The Triangle - 1921-01

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No. 8

JA N U A R Y 24th, 19 2 1

Price 5 Cents

Yes, the T ria n g le makes its appearance once more. W e have skipped from O ctober to January. M any circumstances prevented us from sending forth a N ov ember and D ecem ber issue. W e hope to find time to keep it goin g forth regularly this spring and summer. M any interesting things occurred during the last tw o months, and some o f these w e are pleased to present in this issue. But most im portant of all, the Im perator wishes to say that he and the O fficers at headquarters appreciate deeply the many kind thoughts and good wishes sent to them during the holiday season. W e could not reply to all letters and cards, but if this little reference w ill do it, we hope that all will take these words as a response and an expres sion of our personal thanks. W e regret to say that w e find it unadvisable to print in this issue, or possibly any other issue, the interesting discourses given at the Pristine Church in San Francisco. W e announced that we would do this, but so m any o f our readers pointed out that each discourse would take three pages of the T rian gle and crowd out the many other interesting news items, that it seemed unfair. So w e w ill postpone that feature until w e can increase the size o f the Triangle. L et us all put our shoulder to the wheel and make this w inter and spring months notable for w ork ac complished. This is the time o f the year when much study and reading is possible, and m any seekers are easily interested in a m ovem ent like ours. Find them and guide them arigh t! A A A

have greatly missed his company, especially at lunch time, when w e all gathered at the round table, with a few noon-time guests, and discussed m any points o f the w ork and personal experiences. T h e Supreme Secretary vacationed fo r a w eek after N ew Y e a r at Carm el-by the Sea. W ith the strenuous activities preceding the holidays, and the desire to have some time for high-degree experiments, he natually thought o f the Peace and P ow er that one finds in this old sacred spot, so dear to all o f us who know its history and possibilities. W e wonder how many contacted our brother during that w eek or sensed him in his unusually successful experiments. A A A

N EW S F R O M H E A D Q U A R T E R S . O ne o f the pleasant features at headquarters now is the successful operation of a large wireless receiving station recently perfected in assembly and installed. It is specially equipped to receive Radiophone (w ir e less telep h on e) radiations, and at noon while w e eat lunch, at 4.30 to 5.30, in the evening and at other times, w e listen to the concerts, latest news, reports, and other features broadcasted by various trans m itting stations in the West. W ith the aid o f a M agn ovox horn w e can sit in the reading room and listen to the lon g concerts sent out from the F air mont H otel or elsewhere, or listen to the ships at sea talking, or draw from the cosmic many interest ing bits o f inform ation. Members or Lodges intend ing to install a small receiving set fo r home enjoym ent o f the concerts which reach every city in the United States should w rite to our wireless operator here at headquarters, and he w ill gladly suggest the most simple and least inexpensive outfits to be found in each city.

W e learn with much pleasure that a number o f our high degree members in various cities, w ho have recently attained a certain point in developm ent and success in reaching certain goals, have received letters from the M agister o f the Tem p le o f the R .C. Illuminati in India. These letters are an acknowledgem ent o f the success attained by the members and at the same time confer certain pow ers and open the door to other experiences and possibilities. It has taken four or five years fo r these members to reach this point, and w e are happy to note that in each case the mem ber is one w ho united with our w ork early in its existence in this country, and has never lost faith, never questioned, never missed a week o f association with us, or attem pted to jump ahead by taking up other so called quicker methods or systems of attainment. Loyalty, steadfastness, faith and sincerity, with a little good judgment, brings its ow n reward. These members are now in the T w e lfth or Iillum inati Degree, and the Im perator has naught to do with their selection or success after the 9th degree; in fact he didn't know o f their attainment until they w ere inform ed o f it by their own experiences. Others m ay be near the goal at this hour. W e hope so, and await the one experience which w ill inform them to advise us and send with it the absoute p ro o f which is the same in each case. A A A

F or several weeks w e had with us one o f our brothers from V ancouver, Canada. H e greatly assisted in the office w ork (as a vacation pastim e), and before leaving made a valuable contribution to the equipm ent o f the wireless outfit without it being known until he had started on his way home. We

