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POSTgraduate Prospectus


Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013

Postgraduate Prospectus 2013

Postgraduate Open Days

Open Day: Thursday 31 January 2013, 2pm 5pm Open Evening: Thursday 23 May 2013, 4.30pm 7.30pm Please book online by clicking the Open Days button on the Brunel home page,

Online request form Tel +44 (0)1895 265599


Admissions Office Web Email Tel +44 (0)1895 265265 Fax +44 (0)1895 269790

The appropriate contact is named under each course entry.

Postgraduate Open Days and Evenings are held regularly (see dates above). Follow the link from the Brunel web homepage,

You will find a link to the relevant online application form on every web course page: Web For more information and details on how to apply for research courses: Web

All enquiries from overseas for admission or application should be addressed to Brunel International. Web Email

All applicants and potential applicants are encouraged to read the Summary of Terms on page 156.

Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013


Postgraduate Open Days................................. 2 World Class Research....................................... 5 Quality Courses............................................... 14 The Graduate School...................................... 16 International Students................................... 20 Studying at Brunel......................................... 22 Uxbridge and London.................................... 24 Accommodation............................................. 26 Support and Welfare..................................... 28 Support for Disabled Students...................... 32 Careers and Employability............................. 34 The Arts Scene................................................ 36 Sport ............................................................... 38 Research Programmes.................................... 41 New Route PhD ............................................. 42 Taught Masters Courses ............................... 44

SCHOOL OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS, COMPUTING AND MATHEMATICS................ 91 Information Systems and Computing........... 94 Mathematical Sciences................................... 96

BRUNEL LAW SCHOOL................................... 97

SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES..................... 103 Anthropology............................................... 106 Economics and Finance................................ 108 Politics, International Relations and History................................................... 110 Psychology.................................................... 113 Sociology and Communications.................. 115

SCHOOL OF SPORT AND EDUCATION......... 117 Sport ............................................................. 120 Education...................................................... 121

SPECIALIST RESEARCH INSTITUTES............. 125 SCHOOL OF ARTS........................................... 47 Brunel Institute for Bioengineering............ 126 Brunel Innovation Centre............................ 129 BRUNEL BUSINESS SCHOOL........................... 53 Brunel Centre for Advanced Solidification Technology............................ 130 Experimental Techniques Centre................. 132 SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING AND DESIGN...... 59 Advanced Manufacturing and Enterprise Engineering.................................. 61 Civil Engineering............................................ 64 Design............................................................. 66 Electronic and Computer Engineering.......... 69 Mechanical Engineering................................ 74 Health Economics Research Group.............. 133 Institute for the Environment..................... 135 The Magna Carta Institute........................... 139 Wolfson Centre for Materials Processing .................................................... 140

GENERAL INFORMATION............................. 141 Research Degrees......................................... 141 Programmes of Advanced Study................. 144

SCHOOL OF HEALTH SCIENCES AND SOCIAL CARE.......................................... 79 Biosciences...................................................... 85 Health and Social Care................................... 86

Financial Information................................... 147 Where is Brunel?.......................................... 152 Open Days..................................................... 156 Index............................................................. 158

Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013

Postgraduate Prospectus 2013

A University With Purpose

Brunel was founded in 1966 as a new kind of university dedicated to providing research and teaching that are relevant to the needs of industry and society.
Our mission is to combine academic rigour with the practical, entrepreneurial and imaginative approach pioneered by our namesake, Isambard Kingdom Brunel. Today, Brunels influence extends far beyond the fields of engineering, science and technology, which were its traditional strengths. It is now a broad-based University comprising eight Schools: Arts Business Engineering and Design Health and Social Care Information Systems, Computing and Mathematics Law Social Sciences Sport and Education Just as Isambard Kingdom Brunel opened up new horizons for the Victorians through his innovations and applications, so Brunel University has allowed successive generations to expand their professional and educational horizons. The diverse student body is now 15,000 strong, and one third of our students are studying for postgraduate qualifications. We have an international student contingent of around 1,600, drawn from 110 different countries.

Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013

World Class Research

We are proud of the usefulness of our research to the community and the world around us. It improves lives and addresses global issues, while at the same time informing the content of the courses we teach.

In 2011, Brunel was awarded the Queens Anniversary Prize for the Institute for the Environments 20 years of research into hormone disrupting chemicals in wastewater. By uncovering a link between exposure to water pollution and sex change in male fish in UK rivers, the team provided the impetus for human health research also linking chemical exposure with declining sperm counts, increased incidence of male genital abnormalities, and testicular, breast and prostate cancer in human populations. For information on research and taught courses at the Institute, see page 135. Pictured right: former ViceChancellor Professor Chris Jenks receives the award from Her Majesty the Queen.

Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013

World class research

Addressing Real-world Issues

Brunel has always prided itself on the quality and the relevance of its academic work. We place great value on our pure investigative research but also on the impact of our research on the community at large. Not only does this research improve our understanding of the world about us, but it can also find truly life-saving solutions.

Taking inspiration from the Nintendo Wii, a multi-disciplinary team of Brunel researchers has developed a prototype technology to improve rehabilitation programmes for stroke survivors. ReWiiRe is tailored to individual needs and can be operated on any computer. Patients will use it to check that they are performing exercises in the right way, monitor their own improvements, and stay motivated by playing games.

Professor Clare Williams is leading research with the London and Brighton Transnational Ethics Centre (LABTEC), funded by a Wellcome Trust Biomedical Strategic Award of 835,000. This multidisciplinary research focuses on key developments in human embryonic stem cell research and neuroscience including: boundaries between experimental research and treatment for people with Parkinsons disease; non-human primate research for neurological treatments; and novel deep brain stimulation treatment for children with dystonias.

The Brunel Centre for Advanced Solidification Technology (BCAST) now hosts a major Government-funded manufacturing research centre designed to boost high-tech manufacturing business in the UK. The Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Liquid Metal Engineering (LiME), led by Professor of Metallurgy Zhongyun Fan, will make a significant contribution to the metals industry, worth 17 billion a year to the UK economy, by finding new ways to manufacture and use metals more sustainably and cost-effectively. 4.5 million of investment over five years is supporting the collaboration between Brunel, the lead institution, and Birmingham and Oxford Universities.

Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013

Specialist Research Institutes

The long-standing reputation of Brunels research is especially renowned in its prestigious Specialist Research Institutes. For more information see pages 125-140.

Brunel Institute for Bioengineering (BIB)

This world-renowned Institute, founded by Professor Heinz Wolff, has been pushing the boundaries in medical and health engineering and in the health and space industries for over 30 years. The Institute also offers an MRES course (page 126).

Experimental Techniques Centre (ETC)

The ETC specialises in surface science and electron microscopy, providing micro and nano analysis for industry and academia with a strong end-user focus. Applications include engineering failure analysis, energy efficient machine tools, pollution remediation, novel biomedical devices and improved forensic fingerprint detection (page 132).

Institute for the Environment (IfE)

The Institute for the Environment, staffed by some of the worlds most cited environmental scientists, addresses environmental problems such as ecotoxicology and environmental hazard. IfE also offers four MSc courses (page 135).

Health Economics Research Group (HERG)

HERG has developed an international reputation in health economics over more than 20 years. It focuses on the economic evaluation of a broad range of clinical and health service technologies (page 133).

Brunel Innovation Centre (BIC)

The principal mission of BIC is to establish a world-class research centre offering highquality research in an innovative environment. It aims to attract outstanding students and focuses on advanced inspection and allied technologies covering a range of materials, sensors, electronics and software systems (page 129).

Magna Carta Institute

This Institute analyses how best to create and maintain just societies that balance personal freedom and authority, and the rights and responsibilities of individuals and society (page 139).

David Davis MP, the former chairman of the Conservative Party and Shadow Home Secretary, called for a Magna Carta for the 21st century at the Magna Carta Institutes annual lecture in 2011. The MP for Haltemprice and Howden argued that Members of Parliament cannot be trusted to find the right balance between state security and counterterrorism measures, and the individuals rights of freedom. He proposed the creation of a written British constitution to protect civil liberties.

Brunel Centre for Advanced Solidification Technology (BCAST)

BCAST is world famous for the new technologies it has launched in the fields of alloys and the purification of recycled metals, and for understanding liquid metals and how they can bring higher efficiency and environmental benefits to a multitude of industries (page 130).

Wolfson Centre for Materials Processing

The Wolfson Centre has one of the leading research teams in the world in the formulation and production of high performance polymers, ceramics and metals, and holds a significant portfolio of patents and intellectual property rights (page 140).

Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013

World class research

Cutting Edge Institutes

Brunel has a reputation for first-class research. The University has traditionally pushed the boundaries in subjects such as engineering, education, science, health, psychology, law, sport and business, but the same creativity and energy have also been applied across the full range of subject areas. We place a particular emphasis on inter-disciplinarity, an essential component of 21st century research.

Institute for Contemporary Middle Eastern Music

Professor Peter Wiegold in the School of Arts has a reputation for drawing together diverse resources, and developing new kinds of music-making with them. He has worked with a Japanese ensemble on a piece that combined traditional and modern instruments, with jazz, folk and pop musicians and also with musicians from Africa and China. Professor Wiegold leads the Institute for Contemporary Middle Eastern Music, linking the University with some of the most exciting and progressive work in the Middle East. This venture, the first of its kind, encourages a crossfertilisation of knowledge and skills in composition, performance and pedagogy between the Middle East and the West.

Centre for Infection, Immunity and Disease Mechanisms

This Centre is involved in translational research relevant to human health and disease, with the aim of setting up clinical trials and developing novel therapeutics and diagnostics. These will include trials for asthma, invasive infection and auto-immune diseases, and the testing of novel reagents in models of Alzheimers disease and lupus nephritis, anti-microbial peptides, human gene therapy and anti-tumour vaccines. The team, based in new state-of-the-art microbiological and tissue culture laboratories, also investigates host-pathogen interaction aspects via comparative genomics, microarray, bioinformatics, biomarkers and host susceptibility factors, with specific interest in Aspergillus, Mycobacterium and malaria. They also have interests in immunobiology of the neuronal system, organogenesis, pregnancy and cancer.

Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013
Brunel Institute for Ageing Studies
The Brunel Institute for Ageing Studies is leading a three-year 1.6 million project to find ways to reduce the impact of continence difficulties for older people. With collaborators at the Royal College of Art, the Universities of Manchester, Sheffield, Sheffield Hallam, and the West of England, the Bristol Urological Institute, and Southmead Hospital, it is researching the treatment of incontinence, accessibility to facilities and assistive technologies such as those designed in Brunels Institute for Bioengineering.

Centre for Cell and Chromosome Biology

Academics in this Centre are tackling topics such as the biological basis underlying the ageing process. The team is involved in critical work aimed at treating the symptoms of HutchinsonGilford Progeria Syndrome, a rare genetic disease causing premature ageing in children who usually die in their teens from heart attacks and strokes. This research also helps to explain the processes that lead to heart failure and strokes in old age in the rest of the population.

emissions and improving fuel efficiency. This research, in turn, contributes to developments associated with advanced automotive powertrain, alternative and bio fuels, and their impact on the environment.

Brunel Centre for Contemporary Writing

As well as hosting major international events such as the annual Literary London Conference and the annual conference of the International Association of Philosophy and Literature, this Centre is also home to a range of archives including the South Asian Diaspora Literature and Arts Archive and the John Burnett Archive of Working-Class Autobiographies.

Centre for Contemporary Music Practice

This Centre is developing a reputation as one of the leading centres for contemporary music in Europe. It focuses on the creation and production of innovative, high quality work that is radical in its approach to musical process and language, and attracts leading music exponents who reflect developments in technology, increasing interest in improvisation, and the breaking of boundaries between popular, world and classical music.

Centre for Systems and Synthetic Biology (CSSB)

Launched in November 2010, CSSB promotes interdisciplinary research into Systems and Synthetic Biology. It brings together the fields of biosciences, computer science, engineering, environmental studies, mathematics and statistics, as well as ethics and law, and applies its research to problems in the real world.

Centre for Youth Sport and Athlete Welfare (BCSHaW) BCSHaW is rapidly developing an international profile in social science research into the role of sport, health and wellbeing in contemporary society. The Centre has a strong focus on research which is academically rigorous and ethically robust and hosts a number of national and international symposia. Centre for Advanced Powertrain and Fuels Research
This Centre is one of the largest engine research groups in the UK, and focuses on both experimental and modelling aspects of engine research with the aim of minimising pollutant

Centre for Research in International Medical Anthropology (CRIMA)

CRIMA Director Dr Melissa Parker and Professor Tim Allen from the London School of Economics have investigated the effectiveness of mass drug administration programmes. The research found that competition for multi-million pound grants to tackle debilitating parasitic diseases in the developing world are often designed without taking into account local political, economic and social issues, leading to concerns about whether the programmes actually work.


Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013

World class research

Top Quality People and Projects

High quality academics are the core of any university and our profile has transformed quite dramatically in recent years. We have invested over 14 million in new research-led staff in the last four years alone, and more internationallyrenowned researchers continue to join Brunel than ever before.

The novelist and journalist Will Self was appointed Professor of Contemporary Thought at Brunel in March 2012. The chair, created especially for him, spans both the School of Arts and the School of Social Sciences, where he will be teaching undergraduates and taught postgraduate programmes. Alongside Professor Self, the School of Arts staff also boasts the leading performance poet Benjamin Zephaniah, who joined the University as Chair of Creative Writing in 2011.
Photo: Valerie Bennett

Taeko Wydell, Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience, researches the neural processes involved in language, and in particular in reading. She has been involved in numerous projects that aim to develop a better understanding of the underlying mechanisms of dyslexia and thus to find better therapies and provision for dyslexic individuals across different cultures and languages. Professor Wydell is currently working on two projects to investigate differences in the prevalence of dyslexia in different languages. For example, dyslexia is much less common in Japanese than in English.

Professor Ian Rivers research into homophobic and sexualised bullying has involved collaboration with US-based colleagues at the University of Illinois, Boston College, and the Division of Violence Prevention at the CDC in Atlanta. He is lead author of a handbook for parents and teachers of children in the US public school system entitled Bullying: A Guide for Educators and Parents, and has been a contributor to several expert panels addressing bullying behaviour.

Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013


Brunel has enjoyed unprecedented success in gaining European funding under the FP7 framework and other EU funding schemes. Current EU-funded projects involve academic and industrial partners from all over Europe, and this encourages a fruitful interaction of ideas and technologies as well as providing a useful benchmark against the best European research standards.

Four projects currently funded under FP7 are coordinated by Brunel.

The 4.4 million HiPerDNO project aims to develop a new generation of distribution network management systems with inherent security and intelligent communications, for smart distribution network operation and management. The 3D VIVANT project is investigating the generation of a novel true 3D video technology and is expected to have a high impact for users, producers, content creators and filmmakers, and make Europe the leader in this new genre. The UbiPOL project, worth 2.7 million, aims to develop a ubiquitous citizen participation platform for policy making processes in Europe. The ERINA4AFRICA project aims to provide African and EU policy makers with a detailed analysis of exploitable scenarios for existing and new infrastructures in Africa.

The last Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) judged 82% of Brunel Universitys research to be of international standing.
In addition, 21% of our academics in the RAE were in the first three years of their careers. We are one of the countrys leading investors in the researchers of the future, keeping our teaching and research fresh and forward-looking. As part of the prestigious ESRC Research Leaders of the Future scheme, Dr Matthew Rablen is investigating optimal ways of developing a portfolio of intervention types in order to maximise expected tax revenue. Once completed, the research will provide a rich framework of evidence for tax authorities in the investigation of potential audit types and targeted campaigns.

Dr Lee Romer, Reader in Sport and Exercise Physiology, researches the acute and chronic responses of the respiratory system to exercise and other stressors, such as heat and altitude, and the role of the respiratory system in limiting exercise tolerance in health and disease. Dr Romer is funded by UK Sport and Paralympics GB to investigate the respiratory system determinants of exercise performance in Paralympic athletes with spinal cord injury.


Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013

World class research

Research Collaboration
Knowledge transfer helps make healthcare patient-centred
To ensure that the important work of our researchers and students is utilised to its maximum potential, Brunel cultivates collaborative partnerships with industry, the public and private sectors, business and government, both in the UK and overseas. The North West London Hospitals NHS Trust employs 4,200 healthcare professionals who care for over half a million people each year. In 2004, the Trust built the Brent Emergency Care and Diagnostic Centre at Central Middlesex Hospital, designed as an exemplar for modernising local urban hospitals and involving a fundamental redesign of care processes based on multidisciplinary working. The NHS Trust entered a Knowledge Transfer Partnership with Brunel to evaluate the change programme and to provide independent feedback, particularly on the patient experience. This Partnership led to the development of a prototype handheld device for recording patient information in A&E, and other innovative tools to improve clinical practice across the NHS.

Engineering for the Environment

The Universitys collaborative research group in Energy and Environmental Sustainability allows our engineering expertise to be used in a number of renewable energy projects, with companies such as EDF Energy on the management of distributed generation, National Grid on power flow, and Converteam Ltd on converter wind turbines. Other energy-saving projects are looking at how to adapt a normal combustion engine into a new air hybrid engine at very low cost. Electric hybrid vehicles save fuel using energy management measures such as switching off the engine when not in use and recovering braking energy, but transforming an existing combustion engine into an electric hybrid is expensive and problematic. Air (pneumatic) hybrid engines are cheaper to run and deliver significantly fewer carbon emissions, and Brunels simple, cost-effective solution avoids the costly exhaust adaptations that engineers have been struggling to overcome for ten years.

ESRC funded project explores the use of Private Military and Security Companies
From 2013 a new collaborative ESRC project involving Professor Elke Krahmann from Brunels Department of History and Politics and Professor Anna Leander from Copenhagen Business School will examine the use of Private Military and Security Companies (PMSCs) by international organisations. The project will consider the United Nations, NATO and the European Union in military interventions.

Urban regeneration project links the UK and Spain

With ESRC funding, Dr Monica Degen has engaged with local councils in the UK and Spain to discuss best practice around urban regeneration strategies. The project is a collaboration between Barcelona Council, Milton Keynes Planning Department, Preston Council and Bedford Council.

Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013


International collaboration investigates the effects of innovation in the workplace

For an initial 24-month period, Brunel Business Schools International Collaborative Research Network (ICRN) is investigating creativity and innovation in the workplace and their effects upon performance, human resource management policies, and psychological well-being. The Networks partners are working across three countries in the EU the UK, the Netherlands, and Spain with collaborating groups based at Maastricht University and the University of Valencia. The Network has been fully funded by the Leverhulme Trust and will examine both the positive and negative causes, effects, and outcomes of workplace innovation attempts. It also seeks to further our understanding of the relations between creativity and innovation in job roles, of different aspects of psychological well-being for employees, and of the way in which these processes can best be managed in order to improve workgroup and organisational performance outcomes.

Collaborative Research Networks support multidisciplinary solutions to global problems

The cross-fertilisation of ideas and expertise that comes from our rich collaborative tradition is reflected in the way Brunel researchers interact across different disciplines within the University. The human race faces greater challenges than at any other time in its history, as issues such as health, technology and communications, climate change and population growth present problems that threaten the sustainability of our civilisation. Brunel has always taken a multidisciplinary view of research, and has now introduced yet more initiatives to encourage the most flexible and creative perspectives on these global problems. Five Collaborative Research Networks bring our experts together into multidisciplinary teams that focus on a number of broad themes: Ageing Complex Systems Creative Industries Energy and Environmental Sustainability Innovative Manufacturing These Networks help Brunel to engage with industry and the public sector, to increase the social, cultural and economic impact of our research in areas of global significance.

UK and Indian institutions help prepare graduates for Business Life

The Business Schools Business Life project connects UK and Indian institutions who are working together to develop and share good practice to enhance the employability potential of their students. The projects outputs will inform employability initiatives in each institution, to support the development of skilled graduates and the implementation of sustainable best practices for graduate employability. As well as maximising employability opportunities for graduates within the partner institutions, it will also communicate its activities to help spread these opportunities to a wider audience of higher and further education institutions in India and the UK.

Profession-oriented Taught Doctorates bring research into practice

Brunel has one of the most successful concentrations of profession-oriented taught doctorates in the HE sector. The University is one of a select group of institutions offering the prestigious New Route PhD programme, supported by the UK research, quality and funding agencies (see page 42). The Doctorate in Education has proved very attractive to high-achieving individuals in schools and colleges who are heads and deputy heads, or aspire to such roles (see page 119). The Doctorate in Public Health brings together expertise from the Schools of Social Sciences and Health Sciences and Social Care in a unique cross-disciplinary approach that appeals to highcalibre public health professionals (see page 84). It combines professional placements in research, policy and practice with taught components on analysis and management of population health.


Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013

Quality Courses

Quality Courses
When you choose your programme of study, you want to be sure that it is of high quality. Our best ambassadors are the students who have studied here before you, and you will find profiles of some of them on these pages and throughout this prospectus. However, there are numerous other independent measures that illustrate the success of our courses.

The University receives consistently positive evaluations from a range of quality assessment and accrediting agencies. External indicators include: An OfSTED inspection awarded our PGCert Primary course Grade 1 overall for the first time, and the TDA has now upgraded the programme to Grade A (page 122); The Brunel MBA is one of a distinguished minority of programmes to be accredited by the Association of MBAs (page 58); The MSc Global Supply Chain Management enjoys accreditation from the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply (CIPS) and the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT) (page 55); Brunel offers the first MA in Journalism in London to gain NCTJ accreditation (page 51); The Institution of Mechanical Engineers and the Institution of Engineering and Technology accredits many of the School of Engineering and Designs postgraduate courses (page 59); The Energy Institute and the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineering accredit the MSc degrees in Building Services Engineering (page 76); The Institution of Engineering Designers accredit a number of Design-related programmes (page 66). Please see the individual course pages for more information.

Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013



A strong research ethos feeds directly into our research and taught programmes, ensuring that content remains as up-to-date as possible. It also means that the University can constantly refine and update its courses and constituent modules to keep their content fresh and challenging. Exciting new courses that have been introduced recently illustrate this forward-looking approach. The MSc in Business Systems Integration (with SAP Technology) reflects the needs of modern organisations, combining the integration of people, process and information with handson experience of aspects of SAP R/3, Business Warehouse and Netweaver. The unique MSc in Applied Corporate Brand Management (with Professional Practice) covers branding issues in blue chip companies, the service industry, banks, petrol companies, lifestyle organisations, corporate brand heritage, nation and place branding. The MSc in Hand Therapy, the first of its kind in the UK, takes place in a supportive and structured environment and attracts occupational therapists and physiotherapists. The School of Engineering and Design offers a range of industrially relevant courses: MSc Advanced Electronic and Electrical Engineering; MSc Embedded Systems (Signal Processing) and MSc Embedded Systems (Multimedia Communications); MSc Project and Infrastructure Management; MSc Renewable Energy Engineering; and MSc Water Engineering. A new MSc in the Anthropology of International Development and Humanitarian Assistance provides training to enable students to seek employment with NGOs and international agencies (such as the World Health Organisation and the World Food Programme). Brunel is one of only a few universities to offer a cluster of courses in health, medicine and technology from a sociological/social science perspective: MSc Sociology of Health and Illness; MSc Medicine, Bioscience and Society; and MSc Science, Technology and Contemporary Society. The MSc International Security programme combines rigorous academic study with a practical simulation module on civil-military cooperation, preparing individuals for careers in civilian and military organisations engaged in contemporary security and crisis management.

The MSc Politics programme conforms closely to the professional standards and core competences in political studies which organisations such as the Political Studies Association and the Economic and Social Research Council are actively seeking to promote. Please see the index (page 158) to browse individual course pages for more information.


Brunel has a long tradition of developing the kinds of students who employers want to recruit, because we have always placed great importance on integrating work skills and experience into our courses. Whether you are embarking on a programme of professional development, acquiring new skills and knowledge or aiming to get one step ahead in a competitive job market, you will be encouraged to meet employers on campus, learn about their requirements and develop your personal portfolio. In 2011, 87% of our postgraduates were in employment or further study six months after graduation. 86% of employed postgraduates were working in senior managerial, professional or technical occupations with others pursuing yet higher qualifications in the research field. 15% of postgraduates were top earners with salaries in excess of 30,000 and 82% reported salaries of 20,000 or more. Brunel graduates have gone on to be Heads of Design, Brand, Marketing and Global User Experience for major companies including Virgin Atlantic, Virgin Media, Nokia and Intercontinental Hotels Group. They also lead prestige industries such as Lotus Engineering and China Merchants Bank and hold senior positions in Formula One teams like Williams and Mclaren Mercedes. Six graduates are MPs whilst many others are household names in the performance and media industries, alongside a distinguished list of Olympic, Paralympic, World and Commonwealth champions in a range of sports. The University has an award winning Placement and Careers Centre that can provide support and information in developing your career aims and prospects. See page 34 for more on what the service can offer.


Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013

The Graduate School

The Graduate School

Every postgraduate student is a member of the University-wide Graduate School. It has both an academic and pastoral role and is headed by the Director of the Graduate School, supported by a team of dedicated academic and administrative staff.

The Graduate School aims to enhance the postgraduate student experience and support you in all the elements of study and student life that affect your progress at Brunel and your success after graduation. Central to your success as a postgraduate student is the enhancement of the necessary skills set to help your personal and professional development. The School therefore provides skills training workshops and seminars for all taught postgraduate and research students.

The School also ensures that the requirements of postgraduate students are considered in policy-making and that issues of quality in courses, supervision and training are monitored and addressed. Just as important to you as an individual, the School provides a physical environment that acts as both a social and intellectual meeting point for postgraduates, whether you want to access a computer terminal or just enjoy a quiet cup of coffee.

Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013


The Graduate School is centrally located, and offers a welcoming environment for meeting other students, studying, or just taking a break. Dedicated solely to postgraduates, it provides 24-hour access to: A quiet study room A postgraduate common room with laptop plug-in points; Internet kiosks; A fully equipped kitchen; A bookable conference room with AV facilities; Storage locker hire; A laptop loan scheme. The Postgraduate Study Centre in the Bannerman Centre (the Library building) is open 24/7 for the use of taught postgraduate and research students. It has 40 PCs, laptop plug-in points, printers and a lounge area.

A number of social events are organised by the Graduate School including weekly coffee mornings and monthly researcher teas. The Union of Brunel Students also provides a broad range of social, sporting and welfare support and services. With the Union you can join a wide variety of societies and sports clubs, relax in the friendly atmosphere of the bars or enjoy good quality food. There is live entertainment bands, comics, DJs, club nights on a regular basis. You can also take advantage of the facilities and opportunities for participation offered by the Arts Centre and the Sports Centre. See pages 36 and 38.


Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013

The Graduate School

Training Opportunities
The Graduate School offers a wide range of skills training and personal and professional development opportunities for all Brunels postgraduates.


The Graduate School Skills Training programme provides seminars and workshops for all postgraduate students at Brunel University. The training enables students to develop the transferable skills necessary to succeed in their chosen course of study, improve their employability, and engage in continuous personal, professional and career development. Led by experts from Brunel and external organisations, the training programme also provides networking opportunities for students and enriches their postgraduate learning experience.

Researcher Development Series 1: New Researcher Induction This one-day induction event provides an overview of the PhD process, introduces the practicalities of doing a PhD at Brunel and gives new students an opportunity to network with current students. Researcher Development Series 2: Intermediate Researcher Development This module helps students to reflect on their journey so far and to gather knowledge in areas such as successful referencing, attending conferences and dealing with academic challenges. Researcher Development Series 3: Advanced Researcher Development This final module prepares students to successfully face their PhD viva and plan ahead for the future.


The Researcher Development Programme is provided exclusively for doctoral students and contract research staff, and incorporates workshops and seminars that satisfy the National Researcher Development Framework (RDF). The RDF describes the knowledge, competencies and attributes of a highly skilled researcher, encouraging researchers to engage in continued personal, professional and career development. The programme is designed to supplement the subject-specific training provided by the academic Schools and Specialist Research Institutes within the University. This enables doctoral students to develop the transferable skills necessary to succeed in their chosen course of study and improve their employability. One part of the Researcher Development Programme is the annual Researcher Development Series. This comprises a number of one-day conference style events on the topics of New Researchers Induction, Intermediate Researcher Development and Advanced Researcher Development.

Research Skills Online

Research Skills Online is a series of short online courses with a learning management system, and is ideal for Masters students, PhD students and postdoctoral researchers. Developed with input from 15 UK university experts, the virtual training courses contain reading materials, videos and interactive activities in the following areas: Entrepreneurship Research Methods: In the Sciences Research Methods: In the Social Sciences Research Methods: In the Arts and Humanities Intellectual Property in Research Project Management Good Ethics Practice

Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013



The Graduate School provides training, guidance and resources to support the development of Masters students at Brunel. In September 2011, the School launched Masters Skills Training, an exclusive programme that incorporates workshops and seminars to provide Masters students with information and training in various aspects of taught postgraduate study and life.

from all academic Schools within Brunel and encourages students to participate in other conferences relevant to their research.


In order to promote, recognise and celebrate the array of postgraduate research conducted at Brunel, the Graduate School awards ViceChancellors prizes worth up to 500 each. These are available as: Travel Prizes to support presentations at a national or international research conference; Research Poster Conference Prizes for posters that display a significant piece of postgraduate research at the Graduate School Annual Research Conference; Doctoral Research Prizes awarded to doctoral students who have demonstrated research excellence in their degree; Research Conference Prizes awarded by Schools for the quality of presentations during postgraduate research conferences organised within the University.


This week of seminars and workshops, run in collaboration with the Academic Skills Service, supports Masters students in every aspect of researching, planning and writing a successful dissertation. Over 450 students attended in 2012 for seminars such as Structuring Your Dissertation and Doing Ethical Research Using Human Participants.


In addition to the skills training programmes, the Graduate School organises special events such as the Annual Research Student Poster Conference. This event showcases multi-disciplinary talents


Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013

The International Scene

The International Scene

We host over 1,000 postgraduate students from 110 countries. International students make an important contribution to Brunel life and we take care to ensure they have a rewarding stay in the UK.
Brunel International provides co-ordinated support to international students from application to graduation. The International Student Services Centre provides pre-arrival information, an airport meeting service, orientation programmes and support throughout your time as a Brunel student. The International Admissions Office can deal with any questions right through the application process. The International Pathways and Language Centre offers English Language, PreMasters and Foundation courses, both before and during your course. It also provides a range of modern foreign language courses. The Immigration Office runs a batch scheme for current students to renew their student visas through Brunel, as well as offering general visa advice.

All postgraduate applicants can apply online for the Universitys programmes of study by using the link at the bottom of their selected course page on the Brunel website. If you are unable to apply in this way, please see the Brunel International website for information on the alternatives available: Web See pages 142 and 145 for further information. Research applicants are generally asked to provide a research proposal along with their application. The nature of your proposal can be discussed with your School. For further information about admissions criteria for your particular country, please see: Web

be offered the chance to raise it to the required standard by attending one of the English language courses run by our International Pathways and Language Centre.


The International Pathways and Language Centre (IPLC) offers courses to increase your knowledge of, and confidence in, English and to help you to progress onto an academic course at Brunel: English@Brunel is available throughout the academic year: international/iplc/english-language-courses/ english-@-brunel; Pre-sessional English is available through the summer: iplc/english-language-courses/pre-sessionalenglish; Bespoke programmes short-term courses for groups are also available.


