parts none sugar + 9 juice

not press the peel; do not remove pulp; use a coarse sieve a fine/none; cloth .none salt to taste

tomatoes purple I grapes

use well



press through sieve press through or cloth

wash; remove long stems; dip dn a muslin boiling ba&.iv'* 30 sec. 10 min. water for


chop, let stand for wash; crush blue and green grapes plums


steamer cloth bag; filter

none none

wash; remove stems; chop remove seeds; heat blue grapes to 71'C; use ripe crush, 1 kilo do not heat green grapes plums; wash and add 1 1. water fruit; to heat to 82'C

press through or cloth

* .press through cloth or cloth bag; filter

1 part 4 parts

sugar + juice


table Fruit plums

6, continued Preparation until soft or juice steamer cloth t part 8 parts sugar + juice bag; filter press through or cloth until or juice steamer Extraction Sugar

(cont.) rhubarb

wash; cut wash and cut into pieces; per kilo boiling wash and cut add 2 1. water fruit;heat


7. Simple Techniques 7.1. -2 plant plant Introduction

For Preserving

Meat and Fish

For a well-balanced imum quantity as well protein high protein used as cattle one can preserve of protein as animal sources only. fodder

diet origins.

it's necessary

to have a daily


of a mincan come from these on

(among other


This quantity

When meat and/or fish are available, must be used to the best advantage. One canlive Vegetables when there or even some vegetable is surplus. sources protein

waste should only be

those animal

It is therefore necessary that which are not needed for im-

For this, effective but simple preserving methods, which can be used under local circumstances, are necessary. In this chapter we will mention a few of these. Proper preservation are excellent Through poisoned. undesirable microorganisms their drying, enter growth, or is strongly feeding the action of fish cultures and meat is necessary for microorganisms therefore because these foods fungi, yeasts, etc.). or can even be is that all for one (bacteria,

mediate consumption.

of these microorganisms technique as possible. strongly water The most important

the meat can spoil rule with preserving

The preserving organisms.

must stop the growth of these one has to kill or impossible

must work as hygienically or at least slowed when smoking.

By preserving unsuitable growth.

or else make the circumstances slow their is withdrawn

Microorganism growth from the meat or fish, as in salting, particles from the fire which . These substances in

Smoking also releases the growth Another salami) agents. possibility

the meat and impair

of the microorganisms.

work as preserving

is to make the meat more acid, This happens, for example, yoghurt and cheese). bacteria redisis Harm-

to stop the growth of harmful sorts of sausages (like less-microorganisms Another lower possibility the temperature


or when meat is kept in vinegar. of microorganisms The growth

can also be used to sour (as with to stop the growth of the product. the product

is to substantially temperatures

of harmful

stopped by cooling below -loot. quires a lot After spoilage sible. bags), against cuss this

below 3'C.

For long term storage, Because deep freezing we will

are necessary method here. the preserving

(deep freezing),

of energy and is often process

too expensive the storage

not further

conditions as cool (jars,

must i nsure that and as dry as poscans, small plast ic

cannot take place. If possible With larger packaging

This means storing packaging barrels) (sacks,

make use of smaller and rodents).

measures have to be taken

verrwin ( insects




and Drying

of Meat with salting and drying of meat when both

Best results techniques

are obtained

(it able chance of success low 10C. First The salt (especially grains, possible metal coloring nitrite

are used in combination. In this case drying salting). if With temperatures should be fairly grains speed). on its

One can also salt meat by pickling is not used, Pickling has B reasonis done at temperatures life is rather One cdn use ordinary as from microorganisms). process . To kill on a use The The taste (invisible Salting of salt Good of coarse and fine than 1.6mm. layer one can also red color. any spoiled health exceeded. be lost. in a thin on the salting smaller besalt. short.

the work and storage and salting.

above 10C the storage pure (chemically as well

a few comments about salt

The size of the salt

can have an effect has a diameter

Recommended is a mixture heat the salt salt

in which 40% of the salt microorganisms salt, sheet over a hot fire. which consists action however, of nitrite, has a preserving

in the salt, Besides

using normal salt

of 99.4% ordinary is that should

and 0.6% nitrite.

and makes meat keep its it camoflages is bad for not, of salt! therefore,be nutrients will

disadvantage deterioration). itself give salting dividually cess salt

in the meat and that

an excess of nitrite,


The given ratio taste

is not the same as using a lot the meat a very salty means that the salt and thoroughly can be reused

Large concentrations

and extra Salt

is rubbed in well. rubbed in. it

Every piece has to be inThat is why exby heating) of meat:

is expensive,


has been disinfected of salting

Diagram of possible

combinations dry salting

and smoking or drying no salt

wet salting

1. Pickling The pickling process is as follows: 2-3 cm. thick with tightly will salt, using 10% of the weight close of the meat in with a from - cut the meat into strips - rub the strips thoroughly salt - pack the salted tight-fitting - after lid strips in clean vessels, the vessels on top of the liquid and, where effective, with weights

one week brine

appear due to the extraction


the meat. necessary rinsed with

The meat has to be kept below the surface push it below this level). cold boiled water before

of the brine


After one week the pieces should be being covered again with saturated develop due to fermentation ;or at least one day

brine (37%). - Check the meat regularly, replace before the old brine with

Should froth fresh brine.

The meat needs to be soaked in clean cold water use, and the water as well should be refreshed simmer the meat for then soaking 2-3 hours on a low fire. as simmering method


One can also

If the meat is very salty is needed before use,

2. An alternative .. Let the brine in cold water boiled 2-3 times.

pickling water for with

form during

two weeks, as in the method 1.

