Church of Christ

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Church of Christ

In the beginning of the new colonization there was a mental demand for something to hold on to, in the 20:th century religion became as unpopular as can be, but when wars raged across europ; people began their search for something to believe in, and Christianity rose to hold a stronger position, thus; church once again becoming one of europs strongest powers, as it was in the early ages. With the new age, came a new; revised bible. This book of books had to have a modern focus, and therefore it was completely rewritten; yet, with the same linguistic complexities as in the old one, to preserve the possibility of dual interpretations of things, thus allowing the religion to be easier to take within, and becoming a strong political factor in the same time, as many grew to understand it, even with totally different opinions. The hierarchy of the new church consists of one pope, the high ruler of the entire church, oftenly through heritage in the family, yet also through miracles and great deeds, the current pope (year 2112) is S:t Algustine, who is a she, being the first female pope; she revolutionized the male dominion in religion. Marie Julie Mercredi Augustine became pope for her deeds during the war, travelling around the world, helping poor, and protecting the weak. After rescuing an entire city from total devastation; helping the inhabitants to flee from the war, she was saintified, and inscribed in the books for her deeds, and also becoming elected pope, through ancient Vatican selection (the burning of hay). S:t Augustine rules over three grand archbishops, who command three paths of the new church, the crusaders of christ, the missionary, and the holy sanctamony.

Crusaders of Christ Commanded by Grand Archbishop DeSantos, Maria Salvadore DeSantos; a strong Christian fundamentalist, who believes in total Christian supremacy, having many doubts over those who do not acclaim it as belief. The archbishop posesses; what he claims to be, a direct contact with the high heavens, and say; his words are but postponed sentences of God, from high above, despite his apparent fanaticism; he is largely popular amongst his two Archbishops, and their followers; as theyre granted full freedom over the extermination of all that is anti-Christian. Lugi Fermosa, Archbishop; personal advisor, and right hand of Maria DeSantos. Never leaves his side. Also holds word over the order Disciples of DeSantos, which is a small order of twelve members, following the path of inquisition according to 16:th Century morals. They are the ones who stand as Judge, Jury, and Executioner in the case where Heretics are brought before the Council of Trials (which is the official name of the order). All heretics, pagans and general blasphemious behaviour; are concidered as direct opposition of the Church, and thus treated likewise. Despite this, not so many trials are executed, as it would decrease the popularity of Church (in fact, many trials and executions are kept secret; for not letting bad publicity out). All trials are held within the old chapel Pax Domini, in the Vatican. Ernaud DiCente, Archbishop; commander of the armies of CoC, an grey old man; who is believed to be; over 120 years of age, and yet still as strong and healthy to give charismatic public speeches. Under him are seven Grand Bishops; Eric Lux, West Europ (Paris, Luxemburg, Belgium, Schweiz) Hans Steinkampf, West Europ (Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Austria) Max Cavalieri, Eastern Europ (Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, Italy etc.) Salim Kashbar ( Middle East, Northern Africa ) Francis Moul , ( Southern Africa ) Yen-chang Chi, (Asia) Len Hammer Hammond, (America, London, England, Ireland These seven Grand bishops posess executive power over the numerous Bishops in their regions, the bishops are the crusaders, their objective; to clean the world of the things that should not be.

The missionary

The missionary is the part of the Church of Christ, which spread the word of God throughout the world, they are missionaries who travel from town to town, to strengthen belief, and try to convert; to let people see the light. They are led by a simple Grand Archbishop; Louis Germaine, who unlike many members of the Church of Christ, do not seek ultimate power, and thus has gained a lot of popularity, a strong mind, great wisdom, and recognition of many views of life; are some of his virtues. He is probably the strongest contradiction within the manipulative church; which feeds on despair with addictive poisonous words. He have had many discussions with the other Grand Bishops, and even in the High Council of Christ, tried to proclaim whats right (The High Council of Christ is an annual meeting in the Vatican, where all Grand Archbishops, Archbishops and Grand Bishops meet). The holy sanctamony All local priests and churches are members of The holy sanctamony, led by Mario Vialli (Grand Archbishop) who proclaims his words in the S:t Marcusplace in Venice.

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