The University recognises a range of qualifications. For full details, see: Web languagerequirements If your level of English does not meet the entry requirements for your particular course, you will


The IPLC also provides classes and tutorials for international students in academic writing, seminar and presentation skills, academic reading skills, listening and discussion skills, English pronunciation, and grammar. International students can also make appointments for individual consultations about academic writing.

Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013


The IPLC offers a Pre-Masters course in Engineering and Design (IIPED) for students who: have marginally missed the English entry standards or would like subject-focused English language study for taught Masters programmes in Engineering and Design; have been out of education for some time and would like to refresh their academic skills prior to starting their taught Masters course. For more information about the IIPED programme, please contact the IPLC: Email Tel +44 (0)1895 265519 For information about other Pre-Masters programmes run on the Brunel campus by our associate pathway college, LIBT, please see: Web Email Tel +44(0)1895 265540

skills including speaking, listening, reading and writing. Register for a language module online: Web You will receive a Certificate of Achievement if you successfully complete a language course. It may also be possible to receive academic credit for language modules, dependent on the policy of the School in which you are enrolled. You can view French, German, Spanish and Italian television programmes by prior arrangement. Web Email Tel +44 (0)1895 265533

A substantial amount of on-campus accommodation is reserved for full-time postgraduates (see page 26).


The IPLC offers classes for Brunel students in Arabic, Japanese, Russian, Polish, Portuguese, Mandarin Chinese, French, German, Italian and Spanish. These classes are available at a variety of levels and are taught by qualified, native speakers. They provide a stimulating atmosphere in which to learn and practise foreign language

You will have to pay special fees as an overseas student. Please see page 147 for details.

Web Email Tel +44 (0)1895 265519


Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013

Studying at Brunel

Studying at Brunel
One of Brunels chief attractions is its impressive and extensive range of academic facilities. The University is constantly improving and updating its learning resources, for example by installing state-of-the-art networking and projection in the lecture theatres.

The Library is an important hub at the centre of the campus, bringing together key services and facilities and, of course, the information resources that you will need during your time at Brunel. Library staff are committed to helping you make the most of the resources on offer, and are continually working towards developing services and providing facilities that support and enhance all your study and research activities. We are proud of the Librarys collections and facilities, designed to underpin the activities of a research-intensive University. The Library manages Brunel Universitys Research Archive (BURA), a repository of Brunels research outputs from journal articles to PhD theses. Once you have successfully completed your research, you will, in most instances, be able to see your final thesis archived permanently online in BURA.

Research facilities
We hold well over half a million books (420,000 print books and 156,000 eBooks), over 60,000 electronic journal titles, 110 databases, newspapers and DVDs. We have generous loan and renewal allowances for printed resources. In the unlikely event that you cannot find the research material that you need right here at Brunel, we offer a rapid inter-library loan service, which can supply materials on request from other libraries, such as the British Library. We also have reciprocal agreements with other university and national libraries to provide our postgraduate researchers with reference access to collections, and even borrowing rights in some cases.

Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013


Study facilities
24-hour opening Monday to Friday during term-time; extensive and easy access to computer and study facilities, including bookable group study rooms, 1,370 single study spaces and 320 PCs, with some areas exclusively for use by postgraduates and researchers; a 24/7 Postgraduate Study Room for out-ofhours access to networked PCs and electronic Library resources; the Research Commons, home of the Librarys special collections and an area for private study by research students; a laptop loan service; multimedia facilities photographic, video, audio and filming that support teaching and research; assistive technology facilities to help disabled and dyslexic students get the most from our learning resources.


Everyone uses the services provided by the Computer Centre and Media Services email, computer software, Internet access, audiovisual and media provision to enhance presentations and projects, and much more. When you register as a student at Brunel, you will be given a username that lasts for the duration of your course. This will give you access to many of our facilities including: a generous filestore allocation, where you may keep your work safely and securely; an email account for all your University correspondence, and access to your offcampus email accounts for your personal communication; a gateway to the Universitys virtual learning environment, including online library databases; access to the University network from your own computer, whether youre in halls of residence, at home, or using a wireless connection on campus; the Brunel intranet, which contains all your course information, access to student support and University news; PC workstations and wi-fi hotspots across the campus, some open around the clock; a well-stocked shop that can provide you with anything from a PC to a patch cable, all at competitive prices, and an equipment loan service for student media projects. Web

Academic support
Dedicated staff work with the academic Schools to ensure that the Library equips you with the resources and expertise you need. You will have access to one-to-one support from Subject Liaison Librarians and Academic Skills Advisers to help you find the information you need and to exploit it effectively. Library staff, working with academic colleagues and the Graduate School, run workshops on a wide range of topics including planning your literature review, managing references to avoid plagiarism, copyright issues for researchers and preparing presentations. Web


Located within the Bannerman Centre, the Assistive Technology Centre provides a range of specialist software and hardware to support disabled students, and runs a loan equipment scheme of key equipment such as digital recorders and assistive listening devices. See page 33 for more information.

Life at Brunel

Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013

Life at Brunel
The University is located on a single campus in Uxbridge on the outskirts of London, making it one of the very few campusbased universities within the M25. Not only is virtually everything you need on your doorstep, but being on one campus also helps to create a strong student community that flourishes as a result of living, studying and socialising in one location.

The local area will fulfil your weekly needs, whether youre after shops, cinemas or pubs. The town of Uxbridge itself, which still has buildings dating back to its time as a Georgian market town, is a thriving commercial and business centre. Its major shopping complexes, the Pavilions and the Chimes, offer a wide range of shops and cafes and a nine-screen multiplexcinema. Uxbridge town also boasts the only Olympicstandard 50m pool in West London. The 25 million redevelopment project also included the restoration of the Grade II listed outdoor swimming pool and the construction of additional high quality fitness and leisurefacilities.

The campus is fortunate to be located close to the lovely countryside of the Home Counties. Many of the famous sights of the Thames are also easily reached from the University Windsor, Eton, Henley and Hampton Court as well as top quality sporting and social venues such as Chessington, Twickenham and Wimbledon, and several league football clubs and racetracks.


The University is just a 20-minute walk or a short bus ride from Uxbridge underground station, so it is a straightforward journey into the centre of the capital. There is also a night bus that can bring you from central London to the edge of the campus.

Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013


All your needs on campus: onsite residential accommodation, academic facilities, welfare support and a real community environment in a single location. London a tube ride away: the advantages of campus life but with transport links to the Capital bus, tube and train within easy reach.

Town life: the compact yet thriving town of Uxbridge is a 20-minute walk away, offering shopping complexes, cinemas, restaurants and much more. Graduate hub: a Graduate School that provides a physical base for all postgraduate students together with social, academic and welfare support for the duration of your studies.

The University is just six miles from Heathrow but not under its flight paths and just a couple of miles from the M4, M40 and M25. Yet our traffic-free campus, including all its residential accommodation, is in a quiet location, served on its perimeters by excellent bus services.

The University has invested 350 million in buildings and infrastructure, and more is planned. New facilities you can already enjoy include: a 30 million flagship building at the Universitys Eastern Gateway, which opened in June 2012. The state-of-the-art building serves as a new main reception for the University and houses the Business School. It also provides new research and teaching facilities for academics and students, as well as an auditorium and art gallery for our burgeoning public performance programme and increasingly popular lecture series; 2.5 million UEFA-class football facilities and a competition-standard athletics track; an assistive Technology Centre for disabled students; an Indoor Athletics Centre, including an indoor sprint track and jump facilities, and a sports hall; modern halls of residence Brunel has a total of 34 on campus and a postgraduate residential quarter that brings our on-site accommodation up to 4,571 rooms, fourfifths of them en suite.

The big plus of living in a campus-based university is that the majority of your needs are catered for on site, including the Library and Computer Centre, academic and teaching buildings, welfare services, catering and social facilities. You will also have the option of living in University accommodation (see page 26 to find out more). You can organise most of your day-to-day needs without leaving the campus. There is a bank, a pharmacy, and a general shop where you can buy groceries, newspapers, stationery and even top up your phone card or Oyster card. The Computer Centre sells a range of IT-related products such as printers, network cables, memory sticks and disks, and the Students Union hosts a weekly fruit and veg market and Fair Trade stalls.


The University campus is an eclectic mix of modern buildings offset by lawns, gardens and interconnecting pathways. Striking 1960s architecture sits alongside the many new academic and social buildings.


Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013


A 48 million accommodation redevelopment programme has ensured that Brunel now offers some of the best quality, most modern accommodation available in Greater London, all located on campus.

Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013


All residential accommodation is on campus, most with en suite facilities. All standard and en suite rooms are singleoccupancy, so theres no need to share.

Network connection with Internet access in every room. Studio flats are available for cohabiting couples.


Our en suite halls make up more than 84% of Brunels accommodation. The latest addition completed in September 2008 is a complex of 1,228 en suite rooms plus 112 studio flats for co-habiting couples. A system of priorities is used in the allocation of rooms to students. A number of rooms are reserved on campus specifically for full-time postgraduate and full-time research students, provided that you apply and meet the conditions of your course offer by 1 September. The Accommodation Office will email you once you hold a formal offer of a place on a course at Brunel. This will provide details of how to complete an accommodation application online at We will endeavour to meet your preferences but they are subject to availability. The self-catering accommodation in the University Halls comprises two types of single bedrooms. In standard rooms, you share kitchen and bath/shower facilities, while in en suite rooms, you share kitchen facilities but have a private bath/shower room. We also offer studio flats for co-habiting couples, and speciallyadapted rooms for students with disabilities*. Accommodation is allocated for a period of 51 weeks (September to September), after which students will move off campus. However, if you progress to a full-time research programme, you can apply for accommodation for your second and third years.

weekly rent in 2012/13** ranges from 94.01 for a standard single room to 119.77 for an ensuite room in a flat (117.74 for ensuite in a corridor), and 180.04 for a co-habiting couples studio flat.


Students requiring accommodation off-campus should contact the University Housing Office, which compiles details of local privately-owned addresses that are made available to students on request. Tel +44 (0)1895 266187 Email Web living-off-campus


There are a number of catering outlets on the campus that offer a variety of meals and snacks, including vegetarian and Halal options. There is a comprehensive refectory, providing meals on weekdays and for weekend events, together with a variety of alternative outlets in the Bannerman Centre, the Sports Centre and other locations. For further information about accommodation: Q&A Centre Email Web Tel +44 (0)1895 267900 Text +44 (0)7860 023026 Fax +44 (0)1895 269793 * Please contact the Disability and Dyslexia Service for details (see page 32). ** Fees for University accommodation are reviewed annually. The policy of the University regarding accommodation may be reviewed at any time. Web residence-regulations


Despite Brunels location close to London, the weekly rents for a room on campus compare very favourably with the amounts charged by many universities in other parts of the UK, and especially with those in the London area. The


Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013

Student Support and Welfare

Student Support and Welfare

Even students who have studied before particularly if they have worked for a number of years prior to returning to university may find that postgraduate study throws up unexpected problems. At Brunel, we try to help you adjust to living and working here, whatever your background. Your first port of call for help with both academic and welfare issues will be the Graduate School (see page 16), but there are many specialist welfare support services on hand as well.

Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013


Personal and pastoral support via a range of dedicated services, including the Counselling Service, Medical Centre and the Students Union. Excellent support for disabled students, including an Assistive Technology Centre. Careers advice and help at every stage in your postgraduate studies. Plenty of support to make the most of your skills, and develop new ones, through Brunels virtual learning environment, Blackboard Learn.

Getting Started
Before you arrive at Brunel, you will be sent a handbook containing information and links on everything you need to know about our support services, learning resources, and study, social and sporting facilities. You will also be given a username and password that will allow you access to all the Universitys email and intranet services and the eLearning environment through the student portal. Once at Brunel, you will meet your course tutor or research supervisor. These members of staff can be approached on a personal as well as an academic basis and, as your course progresses, regular contact with your supervisor becomes increasingly valuable.


Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013

Student Support and Welfare

Sources of Advice and Support

Brunels advice, support and welfare teams are committed to helping you achieve your full potential during your studies.

Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013


There are various advisory and support services around the University that offer face-to-face, phone and online advice throughout your time at Brunel.

The Universitys Chaplaincy Centre the Meeting House is the base for chaplains from different faiths, currently Christian (Anglican and Roman Catholic), Muslim and Hindu. They seek to be a spiritual and pastoral resource for the whole University community, which comprises a great diversity of people from a variety of religious and non-religious backgrounds. We also have a number of student societies for many of the major world religions.


The Student Centre is located at the heart of the campus, and provides a range of support services through a team of advisors. They are on hand to deal with administrative enquiries, provide information, and offer guidance throughout your time at Brunel. The Student Centre will be your first port of call about issues such as: enrolment; finance, fees and funding; visa applications; travel advice including applications for Transport for London discounts; module selection; and student access ID cards.

The University is home to an open general NHS Medical Centre used by Brunel staff and students as well as the local community. The Centre is available only to those who are registered with the practice, so those who live over four miles from campus will need to register with a doctor in their own locality. Please note that the University does not provide dental services so you should have a dental check-up before you arrive.


The Advice and Representation Centre, which holds the Community Legal Service Quality Mark, is part of the Union of Brunel Students and offers an independent, professional, free and confidential advice service on a range of legal issues. This includes issues such as housing, student funding, benefits, debt and budgeting, as well as University-related issues such as appeals, mitigating circumstances or complaints. Web


For more information on student welfare and support: Web

BrunelS Counselling Service is a professional and confidential service offering emotional and personal support for concerns such as bereavement, relationship difficulties, selfesteem, loneliness, or any other problem that may be interfering with your academic work or enjoyment of university life. The Service is accredited by the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy.


Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013

Student Support and Welfare

Support for Disabled Students

Brunel University offers some of the best university facilities for disabled students in the UK, with a range of support services and resources on offer to help you make the most of your degree.

Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013


Brunel University has the best university facilities for disabled students in the London area, according to a report by the Muscular Dystrophy Campaign. Our Disability and Dyslexia Service also won the Times Higher Education Award for Outstanding Support for Disabled Students in December 2008. The Service supports disabled students, including those with dyslexia and other specific learning difficulties, mental health difficulties, mobility and sensory impairments and unseen conditions such as epilepsy, diabetes, arthritis and RSI. The service is confidential information about you is only passed on to other people in the University with your agreement, and then only to make sure you get the support you need. The types of support available include: extra time in exams; extended library loans; assistance with applying for Disabled Students Allowances; dyslexia screenings and full diagnostic assessments; provision of note takers, communicators and other support workers; specialist one-to-one dyslexia tuition; loan of digital recording devices for recording lectures; mentoring support. If you are a disabled student and are applying to Brunel, please contact the Disability and Dyslexia Service for further information about the services and facilities available to you. If you would like to come and meet a member of the team to find out more, please get in touch. Tel +44 (0)1895 265213 Email Web


Brunel has a well-equipped Assistive Technology Centre that holds resources to support disabled students. These include: a wide range of assistive technology, including JAWS, Supernova, ZoomText, Dragon Naturally Speaking, TextHelp Read and Write and Inspiration; height adjustable desks, ergonomic chairs and other ergonomic equipment such as footrests and writing slopes; a variety of different keyboards, pointing devices and CCTV magnifiers; a comprehensive loan equipment scheme; one-to-one support and training. Tel +44 (0)1895 266348 Email Web


The West London Assessment Centre (WLAC) is based at the University, and can carry out Needs Assessments for students applying for Disabled Students Allowances. Specialist IT training for students can also be arranged if recommended. Tel +44 (0)1895 266704 Email Web


Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013

Student Support and Welfare

Careers and Employability Support

Student employability is a key University objective and we see it as a priority to work with our students and graduates and support you in achieving your career aims in todays competitive marketplace.

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The Placement and Careers Centre (PCC) is a professional, high-quality guidance and information service targeted at the needs of students and recent graduates for up to two years after graduation. Our 30-strong team has the knowledge and experience to help you build the skills to achieve your career aims. Brunel is one of only four universities to gain the prestigious Matrix Excellence Award, which is granted for high quality advice, guidance and information. Since 2007 the PCC has won a variety of national awards, most recently the 2012 award for Best UK Placement/Careers Service. The awards recognise and celebrate an innovative approach, so you can be sure of firstrate support from a pioneering team. The Placement and Careers Centre can offer: Career exploration and planning: whether you have clear ideas about your future career or you are still undecided, the PCC will work with you to explore the options available as well as offering practical support through the stages of the recruitment process. Its never too early to start exploring your options so come and see us early in your first term. Events and activities to help you market yourself to employers: the PCC organises a range of events to help you prepare top quality job applications, on topics such as CV preparation, completing application forms, interview techniques and psychometric testing. All of these can help you progress in your professional life. We invite a number of recruiters to deliver skills sessions and to attend our recruitment fairs on campus.

A wide range of resources: the PCC maintains an extensive careers library and online service, and the website has specialist resources for postgraduate students. Find out more about the services on offer at the Placement and Careers Centre: Web The Graduate School also co-ordinates a programme of skills training courses. See page 16 for more information.


The Job Shop, part of the Placement and Careers Centre, provides an up-to-date list of part-time and vacation opportunities both on and offcampus, with specific roles for postgraduate students. The opportunities available include administration, research assistant roles, and jobs in IT and technical support. These roles not only provide financial support, but also add to your skills and experience. Web services-for-students/working-while-you-study


Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013

The Arts Scene

The Arts Scene

The Arts Centre organises classes, courses, exhibitions, concerts and productions throughout the year, and provides the expert tuition and specialist equipment required for your musical and creative skills to flourish. The School of Arts also runs music groups, open to all members of the University.

Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013



Professionally-taught weekly classes and workshops are offered in a wide variety of the visual arts, including pottery, glass jewellery, painting and drawing. Weekly classes are free once you have paid a small annual membership fee and any necessary materials costs. The Universitys art gallery, which has recently relocated to the new Eastern Gateway Building at the entrance to campus, shows an annual exhibition of work produced in the Arts Centre studios. The gallerys year-round programme of exhibitions specialises in the work of living artists and craft workers, and recent shows have included works by Clair Chinney, Pip Dickens and Dai Roberts, as well as emerging artists and themed exhibitions.

There are several student drama groups and an annual major production with a professional director most recently performed shows include Little Shop of Horrors, Cabaret and Zombie Prom. Auditions are open to all students and staff.


University Music Awards are available for both postgraduate and undergraduate students. They are made annually towards the cost of music tuition for promising singers and instrumentalists who are not taking music performance as part of their academic course. Auditions are held at the beginning of each academic year. For further details, please contact the Arts Centre. Web Email Tel +44 (0)1895 266074

A wide range of vocal and instrumental groups ranging from Gospel, Folk and Jazz to Brunel Baroque and The Instrumentalists rehearse each week under professional direction. Performances are given each term, both on and off campus, and individual tuition is available for orchestral instruments, piano, voice, guitar and drum kit. The Arts Centre organises a diverse programme of lunchtime and evening concerts throughout the year. Recent artists have included The Maggini Quartet, pianists Joanna MacGregor and Alastair Beatson, and violinist Sarah Sew, as well as Brunels own students and staff.


Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013

Sport at Brunel

Sport at Brunel
As one of the UKs premier sporting universities, Brunel was right at the heart of the action during the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. Our state-of-the-art facilities are open students, staff, members of the community and international athletes, and activity programmes run throughout the year. We welcome disabled users and are committed to providing opportunities for everyone to take part in sport and active recreation.

London 2012 at Brunel

Athletes and staff from the Republic of Korea, Canada and the Caribbean trained at Brunel in the lead up to the London 2012 Games, and were united in their praise for the campus facilities and the welcome received from staff and students. The University hosted the Korean Olympic team and the Canadian Paralympic team for their preGames training camps. The teams used facilities at the University and in the London Borough of Hillingdon, and the Korean Chief Delegate highlighted the training camp as the most important factor in achieving their outstanding fifth place finish in the medal table. The Jamaica-based Racers Track Club, including triple Olympic Champion Usain Bolt, train at Brunel each summer, and Bolt continued his sprint dominance at the London Olympics. Bolt and his training partners Yohan Blake and Warren Weir won gold, silver and bronze in the 200m, capping a glittering Games for the club. Eleven Brunel students and graduates competed in the Olympics and Paralympics, and there was medal success for alumna and honorary fellow Kate Walsh (pictured below left, front row, far right). Kate withstood a horrific injury to captain Great Britain to bronze in womens hockey. A large number of staff and students from across the University also volunteered during the Games either as Games Makers or as performers in the Opening and Closing Ceremonies. More than sixty Brunel students were selected as specialist volunteers in the sports of Boccia, Goalball, Handball and Wrestling, after LOCOG approached the University on the basis of its deep-rooted culture of volunteering.

Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013


Sports Facilities and Programmes

The Active Brunel programme is part of the mass participation legacy of the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games, and offers more opportunities for people to get involved in sport and be active. The programme offers a range of informal and relaxed sport and physical activity sessions at different times throughout the week. Coming to University is a great chance to try out something new. Sport is a great way to make friends, get fit, have fun and even pick up skills that could help you get a job once you graduate. Activities take place in or around campus. Sessions are run on an informal, flexible basis allowing you to turn up when it suits you. There are a variety of sessions running at different times throughout the week, including swimming, cricket, judo, sailing, badminton and jogging, including specific sessions such as women only. Partnerships with top hockey, football, rugby, table tennis and netball clubs provide wider opportunities to develop your talents beyond the Universitys boundaries. Our sporting culture is enhanced by the presence of a number of major National Governing Bodies of Sport and Sporting organisations based at the University, as well as Pro Active West London. This helps to ensure that Brunel supports sporting frameworks regionally and nationally.

TOP-CLASS FACILITIES Sports Centre and Indoor Athletics Centre

The centrepiece of the Universitys sports facilities, the Indoor Athletics Centre offers a 132m sprint and hurdles straight, full field event provision and a strength and conditioning area. The Centre brings together sports medics, scientists, coaches and performance management staff, to ensure that athletes have access to all the expertise they need on one site. The Sports Centre contains two sports halls, four squash courts and an artificial climbing wall, and fitness classes such as yoga, pilates, spinning and dance take place in the large exercise studio. The gym has over 70 cardiovascular and resistance stations and a free weight strength training room. Fitness programmes, massage and complementary therapies are also available.

Sports Park
The Sports Park offers two synthetic pitches and a third generation pitch filled with rubber crumb, which plays like true grass and is UEFA certified. The multi-use synthetic pitches can be sub-divided and provide a full-sized hockey pitch, and the third generation pitch can be divided into three seven-a-side pitches. Both pitches have floodlighting and can be used all year round. Other outdoor facilities include six tennis courts, four netball courts and a six lane floodlit athletics track with full field event provisions. A new, accessible Sport Pavilion opened in 2011 after a 1.2 million refurbishment project.


Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013

Sport at Brunel

Brunel University is one of the UKs top institutions not only for the study of Sport Sciences (see page 124) but also in the achievements of its students. This is illustrated by the number of graduates, students and staff across the University who have represented their country in international competition as competitors and coaches. Brunel has a history spanning over 60 years of supporting talented student athletes, and their achievements are a source of great pride. Our Sports Scholars attain the highest achievements possible in their sports and have won Olympic, Paralympic, World, European and Commonwealth titles. The Sports Scholarship Programme has helped hundreds of students across over 20 different sports succeed through a comprehensive programme that provides the best possible support to athletes studying in higher education. The programme includes financial support, athlete-friendly accommodation on campus and free Athletics Performance Programme Membership to the Indoor Athletics Centre. As a main criterion, all applicants must be able to demonstrate sporting achievement at Junior International level or equivalent. For further information on sports scholarships, please email details of your sporting performance and state the course for which you are applying: Email Further information about sport at Brunel: Web


The Coach Development Programme enables students to add nationally recognised qualifications to their portfolio as well as specific sports coaching qualifications. Opportunities are available to gain first aid qualifications, to work with disabled sports teams and to gain qualifications to work in the fitness industry. Work Placements allow students to gain important workplace experience to support their academic qualifications. Part-time and full-time placements are available in a wide variety of sports sector roles. For more information on work placements, see page 34.

We strive to deliver a quality service to all who use our facilities; this ethos is the foundation of our mission, to promote participation in sport and physical activity through to performance by providing high quality facilities and services for students, staff and the community. We are Quest accredited Quest is a tool for continuous improvement, designed primarily for the management of leisure facilities and leisure development. It defines industry standards and good practice and encourages our ongoing development and delivery within a customer focused management framework.

Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013


Study Opportunities at Brunel

Research Programmes
MPhil LLM EdD DrPH PhD Master of Philosophy Master of Law by Research Doctor of Education Doctor of Public Health Doctor of Philosophy

NRPhD New Route PhD

Brunel has a range of research degree programmes that cater for a diverse spectrum of postgraduate interests. The subjects available for study as a research degree are generally determined by the current research activities of the Universitys Schools and Research Institutes. You therefore need to read the relevant sections of this prospectus to check whether Brunel is working in a field in which you are interested. However, enquiries from applicants in associated areas are also welcomed.

You will carry out an approved research project leading, if you attain a suitable standard, to the presentation of a full thesis. During your research, you will be supervised by two members of academic staff working in your specialist area. You will have regular meetings with your supervisors to discuss your progress and to receive and seek guidance. Most students produce an outline of their thesis during Year 1 to help structure the rest of their research.

You may work through fulltime or part-time study or, where appropriate to the subject of your research, away from the University. A fulltime doctoral programme usually takes three years and the length of a part-time version is normally four years. For an MPhil, the duration is usually one to two years. If you are taking one of the Universitys extended PhD programmes (the New Route PhD and EdD fall into this category) you can expect to study for around four years full-time. This option is currently offered in a number of research areas and includes taught components designed to broaden and deepen your research expertise and understanding. More information about these programmes can be found on pages 42 and 119.

Brunel University is one of the leading providers in the country of profession-oriented doctoral programmes. We offer the prestigious New Route PhD in a comprehensive range of subjects, but also have highly-regarded specialist doctorates in Public Health (page 84) and in Education (page 119).


Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013

Study Opportunities at Brunel

A good first degree or a Masters degree.

New Route PhD with Integrated Postgraduate Diploma

Brunel is one of a number of English universities selected to offer this prestigious type of PhD programme that is supported by the UK national research, quality and funding agencies. The programme is designed not only to educate graduates not only to the high academic standards expected from a PhD, but also to provide advanced training in generic and discipline-specific skills. Extending the usual PhD from three to four years, the programme ensures you are able to develop an integrated range of skills and knowledge that will broaden and deepen your subject expertise beyond the bounds of the usual research degree.

Admission to this programme is the same as for standard PhD applicants. See page 142 and also the information given under each course entry.

Doctoral Programmes Manager, Brunel Graduate School Tel +44 (0)1895 265347 Email newroutephd@brunel. Web newroutephd Course Director Dr Kate Hone

FEES 2013
For the entire four year programme, fees are currently 52,000-66,000 according to the discipline selected.

Advanced Manufacturing and Enterprise 62 81 Business and 54 66 Economics and 104 118 Electronic and Computer 69 Human 105 Information Systems and 92 Mathematical 92 Mechanical 74

Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013



The New Route PhD is a unique and innovative structured programme which equips independent researchers with the personal and transferable skills required to make a significant contribution to their chosen field. Whether as professional educators, researchers or business leaders, the high level of training on this course will give you a distinctive competitive edge in the world of work. The four-year programme comprises two closely interwoven strands: the development of your thesis, and the taught element. For your thesis, you will be supported and guided by two supervisors who will be academics working in your area.

New Route PhD Taught Programme and Assessment Structure

Module Code GS5525 GS5527/31

Title Theory and Practice in Research Research Design and Analysis/Research Techniques and Analysis Research Management, Leadership and Personal Development Academic Research Dissemination Knowledge Exchange and Research Impact Guided Study OR Discipline-specific modules Total Credits

Credits 15 30

Study Year(s) 1 1-2

Assessment Year 1 2




GS5528 GS5529 GS5526

15 15 30

1-3 2-3 By end of Year 2

3 3 Years 1,2 (or both)


All New Route PhD students are guaranteed a place in University accommodation in their first year if they request it. There is even some availability for couples in studio flats, although unfortunately we cannot accommodate children. See page 26 for more information about accommodation at Brunel.


Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013

Study Opportunities at Brunel

Taught Masters Courses

LLM MA MBA MRes MSc Master of Law Master of Arts Master of Business Administration Master of Research Master of Science

Brunel offers over 100 taught Masters courses. If you register for and complete only part of the Masters programme, you may be eligible for the award of a Postgraduate Certificate or Postgraduate Diploma, depending upon the number of credits gained and marks earned. The University also offers the Masters of Research (MRes), which can provide a solid foundation if you intend to go on to a PhD and which offers thorough training in research theory, skills and practice.


Most Masters courses are available on a full-time or parttime basis, although some are only available in one or other of these modes. A number of programmes may also be studied by distance learning, which means you may undertake most of your study away from the University. More flexible modes of study are also available in some areas and, with rapid advances in electronic communications, some have facilities for tutoring and group conferencing. You should check with your School on the arrangements for your particular course. Full-time programmes last approximately one year, beginning at the end of September (although a few courses begin in February). Part-time courses last a minimum of two years and usually involve attendance on one day a week, though arrangements for block-taught courses may differ from this.

Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013


Masters courses are made up of self-contained modules worth a set number of credits. Usually you can expect to take the taught modules during the first two-thirds of your course and move on to the dissertation for the latter part. You may find, though, that there is some overlap between the two sections. The title of your dissertation is usually agreed between you and your supervisor and will relate to your chosen course of study, but you can also draw on your work experience if you are in relevant employment. The taught modules will vary in the way they are presented. You can expect some lectures and seminars and more smallgroup teaching than is possible at undergraduate level. This allows students from a variety of work backgrounds to exchange professional expertise within an academic context. Students in technology- or science-based disciplines will also have some laboratory-based and practical components.

Your postgraduate course will provide you with the skills you need to undertake a project or dissertation in your chosen field. These may include, for example, research methods, use of relevant software packages, and communication and presentation skills. As part of the induction programme, you will find out how to use information retrieval systems in the University, and Brunels computing services. Distance learning students will be given an appropriate induction to their course through course materials or a residential period, and will usually be in regular email contact with their School. For more information on course structure, assessment, your dissertation, how to apply and entry requirements, see page 144.


Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013

Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013


School of Arts
Brunel Universitys forward-looking School of Arts has experienced impressive growth in the last few years, particularly in the numbers of students studying for MPhil and PhD degrees and in the range of distinctive taught MA programmes on offer. The Schools lively postgraduate community is taught by staff and visiting professionals at the forefront of their fields. Social engagement, contemporaneity, interdisciplinarity and crossfertilisation between creative and critical practice are key themes of their research output. Members of the School have a growing national and international reputation, particularly in the fields of contemporary music, contemporary literature, Renaissance literature, creative writing, journalism, contemporary and experimental performance, the creative use of digital media and video games, and the study of contemporary cinema and television. Students have the use of modern equipment such as stateofthe-art digital cameras and Avid editing suites, and work spaces including performance and rehearsal rooms, recording studios, and other media and arts facilities.

Dominique graduated with an MA in Digital Games: Theory and Design and is currently a game designer at The Creative Assembly. He was part of the BAFTAwinning team of designers that worked on Shogun 2.
As a game designer at The Creative Assembly, I am currently designing, researching and proposing content for upcoming entries in the Total War series. During my MA course I had some fun times and met good people. The course was enlightening and is recommended for anyone committed to working in the industry or just itching to broaden their practical knowledge of game design.


Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013

School of arts Directory

Academic Areas
English Creative Writing Journalism Music Screen Media Theatre

Research Areas
Brunel Centre for Contemporary Writing Professor Philip Tew Contemporary and Modern Literature Professor Philip Tew Renaissance and Early Modern Culture Professor James Knowles Centre for Contemporary and Digital Performance Professor Johannes Birringer Centre for Contemporary Music Practice Professor Christopher Fox Institute of Composing Professor Peter Wiegold Brunel Institute for Contemporary Middle-Eastern Music Professor Peter Wiegold Screen Media Research Centre Professor Geoff King Body, Space and Technology Professor Sue Broadhurst

Taught Courses
Contemporary Performance Making MA Creative Writing: The Novel MA Digital Games: Theory and Design MA Documentary Practice MA English Literature MA English Literature: Contemporary Literature and Culture MA International Journalism MA Journalism (NCTJ accredited) MA Media and Public Relations MA

Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013


Research Opportunities
The School of Arts offers postgraduate research in a diverse range of areas with specialists available to supervise study in the fields of Screen Media, English, Music, Games Design and Contemporary Drama and Performance Studies. The School has distinctive expertise in offering practice-based MPhil and PhD programmes tailored to your individual interests, as well offering more traditional degrees based on the written thesis or a mixture of the two. You are advised to contact a member of staff in each subject area who will help you with your proposal or put you in touch with another member of staff with appropriate research interests who can advise you.

Malcolm graduated with distinction from the Documentary Practice MA and is now working as Technical Operations Manager in Brunels School of Arts. His short film Lees England, made during his MA, was featured on Channel 4s FourDocs homepage, receiving an excellent editors review. The film was also screened at the Victoria and Albert Museum.
Ive had a positive period lately on the film front. One Foot Off The Ground, an experimental short conceptualised and produced in collaboration with a Brunel colleague, has been selected for the Maltese Shorts section of the Kinemastik Short Film Festival held in Malta. A Long Way, a short I made in 2008 as the final project for my MA at Brunel was also shortlisted for the Best Short Film Award of the flEXiff Experimental Film Festival held in Sydney, Australia. Both films have been selected by the Mediterranean Producers Association (APIMED) for inclusion in this years MEDIMED catalogue.

How to apply for research opportunities

Contact Sue Ramus, School of Arts, Brunel University, Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB8 3PH Email Tel +44 (0)1895 274000 Fax +44 (0)1895 203105


Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013

School of arts

Taught Courses
Contemporary Performance Making MA
This MA allows students the space to nurture their creativity through the practical and critical exploration of contemporary performance. It aims to provide a bridge between academia and the professional world, giving students the opportunity to network and engage in a variety of supervised and self-managed projects. It offers specialisation in directing, solo performance, digital performance and performance writing and the opportunity for professional work placements. Staff members and guest artists have national and international reputations in contemporary performance. Students benefit from opportunities to showcase their pieces in a professional atmosphere, helping to launch their entry into the professional arena.

Mode of study: 1 year full-time: 2-3 days per week changing to 0.5 days per week plus rehearsal time in Term 3. 2 years part-time: Terms 1-2 and 4-5, 1-1.5 days per week; Term 3 free; Term 6, 0.5 days per week plus rehearsals. Contact: Donna White, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 267214 Programme Convenor: Fiona Templeton

Creative Writing: The Novel MA

This MA was designed by writers, for writers to teach everything a new novelist ought to know. It combines a focus on the skills of writing fulllength fiction with a clear-eyed exploration of the publishing process and related creative fields. This MA has attracted considerable interest among publishers and literary agents, many of whom participate actively in the programme.

Mode of study: 1 year full-time: 1 day per week. 2 years part-time: 0.5 days per week. Contact: Donna White, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 267214 Programme Convenor: Matt Thorne

Digital Games: Theory and Design MA

This Masters will enable you to engage in, and experiment with, practical game design. Your conceptual and analytic skills are developed through the analysis of games and their contexts. Different types of games are explored with the aim of encouraging innovative designs. Many graduates of this Masters now work in a range of roles within the games industry. I believe this award to be the best of its kind in the country, and continue to be both impressed by and envious of the quality of students it attracts. Professor Richard Bartle, University of Essex

Mode of study: 1 year full-time: 3 days per week. 2 years part-time: 2 days per week in Year 1; 1 day per week in Year 2. Contact: Donna White, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 267214, Web Programme Convenor: Professor Tanya Krzywinska

Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013


Documentary Practice MA
This MA aims to give students the opportunity to creatively, practically and critically engage with documentary film from a variety of traditions. The course is structured to provide you with training and professional expertise in both dominant/mainstream documentary production techniques and procedures and alternative traditions. This dual focus and the unprescriptive ethos of the course make it a unique space to develop your imagination and knowledge about documentary.

Mode of study: 1 year full-time: 2-3 days per week. 2 years part-time: 1 day per week in Year 1; 2 days per week in Year 2. Contact: Donna White, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 267214 Programme Convenor: Dr Michael Wayne

English Literature MA
The MA in English Literature is designed for those wishing to prepare for further research, or to take their general studies in English literature further and enhance their career prospects. The programme offers the opportunity to study a wide range of topics and periods, from the early Modern/Renaissance through to the modern and contemporary. Taught by world-leading specialists, students will take a unique, conceptled compulsory module as well as choosing from a range of options including modules taken from Brunels other English and Creative Writing MAs. Students can also choose to study on the Contemporary Literature and Culture MA Pathway. This route within the MA English Literature is the first in the country designed to allow advanced study of contemporary literatures in all their diversity, taking in popular genres, the 21st century novel, contemporary innovations, postcolonial literatures, postmodern poetics and more. The course considers contemporary culture as the context from which all such writing is produced, and within which it comes to be studied, and is taught by one of the most impressive teams of specialists in the UK.

Mode of study: 1 year full-time: 1 day per week. 2 years part-time: 0.5 days per week. Contact: Donna White, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 267214 Programme Convenor: Professor William Watkin

Journalism MA
Brunels MA in Journalism is one of the bestperforming postgraduate newspaper journalism courses in the UK, according to the National Council for the Training of Journalists (NCTJ). The programmes strong employment record is justified by its graduates success beyond Brunel. Accredited by the NCTJ, students undergo a rigorous training in professional journalism skills and knowledge, including news writing, Teeline shorthand, government and law. The programme also teaches cutting-edge production skills in a digital multi-media context. Students will gain an understanding of journalism practice, and interrogate contextual and ethical issues including the role of spin doctors and freedom of information.

Mode of study: 1 year full-time: 4 days per week. 2 years part-time: Year 1, 3.5 days per week; Year 2, 1-2 days per week dependent on module choice. Contact: Donna White, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 267214 Programme Convenor: Dr Sarah Niblock


Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013

School of arts

International Journalism MA
This MA is designed so that students will have an all-round grounding in multiplatform journalism skills along with advanced understanding of the context of journalism in the modern world. The course addresses the global expansion in the journalism industry by contextualising different forms of journalistic practice within a framework of technological, political and cultural change. Special features include: multi-skilling in journalism technology; emphasis on writing for global journalism; specialist activity for informed career choice; journalism practice contextualised within a framework of technological, legal, political and cultural change; work placement, with experience of realworld journalism, supported by strong Brunel/industry links. Mode of study: 1 year full-time: 3-4 days per week. Contact: Donna White, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 267214 Programme Convenor: Paul Lashmar

Media and Public Relations MA

The academic study of PR and the media is recent, and this new MA puts Brunel at the forefront of this research. The research interests of the teaching team have given the MA a distinctive character, and the course examines the role of PR in shaping output both within media organisations themselves and in relation to the external impact of PR on the media. The focus on PR within the media will range from large corporations to smaller-scale forms including DIY practices employed by lower-budget producers, online channels, key areas of development in PR and marketing more generally.

Mode of study: 1 year full-time: 2 days per week. 2 years part-time: 1 day per week. Full-time students should also expect to spend 1 day in the library and 1 day on research per week. Contact: Donna White, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 267214 Programme Convenor: Dr Milly Williamson

How to apply for a taught course

Applications should be made online through the specific course page on the Brunel University website by clicking on the Apply button. All applications need to be supported by two references, one of which must be an academic reference. Applications should be submitted as early as possible. The applicant may be required to attend an interview at the University before a decision on the application is made. For international applicants, it may be possible to arrange telephone and web conference interviews. For more information please visit:

Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013


Brunel Business School

Brunels vibrant, innovative and forward-looking Business School is one of the largest in the university and is home to over 2,200 students. Based in the flagship Eastern Gateway Building at the entrance to the campus, the School offers a range of programmes covering all the core business and management disciplines. The School also boasts a unique employability programme, Business Life, which is designed to maximise students employability by providing a programme of professional workshops and events that run in parallel with academic studies. Rankings and Accreditations The School is ranked in the top 20 Business Schools in the UK and the top 75 in Europe according to the Financial Times. The Brunel MBA is accredited by the Association of MBAs (AMBA), the leading MBA accreditation body. The MSc in Management has been ranked eighth in the world for career prospects and is one of the top ten Management programmes in the UK, according to the Financial Times.

Research Areas
Accounting and Auditing Research Centre (AARC) Centre for Research into Entrepreneurship, International Business and Innovation in Emerging Markets (CEIBIEM) Centre for Research in Marketing (CREAM) Information Systems Evaluation and Integration (ISEing) Operations and Supply Chain Systems Group (OASIS) Work and Organisation Research Centre (WORC)

Taught Courses
Applied Corporate Brand Management MSc Masters of Business Administration Global Supply Chain Management MSc Human Resources and Employment Relations MSc Human Resources Management MSc International Business MSc Management MSc Marketing MSc


Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013

Brunel Business School

Research Opportunities
Brunel Business School (BBS) offers an exciting, productive and supportive environment for your PhD studies. Throughout your progress towards a PhD you will be mentored by an expert supervisory team. BBS considers PhD students as junior members of staff and you will be regarded accordingly with invitations to our Research Centres, seminar series, technical courses and conferences. You will benefit from an international community of research scholars from many countries and have access to sophisticated physical and electronic library resources. You will join a stimulating, rewarding and vibrant research culture, contribute to the annual PhD Symposium and engage fully with your designated Research Group. BBS also offers professional research training.

A PhD involves undertaking primary research into a specific area of interest. A full-time PhD usually takes up to three years. To be awarded a PhD, your research will need to of a suitable standard and your findings set out in an appropriately detailed thesis. Your thesis is then submitted for formal assessment by academic referees, after which you will be questioned in depth about your research during a viva examination by a panel comprising senior academics from Brunel and other universities.

New Route PhD

The New Route PhD is a four-year research-based programme. In addition to pursuing research, students spend their first three years studying a tailor-made programme of taught modules that underpins their doctoral study and enhances their skills as a researcher.

PhD without residence - Ahlia University, Bahrain

Brunel also offers a research degree in Business and Management delivered at Ahlia University, Bahrain. The three year PhD programme is fully accredited and is recognised as equivalent to a degree provided on campus in the UK. The certification will be issued by Brunel University.

An MPhil may be awarded to a student who undertakes research of a suitable standard but does not submit a full thesis.

Applicants for all PhD programmes will normally be expected to hold a good honours degree in a relevant academic discipline as well as a successfully completed Masters degree. Applicants who do not meet these academic requirements but can demonstrate significant occupational experience will be considered on a case by case basis.

How to apply for research opportunities

Applications can be submitted online. To support your application please include: A research proposal (1,500 words) Transcripts and certificates Two reference letters Statement of purpose For PhD enquiries please contact: Curriculum Vitae Sponsor details if applicable Proof of English level if applicable

Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013


Taught Courses
Applied Corporate Brand Management MSc
This programme covers issues of branding relating to blue chip companies, the service industry, banks, petroleum companies, lifestyle organisations, corporate brand heritage, nation and place branding. The core contents of branding are examined at the corporate level rather than at the product level. The academic experts contributing to the programme are prominent world class researchers in the branding field. The MSc ACBM (with Professional Practice) incorporates a work placement of 14 weeks, allowing students to take their learning outside the classroom by pairing them with brand companies. Mode of study: 1 year full-time: minimum 4 days per week *MSc with work placement: includes 14 weeks professional practice (optional) Contact: Brunel Business School, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 267124 or 265910 Course Director: Professor T C Melewar, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 265859

Vrushali, originally from India, studied for a Global Supply Chain Management MSc
Id already made up my mind to do a Masters in Supply Chain Management before graduating in Automobile Engineering. I was particularly interested in a university with a good reputation that was located in a cosmopolitan city, like my home city of Mumbai. Brunel University ticked all the boxes: the MSc Global Supply Chain Management offered exactly the right modules and the University has an excellent international reputation with high calibre teaching staff. Added to that, the location couldnt be better just 45 minutes to the centre of one of the best cities in the world. Ive not only studied alongside students of different nationalities and different cultures, but of different viewpoints, too. Living on campus has been amazing, especially the sporting facilities. Indeed, life at Brunel is one of the most memorable experiences Ive had so far in my life.

Global Supply Chain Management MSc

The MSc Global Supply Chain Management is an exciting and focused programme for those considering a career in Supply Chain or Logistics. Students study issues relating to the development of supplier relationships, operations improvement, procurement strategies, inventory control, logistics operations and sustainability, as well as contemporary issues affecting these areas. The programme is one of very few Supply Chain Masters programmes in the UK to have received accreditation from the countrys top Supply Chain and Logistics bodies. Successful graduates can apply to become full members of the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply and the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport. Mode of study: 1 year full-time: minimum 4 days per week Course Director: Dr Emel Aktas, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 267344


Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013

Brunel Business School

Human Resource Management MSc

With employees now recognised as a key resource, the MSc in Human Resource Management offers students the opportunity to explore in-depth the theoretical and analytical issues in the management of human resources and the role these play in organisational success. Students will examine a full range of HRM approaches, techniques and methodologies and will consider key HR systems and processes from an international perspective with a focus on Corporate Social Responsibility and Global Diversity Management. The course is designed for those who wish to become human resource practitioners in academic, consultancy or commercial settings. Mode of study: 1 year full-time: minimum 4 days per week Contact: Brunel Business School, Email masterbbs@, Tel +44 (0)1895 267124 or 265910 Course Director: Dr Savita Kumra, Email savita.kumra@, Tel +44 (0)1895 267699

Chioma, originally from Nigeria, studied Human Resources and Employment Relations MSc.
After my Bachelors degree, I worked briefly in personnel before embarking on a lucrative career as a Relationship Manager in banking. After a while, the lack of importance attached to staff began to resonate with me and I decided to return to HR, but I didnt want to do so without getting a relevant postgraduate degree behind me. As an international student Ive had to deal with the challenges arising from differences in culture and teaching styles. Fortunately, the lecturers at Brunel understand these challenges and have been very supportive. Opportunities to learn are not just confined to my degree course. The free language courses on offer at Brunel have enabled me to start learning Mandarin.

Human Resource and Employment Relations MSc

This exciting programme gives students a thorough grasp of current theory and practice relating to the management of human resources and employment relations. Whilst the UK is the primary focus for the study of employment relations issues, students also consider the human resource management challenges of organisations operating across national boundaries. The programme explores the key role played by employers, employees and their representatives in enhancing effective organisational working. This course is designed for new graduates, HR practitioners and anyone planning to undertake research in this area. Mode of study: 1 year full-time: minimum 4 days per week Contact: Brunel Business School, Email masterbbs@, Tel +44 (0)1895 267124 or 265910 Course Director: Dr Savita Kumra, Email savita.kumra@, Tel +44 (0)1895 267699

Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013


International Business MSc

This programme is designed for students seeking to operate within an international management or international business setting and develops a sound understanding of international business contexts. Students will have the opportunity to gain an understanding of the contextual factors for organisations within the context of internationalisation, such as: management of resources and operations; financing of business enterprise; management and development of people; and development of appropriate business policies and strategies. Some aspects of the course will focus on emerging markets and on exploring social network technologies and innovation.

Mode of study: 1 year full-time: minimum 4 days per week Contact: Brunel Business School, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 267124 or 265910 Course Director: Dr Frederick Mmieh, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 265256

Management MSc
Brunels MSc in Management with an optional 14-week work placement holds ninth position in the UK and eighth globally for career progression in the latest Financial Times rankings. It is a specialist programme designed for students seeking a career in international management. Students have the opportunity to participate in an international tour and visits in the UK and to showcase their work to companies, and will gain an understanding of globalisation in the 21st century and its implications for the business person. This programme is offered in four specialisms: MSc Management (General Management) MSc Management (Branding and Marketing) MSc Management (Technology and Innovation Management) MSc Management (Creative Industries)

Mode of study: 1 year full-time: minimum 4 days per week Contact: Brunel Business School, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 267124 or 265910 Course Director: Dr Grahame Fallon, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 265039

Marketing MSc
The MSc in Marketing provides students with insights into the marketing management practices of international organisations, and gives the opportunity to understand contemporary marketing theories, based on cutting-edge knowledge gained from academic research and industrial practices. The programme offers an excellent preparation for a career in marketing or associated fields. Students participate in discussions with subject experts and practitioners who visit as guest speakers. They also apply theory to practice through the creation of an entrepreneurial venture with a business plan, and develop an elevator pitch. The MSc in Marketing has been approved and accredited by the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM).

Mode of study: 1 year full-time: minimum 4 days per week Contact: Brunel Business School, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 267124 or 265910 Course Director: Dr Suraksha Gupta, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 267924


Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013

Brunel Business School

Masters in Business Administration

The MBA is an intensive, research-led programme designed to maximise students investment in a global executive career. Brunels MBA is one of a distinguished group worldwide to be accredited by the Association of MBAs (AMBA). MBA specialisations: General Management Aviation Management Healthcare Management MBA students participate in activities such as an annual international business tour, visits to companies in the UK, networking with companies on campus, Business Games and Simulations, high-profile corporate guest speakers, showcase events with international companies, and on-campus recruitment fairs. Students also enjoy a Leadership Masterclass Series and a dedicated Career Coach. Mode of study: 1 year full-time: minimum 4 days per week Contact: Brunel Business School, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 267124 or 265910 Course Director: Prof Amir Sharif, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 265326

Simon studied for a Masters in Business Administration (MBA)

As the Director for a small family firm, I recognised that there was a vacuum in my formal business qualifications. I was seeking an opportunity to develop my significant business experience in a positive learning environment where I could share with others from across different sectors and industries. The course timetable and geographical location attracted me to the Brunel MBA, but the opportunities it gave me for learning and applying shared knowledge back in the workplace left a lasting impression. I have now secured a new position as Director of Operations at Oxford Instruments, now a FTSE 250 company, and my work has been enhanced by my MBA experience and study. I really enjoyed the course and the experiences and knowledge I gained. Working with other students on the programme benefited me greatly, and I built new friendships and network links as a result.

How to apply for a taught course

Please submit your application online: When completing your application, you will be asked to submit: An online application form Two references from an academic and/or your current or most recent employer Academic transcripts photocopies or as scanned documents, with originals required on registration Proof of English Language proficiency (if applicable) A detailed personal statement A Curriculum Vitae

Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013


School of Engineering and Design

The School of Engineering and Design is one of the largest and most successful engineering and design schools in the UK, providing a wide range of exciting, forward-looking postgraduate courses and research programmes to over 1,000 taught MSc and research students. Recognised as a centre of excellence in its field, with a strong focus on modern science, engineering and technology, the School has an international reputation in research and prides itself on quality teaching supported by excellent teaching and research facilities. Its reputation has led to extensive and close collaborative links with industry, which ensure the Schools graduates are highly employable. Facilities include modern, well-equipped engineering, design and computer laboratories, motorsport workshops and wind tunnels. For students studying aviation, aeronautics and aerospace subjects, there is a state-of-the-art flight simulator with a VTOL facility enabling the testing of project and design work in a practical setting. We also host extensive facilities for power and energy research as well as advanced multimedia, communications and design and visualisation laboratories that support both postgraduate teaching and research across the School.

Poster session at Brunels ResCon 2012 conference

Research students in the School of Engineering and Design organise an annual conference, ResCon, which includes oral presentations and poster sessions. The conference is well attended and provides research students with the opportunity to practice their presentation skills and present their findings to colleagues, academic staff and industrial collaborators.

Academic Areas
Advanced Manufacturing and Enterprise Engineering Civil Engineering Design Electronic and Computer Engineering Mechanical Engineering


Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013

School of engineering and design

Research Opportunities

The School of Engineering and Design offers a wide range of research programmes in a stimulating and supportive environment. We have an international reputation for fundamental and applied research in many areas: electronic and computer engineering mechanical, automotive and aerospace engineering design advanced manufacturing engineering and management and civil engineering and built environment. Research programmes offered in the School of Engineering and Design include the MPhil, PhD and New Route PhD. Applicants for all research programmes will normally be expected to hold a good honours degree in a relevant academic discipline. Research activities and projects in the School are mainly carried out in collaboration with partners from industry, as well as universities and scientific organisations in the UK and abroad.

We receive research funding from the EPSRC, TSB, European Union, government departments and a large number of industrial companies. This informs the relevance and direction of our research, and enables us to provide a wide range of collaborative opportunities and challenging research experiences for our students. To remain at the forefront of developments, we adopt a flexible structure. This gives us the ability to form smaller groups from across the School and across the University, to address research challenges and emerging technologies in a fast developing multidisciplinary environment. Our students benefit from being part of an international community of researchers from many countries and have access to sophisticated, state-of-the-art facilities and equipment. They form part of a vibrant research culture, contribute to the Schools annual research conference, and are encouraged to present their results at external conferences and engage fully with the activities of their research groups.

How to Apply
Applications for research programmes may be submitted online at To support your application, please include;
A research proposal up to 2,500 words Transcripts and certificates of previous higher education qualifications Two references (one of which must be academic) Proof of English language if applicable Sponsor details if applicable

For enquiries please contact

Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013


Advanced Manufacturing and Enterprise Engineering

Research Areas
Advanced Engineering Design Ultra Precision and Micro Manufacturing Advanced Manufacturing Manufacturing Metrology Diamond-like Carbon Coating Multi-scale Modelling and Simulation Global/Sustainable Manufacturing and Enterprise Systems Rapid Manufacturing Technology and Innovation Management Supply Chain Management Systems Engineering London Institute for Enterprise Performance, Sustainability and Systems Donal took an MSc in Packaging Technology Management
I studied the MSc via distance learning, but I did spend a few days at Brunel. This gave me a great feel for the University, and I was quite impressed with the facilities, the lab equipment (we did some extrusion trials in the polymer lab) and the modern layout of the campus. I also got to meet some of the lecturers which is good when operating from a distance, and I found them exceptionally responsive, knowledgeable and understanding of the vagaries of distance learning. My dissertation was on The Effect of Weight Reduction on the Properties of Stretch Blow Moulded PET Bottles and was directly linked to my job as Plant Moulding Manager. There is always a demand for lightweight PET bottles, but there is also the requirement to maintain package performance. This conflict can sometimes only be resolved by very precise validation such as that carried out in my dissertation.

Taught Courses
Advanced Engineering Design MSc Advanced Manufacturing Systems MSc Engineering Management MSc Packaging Technology Management MSc


Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013

School of engineering and design

Advanced Manufacturing and Enterprise Engineering Taught Courses

Advanced Engineering Design MSc
This is a unique Masters programme with an international reputation. The course aims to educate the students to a high level in the area of engineering design. Students are encouraged to obtain practical skills, and to gain real-life experience in development of new products for the market. The course enjoys close links with industrial partners, with group projects and dissertations often being suggested to students. The course includes a taught element of eight modules; delivery is by a combination of lectures, tutorials and group/seminar work with a final dissertation.

Mode of Study: 1 year full-time, 2 years part-time Contact: School of Engineering and Design, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 265814 Course Director: Dr Atanas Ivanov, Email

Advanced Manufacturing Systems MSc

This course tackles the challenges of todays multidisciplinary work environment which requires a new generation of highly specialised engineers. The programme enables students to understand and implement the principles and techniques of manufacturing and industrial systems, and to design new and innovative solutions within the global context. The course includes a taught element of eight modules; delivery will be by a combination of lectures, tutorials and group/seminar work with a final dissertation. This course can be taken by distance learning.

Mode of Study: 1 year full-time, 3-5 years distance learning Contact: School of Engineering and Design, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 265814 Course Director: Dr Ali Mousavi, Email

Engineering Management MSc

This course aims to develop the essential skills and knowledge required across an engineering business context: systems thinking, operations, human resources, project management, strategy and the design and management of the supply chain. The programme aims to produce engineering management professionals who can take the skills they develop at Brunel forward to make a significant difference in the marketplace. This course can be taken by distance learning.

Mode of Study: 1 year full-time, 3-5 years distance learning Contact: School of Engineering and Design, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 265814 Course Director: Dr Susan Grant, Email

Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013


Packaging Technology Management MSc

This course aims to produce high-calibre packaging technologists and managers who have the vision and flexibility to create opportunities, solve problems and allow industry to play its part in the drive to reduce unnecessary consumption and CO2 emissions, and battle climate change. The course is relevant to a wide range of packaging industries, and includes a taught element of eight modules; delivery will be by a combination of lectures, tutorials and group/ seminar work with a final dissertation. This course can also be taken by distance learning.

Mode of Study: 1 year full-time, 3-5 years distance learning Contact: School of Engineering and Design, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 265814 Course Director: Dr Richard Bateman, Email

How To Apply
Applications should be made online through the specific course page on the Brunel University website,, by clicking on the Apply button. All applications need to be supported by two references, one of which must be an academic reference. Applications should be submitted as early as possible. The applicant may be required to attend an interview at the University before a decision on the application is made. For international applicants, it may be possible to arrange telephone and web conference interviews. For more information please visit:


Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013

School of engineering and design

Civil Engineering
Research Areas
Innovative Materials and Sustainable Construction Geo-technical and Water Engineering Advanced Structures Procurement and Construction Resource Efficiency and Sustainability Interdisciplinary Research

Taught Courses
Project and Infrastructure Management MSc Water Engineering MSc

Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013


Civil Engineering Taught Courses

Project and Infrastructure Management MSc
Engineering is at the core of a successful economy and the infrastructure it develops directly affects the well-being of its citizens and the environment. The demand for infrastructure provision and maintenance has become more acute, and this programme will develop graduates and engineers who will be at the forefront of managing developments in this area. The programme will demonstrate the links between theory and practice by including input from various sources. Modules on, for example, project finance and risk will underpin modules focusing on sustainable project, infrastructure and environmental management. There are many career options, for example in the public sector where graduates are employed in various capacities such as project managers. This programme has been designed to be relevant to students from a wide range of engineering disciplines.

Mode of Study: 1 year full-time Contact: School of Engineering and Design, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 265814 Course Director: Dr Nuhu Braimah, Email, Tel (0)1895 265919

Water Engineering MSc

The Water Engineering MSc addresses key challenges associated with the built and natural environments, manufacturing infrastructure, and human and ecological system health and well-being. It aims to tackle a global shortage of qualified water engineers by training graduates with advanced knowledge and skills. The course is distinctive in bringing together a broad spectrum of applications within water engineering, covering advanced topics in civil engineering, chemical engineering, building services engineering, and sustainable water resources engineering. The programme examines links between theory and practice through input from industrial partners and site visits. The programme has been designed to be relevant to students from a wide range of engineering disciplines.

Mode of Study: 1-year full-time Contact: School of Engineering and Design, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 265814 Course Director: Dr Parneet Paul, Email

How To Apply
Applications should be made online through the specific course page on the Brunel University website, by clicking on the Apply button. All applications need to be supported by two references, one of which must be an academic reference. Applications should be submitted as early as possible. The applicant may be required to attend an interview at the University before a decision on the application is made. For international applicants, it may be possible to arrange telephone and web conference interviews. For more information please visit:


Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013

School of engineering and design

Research Areas
Inclusive Design Perception Enhancement Urban Design Strategic Design Strategy Computer Aided Design (CAD), for Manufacture and Materials Cleaner Electronics Biomedical Electronics Open Design and Digital Economy Ben studied the Design Strategy and Innovation MSc and is now Business Development Manager at Creative Leap, a leading branding and communication agency based in London.
I decided to study at Brunel because of its proximity to London and its exceptional reputation within the design industry. I am pleased to say the course vastly exceeded my expectations and helped me develop the skills needed to peruse a career in branding. What I liked in particular was the diversity within the group of students taking the course, both in terms of nationality and professional background. This created a very interesting and inspiring environment and resulted in a global network of friends. One of the highlights of the course was the guest lecture series, where each week we heard from a thought leader in branding, design and innovation including author and brand guru Wally Olins. Before taking the MA I had studied for a Product Design BSc and had enjoyed a brief career as a furniture designer. However, I was keen move into a more client facing role with more responsibility; the course at Brunel acted as a powerful catalyst for that. My job now is to create and nurture new business opportunities at the agency, and I am enjoying it immensely.

Design Policy and Practice Environmentally Sensitive Design Human-Centred Design Institute (HCDI)

Taught Courses
Design and Branding Strategy MA Design, Strategy and Innovation MA Integrated Product Design MSc

Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013


Design Taught Courses

Design Branding and Strategy MA
This world-leading course aims to prepare students from design, creative and related disciplines to develop and envision innovative strategies for growth. This can relate to design, branding (product, services, experience and place), and other professions including education, government and the third sector. Students will develop high level skills and creative design thinking and will learn to communicate strategies for successful brand building, futures forecasting and change management. You will benefit from direct contact with design and branding experts through excellent industry networks, research and professional support and tutorials. Modules include Strategic Design Management, Branding Strategy, Creative Enterprise, Design Branding Futures, Design Research Project and the Dissertation.

Mode of study: 1 year full-time Contact: School of Engineering and Design, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 265814 Course Director: Professor Graeme Evans, Email

Design Strategy and Innovation MA

The aim of this unique international interdisciplinary course is to develop design managers and leaders who wil act as catalysts for strategic innovation and change. It combines taught modules and industrial experience through design audits and industry placements. The course is designed to create links between design, users and industry, enabling students to communicate and integrate with other disciplines including marketing, new technology, economics, policy and the environment. The programmme comprises core theoretical and analytical modules in areas such as innovation, creativity, team-working and leadership. Modules include Strategic Design Management, Branding Strategy, Creative Enterprise, Design Innovation Futures, Design Research Project and the Dissertation. Special features of the course include analytical design exercises, multimedia educational materials, research methods, design case studies and audits, and international placements.

Mode of study: 1 year full-time: minimum 4 days attendance per week (currently Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday) Contact: School of Engineering and Design, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 265814 Course Director: Professor Graeme Evans, Email


Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013

School of engineering and design

Integrated Product Design MSc

Attracting students from a wide range of design and engineering backgrounds, this course builds broad expertise in the design of innovative products, services and systems. Students are interested in tackling contemporary design challenges arising from people and society, the environment and business. We aim to be at the forefront of the evolving global design profession through work with leading experts in design and innovation methods, human factors, CAD and Rapid prototyping, innovation management and sustainable design. Graduates may go on to employment in leading organisations throughout the world, establish their own businesses or continue with research on PhD programmes.

