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Code No: RR212305 RR

II. B.Tech. I Semester Supplementary Examinations, May 2009

Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE questions
All questions carry equal marks

1. (a) Briefly discuss First and second law of thermodynamics? Explain with suitable examples.
(b) Write procedure of calculation of work, energy and property changes in reversible processes.
2. An elevator with a mass of 2,500kg rests at a level 10m above the base of an elevator shaft. It
is raised to 100m above the base of the shaft, where the cable holding it breaks. The elevator
falls freely to the base of the shaft and strikes a strong spring. The spring is designed to bring
the elevator to rest and, by means of a catch arrangement, to hold the elevator at the position
of maximum spring compression. Assuming the entire process, to be frictionless, and taking
g=9.8m/s2 , Calculate
(a) The potential energy of the elevator in its initial position relative to the base of the shaft.
(b) The work done in raising the elevator.
(c) The P.E of the elevator in its highest position relative to the base of the shaft.
(d) The velocity & KE of the elevator just before it strikes the spring.
3. (a) Derive Maxwell’s relationships.
(b) Discuss estimation of the thermodynamic properties using equations of state.
4. (a) Derive Gibbs/Duhem equation.
(b) Derive the following equations related to partial properties
M1 = M + x2 dM dx1
M2 = M − x1 dM dx1
5. (a) Explain Vaper-Liquid equilibrium concept and discuss Modified Raoult’s law.
(b) Discuss briefly criteria for phase equilibrium.
6. (a) Consider a vessel which initially contains only n0 moles of water vapor. If decomposition
occurs according to the reaction.
H2 O → H2 + 12 O2
Find expressions which relate the number of moles and the mole fraction of each chemical
species to the reaction coordinate(²).
(b) Discuss briefly the effect of temperature and pressure on equilibrium constant and equi-
librium conversion.
7. (a) Derive the following relation at constant T and P
ln fb1 ln fb2
x1 ddx 1
+ x2 ddx 1
= 0.
(b) Explain Fugacity and Fugacity coefficients and its importance briefly.
8. Write short notes on:
(a) Thermodynamic efficiency of growth.
(b) Degree reduction concepts.


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