Verilog Tutorial: 1-Bit Full Adder

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Verilog Tutorial: 1-Bit Full Adder



1-bit full adder




S1 Sum

C2 Cout C1 Cin
2012 Chang Choo

Verilog Tutorial: 1-Bit Full Adder

module fulladd (sum, cout, a, b, cin); input a, b, cin; // comments output sum, cout; wire s1, c1, c2; xor (s1, a, b); and (c1, a, b); xor (sum, s1, cin); and (c2, s1, cin); or (cout, c1, c2); endmodule

2012 Chang Choo

Verilog Tutorial: 4-Bit Full Adder

B[3] C4 3 A[3] C3 2 B[2] A[2] C2 1 B[1] A[1] C1 0 B[0] A[0] Cin full adder full adder full adder full adder






module fulladd4 (sum, cout, a, b, cin); output [3:0] sum; output cout; input [3:0] a, b; input cin; wire c3, c2, c1; fulladd fa0 (sum[0], c1, a[0], b[0], cin); fulladd fa1 (sum[1], c2, a[1], b[1], c1); fulladd fa2 (sum[2], c3, a[2], b[2], c2); fulladd fa3 (sum[3], cout, a[3], b[3], c3); endmodule
2012 Chang Choo

Verilog Tutorial: 4-Bit Full Adder

// Data Flow Model module adder (sum, a, b); input [3:0] a, b; output [4:0] sum; wire [4:0] sum; assign sum = a + b; // assign p=a*b; endmodule

2012 Chang Choo

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Some Verilog Examples

// 4-bit comparator module four_bit_comp (gt, A, B); output gt; input [3:0] A, B; assign gt = (A > B); endmodule // 4-bit max another way module four_bit_max (max, A, B); output [3:0] max; input [3:0] A, B; assign max = (A > B) ? A : B; endmodule

2012 Chang Choo

Some Verilog Examples

// 4-bit ALU module alu4 (A, B, S, Y); input [3:0] A, B; input [1:0] S; // selection inputs output [3:0] Y; reg [3:0] Y; always @ (A or B or S) case (S) 2'b00: Y = A+B; // A*B for multiplication 2'b01: Y = A-B; 2'b10: Y = A&B; 2'b11: Y = A|B; endcase endmodule
2012 Chang Choo

Some Verilog Examples

// 4-bit 2-to-1 MUX module mux4 (y, a, b, sel); input [3:0] a, b; input sel; output [3:0] y; reg [3:0] y; always @(a or b or sel) begin if (sel==0) y = a; else y = b; end endmodule
2012 Chang Choo

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