Mode of study: 1 year full-time Contact: School of Engineering and Design, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 265814 Course Director: Stephen Green, Email

How To Apply
Applications should be made online through the specific course page on the Brunel University website,, by clicking on the Apply button. All applications need to be supported by two references, one of which must be an academic reference. Applications should be submitted as early as possible. The applicant may be required to attend an interview at the University before a decision on the application is made. For international applicants, it may be possible to arrange telephone and web conference interviews. For more information please visit:

Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013


Electronic and Computer Engineering

Research Areas
Brunel Institute of Power Systems (BIPS) Centre for Media Communications Research (CMCR) Wireless Networks and Communications Centre (WNCC) Centre for Electronic Systems Research (CESR) Sensors and Instrumentation Hassan graduated from the Wireless Communication Systems MSc in 2011
Choosing Brunel University to continue my further study in Wireless Communication Systems wasnt a coincidence, as Brunel had a high reputation in engineering compared to other universities in the UK. In addition the eight modules which were taught on the course, from Advanced Digital Communication to the Workshop, and ending with a dissertation, provide you with the latest and most important information that an engineer needs in order to enter the field of wireless communications. Throughout my studies I dealt with highly professional professors and lecturers who were able to give me information in an easy and flexible way. We had full access to the latest laboratories during the Workshop module to ensure that we gained not only theoretical knowledge but also technical experience, by working with the most relevant software used by telecom companies. As a Brunel graduate, I would proudly encourage any student wanting to continue their studies to undertake an MSc at Brunel, because of the excellent academic course content and structure and modern facility infrastructure.

Taught Courses
Advanced Electronic and Electrical Engineering MSc Advanced Multimedia Design and 3D Technologies MSc Computer Communication Networks MSc Distributed Computing Systems Engineering MSc Embedded Systems MSc Sustainable Electrical Power MSc Wireless Communication Systems MSc


Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013

School of engineering and design

Electronic and Computer Engineering Taught Courses

Advanced Electronic and Electrical Engineering MSc
This course is specifically designed for students who wish to pursue advanced studies across the range of specialist areas relevant to electronic and electrical engineering. It offers a route to an MSc with a broad profile that will be of interest to a wide range of potential employers of professional electronic and electrical engineers. The distinctive feature of the proposed MSc is its flexible structure which allows students to construct a set of modules, customising the structure and content of the course to meet their academic interests and career aspirations. Mode of Study: 1 year full-time Contact: School of Engineering and Design, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 265814 Course Director: Dr Rajagopal Nilavalan, Email

Professor Abdul Sadka is Head of Electronic and Computer Engineering and Director of the Centre for Media Communications Research
With his research team, Professor Sadka has made significant advances in the area of visual media processing and communications, in particular image and video compression, networked 2D/3D video systems and media search and retrieval technologies.

Advanced Multimedia Design and 3D Technologies MSc

This course aims to develop thorough knowledge of the principles and techniques required for the design of combined real and virtual, interactive and 3D multimedia, and an appreciation of the research opportunities that exist in this field. Specific aims of this programme are to develop: advanced skills relevant to the design and creation of combined multimedia; the ability to design and realise complex combined multimedia creations across a range of different media; the creativity and independent learning required for continual professional development, further research and the acquisition of new high level skills. Mode of Study: 1 year full-time, 2 years part-time Contact: School of Engineering and Design, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 265814 Course Director: Professor John Cosmas, Email

Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013


Computer Communication Networks MSc

Computer and communication networks are a rapidly expanding sector with exciting career prospects. This course provides students with the opportunity to learn about research and to acquire strong practical and theoretical knowledge in the network and communication area. The broad range of proposed modules including Network Computing, Computer Networks, Network Security and Data Encryption, Network Design and Management, and Optical and Wireless Communication Systems gives students the opportunity to deepen their technical knowledge and discover new emerging research topics. The course also features a number of well-designed labs and group projects to help students practise and assimilate concepts more easily and to motivate team working. The final dissertations test students ability and motivation to research the latest developments in this field.

Mode of Study: 1 year full-time Contact: School of Engineering and Design, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 265814 Course Director: Dr Maozhen Li, Email

Distributed Computing Systems Engineering MSc

More and more distributed applications are being designed and deployed on large scale networks such as the Internet. The primary goal of this MSc is to equip graduates with a comprehensive grounding in advanced distributed systems engineering, together with a deep insight into the technologies being utilised in large-scale networked enterprise and Internet systems. This MSc delivers a broad range of topics including computer networks, network security and data encryption, distributed system architecture, Googles MapReduce programming model, software engineering for large scale distributed systems, and emerging computing technologies such as cloud computing. The course also features a number of well-designed labs and group projects for students to practice and assimilate concepts more easily and to motivate team working. The final dissertations test students ability and motivation to research the latest developments in this field.

Mode of Study: 1 year full-time, 18 months full-time off campus at Esslingen, Germany Contact: School of Engineering and Design, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 265814 Course Director: Dr Maozhen Li, Email


Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013

School of engineering and design

Embedded Systems MSc

Pathways: Embedded Systems (Signal Processing) MSc Embedded Systems (Multimedia Communications) MSc
Embedded systems are specialised devices that perform most of the impressive functionalities found within complex systems, such as those in telecommunications, multimedia, transportation and aerospace. This MSc course, taught by a successful team of academics with an international reputation, integrates academic study with the realisation of embedded systems, with emphasis on communications, multimedia, signal processing, and intelligent systems. As a student attending the Embedded Systems course, you will study the fundamentals of embedded systems combined with extensive practical and hands-on work surrounding their design, modelling and implementation. The course aims to satisfy both the current and future demands of information technology industries and offers you the opportunity to develop advanced skills that are appreciated be employers worldwide. Mode of Study: 1 year full-time Contact: School of Engineering and Design, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 265814 Course Director: Dr Nikolaos Boulgouris, Email

Ian took the MSc Sustainable Electrical Power and received the Panasonic Trust Fellowship in conjunction with The Royal Academy of Engineering
I studied the Electronic and Electrical Engineering BEng at Brunel and graduated with a first class degree before going on to the MSc. The MSc is extremely interesting and essential to the future of the worlds energy requirements. As part of the course we have guest speakers from industry, field trips and we also greatly benefit from the latest research from the Brunel Institute of Power Systems (BIPS). Both courses at Brunel have given me many opportunities and opened a lot of doors into industry. I have to thank a fantastic placement and careers service who helped me to improve my CV and encouraged me to apply for jobs and register with various job websites.

Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013


Sustainable Electrical Power MSc

This programme meets the industrial demand for the training and education of engineers in the advanced concepts of sustainable electrical power, renewable energy systems and smart grids. It aims to produce graduates of the highest calibre, with the skills and knowledge to lead teams involved in the operation, control, design, regulation and management of the power systems and networks of the future. It will meet the demand for research and development into sustainable electrical power and for the advanced training and education of existing and future power engineers. This course is accredited by the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) and the Energy Institute.

Mode of Study: 1 year full-time, 2 years part-time Contact: School of Engineering and Design, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 265814 Course Director: Dr Gareth Taylor, Email

Wireless Communication Systems MSc

The evolution of wireless communication systems and networks in recent years has been accelerating at an extraordinary pace. This global phenomenon presently outstrips the ability of commercial organisations to recruit personnel equipped with the necessary blend of technical and managerial skills, who can initiate and manage the introduction of the new emerging technologies in networks and wireless systems. The effect of this trend has been a growing overlap between the network and communication industries, from component fabrication to system integration. Another result is the development of integrated systems that transmit and process all types of data and information. This distinctive course, which is not taught anywhere else in the UK, aims to develop a detailed technical knowledge of current practice in wireless systems and networks.

Mode of Study: 1 year full-time or 1 year full-time off campus in Thessalonika, Greece Contact: School of Engineering and Design, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 265814 Course Director: Dr Rajagopal Nilavalan, Email

How To Apply
Applications should be made online through the specific course page on the Brunel University website: by clicking on the Apply button. All applications need to be supported by two references, one of which must be an academic reference. Applications should be submitted as early as possible. The applicant may be required to attend an interview at the University before a decision on the application is made. For international applicants, it may be possible to arrange telephone and web conference interviews. For more information please visit:


Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013

School of engineering and design

Mechanical Engineering
Research Areas
Centre for Advanced Powertrain and Fuels Research (CAPF) Centre for Energy and the Built Environment Research (CEBER) Centre for Engineering Dynamics Computational Mechanics Group Applied Mechanics Group Research in Aerospace and Aviation Engineering Miguel is a graduate of the Advanced Mechanical Engineering MSc
As an overseas and mature student my aim was to enrol in a UK university that has a world-class reputation for Mechanical Engineering. Being in a diverse student environment was also one of the criteria on my list. I attended an open day at Brunel and felt at home - I could not wait to become a Brunelian. Brunels facilities are second to none and the friendliness of the academic staff was amazing. After three exciting years as an undergraduate at Brunel I successfully completed my BEng (Hons) in Mechanical Engineering. The Masters in Advanced Mechanical Engineering at Brunel is highly challenging, especially for me as I was juggling family life and university life. However, there is always a drive to continue as the content of the modules is very interesting. The course captivates your mind so you are always curious to see what is coming next. The course is also relevant to what industry is seeking from graduates. Students conduct real-life analysis and have the opportunity to use many different sophisticated software packages.

Materials Research

Taught Courses
Advanced Mechanical Engineering MSc Aerospace Engineering MSc Automotive and Motorsport Engineering MSc Biomedical Engineering MSc Building Services Engineering MSc Building Services Engineering Management MSc Building Services Engineering with Sustainable Energy MSc Renewable Energy Engineering MSc Sustainable Energy: Technologies and Management MSc

Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013


Mechanical Engineering Taught Courses

Advanced Mechanical Engineering MSc
The primary aim of this course is to train Masters degree graduates with the qualities and transferable skills needed for demanding employment in the engineering sector. Students will gain the independent learning ability required for continuing professional development and for acquiring new skills at the highest level. Specifically, this programme aims to: provide a postgraduate-level education that will enable graduates to proceed to Chartered Engineer status; develop the versatility to deal with challenges across a range of engineering areas; develop the imagination and creativity needed for a successful engineering career.

Mode of Study: 1 year full-time Contact: School of Engineering and Design, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 265814 Course Director: Dr Giulio Alfano, Email

Aerospace Engineering MSc

The course is designed to equip graduate engineers with the technical and professional skills required in the highly demanding and competitive aerospace industry. Over a period of twelve months, students will study topics such as: aircraft design; aircraft structures; aero-elasticity; aerodynamics; space mechanics; propulsion systems; aircraft safety and security; and flight performance evaluation using the flight simulator. These modules are balanced with practical and challenging individual and group project work, followed by an individual dissertation. In order to fully develop students professional potential, the course also teaches strategic management, enterprise, research and innovation.

Mode of Study: 1 year full-time Contact: School of Engineering and Design, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 265814 Course Director: Dr Cristinel Mares, Email

Automotive and Motorsport Engineering MSc

The programme trains graduates who are equipped with the knowledge and skills to work in the multi-disciplinary environment typically encountered in the automotive and motorsport engineering industry. The programme enables students to develop their imagination and creativity to follow a successful engineering career and attain senior positions within companies and organisations in the automotive and motorsport sectors. The course combines taught modules, a group project and an individual project (dissertation) and is organised to give students the option to specialise, if they wish, in automotive engineering or motorsport engineering.

Mode of study: 1 year full-time Contact: School of Engineering and Design, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 265814 Course Director: Professor Thanos Megaritis, Email


Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013

School of engineering and design

Biomedical Engineering MSc

The main aim of this course is to equip Masters degree graduates with scientific knowledge and transferable skills that will help them to meet the competitive employment requirements in the biomedical engineering sector. Students will learn about the very latest technologies, acquire new analytical, computational and experimental skills at the highest level, and gain the independent learning abilities required for continuing professional development. The course is also designed to prepare those who would like to pursue a career in research. The programme of study consists of eight core modules that cover a wide range of topics in the Biomedical Engineering field: Biomedical Engineering Principles; Biofluid Mechanics; Biomechanics and Biomaterials; Artificial Organs; Innovation, Management and Research Methodology; Design and Manufacture; Design of Mechatronic Systems; and finally Biomedical Imaging and Signal Processing. Students also take a dissertation project chosen from a pool of projects in diverse and multidisciplinary areas. The course is connected to hospitals and industrial partners, who deliver parts of the taught modules and dissertation projects.

Mode of Study: 1 year full-time Contact: School of Engineering and Design, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 265814 Course Director: Dr Ashraf Khir, Email

Building Services Engineering MSc

This programme aims to develop knowledge and skills in a range of engineering disciplines that underlie the design and operation of building services. Students will acquire a sound knowledge of engineering principles and the ability to apply this knowledge to complex situations within the building services industry. There are seven core modules altogether, covering the technologies and fundamentals of building services engineering, its design and management. The dissertation may be carried out on any approved topic related to the Building Services industry.

Mode of Study: 1 year full-time, 3-5 years distance learning Contact: School of Engineering and Design, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 265814 Course Director: Dr Yunting Ge, Email

Building Services Engineering Management MSc

This postgraduate course is particularly aimed at professional engineers who are carrying increasing management responsibility perhaps in a senior role, or who are aspiring to assume increased management responsibility as part of their future career in the Building Services sector. The course combines four engineering modules (including a choice between Energy Conversion Technologies and Renewable Energy Technologies) and four management modules, which are tailored to issues encountered by engineers in consulting, contracting and estate management. The dissertation provides the opportunity for students to research one of a wide range of topics relevant to their engineering business interests.

Mode of Study: 3-5 years distance learning Contact: School of Engineering and Design, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 265814 Course Director: Petra Gratton, Email

Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013


Building Services Engineering with Sustainable Energy MSc

The primary aim of this programme is to develop students understanding of the use of sustainable energy in buildings and its environmental impact. Graduates will understand the growing need for building services to assume technologies which reduce overall carbon footprint. The course consists of seven core modules covering the fundamentals of building services engineering, its main technologies, design and management, and renewable energy application. The dissertation may be carried out on any approved topic related to the integration of sustainable energy with buildings. Mode of Study: 1 year full-time, 3-5 years distance learning Contact: School of Engineering and Design, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 265814 Course Director: Dr Yunting Ge, Email

Renewable Energy Engineering MSc

The primary aim of this programme is to give graduates the qualities and transferable skills needed for demanding employment in the renewable energy sector. These graduates will have acquired the independent learning ability needed for continual professional development and for amassing new skills at the highest level. The program comprises six core modules and two optional modules covering the detailed introduction of renewable energy technologies, related fundamentals, energy management and economic impact. The dissertation may be carried out on any approved topic related to the renewable energy industry. Mode of Study: 1 year full-time, 3-5 years distance learning Contact: School of Engineering and Design, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 265814 Course Director: Dr Yunting Ge, Email

Inyoman graduated with an MSc in Building Services Engineering with Sustainable Energy, and is now a researcher at Brunel investigating refrigeration systems for energy conservation in the food industry.
His dissertation studied the application of solar energy in a hot climate (in this case Indonesia) to provide cooling for medium temperature food refrigeration. It also analysed the environmental impact relating to CO2 emissions. Inyoman discovered that the replacement of a vapour compression cycle with a solar driven absorption chiller could give a reduction of 23.4% in CO2 emission.


Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013

School of engineering and design

Sustainable Energy: Technologies and Management MSc

The primary focus of this programme is to train Masters level graduates who can develop and manage effective, appropriate and sustainable energy implementation actions in an industrial, business or government environment. It will also to develop the academic knowledge and cross disciplinary links required for working in energy management, the energy technology industry and research. Mode of Study: 1 year full-time Contact: School of Engineering and Design, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 265814 Course Director: Dr Zahir Dehouche, Email

Vincent studied the Sustainable Energy: Technologies and Management (SETM) MSc
I now have a great knowledge and understanding in specific areas such as hydrogen production and storage and its use as an energy source in fuel cells, as well as in broader areas such as nanotechnology, chemistry and thermodynamics. I have no doubt that the knowledge, understanding and experience that I gained during my dissertation will aid me in the future.

How To Apply
Applications should be made online through the specific course page on the Brunel University website,, by clicking on the Apply button. All applications need to be supported by two references, one of which must be an academic reference. Applications should be submitted as early as possible. The applicant may be required to attend an interview at the University before a decision on the application is made. For international applicants, it may be possible to arrange telephone and web conference interviews. For more information please visit:

Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013


School of Health Sciences and Social Care

With its five academic divisions of Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Biosciences, Social Work (incorporating Human Geography) and Health Studies/Community Health, the School of Health Sciences and Social Care is one of the largest at Brunel University with 1,600 students. Our state-of-the-art teaching and research facilities enhance the learning experience of our students, and we offer a modern and exciting range of courses with flexible modes of study. The majority of our courses take full advantage of the Schools strong links with industry, commerce, and public service organisations by including work experience placements, or the opportunity of a sandwich year, as part of students learning. As a result, our graduates are fit for the world of work and are highly employable. The School has over 115 academic staff and 31 support staff involved in the delivery of research-led teaching and research activity. Our 110 research students and fellows add to the Schools vibrant research culture and scholarly excellence. Research carried out within the School has not only pushed the frontiers of knowledge and understanding, but has also informed changes and developments, through implementation of findings, to the benefit of those using health and social care services. Professor Lorraine De Souza is Head of the School of Health Sciences and Social Care.

Caroline studied the Children, Youth and International Development MA

I was working in the UK childrens charity sector but had spent some time volunteering in Africa and was looking for a route back into international work. I saw the course at Brunel and it looked ideal, including all the areas that I was most interested in, so I left my job in order to study again full-time. The course covered a wide range of key theories, practical concepts and research skills, which I was able to put into practice through a course placement volunteering with a local NGO supporting street children in Kenya, and in visiting Kenya directly where I researched the representation of street children for my dissertation. It felt great to be learning again, and in such a supportive and knowledgeable environment. The course both consolidated what I already knew and taught me so much more. It was while undertaking the course that I saw a PhD studentship focusing on Care, Disability and Family Relationships in sub-Saharan Africa. The MA had inspired me so much that I decided to apply. I am now in my second year and living in Zambia where I am researching the impact of caring for sick or disabled parents or relatives on the lifetransitions of Zambian youth aged 15-30. I absolutely love what I am doing. The families I have met have been so welcoming and open to me, and I have learnt so much already.


Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013

School of HEALTH Sciences and Social Care Directory

Academic Areas
Biosciences Health and Social Care

Research Areas
Centre for Cell and Chromosome Biology (CCCB) Centre for Infection, Immunity and Disease Mechanisms (CIIDM) Brunel Institute for Cancer Genetics and Pharmacogenomics (BICGP) Brunel Institute for Ageing Studies (BIAS) Centre for Professional Practice (CPPR) Centre for Citizen Participation (CCP) Centre for Research in Rehabilitation (CRR) Centre for Child and Youth Research (CCYR) Centre for Human Geography (CHG) Centre for Youth Work Studies (CYWS)

Research Courses
Public Health DrPH

Taught Courses
Biosciences Molecular Medicine MSc Molecular Medicine and Cancer Research MSc Health and Social Care Children, Youth and International Development MA Hand Therapy MSc Health Promotion and Public Health MSc Neurorehabilitation MSc Occupational Therapy MSc Occupational Therapy (PreRegistration) MSc Physiotherapy (Pre-Registration) MSc Approved in Principle Specialist Community Public Health Nursing MSc and PGDip Social Work MA Social Work (PGCert) PostQualifying Framework Youth and Community Studies MA

Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013


Research Opportunities
Our portfolio of research is varied and wide-ranging, from the micro level (cell and chromosome biology, cancer genetics) to the macro level (health and social policy). Much of our research is interdisciplinary.

Centre for Cell and Chromosome Biology (CCCB)

This Centre focuses on understanding how fundamental aspects of cell and genome biology influence human health, and how 21st century therapies involving cells, genes and biomaterials can be used to treat disease and injury. Its members are internationally recognised for research into: ageing and premature ageing such as Progeria; bone production; early embryonic development; steroid hormonal response in reproductive tissue; stem cell biology; chromosome rearrangement after irradiation and in cancer; cellular response to parasitic infection; trinucleotide repeat disorders; cellular signalling pathways such as the Wnt pathway; and fundamental processes such as transcription and DNA repair. The Centre specialises in cell culture methodologies and fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) technologies and has stateof-the-art facilities for bio-imaging and analysis.

Contact: Director Dr Ian Kill, School of Health Sciences and Social Care, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 266286, Web

Centre for Infection, Immunity and Disease Mechanisms (CIIDM)

This Centre is involved in translational research relevant to human health and disease. It aims to set up clinical trials and develop novel therapeutics and diagnostics, including: phase I and II trials for asthma and invasive infection; pre-clinical trials in autoimmune diseases; novel reagents in models of Alzheimers disease and lupus nephritis; anti-microbial peptides; human gene therapy; and anti-tumour vaccines. Centre members investigate host-pathogen interaction aspects via comparative genomics, microarray, bioinformatics, biomarkers and host susceptibility factors, with specific interest in Aspergillus, Mycobacterium and malaria. They explore iron metabolism in bacteria and mammals, and study immunobiology of the neuronal system, organogenesis, pregnancy and cancer. The Centre runs state-of-the-art microbiological and tissue culture laboratories.

Contact: Director Dr Uday Kishore, Health Sciences and Social Care, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 266362

Brunel Institute for Cancer Genetics and Pharmacogenomics (BICGP)

The Institutes cancer research focuses on breast, prostate and lung cancer, malignant melanoma and leukaemia. It has been responsible for highly successful research into the role of telomeres in cancer and genome biology, and into novel tumour suppressor genes for a variety of human cancers. Its ground-breaking research into the activity and suppressors of telomerase will lead to the development of new anti-cancer therapies. Other research areas include: identification of novel cancer-related DNA repair genes; molecular characterisation of the role of telomeres in DNA repair; identification of novel human DNA repair genes influencing radiosensitivity; alternative splicing of genes in cancer; and the identification of novel T-cell mechanisms in human tumour immunology. The Institute hosts the gene expression microarray facilities, real-time PCR and DNA sequencing and gene mapping laboratories.

Contact: Director Professor R Newbold, Health Sciences and Social Care, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 266290, Web


Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013

School of HEALTH Sciences and Social Care

Brunel Institute for Ageing Studies

The Brunel Institute for Ageing Studies is an interdisciplinary collaborative research network bringing together nearly 90 staff from different Schools in the University to carry out research in gerontology. Examples of research interests include: ageing healthily cellular ageing progeria research cognitive ageing ethnicity and ageing good care and life quality gerontological social work driving in old age design for old age assistive technology ethical and legal issues dementia detecting financial elder abuse end of life

Contact: Director Professor Mary Gilhooly, Health Sciences and Social Care, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 268756, Web

Centre for Professional Practice Research

The primary goal of this Centre is to carry out practice-related research that supports the disciplines of occupational therapy and professions allied to medicine within professional practice. Its aims to enhance the evidence base of occupational therapy and professions allied to medicine in order to promote best practice. It brings together practitioners, academics and service users across different disciplines to research issues that are practice based in order to maintain high standards of care within health and social care. The Centres research has good working relationships with clinicians and academics in England, North America, Australia and Europe. The main areas of research are in: health and social care research mental health research inter-professional practice education focused research assistive technology outcome measure development

Contact: Director Dr Anita Atwal, Health Sciences and Social Care, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 268737, Web

Centre for Citizen Participation

This Centre undertakes research and provides education, training and consultancy in the field of user involvement and public participation. Research currently being undertaken at the Centre includes projects on: mental health service users views of empowerment user involvement in community care developing a social model of madness and distress poor peoples participation in poverty discussion and anti-poverty action public perceptions of participation the involvement and empowerment of disabled people user involvement in palliative care The Centre is also involved in development projects to support: user involvement in social care education and training development of service user knowledge and information involvement of practitioners in the development of social care practice

Contact: Director Professor Peter Beresford, Health Sciences and Social Care, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 268741, Web

Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013


Centre for Research in Rehabilitation

The chief aim of this Centre is to carry out research in the area of physical disability and rehabilitation, to enable people with disabilities to fulfil their potential for health and personal development. The Centre concentrates on the following main areas: neurological disablement spinal pain severe physical disablement assistive technology

Contact: Director Professor Lorraine de Souza, Health Sciences and Social Care, Email, Tel +44(0)1895 268755, Web

Interdisciplinary Centre for Child and Youth Focused Research

This Centre brings together experts in the fields of education, health and welfare, the anthropology of children, childrens geographies, sociology, law and sport sciences. It addresses in particular the inter-relationship between the policy environment and child outcomes, with a special interest in the interface between law, policy and practice and their impacts on children, young people and their families. Core activities focus on: childrens experiences from the perspective of children links between children and young peoples life experiences and their wellbeing opportunities and constraints on life chances child and youth-centred methodologies for exploring perceptions and experiences contributing to policy informed by the views of young people

Contact: Director Professor Judith Harwin, Health Sciences and Social Care, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 268775, Web

Centre for Human Geography

This Centre undertakes research in the broad areas of: geographies of young people; women and training; and women and environmental justice. This includes the following topics: geographies of children, youth and gender environment and citizenship participative and engaged learning participatory, visual and interactive research methods international development and social justice gender equality

Contact: Director Dr Fiona Smith, School of Health Sciences and Social Care, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 266086, Web

Centre for Youth Work Studies

This Centre researches in the broad field of youth and the changing contexts and social policy directives aimed at young people and the professionals who work with them. It is especially concerned with: young people, their identities and culture; communities and relations in communities; practitioners working with young people or communities; policy that impacts on young people and communities.

Contact: Director Dr Simon Bradford, School of Health Sciences and Social Care, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 267143, Web


Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013

School of HEALTH Sciences and Social Care

Research Courses
Public Health DrPH
This threeyear professional doctorate provides advanced training in research, analysis and management of public health. The overall aim is to produce high calibre public health professionals who possess the knowledge, skills and techniques necessary to undertake leadership roles. The Doctorate of Public Health at Brunel is unique for two reasons. Firstly, it is crossdisciplinary, taught by staff from social sciences disciplines as well as health sciences. Secondly, students will receive a practical as well as theoretical education that prepares them for leadership in the world of public health. It is anticipated that graduates could be employed in public health positions with EU/UK and overseas governments in public health management, as well as in the international civil service and national and international NGOs. The principles of epidemiology, biostatistics, medical anthropology and sociology, health economics, health policy, environmental health, and public health management form the core of the course. The aims are integrated through a spine of regular group activities and blocks of teaching: these address topical issues and novel methods within an environment of critical debate and skill-based professional leadership development exercises. The course spans three years and begins with a research-led taught component comprising 120 credits, followed by two or three complementary internships, each focusing on research, policy and practice. Each of the internships will generate a publishable paper, with the final period spent on assimilating the knowledge gained to create an overall body of work. The internships will be undertaken within institutions involved in public health related research activities. This could be with one of the research groups in the collaborating Schools within Brunel, or a health-related research institute such as the National Centre for Social Research. Students should also take at least one internship overseas or within an organisation with an international health focus. Research is supervised by public health academics at Brunel but will be supported by specific sponsors within each organisation.

Mode of study: 3 years full-time: 3 days per week; 5 years part-time: 2 years taught, 2 days per week; 3 years internships. Contact: Helen Butt, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 268743 Course Director: Professor Christina Victor

Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013


Biosciences Taught Courses

Molecular Medicine MSc
The course aims to provide specialist theoretical and practical knowledge and experience of cellular, molecular biology and genetics, and their application to the study of human diseases in the context of a range of genetic and infectious diseases. The course will focus on developing research skills and is designed to develop students ability to become independent and creative scientists. Through our enthusiastic, innovative and research-driven approach, the teaching on this course reflects the fast changing nature of biomedical research, with specific emphasis on the human genome and molecular medicine.

Mode of study: 1 year full-time; 2 years part-time. All modules taught in 2 week block format: Monday-Wednesday, 9am-5pm. Contact: Dr Chris Parris, Biosciences, School of Health Sciences and Social Care, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 266293, Web

Molecular Medicine and Cancer Research MSc

The course aims to provide specialist theoretical and practical knowledge and experience of cellular, molecular biology and genetics, and their application to the study of human diseases in the context of the scientific and clinical problem of human cancer. The course will focus on developing research skills and is designed to develop students ability to become independent and creative scientists. Through our enthusiastic, innovative and research-driven approach, the teaching on this course reflects the fast changing nature of biomedical research, with specific emphasis on the human genome, molecular medicine and cancer research.

Mode of study: 1 year full-time; 2 years part-time. All modules taught in 2-week block format: Monday-Wednesday, 9am-5pm. Contact: Dr Chris Parris, Biosciences, School of Health Sciences and Social Care, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 266293, Web

How To Apply
Applications should be made online through the specific course page on the Brunel University website,, by clicking on the Apply button. All applications need to be supported by two references, one of which must be an academic reference. Applications should be submitted as early as possible. The applicant may be required to attend an interview at the University before a decision on the application is made. For international applicants, it may be possible to arrange telephone and web conference interviews. For more information please visit:


Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013

School of HEALTH Sciences and Social Care

Health and Social Care Taught Courses

Children, Youth and International Development MA
This programme caters for those working, or interested in working, in the field of children, youth and international development. The course equips students with the conceptual understanding and breadth of empirical knowledge required to critically evaluate policy and practice in the area of children, youth and development. It also provides the skills necessary to design and undertake research in this area. The programme combines four core taught modules (accounting for 90 credits) with 30 credits worth of options. Options include modules on youth work, social policy, anthropology of education, war and humanitarianism and a placement module. Students also undertake a 60-credit researchbased dissertation.

Mode of study: 1 year full-time: minimum 2 days per week. 2.5-years part-time: 1 day per week. Contact Course Director: Dr Nicola Ansell, School of Health Sciences and Social Care, Email

Hand Therapy MSc

This course is for occupational therapists and physiotherapists who want to continue their professional development and develop evidencebased practice. The course specialises in hand therapy, and it has been especially designed to meet the needs of a practising therapist, helping to gain mastery in this specialist area. Brunel University has worked with the British Association of Hand Therapy (BAHT) and successful completion of the two specific hand therapy modules can be used towards becoming an accredited Hand Therapist. Previous or current experience in hand therapy is required by the BAHT before full accreditation, however it is not required for admission to the University. The course offers the option of a Postgraduate Certificate/Postgraduate Diploma without the requirement to continue to Masters level.

Mode of study: 1 year full-time: minimum 2 days per week. 3 years part-time: 1 day per week in Years 1 and 2; Dissertation in Year 3. Contact: School of Health Sciences and Social Care, Email, Web Programme Leader: Anna Pratt

Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013


Health Promotion and Public Health MSc

This innovative and multidisciplinary course provides an advanced academic learning experience in a supportive environment and aims to train reflective practitioners in the context of sound evidence-based practice. Recognised by the UK Institute of Health Promotion and Education, it is one of the longest running courses of its kind in the country and appeals to a wide range of professionals working in health and social care, local government, education and the voluntary sector, as well as graduates contemplating a career in public health and health promotion. Mode of study: 1 year full-time: 2 days per week. 3 years part-time: 1 day per week in Years 1 and 2; Year 3 is devoted to self-directed study for a dissertation with tutorial support. Contact: Karen Clayton, School of Health Sciences and Social Care, Email, Tel+44 (0)1895 265523 Programme Leader: Angela Scriven

Neurorehabilitation MSc
This advanced academic course is designed for new graduates as well as professional practitioners (for example in occupational therapy, physiotherapy, and other rehabilitation sciences, and professions allied to medicine) who have a special interest in neurorehabilitation. The course will not further clinical skills nor will it lead to registration from the UK professional governing bodies, but rather it focuses on developing the practitioners ability to conduct and evaluate neurorehabilitation research. It offers the opportunity to acquire advanced theoretical knowledge, a deeper understanding of research and the ability to critically appraise scientific literature. Mode of study: 1 year full-time: 2 days per week. 3 years part-time: 1 day per week in Years 1 and 2; Year 3 is devoted to self-directed study for a dissertation with tutorial support. Contact: School of Health Sciences and Social Care, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 268813 Course Director: Dr Alexander Nowicky


Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013

School of HEALTH Sciences and Social Care

Occupational Therapy MSc

This course is aimed at occupational therapists who wish to continue their professional development, gain the skills to evaluate their interventions, build professional confidence and seek out (as well as develop) existing theories to inform evidence-based practice. Brunel has one of the largest and most highly qualified occupational therapy staff groups in the world, and they will help students to gain greater mastery in their chosen area of occupational therapy. The programme has been praised by university validating committees as a model Masters degree for professional practitioners, as it brings theory to the workplace.

