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Tell me about yourself Soy ingeniero en electrnica y telecomunicaciones y he trabajado mas de un ao en la filial de una empresa espaola que se dedica

a hacer casas inteligentes. Me gusta mucho aprender varias cosas y por eso he desarrollado la habilidad de ser organizado ya que de otra manera no aprovechara bien mis recursos I am an engineer in electronics and telecommunications and worked more than a year in the subsidiary of a Spanish company that is dedicated to making smart homes and buildings. I love learning many things and so I have developed the ability to be organized and who otherwise would not use my resources well

(lo que quiere averiguar la persona que te entrevista son tus habilidades profesionales no tu vida privada. No digas, "I was born in Taipei," "I like to play computer games," o "I have two brothers." Cuntale tu experiencia laboral, hblale de tu trayectoria profesional, sobre lo que has aprendido o cmo has desarrollado ciertas habilidades especficas)

How would you describe yourself?

That I can learn for myself the extent necessary, for example when I entered my previous job had no idea that drove teams and what they did so I read all the documents he had found in the computers of the company and learned, of the same way I learned of the projects they were working and those who had already completed. So I can work well alone, but I prefer to work in groups because that time is optimized and ideas from various people improve the quality of work, and so I can learn from others. (debes saber vender tu imagen! La clave de esta cuestin es dar ejemplos especficos. Evita enumerar simplemente tus cualidades, como por ejemplo: "Im really organized, punctual and get along well with others." Intenta ampliar todos los puntos a los que haces referencia, empezando la frase con "For example " y luego explica cmo desarrollaste esta cualidad en tu empleo anterior) Why are you interested in working for our company?

(Demustrale que te has informado sobre la empresa y que te entusiasma el trabajo. No digas "Umm," "I don't know," "It seemed like a good career move," o "I haven't been able to find anything else interesting." Ten siempre en cuenta que quien te entrevista est interesado en averiguar lo que t puedes aportar a la empresa, no lo que la empresa te va a aportar!) Why did you leave your last job? Because I had worked for over a year and I started to feel I needed a change to learn other things. In my previous job, I learned a lot, especially the technical part, but also wanted to get involved a little in other respects, as in the commercial. (no hagas nunca ningn comentario negativo sobre tu empleo anterior o compaeros de trabajo: "I didn't agree with the company's direction," "I got no recognition for my work," "My boss was totally unreasonable." Frases como stas slo ayudarn a que, quien te entreviste, piense que la persona poco razonable eres t)

What are your long range and short range goals?

A largo plazo espero tener una empresa dedicada a interfaces humano computador. A corto plazo espero adquirir ms habilidades tcnicas y sociales, y cursar un mster. In the long term I hope to have a company dedicated to human computer interfaces. In the short term I hope to acquire more technical and social skills, and a Masters.

What specific goals other than those related to your occupation, have you established for yourself for the next ten years? Qu objetivos especficos aparte de los relacionados con el trabajo, te has marcado para los prximos diez aos?

Experimentar la cultura de otro pas. Y, dado que me gusta mucho la literatura, quiero escribir un libro. Experience the culture of another country. And because I love literature, I want to write a book. What do you see yourself doing five years from now? Ten years from now? Qu crees que hars dentro de cinco/diez aos?

In five years I hope to be, together with other partners, forming interfaces company want. In ten years I hope that this company is already established and I have a family.

What do you really want to do in life?--- Qu quieres hacer en la vida?

Develop myself to myself and be useful to others. What are your long range career objectives? Cules son tus objetivos a largo plazo en tu carrera profesional?

How do you plan to achieve your career goals? Cmo planeas conseguir tus objetivos profesionales?

Con mi propio esfuerzo para estar preparada y buscando asociarme con otras personas que tengan mis mismos intereses y estn muy motivadas.

In my own effort to be ready and looking to partner with others who have my same interests and are highly motivated. What are the most important rewards you expect in your career? Cules son las recompensas ms importantes que esperas en tu carrera profesional?

Saber que lo que he hecho ha sido de gran utilidad a los dems.

Knowing that I have done has been useful to others. What do you expect to be earning in five years? Cunto dinero esperas ganas de aqu a cinco aos?

Why did you choose this career? Por qu elegiste esta carrera profesional?

Because since I've always liked things useful to people, and I think useful things in technology and that brings me to the electronics and telecommunications. Do you have any questions for me?

(Haz preguntas especficas que demuestren que sabes bastante sobre la empresa pero que te gustara saber ms. Evita hacer preguntas cuya respuesta deberas saber, como por ejemplo: "What does your company do?" o "Could you tell me your name again?" No preguntes por el salario<< o por las vacaciones: "When do you give raises?" "How much vacation time can I expect?" Gurdate esas preguntas hasta que oigas, "We'd like to offer you the job)

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