The Blind Date, A JaeDara Fanfic

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Prologue That night, Dara found herself unable to sleep. She can feel her chest burning. It mustve been from too much eating but she ruled out the very thought. It felt more psychological since shes the type of person whos hoarding on food. She pushed herself up and turned on her bedside lamp; its dim effect made the atmosphere a little dramatic. The clock read 12 AM, a little odd that shes still awake at that hour when she feels so tired after the days activities. Could it be because her dreaded day has finally come? She rested her arm against her forehead while looking at the lush finish of her painted ceiling. Right then and there, she contemplated deep deep enough that she could almost drown herself with thoughts. For tomorrow is not just another day but the day she wished would never come. She looked at her calendar the longest time she has possibly done her life. She focused on the encircled date with a red marker. As a sign of surrender, she ruffled her wavy locks and released a helpless groan. This blind date Will I go or not? She began talking to herself and shuffling her hands hard. Who might this person be? Her right hand clutched her chest, her heart pounding ecstatically. She doesnt understand why she was feeling anxious in the first place and how she hated being set up on blind dates. Dam* it, Seungri! A curse escaped from her lips. Curses, for her, were taboo but find it inevitable to speak. Youll be punished hard. I swear youll learn and get it from me. Now her head was preoccupied with thoughts of punishment to the sole culprit of her impending doom. She must deal with him after everything is settled. Sorry Seungri, Dara-noona will never be easy on you again. The more that I think of it Boy, this is making me crazy! She sighed. After too much thinking, Dara suddenly felt very sleepy. Crumpled papers were all over her bed. Not minding the mess, she lazily put off her bedside lamp and drifted to dreamland.

Chapter 1 Seungri was chilling out in one of YG buildings lounges, browsing the internet, when he came across one article. It was an interview of their beloved maknae 2NE1 but he wasnt

amused by the way his favorite noona answered the questions, particularly one, which made his forehead crease deeply. (ARTICLE here)

Tsk, tsk He shook his head in disagreement. What a disaster! My faithful and favorite student of Seungri Academy, Dara-noona, has just put her dating chances in peril. Now, the whole world knows of the death of her dating genes. He sighed. He sprawled back on the couch he was sitting and thought of a plan. He held his chin with his forefinger and thumb. Pitiful. Looks like this situation calls for Master Seungris expertise in dating! Dont worry, noona, Ill be here for your rescue. He, then, imagines himself in a superman costume with his hands on his hips and laughing like a mad man. By afternoon, on his free time, Seungri went straight to YG buildings internet cafeteria and started searching for ways on how his Dara-noona get to date the opposite sex. After a while, he was able to create a list. Noona will be able to regain her pride and her fanboys! Bwahahaha! He grinned proudly on his work. Now, off to sorting them out.

LIST ON HOW TO GET DARA-NOONA A DATE 1. Post anonymous dating ads on newspapers. A newspaper ad is more affordable than a TV ad. He nods. However, the process could be bloody. His face cracked up with dismay. He scratches his head. Also, with Big Bangs schedule, I think I could barely entertain applicants. With that, he marks the option with an X. 2. Introduce her to my friends. He began browsing his phonebook. Ive introduced her to some of my guy friends but she seems to shy towards them. He paused and his gaze roamed throughout the room. Now that I think of it, my guy friends are too young for her taste. Hmm... He hummed. ...and majority of my friends are females. I dont think she would like to date women.

Just thinking of her going gay gives me the creeps! He gives off a shudder. Another option he puts an X to. 3. Let her attend social gatherings and parties of artists. Wait His eyebrows slowly meeting. ...2NE1 only attends YG Family events and YG-sajangnim would be too strict in choosing events for the girls. He closed his eyes and tried to rationalize. Their comeback is fast-approaching. Theyll be too busy for the preparations. Social life is sacrificed at the moment. Poor girls and I guess this is a no-no. 4. Let her get casted in a reality TV show, i.e. We Got Married. His eyes popped out from its sockets. Wow. Why did I ever come up with this option? He has limited connections with MBC to actualize this ideal project. Besides, YG-sajangnim isnt the type to be aggressive in accepting this kind of exposure for his artists. He scratches his head again. Id rather reserve this for future purposes. He lets out a sigh for the nth time. 5. Create a fake account in an online dating site. He crossed his arms on his chest. Down to the last option... He breathed deeply. Dara-noona was sure to dominate Me2day, why not a dating website? He gave a lopsided smile thinking of this brilliant plan. He didnt expect it would be way too easy. The worldwide web is such a wonderful blessing! In no time, shell be thanking me for being genius. He puts his hands together and rubs them. Dara-noona, Ill find you a perfect mate soon. In his mind, he was laughing out loud. Im so amazing!