Mode of study: 1 year full-time: 2 days per week. 3 years part-time: 1 day per week in Years 1 and 2; Year 3 is devoted to self-directed study for a dissertation with tutorial support. Contact: Karen Clayton, School of Health Sciences and Social Care, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 268819 Programme leader: Dr Christos Nikopoulos

Occupational Therapy (Pre-Registration) MSc

The MSc Occupational Therapy (Pre-Registration) aims to provide a Masters level route for graduates to become competent occupational therapists, eligible to apply for registration with the Health Professions Council, and membership of the British Association of Occupational Therapists/College of Occupational Therapists. Graduates are equipped for lifelong safe and effective practice within the global marketplace. The course differs from other Masters programmes in that it is a professional programme at postgraduate level, and is fulltime. It is not intended for those who are already qualified occupational therapists.

Mode of study: 2 years full-time (90 weeks): 4-5 days per week in Year 1; 2-3 days per week in Year 2. Currently 4 placements take place during this 2 year period attendance full-time. Contact: Karen Clayton, School of Health Sciences and Social Care, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 268819 Programme leader: Anne McIntyre

Physiotherapy (Pre-Registration) MSc (Approved in Principle)

The MSc Physiotherapy (Pre-Registration) provides a Masters level route for graduates to become competent physiotherapists, eligible to apply for registration with the Health Professions Council. Graduates are equipped for lifelong safe and effective practice within the global marketplace. The course differs from other Masters programmes in that it is a professional programme at postgraduate level, and is fulltime. It is not intended for those who are already qualified physiotherapists.

Mode of study: 2 years full-time (92 weeks in total): 5 days per week in Year 1; blocks of 5 days per week in year 2. Placements: 5 placements of 6 weeks full-time in Year 2. Contact: Pam Shiers, School of Health Sciences and Social Care, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 268839

Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013


Specialist Community Public Health Nursing MSc and PGDip

This Statutory Body approved course is designed for those with initial nurse registration who wish to become specialist community public health nurses in one of three areas of practice: Health Visiting Occupational Health Nursing School Nursing Successful students gain entry to the Nursing and Midwifery Council Register in their chosen field of practice for their professional award and postgraduate diploma. The course, which is 52 weeks long, involves supervised practice within appropriate settings. Students can progress and complete the MSc by undertaking a dissertation module.

Mode of study: 1 year full-time: 2 days per week plus 2 days per week in practice. 2 years part-time: 1 day per week. Contact: Antonia Marray, School of Health Sciences and Social Care, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 268833

Social Work MA
This is a General Social Care Council accredited social work training programme, which aims to educate and train individuals to be reflective, research-minded practitioners who are able to work critically and professionally, in accordance with the principle of anti-discriminatory practice. Professional and academic elements are closely integrated throughout the programme. There are 200 placement days, with the working week divided between time in placement and time in the University.

Mode of study: 2 years full-time Contact: School of Health Sciences and Social Care, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 268846 Programme Leader: Dr Ben CP Liu

Social Work (PGCert) Post-qualifying framework

The aim of this programme is to develop confident, well-rounded practitioners working in inter-professional and inter-agency contexts. Students will demonstrate competence in a range of key areas including: direct work with service users, families and carers; self-management and use of supervision; mentoring and practice education. As practitioners you will also develop a range of in-depth knowledge and skills associated with a particular area of specialist social work practice.

Mode of study: Minimum 18 months Contact: School of Health Sciences and Social Care, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 268840, Web Course Director: Keith Goodman


Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013

School of HEALTH Sciences and Social Care

Youth and Community Studies MA

The MA in Youth and Community Studies is a completely distance learning based programme designed to meet the continuing professional development needs of established practitioners in services for young people. It offers in-service professional education for experienced youth practitioners and managers who have substantial experience, often including the management of a team of staff. This exciting course supports students who wish to critically engage with theory, policy and practice in the field of youth and youth work. Options include modules on: Social Policy; Quality Work in Partnerships; Management in Youth Work; Sociology of Youth and Youth Work; Research Methods; and Contemporary Issues in Youth and Community Work. Students also undertake a research-based dissertation.

Mode of study: Distance learning via web-based study packs and online tutorials. Face-to-face tutorials can also be arranged where appropriate. Contact: Course Director Dr Fin Cullen, School of Health Sciences and Social Care, Email

How To Apply
Applications should be made online through the specific course page on the Brunel University website,, by clicking on the Apply button. All applications need to be supported by two references, one of which must be an academic reference. Applications should be submitted as early as possible. The applicant may be required to attend an interview at the University before a decision on the application is made. For international applicants, it may be possible to arrange telephone and web conference interviews. For more information please visit:

Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013


School of Information Systems, Computing and Mathematics

The School of Information Systems, Computing and Mathematics at Brunel provides a vibrant learning and research community. Challenging Masters Courses
Our Masters courses enable students to pursue their passion for the subject while developing academic skills and working towards their career aims. Employability is at the heart of our courses and, along with our award winning Careers Service, we support our students in achieving their goals in the competitive employment marketplace. Students on our Information Systems and Computing courses will also have the opportunity to gain professional IT experience by completing the Industrial Dissertation Programme.

Akbar studied the Information Systems Management MSc and is currently working as Release Manager for Hewlett Packard.
I felt that having an MSc from Brunel would differentiate me from many of the other graduates applying for a small number of graduate programmes. The MSc in Information Systems Management gave me a greater understanding of IT and management fields and made me an attractive candidate to employers. I gained transferable skills in presentation, team working, communication and critical thinking which enabled me to add value in thought leadership and innovation. My greatest achievement was to tackle the dissertation and take part in the SAP TERP10 certification course at the same time via Brunel. To this day I still get emails from recruiters who desperately need staff with experience using SAP. One of the highlights of my time was meeting so many people of different cultures with mutual interests. I would definitely recommend Brunel. The School has very high standards and Brunel is great for employment opportunities.

One of the largest PhD cohorts in the country

As confirmed by the 2008 Research Assessment Exercise, we have a world-class research environment and one of the largest PhD cohorts in the country. As the next generation of research leaders, our PhD students have published in many publications and won many awards. After graduation, they make significant contributions to academic and industrial institutions all over the world.


Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013

School of Information systems, computing and Mathematics Directory

Academic Areas
Information Systems and Computing Mathematical Sciences

Research Areas
Information Systems and Computing Centre for Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM) Centre for Information Systems Research (CISR) Centre for Intelligent Data Analysis (CIDA) People and Interactivity Research Centre (PANDI) Centre for Systems and Synthetic Biology (CSSB) Mathematical Sciences Brunel Institute of Computational Mathematics (BICOM) Brunel University Random Systems Research Centre (BURSt) Centre for the Analysis of Risk and Optimisation Modelling Applications (CARISMA) Applied Analysis Research Group Combinatorics Research Group Computational Mathematics Continuum Mechanics Research Group Mathematical Physics Research Group Operational Research and Risk Modelling Statistics

Taught Courses
Information Systems and Computing Advanced Computing MSc Business Systems Integration (with SAP Technology) MSc Information Systems Management MSc Mathematical Sciences Computational Mathematics with Modelling MSc Modelling and Management of Risk MSc

Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013


Research Opportunities
The School of Information Systems, Computing and Mathematics is a world-class centre of excellence for interdisciplinary research involving: Applied and Computational Mathematics, Mathematical Physics; Statistics and Operational Research; Biomedical Informatics; Data and Knowledge Management; Defence and Cyber Security; Digital Economy; Healthcare Systems; Human-Computer Interaction; Information Systems; Intelligent Data Analysis; Software Engineering; and Systems and Synthetic Biology. We receive substantial financial support for our research activity from the UK Research Councils, the European Union and other sources. The School is home to staff who are recognised and honoured for their top-quality publications and leading roles in their disciplines, and hosts one of the largest and strongest PhD programmes in the country, with approximately 200 registered research students. Keta studied the Business Systems Integration (with SAP Technology) MSc and is currently working as a Business Analyst in the IT division of Credit Suisse investment bank.
One of the reasons I was attracted to Brunel was the diversity of its students. The cultural societies and events for international students really make overseas students feel at home. The on-campus facilities for both curricular and extracurricular activities are excellent, and Brunel is also in close proximity to London. In addition to this, the university has an excellent reputation for employability. Brunels award-winning Placement and Careers Centre provides extensive support for job hunting, including job fairs and workshops. They also help students to prepare for interviews, review their applications and improve on various presentation and interview skills. All of these factors helped me to choose Brunel over other premier institutions. I would highly recommend Brunel to any student interested in studying for a degree in Information Systems and Computing. The lecturers are at the forefront of their fields and they are very approachable. In particular the MSc in Business Systems Integration (with SAP Technology) provides students with highly marketable skills in ERP technology, which is widely used in all kinds of industries.

For PhDs in Information Systems and Computing, please contact: Research Administrator, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 265970 For PhDs in Mathematical Sciences, please contact: Research Administrator, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 265392

How to apply for research opportunities

Applications can be submitted online. To support your application please include: A research proposal Transcripts and certificates Two reference letters A statement of purpose A Curriculum Vitae Sponsor details if applicable Proof of English level if applicable


Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013

School of Information systems, computing and Mathematics

Information Systems and Computing Taught Courses

Advanced Computing MSc
This is a demanding, high quality and ultimately very rewarding course for which we seek the most able and committed students. Students will work closely with a research centre or group at one of the leading Information Systems and Computing departments in the country (rated top for research power in the RAE 2008). The course offers exceptional opportunities to work alongside some of the leading researchers in Europe in a specialist branch of Advanced Computing. The programme features a software development group project for which students will work together with an academic member of staff to solve an open-ended and challenging software problem. Students will also acquire specialist knowledge in a specific area of Advanced Computing, culminating in an individual specialist project. Overall there is an emphasis on developing strong technical and critical skills, equipping students for a career in either academia or industry. Specialisms include: Artificial Intelligence; Business Systems; High Performance Computing; Image Processing; Intelligent Data Analysis; Pervasive Informatics; Semantic Technologies and Ontology Engineering; Software Engineering; and Systems Biology.

Mode of study: 1 year full-time Contact: Student Recruitment Coordinator, Department of Information Systems and Computing, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 265939, Web

Business Systems Integration (with SAP Technology) MSc

The aim of this cutting edge programme is to develop practical skills and critical awareness in state-of-the-art business/enterprise systems integration, from a service-oriented perspective. During the Business Systems Integration course, students will gains hands-on experience of SAP technology. In addition, they can opt to take the SAP TERP 10 certification course which is a recognised industry qualification. This will be delivered in a two-week block at the end of the programme. Students who successfully complete the certification module will be certified as SAP Consultant Solution Architect ERP Integration of Business Processes with MySAP ERP.

Mode of study: 1 year full-time; 2 years part-time Contact: Student Recruitment Coordinator, Department of Information Systems and Computing, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 265939, Web

Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013


Information Systems Management MSc

This course will develop critical understanding of the management of information systems in the context of people, organisations, processes and information technology. The programme will enable students to deepen and broaden their existing information systems knowledge, with the support of internationally renowned research staff. Students will also develop their professional and managerial skills, equipping them for a rewarding career in the field of information systems.

Mode of study: 1 year full-time; 2 years part-time Contact: Student Recruitment Coordinator, Department of Information Systems and Computing, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 265939, Web


Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013

School of Information systems, computing and Mathematics

Mathematical Sciences Taught Courses

Computational Mathematics with Modelling MSc
This course will provide a thorough grounding in modern numerical analysis, keeping in mind a balance between the theoretical and the practical. The practical aspects of the subject are emphasised by providing intensive instruction in areas of numerical analysis that are useful in industry and of which the academic staff, through their applied research and consultative activities, have specialist knowledge. The course differs from those at other universities in that it covers a wider spectrum of numerical methods. The computational aspects of these methods are emphasised by the introduction of more laboratory work into the course. The modelling addresses diverse topics from science, engineering and finance.

Mode of study: 1 year full-time Contact: Student Administrator, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 265392, Web

Modelling and Management of Risk MSc

This MSc will pursue theoretical and applied research issues encompassing the growing use of risk and optimisation in diverse sectors. Students on this course will gain specific skills in the areas of: problem structuring; data analysis; building decision models; risk assessment in the corporate and financial sectors; decision making under uncertainty; applying stochastic calculus for pricing options; modelling and controlling asymmetric measures of risk; and selecting appropriate types of analyses and applying them in an appropriate context.

Mode of study: 1 year full-time Contact: Student Administrator, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 265392, Web

How To Apply
Applications should be made online through the specific course page on the Brunel University website,, by clicking on the Apply button. All applications need to be supported by two references, one of which must be an academic reference. Applications should be submitted as early as possible. The applicant may be required to attend an interview at the University before a decision on the application is made. For international applicants, it may be possible to arrange telephone and web conference interviews. For more information please visit:

Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013


School of Law
For over 40 years students from throughout the UK and from over 100 countries have made Brunel Law School their first choice for postgraduate taught and PhD research degrees. We offer a diverse portfolio of courses catering to the interests of both continuing students and returning professionals aiming to enhance their career and develop specialist expertise in their chosen subject. At postgraduate level, nearly all of our courses have an international emphasis. This gives our students the global perspective which is sought by UK and overseas employers. Although Brunel Law School is research driven students are at the heart of everything we do, and postgraduate students are exposed to the latest and most up-to-date legal research produced by our internationally-recognised academics. Postgraduate students are encouraged to take advantage of the benefits of the Schools seven Research Groups and Centres, focusing on the areas of commercial law, intellectual property, human rights, criminal justice, family law, and law and religion. They frequently host compelling conferences and symposia to keep students challenged and engaged.

Polona is studying for a PhD in the Brunel Law School

With remarkably kind, approachable and supportive academics and with students coming from all corners of the world, Brunel Law School will easily become a diverse, exciting and loving family to anyone who studies here.

Research Areas
Centre for International and Public Law Commercial Law Research Centre Criminal Justice Research Centre Family Law Research Group Human Rights Centre Intellectual Property, Internet and Media Research Centre Law and Religion Research Group

Taught Courses
CPE/Graduate Diploma in Law Intellectual Property Law PG Certificate Master of Laws International and Comparative Criminal Justice LLM International Commercial Law LLM International Economic Law LLM International Financial Regulation and Corporate Law LLM International Human Rights Law LLM International Intellectual Property Law LLM International Trade Law LLM


Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013

Brunel Law School

Research Opportunities
The Law Schools Research Centres bring together members of the School with a common research interest to enhance and promote their work, through seminars and workshops and collaborative projects and by developing links with outside bodies. The Research Groups provide a forum for PhD students to discuss their work and be involved in research activities related to their theses. The Groups activities also contribute indirectly to the enhancement of teaching and supervision on related undergraduate and postgraduate modules and programmes.

Centre for International and Public Law

The Centre for International and Public Law (CIPL) was established in 2004 to promote excellence in the research and teaching of public law and international law. The Centres aim is to contribute to the critical understanding of the role of national and international institutions in promoting human rights, justice and the rule of law. The Centre runs a number of events throughout the year for academics, practitioners and students. An ongoing seminar series has run since 2004, when it was launched by Lord Bill Brett.

Commercial Law Research Centre

This Centre enjoys an outstanding international reputation. It has placed emphasis on collaboration with similar organisations in the EU, and firm links have now been established with universities in most member states, especially France (Montpellier), Germany (Bremen) and Denmark (Aarhus). Recently, links have also been forged with Canada (Montreal) and the USA (Houston, Texas). The broad themes covered by academics in this area include: Consumer Protection and Fair Trading Consumer Credit Cyberconsumerism Company Law Banking and Financial Law EU Law Competition Law Intellectual Property Law

Criminal Justice Research Centre (CJRC)

Members of the CJRC are engaged in a range of research initiatives including: publishing in and editing international journals; authoring books; presenting conference papers; chairing conference sessions; editing book collections; acting as members of external committees; and being part in external bodies reviewing criminal justice policies. The Centre undertakes empirical and theoretical research in the fields of criminal justice practice and policy, and the group publishes widely, currently in areas including: sentencing; imprisonment; criminal evidence; comparative justice; roads policing; and domestic violence.

Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013


Family Law Research Group

The members of the Family Law Research Group are engaged in a range of research activities within the areas of Family Law, Child Law and Youth Justice. These include: publishing in journals and edited collections; authoring books; presenting conference papers; and chairing conference sessions. The Group provides a forum for discussion, advice and support for staff and students, including our doctoral students. It also organises research seminars and workshops aiming to promote knowledge-sharing between academics and practitioners.

Human Rights Centre

Brunel Human Rights Centre is committed to the advancement of human rights as potential tools for reform, the empowerment of marginalised groups, the pursuit of environmental sustainability, and the achievement of social justice. It conducts research, produces publications and engages with organisations, academics, students and civil society.

Intellectual Property, Internet and Media Research Centre

The Intellectual Property, Internet and Media Research Centre (IPIMRC) was established in 2006 to assist and promote study and research in all areas of intellectual property and information law, with particular emphasis on new communication technologies. Members of IPIMRC undertake both theoretical and empirical research on the complex intersection of law and technology and are active in a range of areas. These currently include: international and European intellectual property; practice and management of intellectual property; digital copyright; internet privacy and data protection; eCommerce regulation; and cyber consumerism.

Law and Religion Research Group

The members of the Law and Religion Research Group are engaged in research which explores: the complex interaction between law and religion in the context of constitutional law and private law (from a comparative perspective) and public international law; the religious rights discourse within the context of domestic and international law; the normative development and enforcement strategies in the complex and multi-vectored area of law and religion. The Group provides a forum for discussion, advice and support for staff and students, including doctoral students, and organises conferences, research seminars and workshops aiming to promote knowledge sharing between academics and practitioners.

Brunel Law School, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 267595 For PhD study enquiries: Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 266226


Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013

Brunel Law School

Taught Courses
CPE/Graduate Diploma in Law
The CPE programme has become an established and widely recognised route into both branches of the legal profession. The Joint Academic Stage Board externally validates the programme, which is specifically designed to enable non-law graduates to satisfy the academic stage of the process of legal training. This enables successful students to embark on a vocational training course with a view to entering the legal profession as a solicitor or barrister. The programme covers the core modules that constitute a qualifying Law degree (and therefore exemption from the academic stage of legal training) in an accelerated one-year format.

Mode of study: 1 year full-time: minimum 4 days attendance per week. 2 years part-time. Contact: Kimberely Fernandes, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 265464

Master of Laws
This course allows you to tailor your studies and create a bespoke programme to suit your academic or professional objectives. You can choose from a diverse range of modules, most of which reflect aspects of the Schools areas of expertise in Intellectual Property, Human Rights and Commercial Law. You can choose modules from a specific subject area to gain in-depth knowledge, or choose to study one of an array of other subjects for exposure to the wider field. Through studying this course, students will gain a good grounding in the legal concepts and principles operating in the areas of law they choose.

Mode of study: 1 year full-time: minimum 4 days attendance per week Contact: Rahena Begum, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 267595

Intellectual Property Law PG Certificate

This course provides a comprehensive overview of theoretical and practical aspects of intellectual property law, and attracts law graduates and those with backgrounds in sciences, technology and the humanities. Upon successful completion of the Intellectual Property PG Certificate, students who wish to qualify as a Patent Attorney or Trade Mark Attorney in the UK will receive exemptions from the foundation level papers set by the qualifying examinations agencies. The programme will provide students with essential knowledge about the theoretical rationales and policy arguments for the recognition of intellectual property rights.

Mode of study: 8 months part-time: Wednesday 1-5pm Contact: Rahena Begum, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 267595

International and Comparative Criminal Justice LLM

This programme offers a unique opportunity to delve into controversial criminal law and procedure issues through analytical comparisons between common and civil law, and Islamic law systems. The programme provides graduates with a fundamental understanding of international and comparative criminal law and procedure and their interconnections, especially in the light of radical transformations in this area since the beginning of the 21st century with the genesis of the International Criminal Court and the excesses of the fight against international terrorism.

Mode of study: 1-year full-time: minimum 4-days attendance per week Contact: Ms Rahena Begum, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 267595

Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013


International Commercial Law LLM

This research-led programme is designed for law graduates who wish to develop specialist knowledge of aspects of international commercial law. It focuses on: conceptual and theoretical sources of the substantive laws regulating the fields of study; the procedural mechanisms for the application of those laws; and the challenges that attend the evolution of principles, rules and procedures. Specialists are increasingly sought by law firms, businesses and government bodies in response to the expansion of international trade, commerce and regulation resulting from economic, political and technological change.

Mode of study: 1 year full-time: minimum 4 days attendance per week Contact: Rahena Begum, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 267595

International Economic Law LLM

The separation of economic development from political and civil rights, upon which policymaking in the World Bank and the IMF is largely based, is coming under increasing criticism. World Trade Organisation law has developed into a contentious set of institutions, rules and principles delineating acceptable from unacceptable forms of economic regulation. This degree explores the institutions, rules and principles of international economic policy-making, the legal issues arising from the globalisation of the world economy, and approaches to resolving disputes at this level.

Mode of study: 1 year full-time: minimum 4 days attendance per week Contact: Rahena Begum, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 267595

International Financial Regulation and Corporate Law LLM

This course is designed for students seeking to gain a solid foundation in this growing discipline with the aim of becoming practitioners or of continuing with further studies and research. It will provide students with knowledge and understanding of selected areas of international financial regulation and corporate law, focusing on: conceptual and theoretical sources of the substantive laws regulating the fields of study; the procedural mechanisms for the application of those laws; and the challenges that attend evolution of principles, rules and procedures.

Mode of study: 1 year full-time: minimum 4 days attendance per week Contact: Rahena Begum, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 267595

International Human Rights Law LLM

This programme is designed to enable its graduates to become human rights practitioners, advocates and critical scholars. Students are taught by leading academics with a wide range of expertise in human rights practice, policy, activism and governmental, international and non-governmental organisations. The course is aimed at graduates who are keen to develop expertise in the evolving discipline of international human rights law. Students will have the opportunity to engage with many of the human rights issues that feature in public debate today.

Mode of study: 1 year full-time: minimum 4 days attendance per week Contact: Rahena Begum, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 267595


Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013

Brunel Law School

International Intellectual Property Law LLM

This course is designed for graduates who wish to develop a specialist knowledge of intellectual property law and related areas. This is one of the fastest growing fields of law internationally. Rapid development of new technologies and a complex international legislative framework make it an outstanding career path, as the undisputed relevance of intellectual property in innovation and access to knowledge makes specialist practitioners increasingly in demand. Intellectual Property Law is one of three areas of expertise in the School and is supported by an internationally recognised research centre, in which students are encouraged to participate. Mode of study: 1 year full-time: minimum 4 days attendance per week Contact: Rahena Begum, Email rahena.begum@brunel., Tel +44 (0)1895 267595

Edward is studying for a PhD in the Brunel Law School

My research considers the law governing foreign direct investment and, in particular, whether it allows states to balance commercial and human rights obligations. I chose to undertake my PhD at Brunel because of its reputation as a leading research institution. Also, as a Graduate Teaching Assistant, I teach undergraduates which gives me excellent experience for my future career as an academic. When I complete my PhD, I hope to be able to qualify as a barrister and balance this with a career in academia.

International Trade Law LLM

This course develops specialist knowledge of the increasingly important fields of international trade law, international economic law and related areas. Specialists are increasingly sought by law firms, businesses and government bodies in response to the expansion of international trade, commerce and regulation resulting from economic, political and technological change. The course will provide students with knowledge and understanding of the law governing international trade, including the private law of international supply contracts, the rules of the World Trade Organisation, and other selected areas of law. Mode of study: 1 year full-time: minimum 4 days attendance per week Contact: Rahena Begum, Email rahena.begum@brunel., Tel +44 (0)1895 267595

How To Apply
Applications should be made online through the specific course page on the Brunel University website,, by clicking on the Apply button. All applications need to be supported by two references, one of which must be an academic reference. Applications should be submitted as early as possible. The applicant may be required to attend an interview at the University before a decision on the application is made. For international applicants, it may be possible to arrange telephone and web conference interviews. For more information please visit:

Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013


School of Social Sciences

The School of Social Sciences world-class Research Centres promote a strong multidisciplinary community that excels in research and teaching. Our excellent Research Assessment Exercise results consolidate our status as a research-intensive University of international standing. Many of our academics are at the forefront of their fields, delivering high-quality and relevant research that benefits the community and improves our understanding of the world. As one of the largest Schools in the University, we offer a wide variety of innovative and inspiring postgraduate degree programmes. Our courses enable students to gain internationally recognised qualifications while developing specialist expertise. Our teaching gives students valuable skills for the workplace and we have a tradition of producing graduates who are highly valued by employers. We encourage applicants from all backgrounds who share our interest in advancing an understanding of society, and the issues that confront social scientists. As a result, we have thriving postgraduate degree programmes that attract ambitious students from all over the world.

Alexandra studied the Social and Cultural Research MSc at Brunel and is now a PhD candidate.
My research interests lie in the field of Happiness Studies, with a particular focus on interdisciplinarity within the social sciences. My PhD research has ranged from happiness and wellbeing within the public policy arena to defending happiness studies as a whole and responding to current critiques. While at Brunel, I have been a course representative for both the MSc and PhD. I have greatly enjoyed this experience. Apart from the coursespecific lectures, I advise prospective students to take the opportunity to attend the free seminars and workshops offered by the Graduate School, as improving your transferable skills is a great advantage both during and after studies. Since 2011, I have been a coconvenor of the BSA Happiness Study Group and in 2012 I took on the role of co-convenor of the BSA Postgraduate Forum. After finishing my PhD, I plan to stay in academia to teach and conduct research.

Academic Areas
Anthropology Economics and Finance Politics and History Psychology Sociology and Communications


Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013


Research Areas
Anthropology Centre for Research in International Medical Anthropology (CRIMA) Centre for Anthropological Research on Childhood, Youth and Education (CARCYE) Economics and Finance Brunel Macroeconomic Research Centre (BMRC) Centre for Economic Development and Institutions (CEDI) Centre for Empirical Finance (CEF) Centre for Accounting and Corporate Governance (CAGG) Politics, International Relations and History Brunel Centre for Intelligence and Security Studies (BCISS) The Magna Carta Institute Isambard Centre for Historical Research (ICHR) War and Conflict Research Group Comparative and International Governance Research Group Social and Political Thought Research Group Brunel Heritage Research Network Psychology Centre for Cognition and Neuroimaging (CCNI) Centre for Culture and Evolutionary Psychology (CCEP) Centre for the Study of Health and Well-being (CSHW) Centre for Research in Infant Behaviour (CRIB) Centre for the Study of Expertise (CSE) Sociology and Communications Centre for Culture, Media and Regulation (CCMR) Centre for Biomedicine and Society (CBAS) Moral Panic Research Network

Taught Courses
Anthropology Anthropology of Childhood, Youth and Education MSc Anthropology of International Development and Humanitarian Assistance MSc Medical Anthropology MSc Psychological and Psychiatric Anthropology MSc Social Anthropology MRes Economics and Finance Business Finance MSc Finance and Accounting MSc Finance and Investment MSc International Money, Finance and Investment MSc Politics, International Relations and History Globalisation and Governance MA International Relations MA International Security MSc Intelligence and Security Studies MA Modern Political Thought: Violence and Revolution MA Modern World History MA Politics MSc Public Affairs and Lobbying MSc War and Conflict in the Modern World MA Psychology Cross-Cultural Psychology MSc Functional Neuroimaging MSc Evolutionary Psychology MSc Psychology, Health and Behaviour MSc Psychoanalysis and Contemporary Society MA Sociology and Communications Media and Communications MSc Medicine, Bioscience and Society MSc Social and Cultural Research MSc Sociology of Health and Illness MSc Science, Technology and Contemporary Society MSc

Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013


Research Opportunities

Each of the five departments within the School of Social Sciences features worldclass and internationally recognised researchers and research. Our disciplines regularly score well in research assessment exercises and all provide excellent examples of social and economic impact, producing research that advances scholarly endeavour, with clear and tangible benefits for wider society. Our research is also responsible for much of our collaborative work with business, industry and the public sector, offering opportunities for work experience. This demonstrates our commitment to producing professionally-minded graduates that employers want to recruit. We are particularly proud of our PhD student community, which includes a strong international student contingent drawn from many countries. The School currently has around 165 active research students and they are a part of a growing research student community that is attracted by the excellence of our research staff. There is a strong culture of participation in each of our five Departments research activities and seminar programmes. All students are encouraged to be actively involved in the Universitys Research Centres and they have the opportunity to make a real contribution to the Brunel community and to wider society.

PhD programme structure

Our exciting PhD programme enables our students to achieve their research goals. The programme comprises incremental stages of study which support students in undertaking the research necessary to complete their theses for examination. We offer training and master classes that provide a broad range of advanced and transferable research skills. These assist learning at each stage of the PhD process. Throughout the programme each student will meet regularly with their supervisors, who provide expert advice and guidance on the research and thesis. All students are required to present their work to peers and academics in their discipline at an annual presentation event. Students will also have formal reviews with their supervisors and independent assessors to review their progress and set targets for the forthcoming year. We welcome enquiries from potential PhD candidates in any of the areas in which we specialise. Initially, candidates should write either to the Research Office (see below) or to an individual member of staff, outlining their research proposal and giving an indication of their qualifications. We also offer New Route PhD programmes in Human Sciences and Economics and Finance. See page 42 for more information.

The Research Office, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 266310


Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013


Anthropology Taught Courses

Anthropology of Childhood, Youth and Education MSc
This MSc is unique in its engagement with cross-cultural conceptions of childhood, youth and education. The first of its kind in the UK, it has a distinctive anthropological approach that focuses on the importance of child and youth perspectives, and on the role of education (formal and informal) in learning processes. Through an examination of ethnographic cases from around the world (including the UK), students learn about the ways in which childhood and youth are understood and conceptualised. The course also covers the different educational forms and processes through which cultural knowledge is transmitted and acquired, and how culture impacts upon these processes.

Mode of Study: 1 year full-time: 2 days per week. 2 years or up to 2.5 years part-time: 1 day per week (24 weeks attendance for lectures). Contact: Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 265951

Anthropology of International Development and Humanitarian Assistance MSc

This MSc programme examines contemporary debates surrounding international development and humanitarian assistance, and critically assesses the policies and practices that underpin such issues from an anthropological perspective. Anthropology has played a key role in the emergence of new perspectives on humanitarian assistance and the livelihoods of populations caught up in extreme circumstances, such as famines, natural disasters and wars. Through this course, students will discover how the insights and skills of anthropologists have long been associated with ethnographic work on economics, education, health, deprivation and conceptions of suffering, dating back to the origins of the discipline.