Soak the meat this the Expose the Protect

2-3 hours to remove excess salt. netting


Place the meat in the sun on wire netting. the aid of mosquito is dry.

meat from insects meat until .- F 3. Dry salting

or other means.

the surface

The dry salting - Cut the fresh 5 cm long.

method is as follows: pieces of 1.5-2 cutting, solution in total kilo, about 1 cm thick it drip and

raw meat into

- Wash the meat in running hanging

water after an hour. salt

and let

dry by

in the shade for half

- Innnerse the meat in a saturated - Haa'ig the meat above the brine - Rub the meat well in salt. a plastic etc., stones. . until plate with salt, salt A l-2 cm. thick

(37%) during

1 hour. weight preferably,

to drain. using layer layer about 30% of the meat's slab. salt layer is spread on a'wooden plank or, put another is reached. plates

or a diagonally On top of this of l-l.5

grooved concrete meters

The meat is put on (1-2 cm. thick), heavy

top of this. a few (clean)

a height

The stack is covered with

wooden planks or plastic the layers If after layers.

and pushed down with

The liquid again. changing

must be able to drain by putting

beneath the pile. the top layer first on the bottom of the meat If reordening can be ended.

- The next day reverse and use salt the juices not . ..keep process meat first

two days and this

stop dripping

from the meat, the process The excess liquid

When the meat stops dripping,

the drying the meat

can be started.

should be pressed from the

and the meat flattened.

This can be done by putting


through or with

a wringer a press.

(two wooden rolls Salt


a gap of 1.2-1.8 of chicken wire

cm between them), or bamboo sticks.

has to be brushed off.

Use drying

racks made, for example,

The meat should be put onto the racks in such a way that it makes as little contact with the racks as possible, An even better way is to hang the meat on the racks from hooks. turned regularly, Drying

If the meat is laid evenly. and evenly, a crust

on the racks, This

it has to be

to dry it with

has to be done carefully a lot the fat melts or that

is best done in the meat doesn't Don't

warm and dry weather so hot that

of wind.

Take care that

forms on the surface.

in the ful 1 sunlight. During the early morning Put the meat imnediately the meat will stay cool but you may need to shade it during or late aftrnoon the midday. During the last protected some oil part Experience the first Later will tell whi ch way is the best. the pieces of meat should be turned. to every four The drying They should mosquito hours and in *30 to in a racks have to be be at least netting can be lengthened every six hours. against vermin. day of drying on this

every two hours.

of the process

as much as possible on top. flies It off. off

cm. above the ground; keep the insects blue bottle mixture According drying concentrate". process,

stand the legs of the racks is best to wrap the racks with A chemical the meat. and piperonyl Before drying

in pans of water with

agent can be used to keep the eggs of the the meat is dipped "Faru-Tox butoxide called Fish Dip butoxide. the

of pyrethrum

This contains to the manufacturer so that ltd.,

5.5% pyrethrum the chemicals remains. rain

and 11% piperonyl

are broken down during Kenya.

no residue

The Fish Dip can be ordered and heavy dew forming. sheets, The meat'

from Kenya Apiaries, The meat can be covered with Experience slapped structure salt place. to avoid tilation Store together. on the

P.O. 80x 252, Nakuru, against

must be protected

banana or palm leaves or in a shed.

or plastic

or one can put It shouldn't show a uniform with dark vennetting fine

the racks under a roof give when pressed with nside.

w 11 tell

you when the meat is dry enough. and it will is broken flour in half it should

the finger The dried

sound dry when the pieces are be sprinkled ventilated

When a strip

meat can eventually in a dry, well

to which

10% cornflour

or other

has been added. meat in sacks from the ceiling the meat. in boxes with mosquito

then meat as cool as possible vermin. holes, It taking is

It can be hell)ful

to han!l the dried

also possihlcb to sl;oie care that

ttl!b ho'lcs are CV,WWI with

to keep out pests,

Before using length of soaking

the meat should will

be soaked and rinsed by the desired

in clean water.


be determined


The meat can also be smoked. extraction), have a favorable influence

Smoking is a form of drying (liquid by which some elements from the smoke are absorbed. These on the taste, color, and storage life of the is about chapter

meat. Smoking is done after salting. Because the smoking process the same for meat and fish it will be dealt with later on in this for meat and fish 7.3. Salting Salting meat drying. It covered with For fish well. through a drying with this with together. of Fish of fish differs start with only

and Drying and drying

For good results ice after

i n certain ways from that of fresh fish, as fresh as possible. caught and which has been kept as possible.

is best to use fish

which has been recently being caught.

Always work as hygienically


than 10 cm.: well and soak for 30 minutes in a 15% salt solution. Drain do not need to be removed. or on a metal or wooden rod which is pushed is not possible The table netting the fish can be spread on Cover In dry to sun deep. can be made of wood or steel, metal matting. If this of wire

- Wash the fish - Hang the fish table fine

The intestines the heads. surface

by the tails one layer

a table

or concrete

wire netting. where the sun and wind can reach the fish. may cause a crust drying. Experience on the surface Protect of the fish the fish

- Dry in the open air, climates form. schedule or three tables is, leaves when this evaporation

This can hamper further tends to happen. (see drying days. during can be dried the night necessary sheets. is best stored

from direct

is needed to learn low moisture the fish against

the best drying sun and in two dew. It content against

of vegetables

and fruit).

