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Cea Cee | UT Sex, Drugs Ete (a + 1981 1983 1983 1985 1986 1987 1987 1988 1988 1990 1990 1991 1993 1995 1997 1998 2002 2003 2005 2005 ‘Orner Booxs By Ropert ANTON WItsoN Playboy’s Book of Forbidden Words «gee Drugs and Magick: A Journey Beyond Limits The Sex Magicians The Book of the Breast (now ‘Ishtar Rising’) tus! (with Robert Shea) in the Pyramid ‘The Golden Apple Leviathan *Cosmic Trigger I: Final Secret of the Iuminati *Neuropolitics (with T. Leary & G, Koopman) ‘The Illuminati Papers The Schrodinger’s Cat Trilogy ‘The Universe Next Door The Trick Top Hat ‘The Homing Pigeon Masks of the Illuminati Right Where You Are Sitting Now +The Earth Will Shake *Prometheus Rising *The Widow’s Son “The New Inquisition Natural Law or Don't Put a Rubber on Your Willy “Wilhelm Reich in Hell *Coincidance: A Head Test *Nature’s God *Quantum Psychology *Cosmic Trigger II: Down to Earth Chaos and Beyond *Reality Is What You Can Get Away With *Cosmic Trigger III: My Life After Death “The Walls Cone Tumbling Dawa Everything Is Under Control “7SOG: The Thing That Ate the Constitution. *TSOG: The CD “Email to the Universe “The Tale of the Tribe “Published by New Falcon Publications. Sex, Drugs & Magick A Journey Beyond Limits by Robert Anton Wilson New FAtcon PusiicaTions LAS VEGAS, NEVADA, U.S.A. Copyright © 1987 Robert Anton Wilson. [All rights reserved. No part of this book, in part or in whole, may be Aproduced, transmitted, or utilized, in any form or by any means, ‘ieteonie or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any faformation storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing pom the publisher, except for brief quotations in critical articles, books and reviews. International Standard Book Number: 1-56184-001-7 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 88-83351 First Edition 1973 — Playboy Press First Falcon Edition 1987 ‘Second Printing 1988 Third Printing 1990 Fourth Printing 1993 Fifth Printing 1997 ‘Second Revised Edition — (Sixth Printing) 2000 ‘Seventh Printing 2004 Eighth Printing 2008 Ninth Printing 2011 Cover by Roy Troepper Cover Design by Studio 31 ‘The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of the American National Standard for Permanence cof Paper for Printed Library Materials 239.48-1984, Address all inquiries to: New FALCON PUBLICATIONS 9550 South Eastern Avenue + Suite 253 Las Vegas, NV 89123 itles From New Falcon Publications Some Other Aleister Crovley's Mustrated Goetia Taboo. Sex. Religion & Magick Sex Magic, Tantra & Tarot. The Way ofthe Secret Lover Bnochian World of Aleister Crowley: Enochian Sex Magick ‘By Christopher 8. Hyatt, PhD., and Lon Milo DuQuette Ask Baba Lon By Lon Milo DuQuette Cosmic Trigger 1 Cosmic Trigger 2 Cosmic Trgger 3 Coincidance The Earth Will Shake Email to the Universe Nanure s God Prometheus Rising TSOG: The Thing that Ate the Constitution Withelm Reich in Hell The Widows Son The Walls Came Tumbling Down Ser, Drugs & Magick ‘Quantum Peychology ‘By Robert Anton Wilson Info-Psychology The Intelligence Agents Neuropolitique What Does WoMan Want? ‘By Timothy Leary, Ph.D. Healing Energy; Prayer and Relaxation The Complete Golden Dawn System of Magic The Golden Dawn Audio CDs What You Should Know About The Golden Dawn By Israel Regard Rebellion, Revolution and Religiousness By Osho The Dream Iiluminatt The Mluminati of Immortality By Wayne Saalman ‘Monsters & Magical Sticks ‘By Steven Heller, Ph.D. & Terry Steele An Insider § Guide to Robert Anton Wilson Erie Wagner ‘Shaping Formless Fire Taking Power