M any recent discoveries announced by General Science interest us, fo r w e find that not one of them contradict even the most unorthodox o f our teachings. T h e most recent announcement o f Science says that it has now been demonstrated that gravitation is not a pull tow ard the earth but a push exerted by the sun. A n oth er announcement states that some in teresting facts have been found regarding the law o f vibrations w hich makes m atter manifest to us in its various forms, natures, colors, etc. N ot only do these recent discoveries fail to contradict our teachings (as they constantly contradict xvhat Science itself has said and taught h e re to fo re ), but not one thing discovered by science is new to us or has not been anticipated in our teachings fo r many years. This sort of testi m ony should be used with those who claim that our teachings are too abstract, because o f a m ysticai nature, or w ho say that w e cannot possibly be a scientific school.


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I M P O R T A N T FO R E IG N NEW S. W e are glad that w e can m ake public to our m em bers the follo w in g im portant facts, com ing as they have at this propitious tim e and with authority to announce them. W e have received the follo w in g official announce ment which is being issued to m any lands through the medium o f a m agazine published in India fo r those who live in Europe and elsewhere. T h e Indian A cad em y o f Science is authorized to m ake public the fact that they are sponsored by and under allegiance to the Rosicrucian O rder existing in all parts o f the w orld and known by the sym bolic initials o f A .A .O .R .R .A .C ., or by the m ystic name o f A m o rc (as in England, A m erica and C an ad a). This fact m ight have been made public years ago, but in each land there has been a time and a condition appointed and decreed fo r the unveiling o f the exist ence o f this most ancient and universal o f all m ystic and fraternal Orders. W e have simply demonstrated our principles by maintaining silence for a time. T h e Indian A cad em y o f Science today is the most modern and com plete institution o f its kind in India, and has enjoyed an unique reputation in mystical circles fo r many years. T h e officers w ere selected by the Masters, and the curriculum contains m any of the secret* arcane courses unknown to the W estern Hem isphere and obtainable by only those who have attained a certain degree o f developm ent. It has steadily augm ented its work, its studies and its staff of eminent teachers, writers and co-workers. A ccom p an yin g this announcement was a letter on Rosicrucian stationery from Most Illustrious K. T. Ramasami, Sovereign Grand Master o f the Sovereign Grand Lod ge (A M O R C ) o f India. W e are not violat ing any confidences when w e give extracts from this letter addressed to our Im perator in com plete fo r mality. First, the letter verified the announcement just made and explains that all the officers o f the academ y are happy that the announcement is now permitted. T h erea fter the w riter of the letter expressed his adm iration fo r the w ork o f the O rder, renews his pledges to the principles o f the O rder, and adds this p ledge to the Heirophant o f the W o rld C ouncil: I w ill be staunch and sincere to him throughout my career in life, and w ill do all that lies in my pow er to prom ote the interests o f A M O R C in India and other Eastern countries. T h en the Brother been elected to the A cad em y of Sciences ments and culture in states that our Im perator has V ice-Presiden cy o f the Indian because o f your high attain ancient literature.

Delta L od g e No. 1, in Philadelphia, reports many interesting Lod ge and public services. Special holiday services w ere also held, and there is a rapid grow th o f membership there. T h e Grand Lod ge o f Massachusetts, in Boston, has added another room to its suite fo r reading, study, and special lectures on A strolo gy, the Am orc-ldala lan guage, etc. T h e lodge is increasing in members and interest. Bro. R. J. W ard, Jr., is no lon ger secretary o f the N ew Y o rk Grand Lodge. A fte r a long term o f office as secretary he has entered the lecture field. A ll mail fo r the N ew Y o rk Grand L od ge should be ad dressed to the Grand Master or the Grand Secretary* 361 W est 23rd Street, N ew Y o rk City. A new lodge has been form ed in Stockton* C ali fornia. A petition for a new lodge has been received from Los A n geles and also from St. Louis. N ew groups are being form ed in cities. a number of