With sufficient

wind the fish

to a sufficiently

Under these circumstances to protect the fish

can remain on the drying rain, using banana

and do not have to be protected


or plastic fish

The dried condensation The fish melting 1

in strong as this

plastic will

bags, the edges of out. Check that no . to spoil. containers.

which have been folded

a few times

to keep insects

appears on the inside, Anc~tl,r~ possibility

cause the fish in airtiqht

can a'lso be wrapped in cellophane the edges.

bags which.can is storage

he sealed by


In all

cases store

the fish

as cool as possible

in a dry,


dark room. For Fish Bigger Than 10 cm.: intestines, and head; let the blood drain through which are Thick fish can be cut to slices at the backbone (like pages of a book). solution for 30 minutes. from the ta ils or can be further dried or can be smoked. for one day on racks; bars. hang the fish

- Remove the hard scales, left connected

the back next to the backbone. - Soak the fish - Predry the fish laid on horizontal in a 15% salt

(2-3 days, depending Preserving - Cut

After predrying the fish on the weather circumstances)

With Large Amounts of Salt as described in slices on all above. than &l cm., but leave the slices using three parts vessel. liquid fish to one part extra for less of the the no thicker salt,

- Clean the fish big fish connected salt. - Put two or three salt making brine. example with salt fish. will

at the back. sides with of fish

- Rub the fish

layers The fish

in a watertight will


in between the layers, the aid of clean process

The salt stones.


from the fish,

must be kept under the level Keep the brine will but excess salt takes is cold. and firm, brine

of the brine, saturated;

lead to spoilage,

change the taste is well-salted

The salting

12-15 days when the weather When the fish but still off soft

is warm, and,

*21 days when the weather meat will finger. - Wash the fish - Flatten with fresh process. be translucent

enough to press with a

to rinse

the old brine. This will

the fish

as much as possible

to remove excess liquid.

speed the drying - Dry on racks day the fish a crust against and wind. crystals

in an open place exposed to sun and wind. On the first dryi'ng should be protected from full sunlight, as this might cause Wait until the second day to put the fish over the fish, Protect The drying will in direct the fish salt sun.

to form. rain

The wind must be able to move freely and heavy dew. After drying the fish

takes i6 days with warm weather be difficult to bend; fine fish.

are present

on the surface

of the dried


When drying may lay their can spoil weather

the fish Flies skies,

one can have trouble (as mentioned are especially when the fish mosquito After

with with

blue bottle the drying


who This

eggs on the fish

of meat).

the fish. with cloudy

a problem

in damp, wind-still enough. The problem One can also The and are The

does not dry fast over the racks. the fish containing

can be avoided use a chemical watery trade solution

by spreading preparation. of a mixture butoxide.

netting the salting

is immersed in a butoxide. the chemicals 5.5% pyrethrum in the fish.

of pyrethrum

and piperonyl

name is Faru-Tox

Fish Dip concentrate, According process, leaving

11% piperonyl preparation Kenya. It

to the manufacturer Ltd,

broken down during

the drying

no residues

can be ordered

from Kenya Apiaries the fish

P.O.Box 252, Nakuru, closed plastic bags;

is best to store for

packed in tightly

check regularly Preserving

signs of condensation Without the meat. of salt in a basket of fish is full. plastic Drying

in the bags.

With Salt into layer

- Cut the fish - Rub the salt - Put a thick liquid of salt, with

so that

it can take up the salt

better. container from which the layer _

or similar

can drain. etc., until

Put a layer the basket with a,thick

on top of this, sheet, raise

then another

- Cover the basket stones. - Place the basket tracted liquid

but do not weigh it down it up so that the ex-

on stones or otherwise can drain fish freely. has a long life

Heavily 7.4.


when properly


Smoking of Meat and Fish Smoking has several effects and water on meat and fish. is extracted life. The heat of the smoke (drying). The meat or effect is from that

grills fish

the meat or fish, also absorb particles taste, fire

from the smoke which have a favorable The best smoke production and hard wood blocks. damp wood for poisonous one day. All After

on the color, a smouldering smoke with suitable from foliage

and storage

of wood shavings by burning Some kinds

One can best are not wood of

begin the smoking process dry wood. for

of wood ( such as oleander) particles. to be safe.

smoking as they contain and pine trees a lot

are reported

A disadvantage

smoking is that

of wood is needed,


It smoking; ever, cut,

is not absolutely this


to salt traditions.

or brine

the meat or fish filleted,


depends on the local

The use of salt

does, how-

improve the storage life. The fish can be smoked whole, etc., again depending on the local customs. The fish can be smoked either the fishmeat the fish cold or hot. Hot smoked fish This product for will high water countries has coagulated.

is cooked, crumble content, Many this

which means that then,

when it becomes too dry. of the product, tons of fish "smoke-drying". to prepare can be dried and drying process slowly soaking, be controlled. tween the fire on the grate however, better better are temporarily

Because of the relatively can only be stored preserved is, The fish fish in tropical without

some weeks. with

Cold smoked fish further. The product


aids, difficult
method, and This smoking The can brown life.

in warm countries. method for fresh the filleted at &30C. to 55'C.

is not cooked by this storage below 30C. dries product out,

has.a longer must start

The most efficient

way is to pre-dry is started be i ncreased


in the sun before


As the fish The final

the temperature

should be translucent

and with a glassy,

hard structure.

The product

can be eaten dry or after has to betoo cold (cook) at 30C, and the

Cold smoking is very difficult Fresh fish and the fish, wili meat starts for

because the temperature to coagulate the distance

smoke must be cooled.

This can be done by increasing example by leading Be sure that

the smoke to the fish

via a cross cor,ridor.

the smoke isn't

as no drying

-then be able to take place. in a dry environment.

The smoking process works better longer in a smoke house.

It is therefore

to work in a smoke house than in the open air,

and smoked fish here.

A few types of smoking ovens which can be made are described The simplest oven is the open grill, with a smouldering fire underneath. there is great smoke loss. or oil mud or clay layers, drums, with

on which the meat or fish is put The capacity is small, however, and is an oven made of dried a grate on top (see figure 13). A number of can scorch the fish. The

An improvement

The grate is best made from wood; steel these small ovens can be put in a hut, The next step is to put a few oil rims must fit well: to stop the smoke from escaping order

drums on top of each other. The fish

Over the rim of the top drum a damp sack is placed too quickly. (or meat) is hung The

jn- the drums. This system uses the smoke much more efficiently. of the drums, or of the meat

in the drums, must be changed regularly




the lowest The last

drum gets most of the heat and the smoke ( see figure be used to make smoked products. a smokehouse. suggestion is to build

14 ).