Seungri didnt waste his time. He was so eager to work on his magic at once! He searched for Koreas most popular online dating site and immediately registered. His plan is materializing before him. The fun starts now! He cant wait to see his favorite noonas reaction once she finds out.

Welcome to I-Date Website! Your account has been verified and activated. You may now enjoy meeting up to more than 10 million subscribers online! We are looking forward that youll be able to meet your right one! Thank you very much for joining!

Yours truly,

Admin The next day, Seungri started updating the site with information, pictures, and the like. Thats to make it more believable. Earlier, in their photoshoot, he gathered the courage to ask his favorite noona for a shot of the two of them, which she gladly did to his relief. Sorry, noona, but Im doing this for you...kekeke

(PICTURE here) Seungri-sunbaenim to my rescue~ ^0^ Although embarrassing, he wanted to help me with my dating skills!!! Will I do good this time??? I hope so..+.+ I-Date here I come!!! I want to have a boyfriend soon~ Getting senti again.. Ya ya ya~ Dara, hwaiting!!!

Feeling his nape and shoulders ache, Seungri rolled his head back in forth to stretch his tired muscles. What a day! I think this is all for today. He double-checked all his inputs and was very much satisfied before logging off the site. In days time, Im sure men will flock and take interest on this account. He felt sleepy and yawned. Sweet dreams, genius! Tomorrow will be a long day. He jumped, literally, towards his bed and slept soundly with a smile of content plastered on his face.

Chapter 2 Two months ago... After finishing a fashion photo shoot, Kim Jaejoong excused himself first after reading the text coming from someone special. The text read that the person wanted to meet him at an exclusive caf on the outskirts of Seoul City. It would be best that way to not cause a commotion and get caught by paparazzi. Jaejoong also chose to use a getaway car that fans arent familiar of. He drove by himself for almost an hour. As he was getting close, he couldnt contain his excitement and was smiling like a Cheshire cat. This is the day the day for her to decide our destiny! What took you so long? An irritated greeting welcomed him. She purposely avoided the kiss on the cheek he was about to give. I have been waiting for almost three hours, Jae! This caught him off-guard. Ji Hye wasnt usually like this. Mianhe! The photo shoot ended a bit late than expected. I drove my way here as fast as I could but got caught in traffic. He reached out for her hand.

What can I do to make it up to you? He lovingly looks at her face and flashes his teasing boyish grin. Ji Hyes gaze traveled from their intertwined hands to his eyes. None. She gave him a cold blank stare. Ha...ha...ha An awkward laugh escaped from Jaejoongs lips. Youre just kidding me, right? He, then, scooped both of her hands and let them caress his cheeks. His facial expression turned serious and his eyes intense with emotion. Saranghae, Ji Hye-ah, he whispered. A tear escaped her eye and then another. She forcefully pulled her hands away as if she felt disgusted. No, Jae. She shook her head and wiped her tears. Its over. I dont like you anymore. Im in love somebody else. Mianhe. She stood up and left. Jaejoongs head fell in defeat. He was staring at his palms that once held her beautiful hands. What did just happen? He couldnt find in his mind the reason why. Sir, coffee? A waiter asked him. This awakened him from his trance. Ah. Yes. Black coffee, please. Okay, Sir, right away. The waiter bowed and left to serve his order. Kim Jaejoong was driving back to Seoul when his phone rang. Oh, Chun-ah~ Why did you call? Did you miss me already? Hahaha... He said and faking a laugh. Babo, I dont! Hahaha... Besides, we just saw each other a while back at the photo shoot. Wait, have you seen the news? Park Yoochun casually asked him. Aniyo, Im still driving back to Seoul. Ill be home in half an hour. He replied. Did you meet her? His soulmate, on the other line, sounded astonished. Hmm... Neh. Wae? His forehead creased and asked back confused. That woman got engaged last week. I couldnt believe it myself and youre still seeing her! He exhaled noisily upon hearing it. Chun-ah, dont worry. Its over. I just ended my insanity of wanting her. He inhaled deeply. She confessed that she loves somebody else. Yoochun cant help but get worried over his long time friend. Are you okay? Want to drink it out? Ill take a pass, Chun-ah. Id like to take some rest. Its been a tough day.