T h e Grand L od ge o f Ohio, in Cleveland, has ad vanced to the higher degrees and the Master reports keen interest and activity. T h e M aster and some officers o f the Grand L od ge o f Connecticut, in W aterbury, visited the Delta L od ge N o. 1 in Philadelphia on the occasion o f a high initia tion. This Grand L od g e has also delivered a charter to a subordinate lodge in H artford, Conn. T h e Grand L o d g e o f M exico reports increased activity and new members with requests fo r branch L od ges in various cities o f the country. T h e L od ge in Java, East India, reports the success ful establishment o f a building corporation and the securing o f funds fo r the building o f a beautiful E gyptian T em p le there. W e are often surprised at the v e ry great interest shown in our w ork in that country. T h e Grand Lod ge o f Copenhagen, Denmark, re ports increasing membership and interest, and sends to ail our A m erican members the most fraternal greet ings. T h e Grand Secretary o f the Sovereign Grand Juris diction o f A m o rc in England reports continual in crease o f members and an unusual interest in our w ork by many o f the most advanced students o f mysticism in Englancf. W e received H olid ay Greetings from the Grand M aster o f the Grand Lod ge o f Rosicrucianism and Esot eric Freem asonry, in Vienna, Austria. H e states that our magazines, Cromaats and other literature are highly prized am ong advanced seekers and students in his country, and our w ork considered the most progressive and inspiring ever known to Rosicrucians.

A n oth er interesting feature o f the letter is this statement: I visited, three months back, August, an ancient Rosicrucian Masters Tem ple, rock cut, on the top o f a mountain near Cape Com orin, 60 miles from here, and from those livin g in the vicinity o f .the T em p le and payin g reverence to this sacred place, I learned that they are patiently aw aiting the renewal o f Initiations and w ork there after the decreed silence o f \08 years/*

But perhaps the moat interesting statement made by Brother Ramasami as president o f the A cad em y and on behalf o f the Krishna Sasfcri, the Spiritual D irector, is that ail o f the secret, arcane courses are now available to our high degree members in special correspondence form and with personal letters as guides and help. W e note that the course includes hundreds o f lessons on such subjects as Shankhya-Yoga in its pure Indian form , (w h ich deals with the laws and practice o f all that pertains to life here and the so-called higher life ). Some o f the courses also consist o f over a hundred lessons on the ancient Upanishads in a manner never given to the occidental w orld and taught on ly in the secret schools o f India. O th er courses contain lessons translated from ancient Rosic rucian documents held secretly and securely in India, and h eretofore given on ly to the sincere who would make the sacrifice o f jou rn eying to India and finding with difficulty and persistency the school, A package o f all these courses has been sent to the Im perator fo r his exam ination and personal study so that he can prop erly advise our members in pursuing the studies. O ur high degree members, (those above the sixth) m ay have these private lessons at a cost equalling the postage and incidentals o f m ailing and shipping. A p p lication for them, how ever, must be addressed to the Im perator personally here at head quarters and he w ill communicate w ith India regarding them. Please bear in mind that after applications are accepted here there w ill be a period o f at least three months b efore you w ili receive response or accept ance and lessons from India direct. T h e Indian A cad em y o f Sciences has assigned full legal and protective ownership in these courses for A m erica to our Imperator, so that they cannot be copied and placed upon the m arket in com mercial form . T h e y w ill be issued here under the patent mark and protection of our Order. A r e w e not warranted at headquarters in feelin g happy over this letter which came a few days after the first o f January just as was predicted some weeks ago by T h e Padre who advises us at times? A A A

