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Work Culture Similarities and differences Europe India Character Quality is a given Adherence to specifications Penalties in case of non-

non- performance Promises have to be kept Law & Order attitude Quality is a sales argument Tend to generalize rather than being specific Incentives for completing the transaction Confirmations are flexible Spirit of the Law attitude Perspectives Precise & accurate Men and women are self- reliant; Do it yourself attitude Clear & Brief Black / White Yes / No Yes means Agreement, Confirmation is fix No means Definite refusal, No further discussions! Think practical Servants make life easier from childhood on Communication Indirect way of communicating Reading between the lines Saying no is impolite Dictionary Yes / No Yes means I hear you, I understand, I agree Saying No is impolite

Social Structures Live in small families Live in large families Generations go separate ways Strong bonding within the family Need freedom, Hardly any personal sphere, privacy is very important privacy, think in terms of we My home is my castle mix private & business Business is in most cases independent to the Doing business with Indians means the entire relatives family is included

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