Oil drums and mud ovens can only a floor floor.

This house should have or stone Reand

area of about 2 by 2 meters. Place an oil drum on an earth Fireproof the place where the drum stands with stone walls. a grate for the fire a little Make a door in the drum to regulate in the top.

move the bottom from the drum and build above the bottom. cut smoke holes the meat. of shelves

the oxygen flow

Build shelves above the drum on which to put Leave enough room to let the smoke permeate the house. Instead the walls can have supports to rest removable beams on. the smoke cannot The escape. can be hung from these beams. and the roof must be closed valve or flap (see figure into 15). so that the roof. This can be used to control a completely closed Hang the meat on smoked. This can by exfish.

meat and fish The walls Build

a ventilation

the smoke circulation smokehouse the fire Experience perimenting Smoked fish Remarks: as possible. ciothing washed with will

can be made directly tell

When one builds on the floor. is fully

ropes or hooks above the oven. when the meat or fish local vary from one to five oneself, generally days. Remember, the best results as long as salted are obtained and dried

and by following cannot be stored

customs as much as possible.

It cannot be stressed This means that hot soda solution. all and water should be clean.

enough that knives

one must work as hygienically tools should be clean; tools should be must from products hands,

and other

Knives and the other waste and spoiled


be deeply buried or burned; they must be kept as far away as possible the products to be preserved. If you require more information about smoking, smoking equipment , two useful addresses are: - De Jong, St. Vitusstraat - Intermediate England Information supplies - CIVO, Dept. (telephone - the Institute Information about sausage recipes for of Meat Technology, number 03404-18411) about fish for products is available from:, the Netherlands Fish Products,Dokweg 37, Ijmuiden, and the preparation Zeist, of sausages, from : Technology 25-27, Hilversum, Development or wish to order

the Netherlands London WC 2E 8HN, and

Group, 9 King Street,

of cultures

sausage fermentation Utrechtseweg,

can be obtained

the Netherlands



number 02550-19022 is of course always .available from members of the phamphlets about group of Agromisa. of some, perhaps somewhat dated, countries,

Information food and nutrition

Finally, the titles meat and fish: - Meat handling development - A short - Equiptment FAO technical paper

in underdeveloped preservation

Rome, 1960. FAO agricultural 1966, FAO

guide to fish

by G.C.Rawson and F.A.Saj, of fish fish

and methods for

improved smoke-drying

in the tropics and meat

paper 104, 1971 series 1: Food Preservation, - FAO home techniques, - Small-Scale processing of fish, Technical

Memorandum no 3, ILO, 1982


wooden grill


the figure 0.75-l I meter 13A: open grill

smouldering fire; mud layers


in the

wooden grill on which the.meat-or.f+h .i+.laid figure 138: smoke oven




14: -smoke oven

tip to'.3 meters high


flap figure 15: smoke house

1 thin shelves with space between for the smoke to move stone or brick wall floor smoke holes door for fire air flow



8. Dairy 8.1. Milk

Products Introduction is a foodstuff to babies with a very high nutritional and children. Broadly of cows, sheep, buffalos, speaking, value and is of special


It is also of importance

Man uses the milk (in percentage):

for adults. goats and camels. Cow milk has the following composition

is most commonly used.

fats protein lactose (milk vitamins minerals Because of these milk spoils quickly. Therefore Good results Several harmful. chapter. sugar) 2.5-4.5 3.3-3.5 4.7-4.9

sheep 7.9

goat 4.2

buffalo 7-8 4.5-6 4-6 vitamin

human 3.75 1.6 7

3.5 5.2 4.9 4.8 vitamin A and D in fats, especially rich in calcium

B in water

important Spoilage


and the absence of acid spoilage

in milk, milk

is caused by bacteria, this will

some of which can be before be described in this

steps have to be taken to prevent methods to achieve can be obtained harmful way is, bacteria however, as little

can be stored. Souring milk preserved

by simple means. is the most comnon method used. cannot grow. not very long. The hygiene as possible spoilage. starts with the bacteria get to the The storage life of

by harmless microorganisms in this

In an acid surrounding

One must work as hygienically milking. milk, 8.2. By making sure that one considerably Milking Udder and nipples udder is very dirty milker attention. milk. water place After be clean and free Dirty limits

as possible.

the chances for

have to be clean washed.



a dry cloth; place also

if the should souring items hot soda

clean with

a damp cloth).

Of course tools

the hands of the need special and other

have to be clean and well milking

The milking

of dust and manure. aids are often

The milking

the cause of bad, quickly udder cloths this cold water, After scrub with

use the milk buckets, thoroughly.


, have to be cleaned and rinse

Rinse with

again with clean water. the bacteria.

dry them in a dust-free

in the sun to kill



Preparing After

the Milk



for all

types of milk): through a cotton wool filter


the milk

is best filtered

or through a clean cloth to remove particles cleaned very well after use, after which it in the sun. facilities occassionally. with milk Milk is best stored of milk may not always be available.

of dirt. This cloth must be should be boiled and then dried below 10C. Cooling a and stirring the milk

at temperatures

One can cool milk by putting

covered cannister

in a bowl of cool water

Other possibilities include water or wrapping them in damp cloths. is protected (especially from sun as well vitamin B). as heat. which change the taste (oxidation

spraying the milk cannisters It is also important that the Sunlight taste) and it causes chemical breaks down below 10C is not re-

actions vitamins

Never possible, 8.3.1.

mix morning and evening

milk when cooling


the Raw Milk: cool, possibility than the milk must be used pr processed is heating. Rule: Never drink in milk, in three ways: can grow very well as

If the milk cannot be stored quickly raw milk. as possible. Always boil The first milk first. by heating.