Page Fhree

w h ole city is pledged to entertain the Shriners in the typical spirit o f the city, whose m otto is: "San Francisco knows how / N ow then, A M O R C Lodges, here is you r chance. A M O R C has M ystic Shriners in ev ery one of its Lodges, o f at least the w ife o f a M ystic Shriner is a mem ber o f our Lodges. M any o f the K night T e m p lars who w ere here last yea r had their wives with them (p rin cip a lly because it was such a beautiful and un usual trip to the coast) and now each L od ge should discover what Shriners are com ing or what wives o f Shriners can plan to accom pany their husbands, and w hile the Shriners are acting as delegates to the Shrine C onvention the w ives can be delegates to our Rosicrucian Convention. W e will hold our C onvention just at the close of the Shrine. Convention, and since the railroad tickets perm it a stop-over o f a period lon ger than the Shrine Convention, and many of the Shriners w ill not return at once, there w ill be am ple tim e to attend all the Shrine affairs as w ell as ours. A fte r the close of the Knight T em p lar Convention many o f the delegates and relatives stayed fo r days and weeks and m ade up pleasant and intim ate sight-seeing parties in return ing. T h ey have said that there was even m ore pleas ure in returning home by devious ways in small parties than with the crowded special cars. H o w ever that m ay be, our Convention m ay last only tw o days, and this w ill perm it those who desire to do so to return hom e w ith the special trains. N ow let us see how m any o f the Sisters in our Lodges can p revail upon their husbands, brothers, or fathers to take them along on the Shrine train at the special rates. Y o u w ill not have such a chance to visit the Golden W est at so nominal a cost in a long time, and at the same tim e serve the A M O R C so well. And, let us see how many Brother Shriners w ho are also A M O R C Brothers w ill plan to attend our C onvention and help our O rder. Let us say also that w e w ill at once begin plans to entertain the Sisters o f our O rd er w ho com e with Shriners. W e w ill make the days as Golden, happy and full of adventure and incident as the W est affords, and that is saying a v e ry great deal. W e would like to hear from the Secretaries and Masters o f ail Lodges in this regard, as w ell as from members b efore February 15th, not with definite facts, but with some idea as to possibilities. Please address all letters to C O N V E N T IO N S E C R E T A R Y , A M O R C , 1255 M arket Street, San Francisco. A A A

O U R N E X T C O N V E N T IO N W e have discovered that it may be possible to have our next National Rosicrucian Convention in June of this year. It w ill be possible if each Lod ge of A M O R C does a little investigating and a little boosting. Next June the M ystic Shriners hold their national convention in San Francisco. O n January 10th the Cham ber o f C om m erce held a special m eeting in San Francisco to consult with the Com m ittee in charge of the Shriners* Convention. Reports showed that at least 91 Shrine Tem ples w ill send delegates, friends, relatives and musicians. A conservative estimate also showed that o ver 100,000 will visit San Francisco from all parts o f the United States during the w eek or m ore o f the convention and longer. That is a larger number than visited San Francisco during the great Panama Pacific Exposition held here. The

N ot all of our members w ho could do so have taken advantage o f the great help to be given in the w ork o f excavatin g and saving the wonderful relics o f the Tem ples and homes in our beloved Am enhoptep s home in T eil-el-A m arna, Egypt. T h e Egypt E xploration Society is conducting the w o rk there and A M O R C provided the funds fo r the reopening o f the w ork since the ending of the war. T h e English branch of this w ell-known Society is greatly pleased

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T h e labors o f M. de Rochas, upon the REGRES SIO N O F M E M O R Y, have opened new vistas, of which w e w ill speak briefly. It is indeed, strange, but every subject describes in identically the same manner, his or her goin g back to the past. T h e y are transported back to six months o f age, two months, into the body o f the m other, the regression is continued and they are in space. A b rief lethargy and w e are present at a new scene, the death o f an old person. It is the beginning o f the life which preceded the present incarnation, m anifesting itself backwards, and continuing back to a still older incarnation. First, b efore birth, the subject sees himself in space IN T H E F O R M O F A B A L L , or as a slightly luminous mist, wandering about the m other. A n oth er subject depicts herself thus surrounding the body o f her mother, only entering rather late, and little by little, into the child s body A ll agree that the com plete in corporation occurs at about seven years o f age. V ic to r H ugo has said: Y ou do not believe in p ro gressive personalities under the pretext that you re m em ber nothing o f your previous existence. Y et how may vanished centuries remain graven upon your m em ory when you no longer recall the thousand and one scenes of you r present life? Since 1802 there have been ten V ic to r H ugos within me. Do you think that 1 rem ember all their deeds and all their thoughts? W hen I shall have passed the grave to find another light, all these V ic to r Hugos will be in some degree strangers, but it will always be the same soul.* If you accept the th eory that physical aptitudes are manifested in us by reason o f A N C E S T R A L IN H E R IT A N C E , I see few obstacles to b elievin g that latent M EM ORIES have the same origin . T h e fo re go in g extracts show that the author has discovered some truths regarding the truth o f socalled spirit manifestations and messages, and does not agree with the popular ideas o f spiritualism. They also show how w ell the author understands the funda mentals of re-birth o f soul, for note the similarity in facts regarding regression o f m em ory, the misty ball shape o f the incom ing soul, ancestral inheritance through cell life, etc., as fu lly treated in the book A Thousand Years of Yesterdays, by our im perator.

