CMP 6 Debateoverutilitarianism

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Jommel Gonzales



James E. White

“The fact that you did someone once did you a favour may be a good reason why you should now do him
a favour.”

Learning Expectations:

To know the both sides of utilitarianism and what is the good effect of it that brings edge on the
moral consciousness.

The Debate over Utilitarianism – James Rachels


The author said that the considerations that comes in your mind makes relevant prior to your
subjected act. It is taken by a reason without hesitations to exclude the adequately moral perspective.
However, the facts are still intact whether you so same thing as you done it progressively just to
overcome the favourable freedom, or even the right to itself.

This chapter mentioned also that the important nuances would not be difficult in some aspects if
you will do respects the individual privacy. It will consider the things which are good by themselves but if
only if in the right actions would they done. Eventually, actions are complying to be defensible if they know
what the consequences they do the others are.

Lesson Learned:

What I learned in this chapter is that you should know how to value a person in regards to their
rights which is subjected to the obligation of each person. The consequences of each action have a
juridical and non juridical obligation.

Integrative Questions:

1. What is Act-Utilitarianism?

2. What is the strength of utilitarianism?

3. What is correct and what is incorrect in utilitarianism?

4. How relevant power prior to the utilitarian?

5. What is rule-utilitarianism?

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