Arasso. I wont persuade you any longer. Do rest well. Kkeuneulkke~ Then, the call ended. His phone beeped once again. It was a text message from Kim Junsu Be strong! Everything will be okay. Im just here when you need me. Chongmal, are these two telepathic? Although he had been upset of the unexpected turn of events, his two friends never fail him with their support. He gets a reason to smile, even for a while. Soon, Id get over this broken state. Yes, you will Kim Jaejoong! He convinced himself earnestly. In time, Ill find someone better. He repeats this statement like some mantra thatll save his life. However, at the end of the day, it cant be denied hes still heartbroken.

Ah~melancholy! I feel it embracing me... Its been a long while since I had time driving around town. I had time today to rest and reflect. I chose to leave the burden and carry on with a light heart. For tomorrow will be a new beginning, a reason to be happy. Good ^^ Kim Jaejoong, instead of sulking, busied himself to JYJs activities. It would be the best way to positively channel his depression and live normally. Hes determined to be optimistic especially regarding matters of the heart love. One night... Jaejoong, left with nothing to do, browsed his Twitter account. He planned to post something but hasnt decided what its all about. Hmm... What would interest my fans? While he was thinking and conceptualizing, a pop-up window suddenly appeared on the screen. This made him raise his brow. Before he could entirely close the window, the ad flashed a picture that sparked his curiosity. Omo!

Chapter 3 Ooh~ where was I? Ah, right. Keke. After creating the fake account on I-Date, Seungri almost forgot about it with his busy schedule and work appointments. Exactly one week has passed and he hasnt revisited the site yet.

Just my luck, were on vacation! he snickered deviously to himself, avoiding suspicion. Having the right timing, hes moving a step closer to finding the perfect date for his favorite noona. Im back in the game! Yeah, baby~ While he was busy with his thoughts, an arm crept to rest upon his shoulders. Yah, maknae! I asked you whatll you be up to this weekend?, the almighty Kwon Jiyong interrupted. The way your eyes glisten, I bet you have something in mind. Bigbangs leader further teased, eyebrows moving upward and back. Hyung! Stop teasing, okay?, he felt annoyed and jerked away from Jiyongs hold. I already have plans and it doesnt include you. Seungri rose from his seat and walked towards the door. Gentlemen, I have an important matter to attend to. So if youll excuse me, Im going. Annyeong! he bowed and left everyone in awe.

That night... Seungri attempted to update the account anything related to Dara.

Seungri-nim was very willing to accompany me to the gym... Aside from the dating etiquette session we had, he also wanted to improve my physical image. Hes even more strict that Ssabu-nim! Making sure that Ill do the routines right... . So dedicated ~ Although tiring, working out together with the family was fun!!!

This was during our lecture about dating etiquette. Just look at Sunsengnim ~ Relaxed and very enthusiastic in teaching... ^.^ Im so grateful to Sunbae-turned-Sunsengnim...!

He even updated his own Me2day account to his own liking pertaining to dating skills.

Seungris Blind Date Company I am going to introduce Seungris friends. I am introducing them so that VIPs can break away from the solo life. Tags: blind date arrangement, important, Mr. Yeonyoung Hyun, 180cm, honey skin, comments jam

In the wee hours of the morning, he dozed off on his lazy chair. An hour or so, his pc buzzed loudly; indicating an incoming message. He groaned noisily. Urgh~ what was that?

From: Kwon Jiyong, BigBang Leader To: Lee Seung Hyun, Maknae Seungri Oie, maknae~ Acting so cool now, huh? You surprised me. Watch out once our vacations done! Youll get it from mebwahaha! >:))

Pft. Its as if Im afraid of you, Kwon Leader~ Hahaha. He laughed and replied to the IM.

From: Mighty Maknae of BigBang To: Kwon Leader :p *sticks out tongue* Then, come and get me! Hahaha.

Another message came to his surprise. He though it was from Jiyong, however, it blinked on the other minimized window -- the I-Date site.

