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CRM Overview

CRM is a composite package where it offers functionalities like 1. Marketing 2. Sales 3. Service together with Analytics(BI Reporting)...

Maintaining existing customer is much easier than the creating a new Customer. Ensuring prompt service will make Customer happy and retain the customer. Service is revenue is generator and Service is rendered at all levels of the customer relationship management. Service@Marketing Giving Samples, Demos , Evaluation (Eg. Software), answering queries promptly Service@Sales Taking care of Delivery(Door Delivery), Documentation etc. Service@Servicing Stage Maitaining Prompt SLA, Service at the Field etc. Customer can reach CRM through many channes like: 1. Portal - Channel management ( EP) 2. Mobile sales - Field sales (MI - .Net) 3. Customer care - Interaction center ( BSP and the framework we call as WebClient)
Notes: Prepared by CRM Technical Trainer - Jayram Page 1

4. Internet sales - E-Commerce.( JSP) 5. SAP GUI Internet Pricing and Configurator - Developed in Java as client server technology. Prior to CRM 5.0 ---> IPC was installed as a separate server..

Notes: Prepared by CRM Technical Trainer - Jayram

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