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** FdA Design Practice

Unit 5.2
& Persuasion
One day project
with Sophie Thomas
The power to change / As communication designers you
have the ability to persuade and provoke; to change the way
people think and act. What will you do with that power?
Task & Outcome
1. In groups of 4 5 discuss and decide on something
you would like to change in the behaviour of others.
This can be serious or playful in subject.
2. Develop a gorilla communication campaign to take
your behaviour change agenda to the public.
Think about message and graphic language;
choice of media and platforms; interaction and activity;
your audience.

3. Choose one aspect of your campaign to execute.
Take this out to an appropriate nearby audience and
document the results. Given the timeframe, designs
should be high-impact and lo-f.
4. Upload documentary footage/images of your activity
by 2.30pm for presentation/discussion.
5. Throughout the week - deveIop and rene your
campaign across a range of graphic collateral.

10.30 - 10.50: briefng and inspirational slide show
10.50 11.10: group discussion and subjects agreed
11.10 12.30: concept design and development
12.30 14.10: campaigning
14.10 14.30: collate documentation
14.30 15.30: presentation and group discussion.
Further reference
Adbusters Do Lectures
Cesk sen (flm) pop-up shops First Things
First Manifesto Tibor Kalman makepovertyhistory Fluxus
thomas.matthews We Are What We Do Barbara Kruger
Anthony Burrill Mark Wallinger IDEO.
UNIT 5. Creative Platforms:
UAL Assessment Criteria
Subject Knowledge: Understanding and application
of subject knowledge and underlying principles
Analysis: Examination and interpretation of resources
Personal and Professional Development: Management
of learning through refection, planning, self direction,
subject engagement and commitment
Communication and Presentation: Clarity of purpose;
skills in the selected media; awareness and adoption of
appropriate conventions; sensitivity to the needs
of the audience

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