From: Shin Jae Joon To: 2NE1 Dara Park I never thought you were this desperate. Ara! Youre not getting any younger either! A promise is a promise and I have never forgotten.

Come and see me at Bums Story, 8 pm, next Saturday. Id be expecting! Ill never take NO as an answer.

What was that? What was that! He was literally blown away. Is there some guy Daranoona promised her love for? BigBangs Maknae was getting giddy as he read the message over and over again. Noona dont you ever forget to thank me after this! I mustve saved a nation in my past life to have found Noonas lost love! I hope YG sajangnim wont mind my playing cupid just this once. He said to himself. He replied to the message with assurance.

From: 2NE1 Dara Park To: Shin Jae Joon Thank you for keeping the promise ^.^ Dont worry, Ill be there. I cant wait!

The next day... Seungri was very excited to tell Dara the good news. 2NE1 was currently at the recording studio for their upcoming Japanese album when he barged in. He greeted everyone and even brought some snacks to everyones delight. While everyone was busy eating and chatting, he suddenly announced the so-called good news. He went to the center of the room and said out loud. Daranoona, guess what? I signed you up in an online dating website! Whatever everyone was doing came to a halt. They stared at the person at the center and then started laughing hard, seeing the announcement like some kind of joke. Hehehe Hey, you guys! Im serious. Seungri pouted and looked like a cute little boy. Hahaha. Nice one, Seungri! That was really funny. CL, 2NE1s leader, went to him and pinched his cheek. He got so disappointed with everyones reaction. His supposedly smiley face just turned grumpy. Nobody makes fun of Master Seungris brilliant idea!

Particularly, CLs comment made one of his brow raise up. Yah~ Im really serious! Who said I was joking?! He crossed his arms on his chest and stomped his right foot. Sheesh, Seungri Youre such a girl! Your mood swings come unpredictable. Bom said, who was just beside him, and slapped his shoulder lightly. In the midst of the awkward atmosphere, a person from the PR Department came in the studio and went directly to Dara. The PR person looked flushed and worried. From the looks of him, it was something urgent and serious. After the conversation, Dara bade the PR person goodbye and bowed. Faking a wave, she then faced Seungri with such fierce and intense gaze. Seungrisshi could you tell me again what you did? It was now Daras turn to raise a brow as she crossed her arms across her chest while tapping her right foot. Seungri gulped gallons of his saliva before even mustering the guts to utter a single word. Oh, Im so dead. I He felt his sweat form around his forehead. You what? Daras voice roared and her eyes were close to popping out of its sockets. I Isignedyouupinadatingwebsite. These were the words that came out of his mouth.

Chapter 4 I Isignedyouupinadatingwebsite. Seungri replied in one breath. Wae? Dara asked with teeth clenched. Gaining some courage, Seungri explained trying to meet his Noonas deadly glare. I I just wanted to help you get a date since nobody has yet took courage to ask you out. He continued, his fingers fidgeting. Also, I got worried with you admitting to the world that your dating genes have died. Now, he wanted to cry. Daras usual soft voice roared tremendously with anger. Seriously, Id never thought that someone like you would do such a stupid thing! Dont you know what happened after you signed me up to that ridiculous site? She paced through the hallway and threw her hands mid-air. Of course, you wouldnt! You were even so happy to tell it to me today! She ended her statement sarcastically. Seungri stood frozen, unable to speak. He kept his head down all the while Dara was talking. Inside him, he felt pressure like hes at court sentenced to death. Heavens, save me! *sobs*

(Flashback) Dara-sshi, Im so sorry for the disturbance. The PR person bends to catch his breath. Its just that something came up. He clasped his hand to his chest, still panting. Dara allowed him some time before asking. What is it, Ahjussi? Worry was obvious in her voice. By any chance, Dara-sshi, do you know a dating website called I-Date? He asked politely as he regains his composure. Ani, Ahjussi. I havent encountered such site yet. She looked puzzled and replied with all honesty. Now, its clear that you havent signed up for that site yourself. What a relief! The worried look on the PR persons face was replaced with a smile and continued. Unfortunately, someone did and claimed your identity. That person uploaded some of your photos and revealed information that would make everybody believe its you. He gets his IPad and shows the posers profile. Not only that, the sites servers crashed yesterday due to the great influx of male registrants whether local or international. With this overwhelming response, I-date created an ad which features you, Dara-sshi. He shows her the ad. (POST AD HERE)

