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NEXUS SPM BIOLOGY FORMS 4 & 5 Page 137 (Extra Practice)

Supplementary Materials for


Paper 2 (Section A Structured Items) 1. The diagram below represents two types of cell division: mitosis and meiosis. Parent cell

Mitosis Process L Stage P


Stage Q

Stage R

Stage S

Anaphase Telophase

Anaphase I Telophase I

Meiosis II

Sasbadi Sdn. Bhd.

NEXUS SPM BIOLOGY FORMS 4 & 5 Page 137 (Extra Practice)

Supplementary Materials for



Name the type of cell which undergoes either mitosis or meiosis. Cells which undergo mitosis

[1 mark] Cells which undergo meiosis

[1 mark] ii. State the functions of mitosis and meiosis of the cells stated in (a) i. Function of mitosis

[1 mark] Function of meiosis

[1 mark] (b) i. Name process L.

[1 mark] ii. When does process L take place?

[1 mark] (c) i. Name stages P and Q. Stage P

[1 mark] Stage Q

[1 mark]

Sasbadi Sdn. Bhd.


NEXUS SPM BIOLOGY FORMS 4 & 5 Page 137 (Extra Practice)

Supplementary Materials for


State one difference between the cells produced in stages P and Q.

[1 mark] iii. Explain the importance of structure E in stage Q.

[2 marks] (d) Draw the types of daughter cells produced at the end of meiosis II.

[2 marks]

Sasbadi Sdn. Bhd.


NEXUS SPM BIOLOGY FORMS 4 & 5 Page 137 (Extra Practice)

Supplementary Materials for


The diagrams below show a pair of homologous chromosomes at two different stages of meiosis, X and Y. Stage X Stage Y




Name the parts labelled P, Q and R in the above diagram. P: [1 mark] Q: [1 mark] R: [1 mark]


State the function of P.

[1 mark]

Sasbadi Sdn. Bhd.


NEXUS SPM BIOLOGY FORMS 4 & 5 Page 137 (Extra Practice)

Supplementary Materials for

(b) .


Name the stages in the above diagram. Stage X: [1 mark] Stage Y: [1 mark]


State two differences between stage X and stage Y. Stage Difference

[4 marks] (c) Explain why the two parts labelled Q are genetically identical before crossing over while the pair of R are not.

[2 marks]

Sasbadi Sdn. Bhd.

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