Harmful bacteria

but these are killed - pasteurization - boiling - sterilization Pasteurization 72'C or 30 minutes taste longer higher is produced. _

The milk can be heated

is heating at 63'C. Boiled

the milk

to i70C,



20 seconds at is that no boiled for some time

The advantage and pasteurized Without.cooling

of pasteurization

milk can be kept for

under cooled conditions.

the milk cannot be stored

when it is heated to temperatures than one day. Milk is sterilized than 100C. , for example, 20 minutes at 11OOC. or 10 minutes at 12OOC. equipment is needed for this however, which or 2 seconds at 14O'C. Special might not always be available, large quantities. however, especially Another products, kefir, It Milk a lot There is, and which is usually about it, life such as: cheese. only profitable especially of milk soured milk, One can let selected with booklet. sterilization of information products butter, is beyond the scope of this

from the FAO. yoghurt, the milk then. .. bacteria

way of increasing sour milk cottage

the storage

is to make milk



sour spontaneously, is better

but one doesn't

know which bacteria the aid of specially

are present

to sour the milk with


(after aroma. 8.3.2.


One then gets a pleasant



and a sour

Yoghurt: is obtained that bacteria the milk by souring can grow well. first. The souring milk with certain it milk-souring in the milk, is necessary bacteria, so that to boil bethe or

Vaghurt It milk-souring pasteurize

is important

no other


are present Therefore will

go best at temperatures

After souring the yoghurt bact eria remain alive, so that when yoghurt is added to milk,yoghurt is made again. To make yoghurt: - Heat milk to the boiling ,point - Cool to w5Oc. - Add 2.5% yoghurt - tet the milk (*3 tablespoons in sunlight) 2". 3 hours 15-20 hours 24 hours at temperalums it yoghurt is cooled for below 30C. to keep the yoghurt the next will remain alive,

tween 30' and 5O'C.

of yoghurt

per 1 iter


sour (not

40-45Oc. 35-37Oc. tI* ~+&)OC~ It is not possible - When the yoghurt tipbecoming yoghurt batch. stops The souring good longer. so the yoghurt cannot be cooled milk imnediately will enough. has the right

to make yoghurt taste

should be cooled

more sour.

Keep a little


when the yoghurt cooling

and the taste batch.

Moreover, bel'ow after

helps keep the milk-souring


can be used to make the next yoghurt the yoghurt bacteria be lost.

If the yoghurt is just sour and

20C. then part of the yoghurt will

must be added to new

making, when the yoghurt Yoghurt cannot 20C is really to start yoghurt bacteria. It be stored making,

The milk-souring otherwise isn't

die because of the high acidity vary long: too warm to keep yogurt. one can start

the culture

10 days at 5'C, When yoghurt with

3 days at 10C. available


a powdered culture suddenly

of yoghurt-souring doesn't

This powdered culture or when from is best to start in districts is not the case Fa. J.M.E. Snuyf,

can also be used once or twice the old culture local where soured milk one can get yoghurt Cultures yoghurt-souring bacteria, products cultures

a year to replace work anymore,

the old culture,

which should be available If this from: from the Netherlands

are known and made. the Netherlands. butter,

Ardeweg 28, 7384 SG Wilp, for buttermilk,


number 05761-563) as well as information

cheeses and kefir,

and directions Use boiled 8.3.3Kefir: Kefir carbonic content cultures


use are also or boil

available after

from this from milk mixing.

address. made from milk powder,

It is also possible

to make yoghurt the milk

is a soured milk acid production


which is made by milk-souring, from milk sugar (lactose), kefir grains. is made with

alcohol The aTcob locally,


by bacteria

is less than 1%. Kefir of yeast and bacteria. grains

These are

or can be ordered Kefir The water (4 hours/

Kefir grains may be available from the addPcss,given in section 8.3.2. dry. by soaking

can be stored

they must be activated is then drained soaking).

When one starts'with dry kefir grains, them in lukewarm water for 5-6 hours. are soaked 5 to 6 times in milk

and the grains

It sometimes The grains swell and they will float. takes a few days before all grains are floating. The floating grains
are suitable added to half incubated the milk, after for making kefir. a liter A tablespoon of fresh of pasteurized milk, the bottle milk kefir grains is is closed and is

at 16-18'C

for 8 to 12 hours.


The grains are removed by straining is returned to the bottles and is kept for will take place (ripening) qualities sour smelling whey separation of kefir. and sour takes the characteristic bubbly,

l-2 days at 12-15'C. which is necessary The final tasting. place. product The fluid A substitute sugar to half active yeast

A second fermentation to give the milk creamy fluid,

is a thick, can be stirred for kefir yeast).

Towards the end of the second fermentation

to give a homogenous,consistency. (10 grams) of with a little Use a strong storage, days as and infecting the buttermilk

can be made by adding i2 .teaspoons Incubate 3-4 days at 18-21'C.

a liter (bakers

of buttermilk

bottle with a tight lid as the gas pressure can get high. FLdC"I lly !.,.z: hlzl II'; Ihe quality of kefir deteriorates with longer with yoghurt and buttermilk. At 5'C. soured products products and at 10C 3 days. Kefir Problems: bacterial careful action from a protein At 20C. soured action

can be kept il0

should be used quickly. when the balance An ammonia taste a sign that between the can result one was not as long as one Use

is too sour or "yeasty" is wrong.

and yeast

breakdown by unwanted bacteria, preparation. to make good kefir Don't best

enough during

It is possible
works hygienically. the kefir grains

( and good yoghurt), I

work at high temperatures, results.