at what A M O R C has done, and states that our dona tions have been the largest ever provided by one institution, and the A m erican scientists associated with the exp lorin g w ork w rite us that they are delighted to know what value and reverence w e associate with the sacred site o f Am enhotep IV ., fo r they have always taken m ore than a scientific interest in all o f this great man s work. By special arrangem ent each o f our members who sends Five Dollars to the Egypt Exploration Society, 503 Trem on t Tem ple, Boston, Mass., U .S.A., and states that it is a contribution from an A M O R C mem ber and gives his name and address, w ill receive a beautiful certificate from the Society, stating that the donor is an Associate M em ber o f the E gypt E x ploration Society and a supporter o f the R O SIC R U C IA N FU N D fo r Excavations and Researches at T ellel-Am arna, through the A M O R C . This certificate will be sealed and signed by the Secretary of the Egypt E xploration Society and by the Im perator of A m orc, it contains may interesting Egyptian signs, symbols and seals of our Order. Surely w e want to have the sacred things of these ancient m ystic temples saved from the hands o f those who w ill com m ercialize them or destroy them. Those w ho desire to have a carefully made replica o f the Cartouch o f A m enhotep s Queen w ife (as found in the recent excavations) or a piece o f the wall of one o f the Tem ples, bearing the Am enhotep salutation to God (m ounted on a triangle wall plaqu e) can secure either one from A M O R C headquarters fo r the follo w in g prices: Cartouch. $1.00; W a ll plaque, $3.00; These prices include careful packing; the Cartouch is sent by parcels post, prepaid; the wall plaque by express, charges collect.

IN T E R E S T IN G F A C T S R E G A R D IN G R E IN C A R N A T IO N A n interesting book has come to our hands which w e recomm end to our members. It has a very fine chapter on Previous Lives* (fro m which w e will qu o te ) as w ell as chapters on Telepathy, Spirit M ani festations, etc. T h e book is entitled P roofs o f the Spirit World,** and the author is L. Chevreuil, trans lated from the French by A gn es Gray, and published by E. P. Dutton & Co., 681 Fifth A venue, N ew Y ork C ity, p rice $3.00. It is quite different from the average book dealing with spiritualistic matters, for this deals more with the psychic or spiritistic side of the great problem , as the follo w in g extracts show: T h e soul is an entity distinct from the body; it ac companies the essential part o f the human being in the course o f t h e numerous incarnations necessary to our evolutionFrom the time o f Plato the m ajority of men have lived in the know ledge o f this truth, and t o m o r r o w t h e y w i l l dwell in the scientific certainty that this a n c i e n t philosophy has not deceived them.

Several organizations with international m em ber ship have recently voted to adopt an international auxiliary language for foreign correspondence. They have agreed upon the one which we use because of its simplicity. If you are interested in the little body o f our members who are using this language in post card and other correspondence fo r practise, w rite to the A m orc-Idala Library, P. O. Box 244, Elyria, Ohio, fo r inform ation.

W e have just received the first copy of a new m aga zine published in Germ any called T h e Rosicrucian (in G erm an ). It contains m any interesting articles, and states that the O rd er there is a branch o f the A M O R C of the world, and gives our headquarters as the official Supreme Sanctum fo r N orth Am erica.

W e have also received some large and picturesque occult books published by Louis Lejuste, Cairo, Egypt. T h e author asks us to accept the same fo r our library, and says that he is now a mem ber o f our O rder and will conform his future publications to our A M O R C teachings and ideals.

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