Mode of Study: 1 year full-time: 2 days per week. 2 years or up to 2.5 years part-time: 1 day per week. (24 weeks attendance for lectures.) Both modes of study depend on the chosen modules. Contact: Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 265951

Medical Anthropology MSc

Medical anthropology is the study of sociocultural beliefs and behaviours associated with the origins, recognition and management of health and illness. In addition to science-based medicine, it is centrally concerned with more informal systems of health care such as selftreatment, folk healers, shamans and alternative practitioners and explores the perspectives of those who seek and deliver such care. The first taught Masters degree dedicated to medical anthropology in Europe, the Brunel MSc has a long and established history of addressing these issues in a lively and challenging way.

Scholarship Opportunities
The Cecil Helman Scholarship Fund offers between two and four students up to 1,000 to help them complete field research for MSc Medical Anthropology dissertations.

Mode of Study: 1 year full-time: 2 days per week. 2 years or up to 2.5 years part-time: 1 day per week (24 weeks attendance for lectures). Contact: Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 265951

Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013


Psychological and Psychiatric Anthropology MSc

In this course, the first of its kind in Europe, we address psychological and psychiatric issues from an anthropological perspective. Through a consideration of cases from around the world, we explore how person, consciousness, and experience are shaped through cultural practices and political realities. By engaging with debates on these topics and through the examination of world ethnography (including the UK), participants learn about selfhood, emotion, identity and mental illness in a cultural context. The course will appeal particularly to those who want to work in the health, charity or educational sectors or wherever a cross-cultural understanding is an advantage.

Mode of Study: 1 year full-time: 2 days per week. 2 years or up to 2.5 years part-time: 1 day per week (24 weeks attendance for lectures). Contact: Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 265951

Social Anthropology MRes

This MRes is a taught postgraduate degree that provides high quality training in anthropology and anthropological research. The degree is of particular relevance to those who wish to use it as a foundation for PhD study or to enhance their careers through the acquisition of advanced knowledge and research skills. The MRes can be completed as a qualification in itself, or as the first stage in a four-year PhD programme. For students with no previous anthropological training, it can also act as a conversion course to anthropology. A unique feature of this programme is that students can design Guided Study Modules to focus on their own areas of research interest.

Mode of Study: 1 year full-time: 2 days per week. 2 years or up to 2.5 years part-time: 1 day per week (24 weeks attendance for lectures). Contact: Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 265951

Applications should be made online through the specific course page on the Brunel University website,, by clicking on the Apply button. All applications need to be supported by two references, one of which must be an academic reference. Applications should be submitted as early as possible. The applicant may be required to attend an interview at the University before a decision on the application is made. For international applicants, it may be possible to arrange telephone and web conference interviews. For more information please visit:


Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013


Economics and Finance Taught Courses

Business Finance MSc
This programme focuses on corporate finance and financial analysis, and has been training business finance analysts since 1991. It is appropriate for students whose career choices are likely to lie in asset and fund management, corporate finance and corporate investment strategy. The course also provides a sound foundation for those interested in continuing onto a PhD research degree. Former students hold professorial positions at a number of institutions worldwide. The core units aim to provide a rigorous treatment of the theory of corporate finance as well as to provide students with the econometric and mathematical techniques necessary to understand academic literature. Students will be trained to undertake empirical investigations using data from Bloomberg, Thomson One (Banker), Reuters 3000 Xtra and DataStream.

Mode of Study: 1 year full-time: up to 5 days per week depending on chosen modules Contact: Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 265285

Finance and Accounting MSc

This joint course develops skills in the theory of finance, company valuation, the assessment of corporate risk, international accounting standards, corporate governance and financial statement analysis. Data and modelling skills can be developed according to the level and interest of the student. Students will be registered and encouraged to obtain certification in Bloomberg, Thomson One (Banker) and DataStream. The course provides a platform for a successful career in the financial sector and financial accounting. It is also appropriate for those with professional qualifications in accounting, who wish to obtain a deeper understanding of finance and financial accountancy.

Mode of Study: 1 year full-time: up to 5 days per week depending on chosen modules Contact: Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 265285

Finance and Investment MSc

This is a specialist postgraduate degree course focusing on security/portfolio investment decision making and drawing on the syllabus of the Chartered Financial Analysts Institute. The course emphasises investment strategies, the evaluation of investment performance, and the evaluation of company performance. Students whose career interests lie with financial institutions or in financial management will obtain the essential analytical tools and techniques. Students will be registered and encouraged to obtain certification in Bloomberg, Reuters 3000 Xtra and DataStream. The course should also be of interest to applicants who are already practitioners in the financial field.

Mode of Study: 1 year full-time: up to 5 days per week depending on chosen modules Contact: Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 265285

Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013


International Money, Finance and Investment MSc

This programme provides a rigorous treatment of the theory of international, money, finance and investment. In addition to financial theory, there is a focus on monetary policy and banking with specialist options in development finance, international finance and financial regulation. Students will develop a thorough understanding of financial markets and the appropriate analytical techniques in financial decision making. The course will allow students with career interests in international money markets and financial institutions to obtain the required tools and techniques for a critical understanding of credit markets and of contemporary issues such as the causes of bank failure. Students will be registered and encouraged to obtain certification in Bloomberg, Reuters 3000 Xtra and Thomson One (Banker). Mode of Study: 1 year full-time: up to 5 days per week depending on chosen modules. Contact: Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 265285

Huawei took the MSc in Finance and Investment

I got my first degree in Economics in China. After working for a few years in the commercial field, I chose to take the MSc in Finance and Investment at Brunel instead of an MBA in China, because I believe studying here can better help me to be a financial professional. It also widened my experience of the international environment. Brunel stood out from my other choices because its a campus-based university, but is based in West London. I hope eventually to find a job in the field of risk measurement.

Applications should be made online through the specific course page on the Brunel University website,, by clicking on the Apply button. All applications need to be supported by two references, one of which must be an academic reference. Applications should be submitted as early as possible. The applicant may be required to attend an interview at the University before a decision on the application is made. For international applicants, it may be possible to arrange telephone and web conference interviews. For more information please visit:


Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013


Politics, International Relations and History Taught Courses

Globalisation and Governance MA
The term globalisation embraces a range of deeply transformative political, economic and social processes. Understanding these as well as the meaning, significance and implications of globalisation presents major theoretical and practical challenges for those working or intending to work in the realms of government, business, civil society or academia. This MA equips students to understand globalisation and to think in an informed manner about questions of its governance: that is, how globalisation might be steered or developed in a politically and ethically satisfactory manner. Students graduating from this programme will have knowledge and understanding not only of the key debates and perspectives upon globalisation, governance and international relations, but also of the different sectors of the emerging global political system: namely the state and other public authorities, business and institutions of global capital, and civil society and international non-governmental organisations.

Mode of Study: 1 year full-time: 4 days per week depending on chosen modules. 2 years or up to 2.5 years part-time: up to 2 days per week (24 weeks attendance for lectures). Contact: Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 265286

International Relations MA
The ability to analyse the complex issues presented by international relations is increasingly important, both for understanding the forces and events that shape our lives, and in a wide range of careers. As an academic subject, this field has expanded beyond its original concern with relations between states and the study of war and international organisation, to cover topics such as globalisation, security, international theory, human rights, and the politics of the natural environment and of specific geographical regions. This MA develops students knowledge of this evolving discipline and provides the opportunity to study topics across its key sub-fields.

Mode of Study: 1 year full-time: 4 days per week depending on chosen modules. 2 years or up to 2.5 years part-time: up to 2 days per week (24 weeks attendance for lectures). Contact: Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 265286

International Security MSc

This innovative course combines an interdisciplinary approach to the study of international security with a strong practical component, in the form of a specialised simulation module on civil-military crisis management. In contrast to traditional Security Studies programmes, this course takes the broad definition of security as pertaining to national, environmental, economic and human security as a starting point for a comprehensive analysis of security management. The course prepares graduates for a range of professional careers in civilian and military organisations engaged in security and crisis management. The course will also interest students wishing to pursue further academic research on international security.

Mode of Study: 1 year full-time: 4 days per week depending on chosen modules. 2 years or up to 2.5 years part-time: up to 2 days per week (24 weeks attendance for lectures). Contact: Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 265286

Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013


Intelligence and Security Studies MA

Intelligence and security policy issues are now one of the fastest growing areas of academic and public concern, especially since 9/11 and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. More than ever before, governments, international agencies and major international corporations have an identified need for staff with a strong grasp of intelligence and security issues, who can also demonstrate first-rate skills of research and assessment. Taught by internationally respected scholars from the Brunel Centre for Intelligence and Security Studies (BCISS), backed up where required by practitioner expertise, the MA in Intelligence and Security Studies offers a unique opportunity for practical, policy-oriented graduate study of intelligence issues applicable across the private and public sectors around the world.

Mode of Study: 1 year full-time: 2 days per week. 2 years or up to 2.5 years part-time: 1 day per week (24 weeks attendance for lectures). Contact: Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 265286

Modern Political Thought: Violence and Revolution MA

Violence is the midwife of every old society, pregnant with a new one. The concepts of violence and revolution stand at the centre of our understanding of political modernity. This MA introduces students to a range of theoretical perspectives on the concepts of violence and revolution in modern political thought, from the crisis of the Renaissance, through the long 17th century and the Enlightenment, to the critique of political economy and theories of revolution and counterrevolution in the 20th century. The programme focuses in particular on the importance of historical context for understanding the transformation and reformulation of classic themes in modern political thought, and provides students with the research skills, methodologies and historical understanding required for analysing and assessing key texts.

Mode of Study: 1 year full-time: 4 days per week depending on chosen modules. 2 years or up to 2.5 years part-time: up to 2 days per week (24 weeks attendance for lectures). Contact: Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 265286

Modern World History MA

The MA in Modern World History is the only one of its kind in the UK to be endorsed and promoted by the internationally recognised World History Association. It examines the transnational influences, connections and conflicts that intersect in world history, and seeks to foster a holistic approach to historical problems that have had cross-cultural effects on people in many parts of the globe. This means that world history is discussed alongside the combined elements of political, economic, social, cultural, demographic and intellectual history, and these historical underpinnings of world history will be presented in an inter-disciplinary manner. Among the historians at Brunel University are experts on the history of the US, the Caribbean, Australia, Russia and the UK, whose scholarship is an integral part of this offering at Masters level.

Mode of Study: 1 year full-time: 4 days per week depending on chosen modules. 2 years or up to 2.5 years part-time: up to 2 days per week (24 weeks attendance for lectures). Contact: Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 265286


Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013


Politics MSc
The course is designed to deliver a set of core competencies or sub-disciplines within political studies, and enables students to develop fundamental skills in the fields specialist branch. It conforms closely to the professional standards and core competencies in the discipline which organisations such as the Political Studies Association and the Economic and Social Research Council are actively seeking to promote. Students graduating from the programme will have a broad understanding of the principal subfields of political science as a professional as well as an academic discipline, ie research methods, behaviouralism, theory and institutions/policy and an understanding of the inter-relationships between the four core competencies of the field.

Mode of Study: 1 year full-time: 4 days per week depending on chosen modules. 2 years or up to 2.5 years part-time: up to 2 days per week (24 weeks attendance for lectures). Contact: Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 265286

Public Affairs and Lobbying MSc

Public affairs, lobbying and political consultancy are attractive areas for many graduates. Careers in this field are either in dedicated departments within large companies and charities or, more commonly, within specialist consultancy firms. This MSc will provide both academic and practical training to assist students in pursuing a career in these exciting professions. Designed in conjunction with leading Public Affairs companies, the programme includes an integrated internship with a Public Affairs consultancy in either London or Brussels, which will provide graduates with significant advantages to pursue related careers. The course offers a unique combination of advanced academic knowledge and practical experience, which that will provide graduates with the opportunity to develop a career in public affairs.

Mode of Study: 1 year full-time (plus 3 month internship): 3-4 days per week. 2 years or up to 2.5 years part-time (for applicants in the public affairs industry or with relevant experience): up to 3 days per week. Contact: Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 265286

War and Conflict in the Modern World MA

The MA in War and Conflict in the Modern World combines the disciplines of History and International Relations to provide students with multi-disciplinary, advanced study from both humanities and social science perspectives. The course covers the period from the French Revolution to the present. It examines the impact of the French and Industrial Revolutions on warfare and the military history of the period, before focusing on the development of total war that reached its apogee in the First and Second World Wars, and the interaction between democracies and conflict in the 20th century. The programme also draws on Brunels expertise in intelligence studies, offering students the chance to take optional modules in this area with the Universitys Centre for Intelligence and Security Studies (BCISS).

Mode of Study: 1 year full-time: 4 days per week depending on chosen modules. 2 years or up to 2.5 years part-time: up to 2 days per week (24 weeks attendance for lectures). Contact: Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 265286

Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013


Psychology Taught Courses

Cross-Cultural Psychology MSc
This course aims to provide an understanding of how basic psychological processes may vary across cultures, and gives students the skills necessary to conduct their own research with different ethnic groups. The programme is specifically aimed at those who intend to pursue their psychological work in a number of different cultural settings, whether within the UK or overseas. The course is taught by renowned international experts on culture and ethnicity, and the Brunel teaching team is complemented by visiting speakers from around the world. Recent lecturers have included specialists from the US, Hungary, Russia and Finland. Mode of Study: 1 year full-time: 2 days per week. 2 years or up to 2.5 years part-time: 1-2 days per week (24 weeks attendance for lectures). Contact: Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 265951

Meganne studied the CrossCultural Psychology MSc

My experience at Brunel offered ideal opportunities to develop my career and broaden my range of knowledge. While at Brunel I was a Brunel International Scholarship student, a Rotary Ambassadorial Scholar, Student Ambassador and Music Award holder. I sang with Brunel Baroque, was Vice President of Six Degrees (the intercultural organisation), and worked with the exchange student coordinator and the Brunel International office. Because of the high level of investment from our course lecturers, I gained important skills in research methods, and a stronger understanding of how values, beliefs, and behaviours vary across cultures. Ive since been working with the US-UK Fulbright Commission advising students from various cultural backgrounds on educational opportunities abroad. The skills I developed in my course at Brunel have been extremely helpful in effectively communicating and assisting individuals from a range of cultural groups. I would recommend that students entering the course consider the career paths that they would like to pursue after graduation, and to volunteer or try to get work experience in those fields. Volunteering with the UK Refugee Councils therapeutic casework team along with my work and volunteer experiences at Brunel gave me useful practical experience. Make the most of your time and enjoy!

Evolutionary Psychology MSc

This programme provides an exciting opportunity for advanced study in Evolutionary Psychology, ie psychological science informed by explicit consideration of the fact that the human mind, like the human body, is a product of evolutionary processes. This course is particularly suited to students in the life sciences or social sciences who are interested in finding out how principles from evolutionary biology can provide a framework for the scientific study of human psychology and behaviour. Mode of Study: 1 year full-time: 2 days per week. 2 years or up to 2.5 years part-time: 1 day per week (24 weeks attendance for lectures). Contact: Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 265951


Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013


Functional Neuroimaging MSc

Recent years have been characterised by the rapid development of functional imaging technology, with increasing availability worldwide of high resolution scanners for research and clinical applications. Functional brain imaging requires an understanding of current concepts in cognitive neuroscience and psychology, as well as a basic appreciation of neuroimaging techniques and the mathematical and statistical foundations for data analysis. This programme, the first of its kind in the UK, provides a strong theoretical and practical introduction to the world of neuroimaging research. The course is a good preparation for a PhD in functional brain imaging, or for working as part of a neuroimaging team with fMRI and/or other imaging modalities.

Mode of Study: 1 year full-time: 2 days per week. 2 years or up to 2.5 years part-time: 1 day per week (24 weeks attendance for lectures). Contact: Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 265951

Psychology, Health and Behaviour MSc

This course is aimed at a variety of graduates: people working in the health sector who wish to further their understanding of the psychological aspects of health and illness; health professionals (such as medical doctors, physiotherapists, occupational therapists and nurses); international students; psychology graduates who wish to gain the skills to help obtain a place on a Clinical Psychology Doctorate or further study at PhD level; and graduates in related disciplines such as sociology and anthropology. The MSc teaches an understanding of the psychological aspects of health, illness beliefs and behaviours, and provides knowledge and research skills to undertake health research.

Mode of Study: 1 year full-time: 2 days per week. 2 years or up to 2.5 years part-time: 1-2 days per week (24 weeks attendance for lectures). Contact: Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 265951

Psychoanalysis and Contemporary Society MA

This MA is designed to provide students with training in classical and contemporary psychoanalytic theory. It maintains a constant attention to the relation between theory and practice and provides a clinical grounding through its emphasis on the clinical writings of Freud, Klein and Lacan. The course also offers the opportunity to develop a psychoanalytic approach to contemporary socio-cultural issues, in particular questions of political ideology, social conflict and violence. Students have the opportunity to explore the relationship between the psychoanalytic and social fields. The course asks how we can provide a specifically psychoanalytic account of social relations and engages with issues raised by poststructuralist and feminist accounts of sexuality.

Mode of Study: 1 year full-time: 2 days per week. 2 years or up to 2.5-years part-time: 1 day per week (24 weeks attendance for lectures). Contact: Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 265951

Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013


Sociology and Communications Taught Courses

Media and Communications MSc
This well-established course offers students an interdisciplinary approach to the study of new media and communications practices. It focuses on a critical understanding of the rapid changes in media and communications, and their social and cultural consequences within an international context. Students have the opportunity to meet professionals working in the broadcasting, advertising and marketing industries and to take part in field trips for example to the BBC Television Centre. The course combines theoretical and empirical study of the media, including issues of media audiences together with the study of developments in information and communication technologies. Assessments include essays, reports, blogs and wikis. Students typically go on to further advanced academic research or pursue careers within the media industries, for example as a Press or Communications Officer or Head of Information.

Mode of Study: 1 year full-time: 2 days per week. Contact: Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 265951

Social and Cultural Research MSc

Recent years have been characterised by a significant expansion of opportunities to undertake social and cultural research. The aim of this degree is to provide a strong theoretical and practical introduction to the world of sociological, social and cultural research. Students will be exposed to a range of general academic research skills and expertise expected of the professional researcher in the social sciences. The degree is a valuable preparation and qualification for a career in social research. It is also an excellent primer for those candidates planning to undertake a PhD in Sociology, Cultural Studies and cognate disciplines.

Mode of Study: 1 year full-time: 2 days per week. 2 years or up to 2.5 years part-time: 1-2 days per week (24 weeks attendance for lectures). Contact: Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 265951

Medicine, Bioscience and Society MSc

The sociology of medicine and science is one of the most rapidly growing areas within the field of social science. This innovative MSc combines the interdisciplinary approaches of Medical Sociology, Science and Technology Studies with Media and Communications, to critically examine the cultures of medicine and bioscience and their interrelationships with society. The purpose of the programme is to enable students to combine training in key theories and concepts with the study of real world problems and issues. The programme will enable students to apply these theories and concepts critically, equipping them with the skills necessary to engage with debates in medicine, bioscience and society.

Mode of Study: 1 year full-time: up to 5 days per week. 2 years or up to 2.5 years part-time: 1 day per week (24 weeks attendance for lectures). Contact: Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 265951


Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013


Science, Technology and Contemporary Society MSc

This exciting MSc course enables you to employ interdisciplinary approaches of Science and Technology Studies in combination with elements from cutting-edge Media and Communications studies. You will critically examine the cultures of technology and science and their relationships with contemporary society. The course examines technology and science as culture and in culture, addressing many of the problems and concerns of modern societies. The sociology of science and technology is of one the most rapidly growing areas within the field of social science. The purpose of the programme is to enable students to combine training in key theories and concepts with the study of real world problems and issues. The programme will enable students to apply these theories and concepts critically, equipping them with the skills necessary to engage with debates about the nature of contemporary techno-science societies.

Mode of Study: 1 year full-time: up to 5 days per week. 2 years or up to 2.5 years part-time: 1 day per week (24 weeks attendance for lectures). Contact: Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 265951

Sociology of Health and Illness MSc

This course is one of only a few in the UK to combine the inter-disciplinary approaches of Medical Sociology with Media and Communications, to critically examine the key themes in the sociology of health and illness. Health and illness are central to our lives and are major areas of work, policy and debate in society. This programme explores key topics including: the experiences of health and illness; the nature of the health professions; health inequalities; the rise of new health technologies; and the ways in which social class, gender, age and ethnicity shape private troubles and public issues in relation to health.

Mode of Study: 1-year full-time: up to 5 days pwk. 2-years or up to 2.5-years part-time: 1 day days pwk (24 weeks attendance for lectures). Contact: Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 265951

Applications should be made online through the specific course page on the Brunel University website,, by clicking on the Apply button. All applications need to be supported by two references, one of which must be an academic reference. Applications should be submitted as early as possible. The applicant may be required to attend an interview at the University before a decision on the application is made. For international applicants, it may be possible to arrange telephone and web conference interviews. For more information please visit:

Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013


School of Sport and Education

The School of Sport and Education offers a range of postgraduate and research degree courses that give routes into a variety of careers. Some courses lead to qualified teacher status. Students will benefit from excellent teaching and facilities and can take advantage of our extensive links with schools, colleges and sporting bodies. Our research is undertaken with partners in both the public and private sectors and we take particular pride in the fact that our knowledge and expertise is applied across the world. The Schools programmes are taught by staff who are active researchers in their fields and who also have knowledge across a broad spectrum of specialist curriculum areas. They are therefore able to support research both as part of Masters and Doctoral degree courses. Students will be part of a vibrant, research-friendly environment comprising a lively mix of new researchers working alongside more experienced colleagues, many of whom are from professional backgrounds within the domains of Education and Sport Sciences.

Tom Aggar is studying for a Sport Sciences MSc

Tom is one of the worlds greatest paralympic rowers and has twice been named World Rower of the Year in the adaptive crew category. Having been crowned Paralympic Champion in the Arms and Shoulders Single Scull event in Beijing in 2008, Tom finished fourth in London 2012. He is the reigning World Champion in the event. Tom played rugby at county level before an accident in 2005 left him paralysed and he took up rowing to keep fit. He won World Championship gold in his first international season before taking the 2008 Paralympic title in only his second year of competitive rowing.


Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013

School of Sport and Education Directory

Academic Areas
Education Sport Sciences

Research Courses
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) for Education and Sport Sciences Master of Philosophy (MPhil) for Education and Sport Sciences Doctor of Education (EdD) New Route PhD (Education) see page 42

Research Areas
Students will undertake their research under the supervision of academic staff associated with our Research Centres and Groups. Education Curriculum Adaptation and Educational Interventions including the Brunel Able Childrens Education Centre (CAEI) Educational Identities and Social Inclusion (EISI) Pedagogy and Professional Practice (PPP) Sport Sciences Brunel Centre for Sport, Health and Wellbeing (BCSHaW) Centre for Sports Medicine and Human Performance (CSMHP)

Taught Courses
Education Education MA PGCert Primary Education (5-11 years) with recommendation for QTS PGCert Secondary Education with recommendation for QTS English Information and Communications Technology (ICT) with Computer Science Mathematics Physical Education Physics with Mathematics Science with Biology Science with Chemistry Science with Physics Sport Sciences Sport Sciences MSc Sport Sciences (Human Performance) MSc Sport Sciences (Sport Psychology) MSc Sport and Exercise Psychology (BPS accredited) MSc

Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013


Research Courses
PhD and MPhil
The PhD and MPhil are research-led degree courses that you can study on a full- or part-time basis except for the New Route PhD (Education) which is full time study only. Our research students not only address some of the most current and challenging issues within their chosen discipline, but also publish their results in high quality journals and present at international conferences.

Doctor of Education (EdD)

This programme is designed for education and educationrelated professionals from all sectors including schools, higher education, local/national government and public services. It is relevant to individuals who wish to extend their expertise and professional development through a taught programme of study, leading to a research-based thesis.

Hayley is studying for an MSc in Sport Sciences having also taken a BSc at Brunel.
At the end of her undergraduate degree, Hayley won the British Psychological Society (BPS) Division of Sport and Exercise Psychology Prize for the best dissertation. This annual prize is awarded for work that displays great flair and originality, critical thinking and scientific rigour. Hayleys dissertation focused on how sports experts analyse female football players and the movement of their opponents.


Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013

School of Sport and Education

Sport Sciences Research Opportunities

Brunel Centre for Sport, Health and Wellbeing (BC.SHaW)
BCSHaW undertakes social science research into the role of sport, health and wellbeing in contemporary society internationally. The Centre has a strong focus on research which is academically rigorous and ethically robust, and which has relevance to policy and practice.

Contact: Director Professor Tess Kay, Email, Web

Centre for Sport Medicine and Human Performance (CSMHP)

CSMHP undertakes cutting-edge research in the fields of integrative physiology, developmental and performance biomechanics, and the psychology of sport and exercise. It aims to increase knowledge and understanding of the physiological, biomechanical and psychological factors that limit human performance under different environmental conditions, as well as specific knowledge of the type and intensity of exercise that induces the greatest health benefits to the population.

Contact: Director Professor Jos Gonzlez-Alonso, Email, Web

Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013


Education Research Opportunities

Curriculum Adaptation and Educational Interventions (CAEI)
CAEI, which incorporates the Brunel Able Childrens Education Centre (BACE), aims to conduct innovative and high quality research into the most effective ways of educating children. The core activities form three interrelated strands: effective curriculum provision through specific adaptations and interventions in core subjects; enhancing the quality of learning through pedagogical approaches; identifying and fulfilling the talent of special educational groups and designing effective interventions.

Contact: Leader Professor Valsa Koshy, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 267152, Web

Education Identities and Social Inclusion (EISI)

Research within EISI focuses on the interrelationships between education, identities and processes of social inclusion and exclusion. This includes work on: gay-friendly educational institutions and inclusive education; policies to support student parents within higher education; the prevalence and nature of bullying in schools; strategies to promote mental health and wellbeing; and the relationship between international educational mobility and social reproduction.

Contact: Leader Dr Heather Mendick, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 265363, Web

Pedagogy and Professional Practice (PPP)

The Pedagogy and Professional Practice (PPP) research group focuses on two main areas of educational practice: models and effective practice in relation to science, technology, engineering and mathematics education (STEM); models of effective professional practice in education, including reflective teacher practice, developing models of education, and using ICT to enhance or diversify the curriculum.

Contact: Leader Dr Rob Toplis, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 265778, Web


Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013

School of Sport and Education

Education Taught Courses

Education (MA)
This course is designed for those with a broad interest in education. It enables students to undertake a high-level, critical evaluation of educational theory and practice, and develop the skills and confidence to enhance professional practice in learning organisations. This course is available with specialisms in: Educational Management Gifted Education Special Educational Needs Science, Maths and Technology Three core modules cover the central issues of educational research: assessment; learning and teaching; and professional education. Three optional modules can also be selected, alongside the compulsory dissertation module. The dissertation allows students to undertake a substantial, critically informed and independent research project in a particular field of education.

Mode of study: Full-time or part-time normally in the evening on Monday and Tuesday Contact: Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 267019

Initial Teacher Training PGCert

The PGCert course equips graduates to teach in either primary or secondary schools. The University works in partnership with local schools for initial teacher training through a professional tutor system: teachers act as mentors during school placements, which not only helps to ensure that courses are meeting the needs of schools, but also gives students a sound appreciation of the profession. All primary and secondary courses meet Government requirements. On successful completion of this PGCert programme, Brunel will recommend students for Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) to the Teaching Agency. In order to be recommended for QTS, you will have to pass the National Skills Tests, which at present focus on numeracy and literacy, and meet the Teaching Agency Standards for QTS in all areas.

Mode of study: Full-time or part-time as specified above Contact: Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 267019

PGCert Primary Education

The Primary PGCert programme was rated Grade 1 Outstanding by Ofsted in May 2011. This course offers you the opportunity to qualify as a teacher across the primary age range from 5 to 11 years, with an emphasis in either the 5-8 or the 7-11 age range. The intensive programme combines courses in subject knowledge, theory, and strategies and approaches to teaching with practical schoolbased placements. Students are assessed on all elements of the programme.

Mode of study: Full-time or part-time as specified above Contact: Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 267019

Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013


PGCert Secondary Education

Students will specialise in one of the following subjects: English (full-time or part-time route) Information and Communication Technology with Computer Science (full-time route) Mathematics (full-time or part-time route) Physical Education (full-time route) Physics with Mathematics (full-time route) Science with Biology (full-time or part-time route) Science with Chemistry (full-time or part-time route) Science with Physics (full-time or part-time route) Each subject aims to equip graduates to teach the National Curriculum across the 11-16 age range with post-16 enhancement. You will learn to teach by enhancing subject knowledge and by a process of reflection on the principles and practices of secondary education. Mode of study: Full-time or part-time as specified above Contact: Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 267019

Yun Onn graduated with an MA in Education, specialising in Gifted Education

I have taught Biology and Chemistry for more than seven years at a secondary school in Brunei Darussalam, and I chose to study at Brunel because of the high standards and variety of flexible modules offered. Brunel also has excellent research expertise in gifted education. I hope to work in the Brunei Ministry of Education developing ways to identify and provide for gifted Bruneian students.


Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013

School of Sport and Education

Sport Sciences Taught Courses

Sport Sciences MSc
This course offers the choice of following one of two specialist pathways or taking a course that is broad-based and combines a range of self-selected modules from the two specialist pathways. The two specialist pathways are listed below. accreditation as a Sport Scientist through the British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences (BASES).

Sport Sciences (Sport Psychology) MSc

This course runs in parallel with our BPSaccredited course and focuses on the application of psychology in the sport and exercise domain. The course is aimed at students with a background in Sport Sciences who wish to specialise in Sport and Exercise Psychology, potentially pursuing a career either in research or as a sport scientist accredited by the British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences (BASES).

Sport Sciences (Human Performance) MSc

This course primarily focuses on the physiological and biomechanical elements of the human performer, while also providing a grounding in the lab techniques used by physiologists and biomechanists. The course serves as ideal preparation for those wishing to pursue

Mode of study: full-time or part-time normally Tuesday and Thursday Contact: Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 267019

Sport and Exercise Psychology MSc (BPS accredited)

The MSc Sport and Exercise Psychology is aimed at students who have completed a British Psychological Society (BPS) accredited undergraduate degree in psychology, and who wish to specialise in sport and exercise psychology either as researchers or practitioners. The course provides a programme of study that is consistent with the BPS accreditation criteria and which prepares students for Stage 2 of training to become a sport and exercise psychologist.

Mode of study: full-time or part-time normally Tuesday and Thursday Contact: Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 267019

How To Apply
Applications should be made online through the specific course page on the Brunel University website,, by clicking on the Apply button. All applications need to be supported by two references, one of which must be an academic reference. Applications should be submitted as early as possible. The applicant may be required to attend an interview at the University before a decision on the application is made. For international applicants, it may be possible to arrange telephone and web conference interviews. For more information please visit:

Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013


Specialist Research Institutes

The reputation of Brunels research is especially renowned through the work of its prestigious Specialist Research Institutes.