20C is best.

every day for



Buttermilk: Buttermilk is a byproduct possible of buttermaking to make buttermilk per liter (see also buttermaking, as follows: milk ) or a powdered 8.3.2). sunlight section



is also

- heat milk to the boiling point - add 2.5% buttermilk (3 tablespoons culture - incubate for for buttermilk (available souring 18-24 hours at 18-2O'C;

from Fam. SnuQf, see section keep out of direct

- cool to stop further 8.3.5. Buttermaking: The principle the cream into cream by beating the butter milking, portant It and form into point air

of buttermaking churn it into until


Skim the cream from the milk or vessel with a beater). are formed.

and put Churn the Separate after

a butter

(a bottle

small lumps of butter knead the butter is cooled 6-10 hours. This musn't

from the rest a block. with the cream will

(buttermilk), When the milk rise after

by hand (wash hands), is an immoment

as soon as possible The temperature

buttermuting. early

be much higher it

than 15'C. quickly. the cream has method to One cool A better

is therefore

best to remove the cream from the milk at the coldest in the morning, have often the cream further almost and to process by churning to the boiling it. become sour by the time that point),

of the day, usually risen. lo-13'C, but it

The cream and milk One can process is to pasteurize

the cream (heat

and then add 10% buttermilk does give a more uniform left after

and leave for

a night This last

at 15-17'C. longer. skim milk. buttermilk,

can also add a powdered culture The milk

from Fam. Snuyf. product

is not necessary,

which can be stored called products like yoghurt,

the cream has been removed,is soured milk

Skim milk can be used for


The cream is turned into butter by churning. With this the air is beaten into the cream, through which the fat drops gather together and become butter - a vessel pellets. with vessel with which Churning (fill can be done in: (figure full that plate shaken made. enough to beat air into the milk. The 16) with cream) moves up and down (figurel7) one third a turning beater

- in a rotating - in a cylinder - in a bottle

a perforated is vigorously

These churns The churning After pellets 20-60 minutes

can be easily

has to be vigorous

lumps of the size of peas have been formed.

are separated

churn over a coarse

from the buttermilk by pouring the contents of the The pellets can be washed where desired woven cloth.





cool water. as much Salt The kneading kneading; fine salt in by hand. again until is best done at lower temperatures.


is then kneaded to a homogenous mass, extracting

water as possible. can be added during Sprinkle preferably lightly that butter knead this to give the salt

this gives a butter which can be kept longer. over the butter (3%=30 gram/kilo), and Let the butter the butter rest and cool for the butter. some hours The throughout pressed After

a chance to penetrate

knead the butter

has an even appearance. sprinkle ' some salt

can then be put into mold from growing The butter the water on bread

a pot or jar,

down and smoothed out. on top of on a fire is then can

To prevent the butter.


on the surface,


be kept too long, The protein off The fat

The butter until grainy all

can also be processed has evaporated. This as butter. for example).

to ghee: heat the butter in the butter (the grainy

and brown co 1ored.

is filtered


be eaten,

which is left

has a long life

and the same properties 8.3.6. Cheese Making:

Cheese making is an excellent simple means and little concentrates well. experience most of the protein

way to process difficult and fat


but it

is with as

to do.

Cheese ,making

from the milk and sours this the salt, life. Such In the dairy For this,good preparation

Cheese is also salted. made that


and the absence of oxygen industry, storing demands

in the cheese give the cheese its cheese is conditions craftsmanship that long, agent pieces and temperature control

long storage is needed. in a factory

can be kept for

up to one year.

which must be learnt

or on a cheese making farm. product

The method of cheese making described can be made with however. The principle (rennet) (curds) that simple equipment.

here gives a reasonable

The cheeses cannot be kept too By adding a curdling The by stirring.

of cheese making is as follows: pudding-like one gets exude liquids, enough liquid, to drain into

one gets a thick have lost

mass which can be cut. but one can speed this

When the pieces

the fluid

(whey) is poured off.

The curds are left cheese is pressed The

and then are placed into a mold in which the the desired shape. After that the cheese is salted. needs to be warm (3O'C.) it is pressed into after milking, and needs to be For this when the milk

whey can be used as fodder. For cheese making the milk temperature until the form.

kept at this

reason cheese making is best begun directly


vessel rotatjng beater


cream figWe 16

lid witb hole for a pole

pole to be RHwed up and doww

churn &t cay, etc. fig-ure '7 ::-. $? .- 3

'wooden disk: holes' &v!





woodpn w - metal fr#

figure stirrer

19: for cheese nuking

wires .f2.5 cm. apart


21s~ prc*SSinc

Cheese Inold,


a=20. i .m. I=20 !m. c712 2.


is still to curdle

at body temperature. is poured onto a bowl and rennet is added, Rennet is needed the milk.

The milk

If one starts from powdered rennet, dissolve this just before the cheese making. Powdered rennet can be obtained from the address given in section 8.3.2, or from Chr. Hausen laboratorium A/S, Sankt Annae Plads 3, 1250 Kijbenhavn K, Denmark. is delivered in tins with measuring After adding rennet let the milk stand for *l One hour is needed to curdle the milk fully. each time to the same degree of necessary diagonally break. solidity . This powdered rennet for use. spoons and directions

hour; cover to slow cooling, It is important to curdle Adjust the curdling time if

and check the milk by feeling with a finger. Push a finger into the curdled milk and move the finger upward so that the The degree of solidity is sufficiently frame (figure frame quickly 5 minutes (figure made cutting the cutting for can be judged by the way the curds solid through 19). for the spongy mass is cut with pieces the curdled gently The stirring 5 minutes; cloth. (curds). Do this milk a few times. helps the whey the curds will the vessel. The cloth with the 18).into When the milk

curds break. a specially by pulling with

Let the mass rest leave the curds. sink to the bottom. the curds on a table corners bundle weights

and then stir again a coarse 20).

for about one minute

a T-shaped wooden stirrer Drain into

Let the mass rest

the whey, for

example by tilting muslin

Pour the curds on the bottom into is placed or a wooden surface and let and let

a square of wooden boards which have been stood (figure Cover the curds with for again. one hour. After inside the curds drain the curds drain are placed Next turn the two hours the The Press enough the square.

of the cloth is again turned

bundle upside-down

and weights

on top of the curds.

are best placed on a wooden lid

which fits

the curds overnight. The curds have then cooled down and are solid to be cut. They will also have soured. The cloth is removed and the square cheese cut, for example into four equal pieces. The pieces are rubbed with salt each morning and evening grow on the crust, and taste clean. giving likes for a sort this chloride in brine 3-4 days, turning this, of limburg taste). so that time they are salted. and yeast will strong smell The cheeses can be kept after (not everyone solution Storage with but bacteria

them each a is

cheese, with Another solution will the crust

to keep the cheese in a salt remain relatively the crust narrow a container from becoming slimy. as possible,

(15% brine)

Add 1% calcium

to the solution

to prevent

needs to be done in as

a lid.