Dara only shook her head in disappointment. WTH did this?! We havent discovered it until awhile ago when netizens have started posting different articles on their blogs regarding this I-Date ad. It has spread like wildfire and very alarming. Moreover, a lot of haters and bashers had feasted on this false account dragging the name of YG to this issue. He sighed. I dont know what to say Im really shocked! It was all Dara could say. What concerned her more was YG-sajangnim. Has this matter reached sajangnim? Yes, it did. Thats why I was sent to ask about this issue. Dont worry, everyone in the PR Department has been working hard to stop further damage and finally end the malicious articles spreading throughout the web. He assured her. Later this afternoon, President Yang will release an official statement to clear out your name, Dara-sshi. Kamsahamnida, Ahjussi! I will forever express my gratitude to you for your help! She sincerely bowed and extended her hand for a handshake. Its my duty, Dara-sshi. Everything will be okay. The PR person bade goodbye. (End of Flashback)

Seungri, did I ask you to do that thing for me? No. Now, is this the kind of help you wanted to offer me; making me a disgrace to YG Entertainment, especially to 2NE1? No. Today She breathed. I became the nations great laughing stock and my haters are ganging up on me, celebrating my idiocracy! What else have you done and made me become to add on my list? Huh, Seungri? She crossed her arms across her chest. Seungri gulped all the saliva he needs. Theres one more thing that I havent told you yet. It was supposed to be a surprise but everythings not happening the way I planned it. Dara felt its as if her ears are ringing and massaged her temples. Seungri, just get to the point, will you? I cant stand the suspense! What is it this time? Ive found you a date! Seungri said with all enthusiasm. Dara retorted back. So, this time, you just made me become an easy woman! How good of you Seungri! Next time, dont ever try to help me ever again. He continued. Shin Jae Joon Do you know him? He seems to know you very well. Upon hearing the name of the person she was set on a blind date with, Daras heart skipped a beat. She couldnt find a word to describe how she felt after hearing that name. Its as if something had touched her heart. I think I've heard that name somewhere. *Sfx: Birds chirping* He found his favorite Noona with a blank expression. Yah! Noona, whats with that expression? Wait, did you just say Shin Jae Joon? Have you ever had the slightest idea who that person is and just trust him? Now, Im seeing a gullible Seungri in front of me! I thought you were better than that. Dara said upon waking up from her trance. Okay, okay. Im really sorry for all the trouble Ive cost you. Ill cancel the blind date that Ive painstakingly arranged you with. Seungri made a pitiful expression he knows Dara couldnt resist. Looking at him, with that disappointed look, Daras heart cringed. Dont give me that panda face. Seungri started to leave, still wearing that long face. Ill give this date a try She quickly said. Since I pity the person with whom you promised the date with. With that said, Seungri lifted Dara from the ground. Chincha, Noona? I knew you would eventually agree.

Yah, put me down! She ordered him. He put her down and gave her a tight hug. Thank you so much! You made me happy! Dont celebrate just yet. Youre not forgiven. You have to fix this issue. He released her from the hug. I know, I know I shouldnt be asking for your help but this is your fault. She points to his chest. And, before this day ends, you have to tell me everything youve done. I need details, especially on that Shin Jae Joon. Arasso? Neh, but can you just forgive me, Noona? Ill promise to be good to you. Seungri begged with his hands clasped together. If you want, Ill become servant for the rest of your life. Dara raised a brow. Thats not the point, Seungri. Just deal with it. Afterall, you deserve to be punished. She then pinched one of his ears. Ouch, Noona! Do you really have to do that? Seungri groaned. Bom, overhearing their conversation, smiled from ear-to-ear. The fact that her bestfriend considers dating makes her happy and proud. Way to go, Dara! Im excited for you! She giggled discreetly.