Academic Areas
Brunel Institute for Bioengineering (BIB) Brunel Innovation Centre (BIC) Brunel Centre for Advanced Solidification Technology (BCAST) Experimental Techniques Centre (ETC) Health Economics Research Group (HERG) Institute for the Environment (IfE) Magna Carta Institute Wolfson Centre for Materials Processing


Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013

Specialist Research Institutes

Brunel Institute for Bioengineering (BIB)

The Brunel Institute for Bioengineering (BIB) is a multi-disciplinary organisation with the core research areas of Biomedical Engineering and Bioprocessing. It specialises in science and engineering for medical engineering, chemical and biochemical processing, healthcare and rehabilitation. The Institute was an integral part of the highly successful 2008 RAE submission in General Engineering, in which Brunel was ranked fifth in the UK. It has currently 26 members of staff and 15 research students. Founded in 1983 by Professor Heinz Wolff to research how humans can survive in hostile environments, BIB became well known for successful NASA and ESA space projects. With this expertise, the Institute diversified and now researches in the following areas: Biomedical Engineering, which comprises cardiac assist devices, blood flow modelling and predictors of plaque rupture, implantable biosensors, micro-robotic surgical tools, and devices to help maintain independence for older and disabled people, technology for continence management; and Bioprocessing. The BIB website ( details research activities in the various areas, including current and past projects and grants, publications, and details of staff members. Besides the new MRes degree in Bioengineering, research can also be conducted towards an MPhil or a PhD.

Academic Areas

Research Areas
Biomedical Engineering Bioprocessing

Research Courses

Taught Courses
MRes Bioengineering

Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013


BIB Research Opportunities

Biomedical engineering is a growing activity within the Institute and offers research opportunities in a wide range of topic areas. Our innovative research, supported by EPSRC, the BHF, the EU and industry, does lead to new solutions. Many are demonstrated as new prototype devices and are followed through to practice, for example: surgical robotic tools; implantable devices and sensing systems; biomaterials; tissue engineering; and biosensing technologies for specific applications including drug delivery, tissue repair and implantable biosensing. The Institutes internationally-leading research in atherosclerotic lesion rupture vulnerability using MRI and ultrasound is complemented by computational plaque stress analysis by fluid-structure interaction simulation. The group also models microcirculatory flows, with particular interest in the endothelium as well as in the mathematic modelling of tumours. The development of ventricular assist devices is another corner stone of the Institutes research profile. Based on the Institutes many years experience in getting products from concept to production, Professor Heinz Wolff and his team have successfully developed the Caring Homes project for older and disabled people and have pioneered research in telecare from home. BIB also has a track record in the area of ageing and continence leading to a string of European and national funding awards. Over the last five years, the Institute has also become a world leader in Bioprocessing by taking small-scale, analytical methods for purifying pharmaceuticals and other mixtures and turning them into large-scale processes suitable for production. This has led to a spin-out company called Dynamic Extractions Ltd and the setting up of the Advanced Bioprocess Centre. Counter-Current Chromatography (CCC) is the main process by which these purification advances are made, but the Centre also facilitates many other separation methods. Work on CCC involves fundamental studies of the behaviour of liquids and solids in CCC coiled columns, including fluid dynamics, computer modelling, and developing applications for its CCC technology for the separation of small molecules such as drugs and natural products, larger biological molecules such as proteins, and different types of particles including cells and nanoparticles. Contact: Jenny Kume, Email How to Apply:

Alessandras PhD is supported by the Isambard Research Scholarship

Im a second year PhD student at Brunel Institute of Bioengineering (BIB) and Im carrying out my research in the biofluidmechanics group. I did my Bachelors and Masters degrees in Biomedical Engineering in Italy, and after that I decided to do the PhD at Brunel because I was very interested in the research projects offered by BIB. The Isambard Scholarship allows me to attend conferences related to my research field. This year I am the PhD student rep of BIB and this allows me to be more aware of student problems. After the PhD I would like to go on with my research by doing a postdoc in the UK or abroad.


Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013

Specialist Research Institutes

BIB Taught Courses

MRes in Bioengineering
This research-led teaching programme utilises the Institutes expertise to address the multi-disciplinary subjects of engineering, biology, human physiology, and medicine. It is always challenging for a graduate to perform research in this multi-disciplinary field. The course therefore delivers taught modules to fill knowledge gaps within the specific bioengineering disciplines. It provides substantial training on performing research in biomechanics engineering, biosensing, medical instrumentation and bioprocessing. Students are exposed to our ongoing research activities and have the opportunity to carry out their dissertation research on a specific project of their choice. Extensive training in research methodology and practice will equip students with all the necessary skills to perform bioengineering research within a multi-disciplinary context.

Warren is in his fourth year of a part-time PhD

I am a part-time Phd student and full-time ultrasonographer at Hillingdon Hospital. My research interest is in the non-invasive assessment of vascular disease, basically trying to improve the routine ultrasound examination which I conduct within the NHS. I am presently working on motion analysis of the arterial wall. This dynamic capability could provide useful information about the mechanical properties of the vessel wall. The close collaboration between Hillingdon Hospital and Brunel University has provided excellent opportunities for this research.

Mode of study: Full-time over one year or part-time over two years Contact: Dr Quan Long, Email

Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013


Brunel Innovation Centre (BIC)

The principal mission of BIC is to establish a world-class research centre offering high-quality research in an innovative environment. It aims to attract outstanding students and focuses on advanced inspection and allied technologies covering a range of materials, sensors, electronics and software systems. BIC forms part of a strategic collaboration with TWI Ltd., one of the worlds leading materials technology companies, and is based at their facilities near Cambridge. It draws on Brunels existing strengths to complement and underpin the applied research and development activities of TWI. The driving motivation is to solve real problems in industrial inspection and monitoring, achieved by conducting thorough scientific research. It therefore covers the whole range of activity from fundamental scientific studies through to the transfer of technology to industry. BIC was established with initial pump-priming from Brunel and TWI, but has now become financially sustainable from external funding sources, including 14 EU projects worth over 6 million. Current examples of research projects include: Ultrasonic detection and removal of fouling for pipes Long-range ultrasonic inspection at high temperatures Optimisation of manual ultrasonic NDT Long-range condition monitoring for rails Contact: Director Professor Tat-Hean Gan, Brunel Innovation Centre, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 266897/+44 (0)1223 899693


Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013

Specialist Research Institutes

Brunel Centre for Advanced Solidification Technology (BCAST)

BCAST focuses on both fundamental and applied research of advanced solidification technologies for metallic materials. The Centre is the birthplace of Melt Conditioning by Advanced Shearing Technology (MCAST) and the family of rheoforming technologies. The MCAST process has been identified as offering greater tolerance to the impurities that are present in scrap metals, thus enabling BCAST to help recycle scrap metals for engineering applications. This exciting area of research is being explored with the metal recycling and automobile industries to help the world achieve sustainable development. BCAST has an international reputation for its research into solidification under forced convection, rheology, understanding of semisolid metals and new alloy development. Our newer developments are based on the understanding of liquid metals. BCAST is well equipped with a unique collection of facilities for metal processing and a range of modern analytical techniques. There are currently 40 staff, including academics, research fellows, PhD students and admin staff, working together on a wide range of projects sponsored by the research councils and industrial companies. These include: Melt conditioning high pressure die casting of Al and Mg alloys for automotive application Development of rheo-forming technologies for processing wrought Mg alloys, including melt conditioning direct chill casting and melt conditioning twin-roll casting Grain refining of Mg and Al alloys using both chemical and physical approaches Application of MCAST technology to increase the postconsumer Al scrap in lightweight vehicles Alloy development for both improved processability and enhanced mechanical properties Rheology of semi-solid metals and alloys Solidification under intensive forced convection Thermophysical properties of liquid metals and alloys Structure of liquid metals and alloys Rheo-extrusion of metallic materials High performance Metal Matrix Composites Direct chill casting of Al and Mg alloys

Simon is studying for a PhD at BCAST

I came to Brunel as part of an industrial partnership between Sapa (the company I work for) and BCAST. We are very interested in the work that is done here and its potential for the aluminium industry. Innovation is key to the survival and sustainability of industry and that is what we are driving towards at BCAST. My experiences at Brunel have been positive and rewarding. It is a dynamic place: this has been proven recently by its involvement during the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. My future plans after my studies hopefully see me returning to the aluminium industry. I am lucky in my job to travel around the world visiting plants and working with many different people. I look forward to continuing with this and helping to innovate the industry. Being given the opportunity to further my career and future by completing a PhD at Brunel will only help me to achieve my goals and give me the confidence to aim higher.

Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013


Continuous casting of Al and Mg alloys Analytical modelling of heterogeneous nucleation with potent substrates Molecular dynamic modelling of heterogeneous nucleation on potent substrates

Solidification behaviour of alloy melt with well dispersed oxide particles Numerical simulation of the rheo-forming processes

Research Courses
MPhil PhD Contact: Director Professor Z Fan, Email, Tel ++44 (0)1895 266407, Web


Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013

Specialist Research Institutes

Experimental Techniques Centre (ETC)

Brunels Experimental Techniques Centre (ETC) provides expertise in specialist analytical techniques, combining academic research with business success through its activities in three complementary strands: Science and engineering research; Support of research and teaching in the Universitys academic Schools and Research Centres by provision of state-of-the-art scientific equipment and expertise; Industrial consultancy and R and D. ETC research focuses on surface science, thin films, materials and nanoscale investigations. This has wide-ranging applications from engineering to forensics: recent research projects include investigations of fingerprint detection technology, airborne particulate pollution, toxic metal uptake in biological tissue, development of novel biomedical implants, and investigations of archaeological iron-working sites. Many projects involve collaboration with industry and academia, nationwide and internationally. A wide range of techniques are available, including electron microscopy (SEM and TEM), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), atomic force microscopy (AFM) and Fourier-transform infra-red spectroscopy (FTIR). The Centre is continually expanding, both in instrumentation and scope, as was highlighted by the recent purchase of an X-ray diffractometer (XRD) for crystal structure studies, and a Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometer (SIMS) for surface chemistry investigations. ETC works closely with colleagues across the University to provide supervision and support for research students in using its suite of instruments. The Centres facilities and expertise in specialist microscopy and analysis are of particular importance in the study of engineering materials, biological systems, environmental research and biomedical engineering. ETC staff contribute to teaching on MSc courses including Advanced Manufacturing Systems, Biomedical Engineering and Nanomaterials Processing, and also run short courses on instrumentation and analysis, which are accredited for continuing professional development (CPD). ETC also provides consultancy services to industry. Its work includes failure analysis, forensic investigations and hazardous fibre identification and quantification, for diverse clients such as government agencies, pharmaceutical companies, environmental consultancies and automotive industries. Research students benefit from the experience of business operation and regular contact with representatives from varied industry sectors, as well as the opportunity to work with a wide range of analytical techniques.

Research Courses:
MPhil PhD Contact: Research Coordinator Dr Benjamin Jones, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 265409, Web

Scanning electron microscopy reveals hydrogen embrittlement in steel, causing intergranular fracture

Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013


Health Economics Research Group (HERG)

The Health Economics Research Group (HERG) is an internationally recognised centre of excellence in applied health economics. It undertakes high quality, policy-relevant research and contributes to the development of evaluation methodologies. Its research currently focuses on economic evaluation of health technologies, economics of public health, measurement and valuation of outcomes from health interventions, use of economic evaluation in decision making and methods of evaluating the payback from research and development in the health sector. Academics in the Group encompass a variety of disciplines including economics, public health, health services research, political science, and information science. Associated researchers at Brunel extend this network to statistics, medical sociology, nursing, psychology, mathematics, information and computer science. Much of HERGs research work is carried out with or on behalf of medical institutions such as hospitals, medical research units and NHS bodies as well as international organisations such as the World Health Organisation. A number of common methodological issues cross the range of applications, including the nature and form of controls or comparisons, the constitution of evidence, the measurement and valuation of benefits, the integration of cost and benefit information, and the characterisation of uncertainty. HERG has made major contributions to developing multi-dimensional ways to conceptualise and measure the payback from health research, and these are proving to be areas of growing interest to governments and research funding bodies in various countries.

Christians PhD explores the transferability of economic evaluation results across geographic areas
While it is common practice to transfer results from cost-effectiveness studies of health interventions from one country to another, there are always concerns about doing so. My PhD explores the transferability of economic evaluation results across geographic areas. It develops and tests approaches to identifying factors that predict when transferring evidence may be appropriate.

Principal Research Themes

Development and use of benefit measures for evaluation and policy:
Use of utility based measures (eg EQ5D) or time trade-off Mapping from disease-specific to generic/utility measures Conjoint analysis to understand patient preferences between processes and outcome Willingness to pay valuations for treatment and prevention (continued overleaf)


Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013

Specialist Research Institutes

Modelling the cost-effectiveness of health interventions:

Long-term effects of transplantations and implantable cardioverter defibrillators Developments in micro simulation modelling Linking geographic information systems with estimations of cost-effectiveness Multi-level cost and cost-effectiveness models

Screening programmes for example for abdominal aortic aneurysms Pharmaceutical interventions for example treatment of asthma Medical devices such as total knee replacement

Resource allocation formulas:

Measuring horizontal and vertical equity Determinants of health service use Impact of health care supply on use of health services

Cost-effectiveness alongside a range of experimental and quasi-experimental designs:

Pragmatic clinical trials of community-based health interventions to Phase III efficacy trials of pharmacological treatments Large-scale, multi-centre trials and evaluation of treatments for rare conditions Piloting NHS innovations such as telemedicine in paediatric and foetal cardiology

Assessing the payback derived from the funding of health and medical research:
Developing, applying and assessing a conceptual framework for assessing the benefits from research Evaluating the returns from specific research funders and specific research programmes Analysing the operation of health research systems nationally and internationally

Applied economic evaluations:

Transplant programmes for example heart, liver and small bowel

Research Courses
Health Economics PhD Contact: Professor Julia Fox-Rushby, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 266864, Web

Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013


Institute for the Environment (IfE)

The Institute for the Environment (IfE) at Brunel University is a rapidly expanding research centre housing a team of leading experts in their respective fields. Led by one of the most highly cited female environmental scientists in the world, Professor Susan Jobling, IfE provides specialist training in a wide spectrum of environmental science topics. In 2011, Brunel University was awarded the Queens Anniversary Prize for the significance and impact of IfEs 20 years of research on hormone disrupting chemicals in wastewater. However, worldleading research within the Institute also tackles a diverse range of other environmental science issues. Its network of chemists, biologists, epidemiologists, toxicologists, mathematicians, geographers and geologists allows the Institute to provide exciting, practical and topical teaching and research supervision. IfE aims to deliver high quality research and postgraduate training aimed at protecting life on Earth from environmental hazards, both present and future. Our staff and postgraduates are trained to provide explanations and solutions to environmental problems and to transform their research into useful knowledge for decision makers and consumers. The Institutes MSc programmes are accredited by the Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management (CIWEM) and it runs a bursary scheme supported by the Honourable Company of Water Conservators.

Antony took the Masters programme in Climate Change Impacts and Sustainability
After too many years working in wholesale finance in the City of London I felt ready to take up a new challenge and align my working life with my personal interests. What I like about the course is its broad multi-disciplinary nature and the fact that the syllabus has been designed to fit the specific subject domain, rather than extended from a pre-existing MSc. I was particularly concerned about the challenges of returning to full-time education as a mature student. As it turned out I was not alone, and academic life, though challenging, has proved to be very rewarding.

Research Areas
Chemicals in the Environment Climate Science Ecotoxicology Epidemiology Human Toxicology and Risk Assessment Natural Hazards

Taught Courses
Climate Change Impacts and Sustainability MSc Environmental Science Legislation and Management MSc Environmental Science Pollution and Monitoring MSc Toxicology and Risk Assessment MSc


Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013

Specialist Research Institutes

IfE Research Opportunities

area that they would like to investigate. We have outlined the research areas where we have particular interests, expertise and experience on our website: Our key current research interests are summarised opposite but we also welcome contact regarding other potential topics within our research areas.

Chemicals in the Environment

Understanding the fate and behaviour of chemicals in the environment Clean and clean-up technologies

Climate science
Investigating the science and impacts of past, present and future changing climates Field-based, laboratory-based and computer model-based research The Institute for the Environment is one of the fastest growing centres of excellence in environmental research in the UK and is dedicated to tackling problems for industry as well as the public sector. Its academics lead internationally recognised groups and collaborate with scientists in the UK and worldwide. It is, therefore, a vibrant, dynamic, productive and supportive environment in which students can undertake their research degree studies. Research students in the Institute for the Environment can work towards an MPhil or PhD research degree, full-time or part-time. The Institute has excellent resources for students to use during their research. For example, our toxicology and ecotoxicology facilities include a wide range of testing and analysis equipment, and state-of-the-art equipment for the chemical analysis of samples. Choosing a research topic is usually an interactive process between the candidate and the Institute. Often students have some idea of the general

Chemical effects on the reproduction and sexual development of aquatic organisms, particularly fish and, more recently, molluscs Amphibian ecotoxicology and endocrine disruption Multiple stressors

Understanding and examining the factors that determine population health risk factors

Human Toxicology and Risk Assessment

Dealing with cocktail effects in chemicals regulation and risk assessment Hormones and human cancers

Natural Hazards
Assessing impacts of geological and climatic hazards on human civilisation

Contact: IfE Head of Research, Dr Ed Routledge, Email How to apply:

Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013


IftE Taught Courses

Climate Change Impacts and Sustainability MSc
This is a multi-School, interdisciplinary programme that explores the likely impacts of global climate change on society and the wider environment. The programme is ideal for students with a science, social science or law based background, though other disciplines will be considered. We aim to provide students with an interdisciplinary knowledge of the potential impacts of global warming and climate change across a variety of key areas, including public health, business and economics, national and international policy and technological development, underpinned by a critical understanding of the concept of sustainability.

Mode of study: Full-time: 2 days attendance per week (currently Tuesday and Thursday). Part-time: 1 day attendance per week (currently Tuesday in Year 1 and Thurs in Year 2) Contact: Course Director Dr Daniel Pickford, Institute for the Environment, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 266105

Environmental Science Legislation and Management MSc

This market-leading Masters course in Environmental Science with Legislation and Management addresses the principles necessary for the successful implementation of sound environmental management practice, and the up-to-date legal processes involved in environmental control. The course bridges the gap between fundamental scientific and technical data and the management decisionmaking process. You will also acquire the tools needed for environmental management, including project management, life cycle analysis, environmental reviews and audits. The MSc is suitable for graduates who hope to develop a career in the environmental industry or in public bodies concerned with environmental management and legislation.

Mode of study: Full-time: 2 days attendance per week (currently Tuesday and Thursday). Part-time: 1 day attendance per week (currently Tuesday in Year 1 and Thursday in Year 2). Contact: Course Director Dr Steve Kershaw, Institute for the Environment, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 266105

Environmental Science Pollution and Monitoring MSc

This programme is suitable for graduates or those with relevant experience who wish to develop a career in practical environmental monitoring and control for industry, consultancies and public bodies, using applied environmental science. The course provides a rigorous academic treatment of the fundamental scientific principles and practice of assessing and controlling the extent of environmental damage caused by humankinds activities. It emphasises the processes and techniques relating to the reduction of emissions to air, land and water, and the subsequent effects of the pollution. Potential careers lie in fields such as environmental science, health protection and regulatory processes.

Mode of study: Full-time: 2 days attendance per week (currently Tues and Thurs). Part-time: 1 day attendance per week (currently Tuesday in Year 1 and Thursday in Year 2). Contact: Course Director Dr Abdul Chaudhary, Institute for the Environment, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 266105


Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013

Specialist Research Institutes

Toxicology and Risk Assessment MSc

The demand for new toxicological testing of chemicals and for new risk assessment strategies will increase considerably in the future. This MSc provides students with up-to-date understanding of the effects of chemicals on human and environmental health. Students work with real-world case-studies from the cutting-edge of practice, which are used to illustrate principles throughout the course. The course focuses on human health effects, ecotoxicology, carcinogens and mutagens, mixture toxicology, and computational toxicology. Mode of study: Full-time: 2 days attendance per week (currently Monday and Tuesday) plus full week short courses. Part-time: 1 day attendance per week (currently Monday or Tuesday depending on term) plus full week short courses. Contact: Course Directors Professor Andreas Kortenkamp and Dr Elisabete Silva, Institute for the Environment, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 266105

Satwant graduated with an MSc in Environmental Science: Pollution and Monitoring and is now studying parttime for a PhD in the Institute for the Environment
Ive always been interested in ecology, environmental issues and their impacts. When I was planning to do postgraduate study in this field, I found out about Brunel, which is ranked as one of the best universities in environment research. Some of the bestknown names in environmental studies are based here. A big advantage of the course is that the teaching links theoretical knowledge with practical applications. Since I finished my course in 2009, Ive continued to work as a research assistant at the Institute for the Environment.

How To Apply
Applications should be made online through the specific course page on the Brunel University website,, by clicking on the Apply button. All applications need to be supported by two references, one of which must be an academic reference. Applications should be submitted as early as possible. The applicant may be required to attend an interview at the University before a decision on the application is made. For international applicants, it may be possible to arrange telephone and web conference interviews. For more information please visit:

Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013


The Magna Carta Institute

The Magna Carta Institute researches, debates and seeks to influence some of the key political, legal and social issues of our time. Its purpose is to analyse how best to create and maintain just societies that fairly balance both personal freedom and authority, and the rights and responsibilities of individuals and society. Essentially, the Institute strives to stimulate and shape debate around some of the most important questions facing the modern world. The Institute acts as an international think tank, bringing together leading figures from the worlds of politics, law, business, the media and academia. It runs major research projects as well as regular symposia and events to bring together academics, researchers, politicians, business leaders and key decision-makers, to discuss fundamental issues within an environment of openness and mutual respect. As an interdisciplinary Institute, it interacts with research activities throughout the University, bringing together academics from the fields of politics, government, law, international relations, economics, media, communications, ethics and leadership. Academic staff within the Institute supervise a diverse range of research students. They welcome PhD applications in the fields of political science, government, international relations, economics, law, media, communications, ethics and leadership.

Research Courses
MPhil PhD Contact: Director Professor Justin Fisher, Email, Tel +44 (0)1895 266309, Web


Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013

Specialist Research Institutes

The Wolfson Centre for Materials Processing

The Wolfson Centre for Materials Processing is a Specialist Research Institute that focuses on materials science. Established in 1987 by Professor Mike Bevis with the help of a generous grant from the Wolfson Foundation, the Centre has grown to become a distinguished international centre of excellence for materials technology, attracting over 7.5 million in funding under its current Director, Professor Jack Silver, since his arrival in 2006. Current areas of research include nanomaterials, nanophosphors and nanostructured carbon, biofuels, polymer extrusion and biodegradable food packaging. The Wolfson Centre has a wide range of techniques available, including scanning electron microscopy, raman spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis, differential scanning calorimetry and nanoindentation.

Research Courses
Materials Processing PhD Contact: The Wolfson Centre for Materials Processing, Email:, Tel: +44 (0)1895 274000, Fax: +44 (0)1895 203376

Around 50 academic and support staff, together with postgraduate students, associates and fellows attached to our research programmes, work in the Centre.

Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013


General Information

Research Degrees
An introduction to this subject is on page 41. More detailed information is available in Senate Regulation 5.

The Universitys academic year commences in September and is based on three periods of study. However, the work of research students is less tied to the termly structure than that of taught course students. You may therefore commence your work at the start of any month (though you should check that this is the case in your chosen subject), and are expected to study for around 44 weeks in each year. Research students work closely with academic staff who combine their research activity with undergraduate and postgraduate teaching responsibilities. Experimental or laboratory work, or archive research, may have to take place outside normal working hours sometimes in the evenings or at weekends. Each candidate who is registered for the degree of Master or Doctor by research works under the supervision of two supervisors, at least one of whom will be a full-time member of staff and will act as the principal supervisor. Students normally agree with their supervisors, at the beginning of their course, a schedule of meetings, a timetable of work (including taught courses, seminars and conferences to be attended) and possible submission dates. To complete your degree programme successfully, you will be expected to: follow a programme of induction and training on research methods; achieve a satisfactory level of performance in any required taught courses*; attend lectures, courses and colloquia as directed by their supervisors; carry out an approved programme of research to a satisfactory standard. There may be opportunities for research students to undertake teaching or demonstration work for taught course students. The University provides training for those who wish to be employed in this way.

* For the New Route PhD, the length, variety and number of taught modules will be greater than for the standard three-year PhD.


Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013

General Information

Research students must produce, at least annually, a formal report of their progress for discussion with their supervisors and other members of academic staff. A record of these discussions is submitted to the University Registry and a copy given to the student. Other opportunities to discuss study issues during the year are provided by the Schools, either on an individual basis, through staff/student liaison meetings or via postgraduate representatives on relevant University committees. After successful completion of a research project, the student presents a thesis for examination and, if this is judged satisfactory, a research degree (MPhil or Doctorate) may be awarded.

The thesis is normally presented at a viva voce examination and most Schools will encourage students to practise presentation skills in order to help prepare for this oral examination. A candidate may present a less substantial piece of work for the award of an MPhil. Additional guidance on the standard of awards is given in the Quality Audit Agencys National Qualifications Framework at, and in Senate Regulation 5.

A students registration may be terminated after due consultation with the appropriate Head of School if the supervisors judge that the student is not making appropriate progress or is unable to produce satisfactory work for the degree for which he or she is registered. A students registration may also be terminated if it is not completed within a specified period and an extension of that period is not granted. A full-time student on a research-based Masters degree would normally be expected to complete in one to two years. For Doctorates, equivalent periods are three to four years full-time (except for the EngD and the New Route PhD which are four to five years and the DrPH which is three to five years) and four to eight years part-time. In individual cases, the supervisors of a candidate for a higher degree by research may recommend to the Learning and Teaching Committee that the period of the candidates registration be extended beyond the maximum period.

In the thesis, a student must meet the criteria set out in Senate Regulation 5, the QAAs National Qualification Framework, and University regulations, including demonstrating a sound knowledge and critical appreciation of his or her discipline. The thesis for the award of PhD, DBA, EdD, DrPH and EngD (though not MPhil) must also make a distinct and original contribution to knowledge in that discipline. The material has to be organised and presented in a clear and appropriate style in the English language, and be suitable for publication. The submission may take the form of a wholly written dissertation or one that comprises original, creative work supported by a written commentary indicating how the creative work fulfils, or contributes towards, the requirements for the award. It will vary in length according to the discipline being researched and degree for which it is submitted. All submissions involving creative work should include a means of storage, access or retrieval of work. The major part of the thesis must have been completed during the students period of registration with the University, under supervision arrangements approved by the University. A thesis may include work published by the student, but this must be acknowledged in the text and bound in at the end. Students may include work that has been submitted for another award or published prior to registration for a research degree, provided that this is clearly indicated and is appropriately and critically reviewed in the main text. All work that is not the candidates own must be acknowledged.

Application should be made as early as possible using the online application form that you will find on the web course page for your selected programme and mode of study. Further information on how to apply and the information that you need to include can be found at: Web Applicants may be required to attend an interview at the University before a decision on the application is made. Research students may currently register with effect from the beginning of the month during which the registration procedure is completed and their study commences, though you should check that this is still the case when you apply. For the New Route PhD and DrPH programmes,

Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013


General Information

the taught elements normally commence in September. In your own interest, you should not delay in submitting your application. At the time of joining, every student, in whatever category, must complete an online registration process and, in all subsequent sessions, they must enrol. All students must pay their fees at the beginning of every session.

In certain circumstances the Senate may agree to transfer a student registered at another university to registration for the appropriate degree at this University.

Applicants will normally be expected to hold a good first degree or a Masters degree to join a research programme and show evidence of competence in the English language if this is not the students first language (for details see www. An applicant with certain alternative qualifications may be registered for the degree of PhD subject to confirmation. Candidates not meeting the normal entry requirements above may be considered for registration for the degree of MPhil. It is quite common for students to be registered initially for an MPhil and to then have their status as a PhD student confirmed after successful completion of the first year. The Senate reserves the right to assess the eligibility of applicants on an individual basis.

Higher Doctorates
The University can award higher doctorates to its graduates or members of staff who have established positions of authority in suitable fields of study. The title of a higher doctorate may be Doctor of Laws (LLD), Doctor of Letters (DLitt), Doctor of Science (DSc) or Doctor of Technology (DTech) as appropriate to the candidates field of study. Regulations regarding the award of higher doctorates are available from the Head of Registry.


Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013

General Information

Taught Programmes
An introduction to this subject is on page 44. More detailed information is available in Senate Regulation 3.

The academic year at Brunel is based on three periods of study a year, beginning at the end of September. Postgraduates normally complete their dissertation during the summer following the second period of study. Part-time students will normally undertake some preparatory work for their dissertation during their first summer vacation.

To be awarded a Masters Degree with Distinction you will have to: Complete 120 taught credits; Complete a dissertation with a value of at least 60 credits; Achieve grade A in 60 taught credits and achieve minimum grades of B or C in the remaining 60 taught credits in which a minimum of grade C may be achieved in no more than 30 credits; Achieve a grade A for the dissertation. If you achieve modules to the value of 60 credits, you may be eligible for the award of Postgraduate Certificate. Your overall grade profile will determine which award you may achieve. If you achieve modules to the value of 120 credits, you may be eligible for the award of Postgraduate Diploma. Your overall grade profile will determine which award you may achieve.

Most programmes are offered in a modular format and each module is credit-rated by the University. Modules have a credit rating in multiples of five, with the dissertation usually valued at a minimum of 60 credits. To be awarded a Masters degree, you will have to: Complete 120 taught credits; Complete a dissertation with a value of at least 60 credits; Achieve a minimum of grade C in 60 taught credits and achieve a grade D or above in the remaining 60 taught credits; Achieve a minimum of Grade C for the dissertation. To be awarded a Masters Degree with Merit, you will have to: Complete 120 taught credits; Complete a dissertation with a value of at least 60 credits; Achieve a minimum of grade B in 60 taught credits and achieve a grade C or above in the remaining 60 taught credits; Achieve a minimum of Grade B for the dissertation.

Associate Student Scheme

If you want to experience a taste of postgraduate study, or simply want to follow up an interest without committing yourself to a Masters degree, the Associate Student Scheme could be for you. You can choose from over 100 modules on offer each year, and study alongside full- and part-time students. If you decide to register formally for a Masters degree or intermediate award at a later date, you can take forward whatever credits you have accumulated. You can obtain further details and an application form from the Admissions Office (see page 2).

Credit Exemption
Students wishing to enter the University with credit exemptions for prior learning or experience should apply, in the first instance, to the Course Director. The University will not normally grant exemptions for more than half the taught credits required for an award of the University at postgraduate level.

Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013


General Information

Some modules may last a term, others will extend over two terms of the academic session. Most modules will be assessed when you have completed them, although you may be required to submit practical reports or coursework that contribute to your overall marks during a term. The methods of assessment used can include written examinations, essays, reports, oral presentations and practicals.

Every candidate for a Masters degree must complete a written dissertation, usually of between 10,000 and 15,000 words, though it is sometimes more (according to the subject being undertaken). The dissertation represents a detailed piece of research carried out by the student who, although supervised by a member of the academic staff, will be expected to work independently and to demonstrate sufficient mastery of the chosen topic and an appropriate ability in the organisation and presentation of the material. If students do not complete their dissertation by the deadline set, they must seek an extension and may be permitted to register for a further period, although attendance at the University is not then compulsory.

A students registration may be terminated if the course is not completed within a specified period and an extension of that period is not granted. The maximum period allowed by University regulations for the completion of Masters degrees by advanced study is five years. Full-time students normally complete within one year, part-time students in two to three years, and distance learning students in anything between two and five years. The regulations for individual programmes may, however, require that the dissertation be submitted within a shorter period or may, in special cases, allow extension of these periods, subject to the approval of the Learning and Teaching Committee.