The cheese should be stored


in a cool place. The whey left A few variations Pickled Cheese:

A fortnight


the cheese making the cheese can be eaten.

over from the cheese making can be med as fodder. on this basic cheese recipe are: for example, bacteria and rennet milk that

This cheese can be made from poorquality has started present). to the milk: sieved through to sour or to curdle 5-15X salt, .After a souring 2-3 hours the ( of course agent

milk, necessary)

no harmful

must be are added


are cut and stirred

and then are

The curds are wrapped in cloth and placed in metal or wooden vessels and pressed. The cheeses must be pressed with considerable pressure (5-10 times the weight of the cheese) and .they are turned regularly. The cheeses can be used soon afterwards (*15X salt). is added at 30C to good quality at 63'C. or 1 minute at 7O'C.j 65-25 ml per 100 liters After this cut the curdled until raw milk-or to pasor, if preferred, can be kept in brine 2% souring teurized strength (the milk agent

a cheese cloth.

Fresh Unmatured Cheese: (30 minutes Rennet is then If the the milk pieces in ,':, ' .' , I

added ( in the Netherlands of the rennet at 30C. 30-60 minutes

of milk). milk into

is not known, add enough to thicken

size can vary from the size of beans to the size of eggs). and stir enough liquid

If neces-

sary heat the mass to 33-35'C. from the pieces.

is extracted

Remove the whey and mix the curds with 5% salt (by weight). The cheese can then be pressed into various shapes. Pressing doesn't need much pressure cheese can be cooled Queso Blanco: This is a popular queso blanco an acid then separated An important by rennet doesn't salt difference queso blanco after acid cheese in Latin American coutries. to curdle salt, it. When making The curds are a cheese. curdled is that with one the get a isn't salt is added to hot milk from other (which by rubbing ( for it example, twice the weight 7-14 days. of the cheese). When the can be kept for

from the whey, mixed with is cheaper), salt A third

and formed into the milk

cheeses is that

but by acid

A second difference in but by mixing difference is that

curds before is very loose; crust expensive, citric acid)

the cheese forms, shaping

queso blanco Rennet is rather so acid acid, or of acid lactic

one has to press very hard to finally cheaper and easier acid to obtain, The quantities

which is strong while

enough to keep the cheese together. is mostly juice (vinegar,

may be preferred.

One can use any edible

or sour fruit

(lemon juice).


needed must be established 4% (table vinegar) Queso blanco added while carefully poured into leaving (5% salt curds. salted a corner weight hours. crust will have cooled stirring a cloth

by trial

and error. milk

If one uses vinegar milk will is heated in a vessel reaches 80C the acid curdle, Continue

of to is carefully

then about 9 liter is prepared steadily; to drain

per 10 liters

be needed.

as follows:

80C ( do not burn the milk). for another'half

When the milk the milk will


a minute.

The contents of the vessel are then the whey. Let the curds cool to 40C by Whey will continue to drain. salt thoroughly form, When the curds through the and sprinkle Mix the salt a cloth-lined evenly over them The for example a square Cover the curds with during a inthe which

them open on the table. to the quantity The temperature

to 40C, break the curds of curds). into

of the curds must then be about 30C. 20; a=b=12 cm., c=15 cm.) them rest After

curds are then placed (see figure and let of the cloth on the curds, Avoid,. too quickly result.

of wooden boards

in the form for one hour, a stone on alid every half hour for at once; this

they should not cool much. side the form. Add a little . putting The final

an hour press the curds by placing which fits would close

for example by laying more weight on too much weight pressure means that Press.the

the next two

and the curds won't if

loose enough whey.

A wet cheese

on the top of the cheese must be about the top of the cheese is 12x12 cm., with a cantilever and herbs then it the after which the cheese

0.5 kilo

per cm2 ( this 21).

the pressure

must be about 70 kg;).-. This can be achieved cheese.+vemight, The cheese can be cooked with queso blanco in brine, is very brittle. as tightly

system (see figure for a tasty dish.

can be eaten or stored. must be stored Use a vessel whole;

a rootcrop If necessary

If one wants to keep the cheese for a while, as described

cheese can be stored

in the basic cheese making section. as possible.

in which the cheese fits


tree wall

or stronq . pole or board one or more stones


curds i-n a cloth


21: a cantilever If a:b = 1:4, stone II

system for applying then four


pressure is applied to II. I give; 68 kg at point

times as much pressure 17 kg art point

than to, stone I;

9. Final

Remarks and Literature In closing it is useful to give some general sources useful information and to public. compliment

mention a number of literature Firstly, this booklet. - Agrodok nr. - Agrodok nr. - Agrodok nr. there

to the general that

are a number of Agromisa publications garden in the tropics of tropical agricultural

These are: 9:The vegetable 10:Soya 31:The storage products to for information,

There are also a number of institutes about food technology - Action for or appropriate

you can write


Food (AFPRO) Information Service Development Area

Technical New Delhi - The Director

C-17 Safdarjung

110016, INDIA
of Central INDIA Development Association (ATDA) Food Technological Research Institute