Chapter 5 D-6 Dara adjusted her office chair to a 45-degree angle. She needed time alone to relax and contemplate. Her fingertips automatically massaged her temples. Hearing Seungris incomplete details about Shin Jae Joon made her feel disappointed. Or maybe, I just expected too much? Andwae. Its just a friggin blind date... ERR, MY FRIGGIN BLIND DATE! The thoughts racing inside her head made her cringe and pout furiously. Realizing where her thoughts had led, there came silence. She couldnt help but stare blankly at space. Its as if her eyeballs will come out of its sockets any moment. An outburst escaped her lips in an attempt to calm her sanity, $H%T. F#@K. SINCE WHEN DID I EVER CARE ABOUT DATING?! Chincha. Good thing shes all alone, where cursing and swearing became a private thing. SHIN. JAE. JOON. Uttering every syllable with emphasis as her hand rose mid-air trying to spell it out in Hangul. She bit her lip as she tried to recall. Nothing can even direct her to a specific identity of a person she might know. Is it an alias, a borrowed identity? What is?! Stopping wasnt an option. I should not settle to this. I need to find out. Suddenly, the imaginary light bulb inside her head sparked bright. She became jumpy, sat upright, and faced her laptop. Her, then, little hope died an early death too soon as it began. Scratching her head, she muttered out loud, Ack! Pabo! I havent asked about the fake account Seungri used! Just my luck!

She rested her elbows on the desk and cupped her face with her palms. She was in this position for almost 3 minutes thinking of a better plan. Intuitively, she didnt allow this minor mistake discourage her. Being the computer savvy that she is, Dara initiated her investigation using popular search engines and social networking sites (SNS). Top searches for the name Shin Jae Joon appeared in a blink.

Shin Jae Joon, a corporate tycoon, president of Wonjin Auto Service USA Inc. , Garden Grove, CA. Shin Jae Joon, an employee in a telecommunications company, in his fourties. Shin Jae Joon, a freelance writer in his mid-thirties who recently got separated. Shin Jae Joon, a customer service assistant and part-time blogger whos active in SNS.

There was another tab left unopened, its caption read ...involved in an accident that put him in a coma. Familiarity, by instinct, came into picture. When she was about to open it, she heard a faint voice calling her name. Dara-ah! Daraah! She paused and faced the door. Im inside the office. Who is it? she came to answer, not being able to identify the person calling her. She then returned her attention to that last unopened tab when, suddenly, she felt the place shake. OH NO! EARTHQUAKE! EARTHQUAKE!, her mind screaming. Immediately, she hid under her table. YG Building shook hard. All the things on Daras desk fell scattered all over the floor. Shoot, my laptop! She saw her laptop tumble down. Its screen shattered to pieces. Again, she heard that faint voice calling her earlier. This time, it was louder. She shouted, Earthquake! Then, she felt a sharp burning pain on her left arm. With that, she snapped her eyes open. Bom spoke in a big, loud voice, Yah, Dara-ah! Why are you shouting earthquake? Massaging her throbbing arm, it dawned to her that Bom was the one who hit her arm. Aigoo. Bom-ah, why did you have to hit me? With squinted eyes, Bom mockingly shot back at her. Are you trying to scare us all away?! Her hands were on her waist, towering Daras petite frame. Suddenly, the petite one yawned thoughtlessly. HUL! Just as I thought so, you fell asleep again. Bom pats their dear Santokkis head and chuckled. Cant wait til we get home, neh?

Okay, breaks done! PLACES! The choreographer calls everyone for another round of rehearsal. Oh right, were in the middle of dance practice for the comeback. PABO. Dara hits her head intentionally. The blind date dilemma even haunts me in my dreams. Creepy! If itll cost my lappie, Im not investigating on that Shin Jae Joon instead. She runs to her position and loud music started to play. One late afternoon... D-5 While Dara was busy on the treadmill, Yang Hyun Suk, YG Ent. CEO, sneaked up beside her. She was totally engrossed with her workout routine until five minutes later that she noticed him next to her. Once he saw her startled expression, he quickly said. Oh please, dont stop. Im quite enjoying this. Mianhamnida, Sajang-nim, for not noticing you earlier. She bowed again and again. He began. Would you care to tell me? His eyes are smiling, making her feel more intimidated. He continued. You were thinking so deep. I could hardly fathom your thoughts. Ah, it mustve gone to Mars again perhaps. He chuckled. Dara, Dara, Dara... He was shaking his head while saying her name, stressing it loud and clear. Aigoo. Awkward silence then followed. I feel so embarrassed. Otteoke? She was sweating bullets; surely it wasnt because of her workout. Sajang-nim, I... She let seconds to pass and took courage to start but was cut off. Although it had a rough start and made a bad impression, I dont mind you dating as long as you wont abandon 2NE1 for that matter and sacrifice the quality of this business. But, I require you to do it discreetly. The public knows were under this special agreement, that dating contract. I dont want them to be misled. The CEOs treadmill began to slowdown and stopped. He fully turned his body to face Dara. Did I make myself clear, Dara? All she can do was nod. It seems she swallowed her tongue. Snap out of it, Dara! Yang Hyun Suk stepped out of the treadmill and began to leave. Amidst the tolerable noise, a tiny voice was heard. Kamsahamnida, Sajang-nim. You take care of yourself, okay? He was being fatherly towards her. And remember, Ill be watching you. The sound of closing doors echoed the premises.