You will find the online application form for your chosen programme and mode of study on the relevant course page on the web. For further information on how to apply online, see: Web Applications will not normally be accepted after 1 September. The applicant may be required to attend an interview at the University before a decision on the application is made.


Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013

General Information

Applications for teacher training PGCert courses and the MA in Social Work should be made online via UCAS at: Web

Applicants will normally be expected to hold a first degree from a UK university (or recognised equivalent UK or overseas qualification) to join a programme of advanced study. Candidates with other qualifications such as extensive relevant work experience or professional qualifications will be considered on an individual basis. An appropriate level of English language competence is also expected (for more details see iplc/english-language-courses). The qualifications accepted by the University are continuously under review, but some guidelines are given under each course entry.


Students on courses that involve regulated activity with children and/or vulnerable adults are currently legally required to register with the Vetting and Barring Scheme (VBS), which is administered by the Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA). This is due to change on 1 December 2012 when the new Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) will be formally established, bringing together the work of the Criminal Records Bureau and the Independent Safeguarding Authority. Until then, the ISA will continue to monitor all individuals who want to work or volunteer with vulnerable people. Registration with the VBS will cost 47.53 (subject to change) as a one-off payment that covers both the cost of registration and a Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) check. The University will send more information as part of your admissions process. Email for further information or access the latest information from the government: Web

Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013


Financial Information

Tuition Fees
The following information is based on 2012 fees and is a guide only. The University reviews all fees annually. Applicants should therefore check fees on the web before they submit their application.
The most up-to-date fee tables can be found at: Web


Fee applies for one year.

All students will be charged an administration fee of 1,075 for an additional year of writing up. Thereafter, a full years fee will be charged.


MPhil, 235 LLM by Research, 235 PhD/DBA/EdD/EngD, 260 Higher Doctorates, 840

Tuition fees are usually half of the corresponding full-time fees, and they apply in each of the first two years of study. Where a part-time course is set up to run for more than two years, any subsequent period will not be charged. In all cases, an extension fee will apply to any period of study (including dissertation submission) beyond the normal course end date.

Some subjects attract additional charges, for example where there are high materials or equipment costs.

Distance learning
Fee applies for the whole course, or per module. Where fees are paid by module, it is assumed that four modules will be taken each year unless the student notifies the Programme Administrator otherwise. Module fees are subject to an annual increase.

For further information about additional fees, please see Council Ordinance 10: Web university-rules-and-regulations/councilordinances/10

Fee is per module. Students who wish to be considered for an award must register on a full programme.

Fees are due at the time of registration and then each October, regardless of your starting month. Research students whose effective date of registration is after the beginning of the academic year are invoiced pro rata for the remainder of the academic year. International students are required to pay a nonrefundable deposit of 3,000 at the time of being made an unconditional offer of a place; 250 is required from Home and EU applicants. Financial arrangements, including monthly payments, require an initial payment when registering. Students who are responsible for their own fees and who pay the full amount on or before enrolment will receive a 2% discount off their tuition fees.


Fee normally applies for one year for an MPhil or each of three years for a PhD (including Doctor of Public Health).

Fee normally applies for each of two years for an MPhil or up to eight years for a PhD.

New Route PhD

Fee applies for each of four years.


Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013

Financial Information

Students who do not pay their fees by the due date will have their registration cancelled. No degree or diploma can be awarded to a student who has not paid all the due fees. Self-funding students who withdraw from the course up to the end of their first study period will usually be eligible for an ex gratia refund of a proportion of their fees.


In response to the Governments policy change in 2007, when it was announced that funding for UK/EU students studying for a qualification equivalent to or lower than one they already hold would be phased out, the University now charges higher fees to ELQ students entering the University. This means that, for example, if you already hold a Masters degree and wish to study for another one, you may no longer be entitled to pay the Home/EU fees. In most cases, you will pay a supplement of 1,750 in addition to the relevant home/EU fee. Some students are exempt from the withdrawal of funding by the Government for ELQs: those taking courses that lead to Qualified Teacher Status; those studying for a postgraduate research programme (MRes/MPhil/PhD); those in receipt of the Disabled Students Allowance (DSA); those studying on certain additional programmes as listed on the Brunel website: Students are required to disclose details of all qualifications they hold at the point of application in order that a proper assessment of fee status can be made. The University will take action to reclaim fees retrospectively from registered students who are undercharged, if such undercharging is the result of the applicant failing to provide complete or accurate qualifications data on which their fee status was based, or as a result of a failure of the applicant to disclose the ELQ status when asked to do so. More information about ELQs can be found at: Web


UK national students and nationals of a European Union country who have been ordinarily resident in the EU for the three years prior to admission are normally eligible to pay the lower rate of fees. Students who have not been ordinarily resident in the UK for three years prior to 31 August of their year of entry will probably find that they are not eligible to pay the lower rate. Please contact the Admissions Office once you have made an application if you are unsure whether you are a Home or Overseas student for fees purposes.

Different fee rates apply for students sponsored by the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man. These are usually equivalent to the lower overseas fee band.


Certain Brunel graduates can benefit from a 10% (after any other discount) fee reduction when they register for a postgraduate taught course or research programme at Brunel University. The fee reduction operates for each academic year spent in full-time or part-time research fee-paying status (ie excluding dissertation/ continuation status) and is available to selfsupporting students only (and not to applicants with external funding such as a research council award). Full details on eligibility are available from Registry.

Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013


Financial Information

The University offers a limited number of scholarships based on merit and awarded across all academic areas. All are available only to applicants who already hold an offer of a place to study at Brunel. You should note, however, that numbers vary each year and in each School, and that only a very small number or none at all may be available for your programme. To be eligible for a scholarship, applicants must have accepted an offer. For the latest information, please see Web other-scholarships Other scholarships may be available from each School and across the full range of our research activity. These awards are used to support selected students programmes or to fund individual PhD studentships. All scholarships are allocated by the Schools and may fund all or part of the programme of study. Please check School webpages regularly for current opportunities. PhD studentships combine research with undergraduate-level teaching. Funding may consist of a cash scholarship, payment of your tuition fees, a wage for teaching or a combination of the three. For studentship vacancies and details of eligibility and how to apply, please see or visit the website for your academic School. Web Smaller bursaries and part-scholarships may also be available in your School please contact your course director for more information, after securing a place on a course.

Scholarships for International Students

The Brunel International Scholarship Programme is available to any international applicant holding an offer of a place on a Brunel course, whether undergraduate or postgraduate. Each Scholarship takes the form of a one-off payment for the first year of enrolment. Applicants need to fulfil the following criteria: hold either a conditional or unconditional offer from Brunel University for entry in the relevant academic session to a course that leads to an award such as a PGCert, MSc, MA, MPhil, or PhD; be classed as a full international fee paying applicant; be of excellent academic standing. Further information about this scholarship scheme, such as the value of each award, eligibility criteria, application process, and how the awards are allocated, is generally published in the February prior to the start of the academic year.

Web Email


Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013

Financial Information

Council Tax
The Council Tax comprises two equal elements: a property element and a personal element. There are exemption arrangements from the Council Tax for certain categories. Students with exemption from the Tax must be full-time and include those who live in halls of residence and those who live in houses and flats where all the adult residents are students. In a dwelling where students share with nonstudents, the students will still have personal discounts but the property as a whole will not be exempt. The personal element of the Tax will be reduced by 25% of the full bill or half the personal element for those who are eligible for discounts.

Other Sources of Financial Support

Sources of financial support for postgraduates studying fulltime are very limited. The list below details some of them.


Professional and Career Development Loans are bank loans that can be used to help pay for work-related learning. You can borrow between 300 and 10,000 to help support the cost of up to two years of learning (or three years if it includes one years relevant unpaid practical work). The Young Peoples Learning Agency will pay the interest on the loan while you are learning and for one month afterwards. The loan can be used to pay course fees or other costs such as travel and living expenses. You can also use the loan to supplement other forms of support such as grants or bursaries. Because the Professional and Career Development Loan is a commercial loan product, it should only be considered as an option once all other student funding options have been investigated. For further information, check the DirectGov website: Web

There are research councils for the main academic disciplines (such as the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council) that fund a number of research programmes. This funding is usually allocated directly to academic Schools either via a quota system or tied to specific research grants. Such funding is very limited and you should contact your particular School for further advice.


A number of scholarships are awarded via the British Council and other Government agencies to citizens of the Commonwealth and other countries of the world. Application should be made through the British Council representatives in the applicants country of origin, not to the British Council in the UK.

Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013


Financial Information

Scholarships are awarded to enable graduate Commonwealth citizens to undertake postgraduate study at a Commonwealth university outside their own country. Details may be found in the latest edition of Awards for Postgraduate Study at Commonwealth Universities published by the Association of Commonwealth Universities, Woburn House, 20-24 Tavistock Square, London, England, WC1H 9HF. Web

The Foreign and Commonwealth Office runs the British Chevening Scholarships scheme that awards around 1,000 scholarships to graduates hoping to study at a UK institution with the aim of benefitting themselves, their home countries and the UK. The scheme is open only to students from outside the EU. Web

The US-UK Fulbright Commission encourages and supports educational exchange between the United Kingdom and the United States. Information about the Fulbright Awards Programme, closing dates and application forms is available on the Commissions website. Web


The Government also makes some money available to universities for the purpose of alleviating the problems of UK students who encounter severe financial difficulties (including part-time students who are studying at least 50% of a course in their first year). Details of these hardship funds will be available to students once they have commenced their studies.

If you are a UK student undertaking an MBA, NatWest Bank offers loans on preferential terms through the Association of MBAs (AMBA) Loan Scheme. Web


Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013

Where is brunel?

Where is Brunel?
Brunel Universitys campus is in Uxbridge on the western edge of London.
Uxbridge is in a prime location for reaching the transport network that embraces London and SE England. It is a short drive from the M4, M40 and M25 and has the added benefit of being on the edge of the London underground network. There are also numerous bus routes running close to the campus.

Getting to Brunel University

BY BUS From Heathrow Central: A10 Heathrow Fast, every 15 minutes, journey time approx 25 minutes (alight Hillingdon Rd at The Greenway and use footpath to campus). From Stockley Park: A10 Heathrow Fast as above, journey time approx 10 minutes. From West Drayton railway station: U3 (alight Cleveland Road) U1 (alight Kingston Lane) 222 (alight Cowley Road and use path via Zone A, see campus map on page 154). From Uxbridge (underground) station: U3 (alight Cleveland Road) U1 (to West Drayton), U4 and U7 (alight Kingston Lane) 222 and U5 (alight Cowley Road and use path via Zone A, see campus map on page 154). By Underground (Transport for London) For Uxbridge Station take the Metropolitan Line from central London (and Piccadilly Line during peak hours). Then take a taxi, bus U1, U3, U4 or U7, or use the one mile walking route shown on the next page. By Rail West Drayton (First Great Western Link) is the nearest main-line station (approx 1.5 miles from the campus). Services from London Paddington or the West (Bristol). From West Drayton station take a bus towards Uxbridge: 222, U5, U3 or U1 (see above). West Ruislip Station (Chiltern Railways) is the main-line service from London Marylebone and the North (Aylesbury, Banbury and Birmingham) and is approximately four miles from the campus. From West Ruislip Station take the U1 bus towards West Drayton, alight Kingston Lane.

Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013


Where is brunel?

By Road Entry by car is via Kingston Lane only. Please do not use UB8 3PH in any satnav devices as these service providers have not yet adjusted their directions to the new vehicular entrance in Kingston Lane. Parking on the campus and in the local area is very restricted. Barriers control access to the site and all vehicles must display a valid permit. On arrival, visitors may apply for a permit for the day from the main Reception Desk in the Eastern Gateway Building. In addition, pay-and-display parking is available on site. Parking Charge Notices will be issued for illegally parked vehicles. M4: Leave the M4 at Junction 4 and follow the signs to Uxbridge (A408). Go straight across the first set of traffic lights, then continue on the A408, crossing four roundabouts. Turn right at the next set of major traffic lights. Continue ahead to the next set of lights, then almost immediately take the right filter lane at a second set of traffic lights into Station Road. Continue straight on onto Church Road and take the first exit at a mini-roundabout onto Pield Heath Road. Turn left onto Kingston Lane and then left into the University. Follow signs for Main Reception as you enter the campus. A40/M40: At Swakeleys Roundabout take the B483 exit to Uxbridge. Follow the signs across two mini-roundabouts. At a major roundabout bear left onto the A4020 (signposted to Brunel), go straight ahead at the first lights, then almost immediately take the second right filter turn onto Kingston Lane (again signposted to Brunel). The main entrance to Brunel is right at the next roundabout. Follow the signs for Main Reception as you enter the campus.
The main University Reception can be found by following the path through the centre of the University to the Eastern Gateway Building.

Main University Reception

M25: (From North or South) Join the M40 or M4 then see above.

Access by Car for Registered Disabled Visitors Disabled parking bays are available at various locations around the campus. Please collect a permit from Main Reception, Eastern Gateway Building, on arrival.


Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013

Where is brunel?

Isambard Complex A. North B. Meadow C. Michael Bevis D. Concourse E. Stephen Bragg F. West G. Maurice Kogan H. David Neave I. Central J. East K. Runnymede L. George Shipp M. Trevor Slater N. Shoreditch O. Syd Urry P. South Q. Brian Winstanley


Zone A
Chadwick Gaskell Health Economics Research Group School of Arts (taught programmes) Marie Jahoda School of Social Sciences (UG, PG and research offices) Meeting House Halsbury Graduate School Institute for the Environment School of Sport and Education Wolfson Centre Heinz Wolff Biosciences (enquiries) Brunel Institute for Bioengineering School of Sport and Education John Crank Computer Centre Mathematical Sciences (enquiries)

Zone C
Bannerman Centre Assistive Technology Centre Cash Office Disability and Dyslexia Service Job Shop Library Placement and Careers Centre Student Centre West London Assessment Centre Hamilton Centre Brunel Hospitality Brunel Volunteers Campus Shops Students Union Lecture Centre Conference Office Media Services Recital (Roberts) Room APDU Michael Sterling Research Support and Development Office School of Engineering and Design (PG taught and research programmes) Wilfred Brown Alumni Estates (Operations and Resources) Finance Marketing Registry/Admissions Security

Zone D

Zone B
Arts Centre Bragg Experimental Techniques Centre Brunel University Press

Antonin Arta Howell Howell Theatr (Howell Cen Joseph Lowe Distribution C Maintenance Medical Cent Tower A Brunel Centre for Advance Solidification Technology Design Exhibit School of Engi and Design programme Tower B BITLab Tower C and D

Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013


Where is brunel?

Zone ZoneA A
1 1 Isambard Isambard Complex Complex A AQ Q 2 2 Galbraith GalbraithHall Hall 3 3 Fleming FlemingHall Hall 4 4 Mill MillHall Hall

Zone ZoneE E
Lancaster LancasterComplex Complex 13 13 Borough BoroughRoad Road Hall Hall 14 14 Maria MariaGrey GreyHall Hall 15 15 Lancaster Lancaster Suite, Suite,Lodge Lodge and andSpa Spa 16 16 Southwark SouthwarkHall Hall 17 17 Stockwell Stockwell

Zone ZoneF F
5 5 Saltash SaltashHall Hall 6 6 Chepstow ChepstowHall Hall 7 7 Clifton CliftonHall Hall Bishop BishopComplex Complex 8 8 Bishop BishopHall Hall 9 9 Kilmorey KilmoreyHall Hall 10 10 Lacy LacyHall Hall 11 11 St StMargarets Margarets Hall Hall 12 12 Faraday Faraday Complex Complex Lancaster LancasterComplex Complex 18 18 Gordon GordonHall Hall

Main MainUniversity UniversityReception Reception

Main MainReception Reception

Main MainUniversity UniversityEntrance Entrance

Uxbridge, Uxbridge,Middlesex, Middlesex, UB8 UB83PH, 3PH,UK UK Tel Tel01895 01895274000 274000 Fax Fax01895 01895232806 232806

Please Pleasedo donot notuse useUB8 UB83PH 3PH in inany anysatnav satnavdevices devicesas as these theseservice serviceproviders providers have havenot notyet yetadjusted adjusted their theirdirections directionsto tothe the new newvehicular vehicularentrance entrancein in Kingston KingstonLane. Lane.

Zone ZoneD D
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Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013

Summary of terms

Summary of Terms
In addition to the contractual information sections contained in the postgraduate prospectus such as course descriptions and financial and general information, and the disclaimer published here, your place with the University will be subject to the terms and conditions stated in our offer letter to you as well as also being subject to our Statutes, Council Ordinances and Senate Regulations and all University rules, policies and procedures from time to time in force (together our terms). Some of these documents may be accessed at Alternatively, copies of all documents can be obtained upon request from the Universitys Quality and Standards Office. Your place will also be conditional upon you registering with the University, paying fees when due, meeting any offer conditions we advise to you in writing (such as qualifications required) and all necessary legal and other requirements to study here on the chosen course (such as criminal record checks, previous conviction details, health checks, immigration clearance and so on). When you accept an offer of a place by the University, a legal contract is formed with the University on the basis of the terms and may be ended by the University if the relevant conditions are not met or our terms not complied with. The contract is governed by English law and subject to the jurisdiction of the English courts. Please note that any living accommodation provided to you by the University (or any other party) will be subject to a separate contract and payment of accommodation fees under that separate contract. In entering into this contract, neither the student nor the University intends that any of the terms of the contract will be enforceable by any person not a party to it, by virtue of the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999. If you have any queries regarding our terms or any relevant conditions, please contact the Universitys Quality and Standards Office.

The University makes all reasonable efforts to deliver the programmes of study, research opportunities and other services and facilities described in this publication and other documents. However, the University is entitled, if it reasonably considers it to be necessary (including in order to manage its resources and pursue its policy of continuous improvement appropriately): to suspend or discontinue programmes of study (for example, because a key member of staff is unwell or leaves the University); to make reasonable variations to the content and syllabus of programmes of study (including in relation to placement); to alter the timetable, location, number of classes and method of delivery of programmes of study, provided such alterations are reasonable; to make changes to the statutes, ordinances, regulations, policies and procedures that the University reasonably considers necessary (for example, in the light of changes in the law or the requirements of the Universitys regulators); to combine programmes of study if the University reasonably considers this to be necessary (for example, because too few students apply to join a programme for it to be viable). In the unlikely event that the University discontinues or does not provide a programme of study or changes it significantly before it begins: the University will tell relevant individuals at the earliest possible opportunity; an individual will be entitled to withdraw his or her application by telling the University in writing; the University will make an appropriate refund of tuition fees and deposits paid. The University will provide students with such tuition, learning support and other services and facilities as it considers appropriate, and with reasonable care and skill, but may vary what it provides from time to time (for example, the

Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013


Summary of terms

University may consider it desirable to change the way it provides library or IT support). The University will not be liable to you for any representations or descriptions in this postgraduate prospectus, or in any other University documents, and/or made to you verbally, unless and to the extent confirmed in the terms as outlined above. The terms contain the entire agreement between you and the University in relation to you being a student at the University. Nothing in the summary of terms including this disclaimer excludes any liability which it would be unlawful to exclude. The University will not be liable to you in any manner whatsoever for any failure or delay, or for the consequences of any failure or delay, in performance of any contract with you if it is due to any event beyond our reasonable control including, without limitation, strikes, lockouts or other industrial action or disputes (whether involving our workforce or any other party), acts of God, pandemic, quarantine or widespread illness (whether affecting our staff and/or student body or otherwise), governmental requisitioning, emergency planning or provision, war, protests, fire, flood, storm, tempest, explosion, an actual, suspected or threatened act of terrorism, riot, civil commotion, national emergencies, breakdown of plant or machinery, or default of suppliers or sub-contractors.

The University endeavours to ensure that all members of staff, students, visitors and applicants for employment or study are treated on the basis of their merits and abilities and that no one suffers discrimination or disadvantage due to their race, age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership, pregnancy or maternity, religion or belief (including lack of belief), sex and sexual orientation. In order to achieve an environment that is free from unlawful discrimination and which encourages everyone to contribute fully to its work the University will endeavour to ensure that it: Eliminates discrimination, harassment, victimisation and any other conduct that is prohibited by or under the Equality Act 2010. Advances equality of opportunity and fosters good relations between people who share a relevant protected characteristic and people who do not share it by: Removing or minimising disadvantages suffered by staff and students and taking steps to meet their needs. Encouraging staff and students to participate in public life or in any other activity in which participation is disproportionately low. Tackling prejudice and promoting understanding within the University.


All registered students are covered by the Universitys insurance for accidents that occur on campus and individuals who join sports clubs of the Union of Students are covered for sporting injuries. However, the University cannot accept responsibility for loss of, or any form of damage to, personal belongings of students.

Anti-Harassment Statement
The University is committed to an inclusive working, studying and living environment that is free from discrimination, intimidation and in which dignity and respect are paramount. The University takes any issue of harassment, victimisation and discrimination seriously and would not tolerate, from any member of staff, student or third party, language(s) or behaviour(s) that are deemed to be offensive and/or discriminatory against its members of staff or students.

The University tries, where at all possible, to accommodate students wishes in observing religious festivals during examination periods.


Brunel University values inclusiveness and confirms its continuing commitment to the principles of equality and diversity in employment, admissions, and in its teaching, learning and research activities.


Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013

A Academic Facilities..................................... 22 Academic Support...................................... 23 Accommodation......................................... 26 Advanced Computing MSc........................ 94 Advanced Electronic and Electrical Engineering MSc................................... 70 Advanced Engineering Design MSc.......... 62 Advanced Manufacturing and Enterprise Engineering........................ 62 Advanced Manufacturing Systems MSc.... 62 Advanced Mechanical Engineering MSc... 75 Advanced Multimedia Design and 3D Technologies MSc................................. 70 Advice and Representation Centre........... 31 Aerospace Engineering MSc...................... 75 Anthropology of Childhood, Youth and Education MSc............................. 106 Anthropology of International Development and Humanitarian Assistance MSc.................................... 106 Applied Corporate Brand Management MSc................................ 55 Applying to Brunel................. 2, 20, 142, 145 Arts Centre.................................................. 36 Assessment........................................ 142, 145 Assistive Technology Centre................ 23, 33 Associate Student Scheme....................... 144 Automotive and Motorsport Engineering MSc................................... 75 B Bioengineering MRes............................... 128 Biomedical Engineering MSc..................... 76 Brunel Centre for Advanced Solidification Technology (BCAST)..... 130

Brunel Innovation Centre (BIC)............... 129 Brunel Institute for Ageing Studies.......... 82 Brunel Institute for Bioengineering (BIB).126 Brunel Institute for Cancer Genetics and Pharmacogenomics (BICGP).......... 81 Building Services Engineering Management MSc ............................... 76 Building Services Engineering MSc........... 76 Building Services Engineering with Sustainable Energy MSc ...................... 77 Business Finance MSc............................... 108 Business Systems Integration (with SAP Technology) MSc........................... 94 C Campus....................................................... 25 Careers and Employability................... 15, 34 Centre for Cell and Chromosome Biology (CCCB)...................................... 81 Centre for Citizen Participation................ 82 Centre for Human Geography................... 83 Centre for Infection, Immunity and Disease Mechanisms (CIIDM)............... 81 Centre for International and Public Law.. 98 Centre for Professional Practice Research.82 Centre for Research in Rehabilitation....... 83 Centre for Youth Work studies.................. 83 Chaplaincy.................................................. 31 Children, Youth and International Development MA................................. 86 Civil Engineering........................................ 64 Climate Change Impacts and Sustainability MSc............................... 137 Collaboration.............................................. 12 Commercial Law Research Centre............. 98

Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013


Computational Mathematics with Modelling MSc...................................... 95 Computer Centre........................................ 23 Computer Communication Networks MSc....................................... 71 Contemporary Performance Making MA........................................... 50 Council Tax................................................ 150 Counselling................................................. 31 CPE/Graduate Diploma in Law................ 100 Creative Writing: The Novel MA............... 50 Credit Exemption..................................... 144 Criminal Justice Research Centre (CJRC)... 98 Cross-Cultural Psychology MSc................ 113 D Design......................................................... 66 Design Branding and Strategy MA........... 67 Design Strategy and Innovation MA......... 67 Digital Games: Theory and Design MA..... 50 Disabled Students....................................... 32 Disclaimer................................................. 156 Distributed Computing Systems Engineering MSc................................... 71 Documentary Practice MA......................... 51 Drama (as a Leisure Activity)..................... 37 E Education, Doctor of (EdD) ..................... 119 Education MA........................................... 122 Electronic and Computer Engineering...... 69 Embedded Systems MSc ............................ 72 Engineering Management MSc................. 62 English Language Courses......................... 20 English Language Requirements............... 20

English Literature MA................................ 51 Entry Requirements.......................... 142, 146 Environmental Science Legislation and Management MSc....................... 137 Environmental Science Pollution and Monitoring MSc.......................... 137 Equality and Diversity.............................. 157 Evolutionary Psychology MSc.................. 113 Experimental Techniques Centre (ETC)... 132 F Family Law Research Group....................... 99 Finance and Accounting MSc.................. 108 Finance and Investment MSc................... 108 Financial Support..................................... 150 Foreign Language Classes.......................... 21 Functional Neuroimaging MSc................ 114 G Globalisation and Governance MA......... 110 Global Supply Chain Management MSc... 55 Graduate School......................................... 16 H Hand Therapy MSc..................................... 86 Health Economics Research Group (HERG)................................................. 133 Health Promotion and Public Health MSc............................................ 87 Higher Doctorates.................................... 143 Housing (Off Campus)................................ 27 Human Resource and Employment Relations MSc........................................ 56 Human Resource Management MSc......... 56 Human Rights Centre................................. 99


Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013

I Impact........................................................... 5 Independent Safeguarding Authority.... 146 Information Systems Management MSc... 94 Initial Teacher Training PGCert................ 122 Institute for the Environment (IfE).......... 135 Integrated Product Design MSc................. 68 Intellectual Property, Internet and Media Research Centre........................ 99 Intellectual Property Law PG Certificate........................................... 100 Intelligence and Security Studies MA..... 111 Interdisciplinary Centre for Child and Youth Focused Research....................... 83 International and Comparative Criminal Justice LLM........................... 100 International Business MSc........................ 57 International Commercial Law LLM........ 101 International Economic Law LLM............ 101 International Financial Regulation and Corporate Law LLM..................... 101 International Human Rights Law LLM.... 101 International Intellectual Property Law LLM ............................................. 102 International Journalism MA..................... 52 International Money, Finance and Investment MSc.................................. 109 International Relations MA..................... 110 International Students............................... 20 International Security MSc....................... 110 International Trade Law LLM.................. 102 J Jobs............................................................. 34 Journalism MA............................................ 51

L Language Classes.................................. 20, 21 Law and Religion Research Group............ 99 Library......................................................... 22 Life at Brunel.............................................. 24 London........................................................ 24 Loans, Professional and Career Development...................................... 150 M Magna Carta Institute.............................. 139 Management MSc...................................... 57 Maps.......................................................... 152 Marketing MSc........................................... 57 Master of Laws......................................... 100 Masters in Business Administration.......... 58 Masters Courses................................. 44, 144 Mechanical Engineering............................ 74 Media and Communications MSc ........... 115 Media and Public Relations MA................ 52 Media Services............................................ 23 Medical Anthropology MSc..................... 106 Medical Centre........................................... 31 Medicine, Bioscience and Society MSc.... 115 Modelling and Management of Risk MSc............................................ 95 Modern Political Thought: Violence and Revolution MA............. 111 Modern World History MA...................... 111 Molecular Medicine and Cancer Research MSc........................................ 85 Molecular Medicine MSc............................ 85 MRes in Bioengineering........................... 132 Music (as a Leisure Activity)....................... 37

Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013


N Neurorehabilitation MSc........................... 87 New Route PhD with Integrated Postgraduate Diploma......................... 42 O Occupational Therapy MSc........................ 88 Occupational Therapy (Pre-Registration) MSc.......................... 88 Open Days and Evenings............................. 2 P Packaging Technology Management MSc.63 PGCert Primary Education....................... 122 PGCert Secondary Education................... 123 Physiotherapy (Pre-Registration) MSc (Approved in Principle)........................ 88 Politics MSc............................................... 112 Pre-masters................................................. 21 Professional and Career Development Loans............................ 150 Project and Infrastructure Management MSc................................ 65 Psychoanalysis and Contemporary Society MA.......................................... 114 Psychological and Psychiatric Anthropology MSc............................. 107 Psychology, Health and Behaviour MSc.................................... 114 Public Affairs and Lobbying MSc............. 112 Public Health DrPH .................................... 84 Q Quality Indicators....................................... 14

R Religion....................................................... 31 Renewable Energy Engineering MSc........ 77 Research........................................................ 5 Research Degrees............................... 41, 141 Research Opportunities in: Arts ....................................................... 49 Business................................................. 54 Engineering and Design....................... 60 Health Sciences and Social Care ......... 81 Information Systems, Computing and Mathematics.................................. 93 Social Sciences..................................... 105 Sport and Education........................... 119 Specialist Research Institutes............. 125 S Scholarships................................ 40, 149, 150 Science, Technology and Contemporary Society MSc................ 116 Social and Cultural Research MSc............ 115 Social Anthropology MRes...................... 107 Social Work MA.......................................... 89 Social Work (PGCert) Post-Qualifying Framework................. 89 Sociology of Health and Illness MSc........ 116 Specialist Community Public Health Nursing MSc and PGDip....................... 89 Specialist Research Institutes............... 7, 125 Sport............................................................ 38 Sport and Exercise Psychology MSc (BPS accredited).................................. 124 Sport Sciences MSc................................... 124

Law........................................................ 98


Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013

Student Centre........................................... 31 Study Skills.................................................. 45 Summary of Terms.................................... 156 Supervisors.................................................. 29 Support and Welfare................................. 28 Sustainable Electrical Power MSc ............. 73 Sustainable Energy: Technologies and Management MSc................................ 78 T Taught Masters Courses.................... 44, 144 Toxicology and Risk Assessment MSc...... 138 Training Opportunities.............................. 18 Transfers.................................................... 143 Tuition Fees............................................... 147 U Uxbridge..................................................... 24 V Visual Arts (as a Leisure Activity)............... 37

W War and Conflict in the Modern World MA............................................ 112 Water Engineering MSc............................. 65 West London Assessment Centre.............. 33 Where is Brunel?...................................... 152 Wireless Communication Systems MSc..... 73 Wolfson Centre for Materials Processing........................................... 140 Y Youth and Community Studies MA........... 90

Brunel University Postgraduate Prospectus 2013


General Information

Officers of the University

Chancellor The Rt Hon The Lord Wakeham Pro-Chancellor The Rt Hon The Lord Lingfield Vice-Chancellor and Principal Professor Julia Buckingham Vice-Principal Professor Mansoor Sarhadi Pro-Vice-Chancellors Dr Mariann Rand-Weaver (Quality Affairs) Professor Geoff Rodgers (Research) Professor Dany Nobus (Strategy, Development and External Relations) Professor Ian Campbell (Student Experience and Staff Development)

Edited by Brunel University External Relations Photography by Sally Trussler, Neil Graveney and Mark Shearman Design by Richard Mitchell, Brunel University Press Printed by Belmont Press Our thanks, too, to all the staff, students, graduates, schools, hospitals, companies and organisations featured in this prospectus. Copyright Brunel University ISSN 1361-4983

Brunel University, Uxbridge, Middlesex UB8 3PH Telephone +44 (0)1895 274000 Fax +44 (0)1895 232806 Web

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