Mysore 570013, - Appropriate POB 80


Laei, I'APUA NEWGUINEA - Bandung Institute POB 276 Bandung, - Appropriate P.O.Box 454 Kisumu, KENYA - Economic Commission for P.O.Box 3001 Addis Abeba, ETHIOPIA Africa, United Nations INDONESIA Technology Center (UNICEF) of Technology Center

Development Technology

Agrodok 3: PRESERVATION OF FOODS Table of contents Introduction 1. Spoilage: Causes, effects of spoilage meat and fruit by heat and prevention 1.1 What is spoilage? 1.2 Prevention 2. Preserving 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Preparations 2.3 Processing 2.4 Storage 3. Drying 3.1 Introduction 3.2 The quality 3.3 Pretreatment 3.4 Drying 3.6 Hygiene 3.7 Preparing 4. Preservation dried foods for 4 with salt use 3.8 Remarks on table 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Requirements 4.3 Preparations 4.4 Salting methods 4.5 Warning 5. Preservation 6. Preserving 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Making fruit 6.4 Fruit jelly juices preparation fruit for preserving meat and fish 6.3 Lemonade ,concentrates 6.5 Making candied 6.6 Jam making 7. Simple techniques 7.1 Introduction in acetic fruit acid making by jam and juice techniques 3.5 Packing and storage of the fresh product techniques and Fruit vegetables,

1 2 2 4 8 8 11 12 15 26 26 26 27 28 25 36 36 36 41 41 42 43 44 46 47 48 48 48 53 53 54 54 60 60

of Vegetables

of vegetables

Table of contents, 7.2 Salting 7.3 Salting 8. Dairy

continued of meat of fish

61 64 66 71 71 71 72 82 .

and drying and drying

7.4 Smoking of meat and fish products 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Milking 8.3 Preparing 9. Final List milk remarks and literature

of Tables of vegetables of fruit; and fruit and processing times times in water 17 19 21 36 43 5s

1. Preparation glass bath 3. Preparation pressure 4. Preparation 5. Preparation 6. Juice List la, jars 2. Preparation


in a boiling

of vegetables ccoker and drying

and meat; sterilization various

times in a products

condit i ons for for salting

of vegetables


from various

types of fruit

of Figures b, c Glass jar racks bags vegetables seals a 16 16 31 31 31 32 42 57 57 57 70 70 70 churns 77 77 77

2. An autoclave 3. Drying 6. Storage

4 and 5. Improved sun driers 7. The bush drier 8 and 9. Salting 10. Bottle 11. A fruit 12. A juice press steamer top sealer

13. Smoke grill 14. Smoke oven 15. Smoke house 16 and 17. Butter


4. Which are the most important


in your part

of the country,

and in

which season are they harvested?

5. Which animals

are kept or bred in your area?

Preserving -m

foods: population use any techniques (product, method**, to preserve desired food? yes/no storage life,

6. Does the local quality

If yes, which are these? of the final

and real


7. Do you have any experience If yes,




methods? how long?


for which techniques?

for which products?

8. Do these methods have certain If yes, what are-these?


yes/no in your opinion?

What causes these faults,

9. Are you planning If yes, Why? Which technique

to try will

a certain




for which product? you try? o for 0 for o for use by the local sales other reasons, ....... population


a short described

discussion in this

of the method is meant. booklet.

A more extensive if it

discussion not

on a separate

page is always welcome,


is a technique


Are the following - institutes - factories


in your country? and/or advice can be gained? yes/no yes/no jars/bottles cookers yes/no yes/no

where information which deliver: tins glass

If yes, which are these?

pressure If yes, which are these?

11. Are the following - sufficient - sufficient fuel

available water

in your country? yes/no yes/no


in what form is this? - sufficient - sufficient (inexpensive) (inexpensive) sugar salt

yes/no yes/no




industry treatment and drainage


fertility and control


science & soil Erosion, prevention

Irrigation Sociology Economics

Cattle breeding Forestry Health and medicine Nutrition



Do not hesitate in asking our advice ! Please include the following points in your letter: 1. Your name, organization and mailing address. 2. A brief description of the kind of work that you are doing. 3. A brief description of the underprivileged group that is confronted with the problem. 4. A brief description of the relevant aspects of the problem, along with a description of the local surroundings. 5. State the problem in as concrete and specific terms as ponsible; include sketches and/or photographs 6. Different unconnected problems are best written on different sheets of paper. In stating your problem and formulating your question, it is useful to put yourself in the place of the person who will answer that question. This will ensure that you will add all the relevant information. Experience has shown that a general and vague questioi. receives a general and vague answer; and that a specific and precise question receives a specific and precise answer. Send your letter to TOOL or ATOL, who will then forward the letter to one of the different groups. The addresses of TOOL and ATOL,are on the back,

AGRODOKS are a series agricultural plus mailing. 1. 2. 3. 3. 4. 6. 7. 8. 9. 9. 10. 18. 20. 26. 29, 31. 32. 24. 35. practise

of low priced, in the tropics. agrodoks


and practical



The price are available:

is between US$l and US$2

The following

Varkens houden in de tropen Bodemkunde en een vorm van bodemonderzoek Konserveren Preservation Landmeten Bataat Preparation The vegetable Le jardin Soja Voorraadbescherming Backyard Rijstziekten The storage Bijen Hatching Bereiding Eenvoudige rabbit in de tropen in the tropics farming and use of compost garden in the tropics dans les tropiques potager van voedingsmiddelen of foods

Kippen houden in de tropen

en -plagen in de tropen agricultural products of tropical


houden in de tropen eggs van cassave bedrijfsboekhouding .

The Samaka Guide on Homesite Farming.

Agrodoks are published

by Agromisa,

and can be ordered


Agromisa P. 0. Box 41 tool 6700 AA Wagenin! The Netherlands



Entrep&dok 66a/69a, 1018 AD Amsterdam The Netherlands. Tel. (0)20-264409

ATOL Blijde Belgium


3000 Leuven

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