Mental breakdown @.@ I am not used to this. Eotteokajyo?? The sudden turn of events... Its making me confused!! Or is it just because Im just tired with all our activities and were all working very hard? Hmm~ Maybe or maybe not... Ah, I should rest and sleep a lot then. My beds calling me...kyaaa~ Tags: Blackjacks, UNITE!! You know our comebacks fast approaching, right? *clap, clap, clap* Please expect a lot! ^.^ (Tuaeniwon), NOLJA~!

Early morning, the next day... D-4 Dara, as usual, woke up early. She picked up her phone and called the 1 st person that came to her mind. Yoboseyo? The persons voice from the other line sounded groggy. Seungri-sshi! She called out. Dara-noona?! He glanced at the clock. Its still 6am... Why are you calling me this early? Seungri Academy must resume today, got it? She hung up. Yah, noona! Aisht. Why did she hang up on me? Mumbling was the only thing he can do. But then, a smile crept on his lips upon realizing the flow of events. Dara-noona is really serious about dating. GAME ON! My battle plans working far better than expected. HAHAHA. With his eyes still closed and lying on his bed, he hugged his pillow tight with delight. Like a lunatic he shouted, Chukahae to my brilliant self!

Chapter 6 D-1 2NE1 and the production team were requested by Pres. YG for an urgent meeting. The agenda was about the upcoming comeback of the girls. Knowing of the presidents crazy antics when it comes to promotions, they were sure it will be something unconventional again. It was earlier announced that there will be 3 title songs for the full album. Wow, what a pressure! Ive decided to make this years comeback loud thats why Ive chosen 3 title songs. So, that also makes 3 MVs; 1 for each song. Im expecting a lot from all of you. Dont you ever disappoint me. With his usual poker face, Pres. YG explained.

Theres only deafening silence that filled the room. Everyone became conscious of their noisy breathing. But. . . The president, then, added and eyed them one by one. Its as if everyones breathing suddenly stopped with much anticipation of the next words the most powerful man in the room will utter. Im giving you one week vacation before the gruelling schedule and activities begin. I dont want any distractions near and during the comeback. Arasso? He didnt wait for any replies. Then, meeting adjourned. When the presidents presence was no longer felt, everyone let off a heavy sigh of relief and laughed heartily. As soon as the laughter started to fade, Teddy stood and was the first one to speak. Well, guys, see you at the end of one week. Ill have some catching up with my bed, so, Ill be off! We can do this...YES! Hwaiting! Off he went. Slowly, the people left the room until one person remained. The once busy room became empty and, again, silent. She sat still to her place, unmoving. Great! I feel like Im being set up here... Theres no more avoiding this... Dara could only face-palm. * Phone ringing: I dont care eh, eh, eh, eh, eh~ I dont care eh, eh, eh, eh, eh~ * She broke off from her trance and answered the call without checking the caller. Before she could speak... I heard youll have a week off. Thats nice! Thank heavens; the Gods are always on my side! The caller cheerfully said. Seungri-sshi? She asked almost annoyed. This guy has really bad timing. What are you doing? Are you going to sit there all day? He asked. HHowd you? She was cut off. Horrible guy. Im here at the fetch you. Surprise! He waved at her, grinning like a Cheshire cat. Uh oh. Here he goes again.

(insert image) Aigoo~ I think, Im going to have a headache . Otteoke?

That night, Dara found herself unable to sleep. She pushed herself up and turned on the bedside lamp; its dim effect made the atmosphere a little dramatic.

