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Elizabeth K. MeClintic ilsaboth night (Betty) MeClintic was Born February 19, 913, at ton, the only child of Juaje George . and Ethel Kaight weelinbic. SeeNihe aled ibe 27.000, sn turngeon, D. Ex, Maple, folowing « ‘She attended echoole in Charleston and war a graduate of Wellesley ccottege with an Mh, and then Exon Redslift with @ Ph.D. Following that she Stein deetotane professor’ at the University of Tndiana until she returned Te to ate for fer father until he died Septerber 25, 1862, in Charleston Tn 'J36] she began working for the Department” of the Hivy and continued with the Departaant CE Defense untii 1982. After that she traveled extensively and sanaged her farm at Svago hare th Pocahontas County. “Graveside servicer were Held duly’, 1909, in Mountain View Cenetery, actinton, by the Revs Richard Novi ety scclintie Denevolently divided her estate among Poothontes County ees Uibteties, Wellesley and Radelitt Colleges: she had earlier given the ocrnare MeClintie Hone Gn Tenth Avenia in Marlinton, which was used ae the Judge George W. MeClintic George Warwick Meilintie wan bern Sn Focahantan County January 24, 1856, fs son and Youngeat child of Willian i. and Mary Matheve vecLintic. ie died Sepeentor 15, 1042, in charleston. hie funeral was held by Rie pastor, Dr. atcen 8. Stone, at the Kanavha Presbyterian church: ihe had Five brothers and he was the last to die. The others ware wunter 1K. Meclintie, who. Sled ae = young aan when a tree fell cn him; Davard D. ectinticy sto had gene to Alarka in 1897 Looking for gold and then aattted i Seattle, dashingeony and sae ievolved with the theatres Lockhart. Helint St watlinton, also an attorney, nar prosecuting attorney and maser of Tow Sf Delegaten; ard witheow HecLinticr who sae a vell-known and substantial Eauner who had seayed on the fanily farm: George wae a graduate of Asanoke Colleges the, fanfly moved to Roancke for a vino to educate the sons. in 1080 he received hie law degree from the thivecsity of Virginia. le had a wide law practice in the city of charleston Ge a mater of the firm of tatlchon, wechintic and Mathews, and vas city ‘Morney for charleston 1925-1957. He also Deteoa Tn 1931 he war appointed Suage of the Federal Court for the southern District of Meet Vinginiae Quoting from Mir sbituary in The Charleston Gnsaette: "He Stgnitied this high ottice, Ha became « national figure by his forthright, Suse aercifur and Lensned decieionay, An outstanding acconplisinent was his Ziiing practical and: workable the ayaten of probation, whereby a. first Stfendes var given opportunity to cone back aa a useful citizen, without the Stigm of ¢ prison Comm actached to his nase. in the death of Judge George % MecTineic West Virginia loves in one man & ‘Ickelar and historian, aod oe of {es nose illustrious wen. Ghece anda powerful! and inooeing ity whcee parsing wil Be an (ceaalon for wldmepread sorrow and regret. iis wige sas tary Bthel Enigh= Meclintic, who was born January 22, 1970, tn cnseleston, ‘Doardnan and Hannah #lizabeth Nh Mnighe. She was educated’ in private schools of Charieston and at Buchtel Cellge at ‘Akcon,, Ohio. (now the University of Akzon.). the Weclintics wore Strelea cctsber i, 1907. Shay had one daughter, Elizabeth night Yoelintic. Mer, MotLintte Lived il her Life in Charleston except for extensive travel"and stamens at Gvago Farms,” the Neclintle farm at Buckeye in Pocahontas Enumty. he died at the farm at Svago at the age of 6¢ after a long illness {o'uebe She so a menboc of the ataxOa Preshyterian Church, Mee. MeChineie vies an ineelligent and cultured woman and posseased great charm. ‘The Mechintic family L¥ interwoven with Pocahontas County's history. great grandfather wes Gangaon Matheve, who harried Wise Lockhart, of Gampasn vathove, Jr; sacried Mary Warwick, daughter of early jacob Marwick, of Clover Lick, Tett sony sampuon Lockhart Mathew, Eaceiea waney Bagary he wan the first surveyor of Pocahontas county and © Dinter of the County ‘Court, ile studied under” Dr. John MeBlhenty, who etait iched twisburg Acadepy in 1421. fe bought property trom the CAckls UML Point In 1490 and resided there untll hie death in 1054, he de buried SSRI tn thet movth wide overiooeing sli Folin: | Teds only Anoghtery Mary, married Willan H. Moclintic, whe were the parenta of George and the Sther four nocLineie eone

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