The clock read 12 AM, a little odd that shes still awake at that hour when she feels so tired after the days activities. Could it be because her dreaded day has finally come? Right then and there, she contemplated deep for tomorrow is not just another day but the day she wished would never come. As a sign of surrender, she ruffled her wavy locks and released a helpless groan. This blind date Will I go or not? She began talking to herself and shuffling her hands hard. Who might this person be? Her right hand clutched her chest, her heart pounding ecstatically. She doesnt understand why she was feeling anxious in the first place and how she hated being set up on blind dates. The more that I think of it Boy, this is making me crazy! She sighed. D-Day 5 hours of sleep. Dara woke up even before the sun rose. She went directly to the gym to combat her stress with stress routine exercise that is. Its all she could do, trying to forget the dread she feels. After doing her routines, she went home, straight to her room.
Good morning! ^.^ Err, I havent slept well last night... But I hope you guys did~ Lets all look forward to a nice day, neh? I want to have a nice day today...jebal!!!

She saw the dress on her bed. Bom must be awake. She sat beside it and ran her hand against the fabric. It flows smoothly and gracefully beneath her palm. Ah, silk...who could resist such wonderful texture? I wonder if tonights flow of events will be as smooth as this silk... Out of nowhere, she uttered. Her hands suddenly curled into fists and hit her lap, creating a low dull sound. She shook her head in resistance. Aniyo, I cant believe this! I sound like some excited teenager on her first prom night! She stood up and ran around the room. She ran until she got tired and threw herself to her bed, face forward against the soft sheets. Gaah~ Kill me now! Kill on me now! She turned her head to the side, blowing some hair strands covering her face in the process. Babo, Dara! You couldve backed out when you had the opportunity... Now, theres no turning back! She prettily frowned.

God knows how long she stayed there lying on her stomach, staring at nothingness, until a knock on the door brought her back to reality. Bomah! You startled me!

D-Day Cont. As the door swung open, the bells clanked to make his presence known. An old woman, by the counter, welcomed him with a big, bright smile. Welcome to Bouquet Haven, handsome young man! How may I help you? As he was looking around, he replied. Im here to pick some flowers for a very beautiful lady. The old womans smile became wider. Oh, is this for your wife? We have some freshly arrived velvet roses from the country side, maybe, you would want to see. He chuckled. A-aniyo, Halmoni. Sh-Shes a f-friend...uh-uhm...if sh-she still sees me th-that way. He regains himself. Shes a friend that I havent seen for a long time. He immediately added before stammering all the way through. Chingu? Youre too handsome to be staying single, young man. Im surprised! She paused. Hmm. If you dont mind, can you say something about this chingu so I can recommend about what youve been looking for? The handsome young man began telling the old woman about this friend whom he hasnt seen in a while. He described the way she looks and how she has been to him for the longest time hes ever seen her. It couldnt be denied that his voiced sounded with a hint of regret. As their story telling came to its end, the old woman cant help but say to him... That may be a long time, young man, but Im sure fate has helped to bridge the gap. He perceived it as words of encouragement and he felt a pat on his back. Its all that he needed. When the old woman excused herself, he was surprised to see her holding a bouquet a few minutes after. Halmoni, I didnt even hear anything about your recommendations. I made this bouquet last night and Ive decided to give it to you. I think your friend will like it. She winked as she said her last statement. This bouquet is perfect! I cant wait to see her reaction once she receives this. Thank you so much, Halmoni! I cant thank you enough for your kindness and help. His excitement heightened and made a 90-degree bow. Youre welcome, young man! Its a pleasure to see you happy so dont worry anymore. Hope to see you again! Take care on your way home. She waved him goodbye. He went inside his car, parked a few blocks away, and placed the bouquet in safety.

(insert picture here)

Neh. I promised to see her again. Now is the perfect time. Ill take my chances. I hope she wont get mad at me for hiding my real identity...

Meanwhile... Out of the blue, someone mustve been bored.

(insert pic here) Wouldnt it be nice to see each other on such a wonderful weather?

Chapter 7 A/N: Before you proceed, I suggest that you go to the previous chapter and read some additional inputs Ive included. Well, thats what you call LAST MINUTE ARRANGEMENT. kkk. I need enough attention span for this chapter. Itll be a bit lengthy than my usual updates, so, please bear with it.

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