Seizing Power ‘By Stephen Mace Aleister Crowley and the Treasure House of Images By LEC. Fuller, Aleister Crowley, David Cherubim, Lon Milo DuQuette and Nancy Wasserman Please visit our website at ITICS SAY ABOUT YN WILSON 1g I was afraid to write WHAT CRI ROBERT ANTO! ‘A. SUPER-GENIUS....He has written everything — Dr. John Lilly around, and with a ‘One of the funniest, most incisive social crit positive bent, thank Goddess. erane Eisler, author of The Chalice and the Blade with open minds will like his books. Psychological Perspectives x: hawking tickets to the most lanes on the midway of higher Avery funny man...readers Robin Robertson, Robert Anton Wilson is a dazzling barke thrilling tlt-a-whirls and daring loop-o-P! consciousness. ustivean Robbins, author of Even Cowgirls Get the Blues OBSCENE, blasphemous, subversive and very, very interesting —‘Alan Watts, Erudite, witty and genuinely scary. "PUBLISHER'S WEEKLY STUPID — Andrea Antonoff 'A 2ist Century Renaissance Man...funny, wise and optimistic. — DENVER POST The world’s greatest writer-philosopher. — IRISH TIMES (Dublin) Hilarious...multi-dimensional...a laugh a paragraph. — LOS ANGELES TIMES Ranting and raving...negativism... — Neal Wilgus One of the most important writers working in English today...courageous, compassionate, optimistic and original — Elwyn Chamberling, author of Gates of Fire Should win the Nobel Prize for INTELLIGENCE. ““ QUICKSILVER MESSENGER (Brighton, England) tomy wife, Arlen “Blessed Be” In the province of the mind, what is believed to be true is true or becomes true, within limits to be found experimentally and experientially. These limits are further beliefs to be transcended. In the province of the mind, there are no limits. — John C. Lilly, M.D., The Center of the Cyclone CONTENTS PREFACE To the 2000 Edition " PREFACE To the 1987 Edition ” INTRODUCTION 6 PRELUDE Ice Maiden: The Story of Jane 39 CHAPTER I Overview: The Brews of Aphrodite 49 INTERLUDE Slouching Toward Bethlehem: The Story of Leonard B CHAPTER 2 Horned Gods & Horny Potions 84 INTERLUDE Divorce Psychedelic Style: The Story of Tom & Jerri 105 CHAPTER 3 ‘The Smoke of the Assassins 116 INTERLUDE Drug of Choice: The Story of Bill 145 CHAPTER 4 ‘The Mexican Weed 155 INTERLUDE Behind Suburban Doors: The Story of George & Martha 173 CHAPTER 5 Powders White & Deadly 180 INTERLUDE Reject: The Story of Holy Out 200 CHAPTER 6 Tibetan Space-Time-Warp Star-Nova Trips 2u INTERLUDE Up Against the Wall: The Story of Tyrone 230 CHAPTER 7 2000: An Inner Space Odyssey 238 RISK GLOSSARY _ An Alphabetized Reference, With Guidelines & Warnings 253, BIBLIOGRAPHY 2m PREFACE TO THE 2000 EDITION ‘And the Beast said: “By their pee shall ye judge them, and by thy pee shall ye be judged, ‘And all will be divided by their pee. ‘And in the snow shall their names be writen.” = The Book of Urinomies! This book dates from 1972-73, and the man who wrote it does not exist anymore. Even I, occupying the same body that he did, hardly remember him and quite often do not agree with his opinions at all, at all. [ have therefore corrected and updated his ideas in about a hundred places because, frankly, he embarrasses ime at times, especially since we share the same name as well as the same body. Around the time he wrote this book, Robert Anton Wilson had passed the age of 40, lost the rigid right/wrong ideology he had picked up during the anti-war and anti-segregation move- ments of the 1960s and thought he had outgrown the dogmatic follies of his youth, achieving a middle-aged and mellow agnos- sm about everything. Ten years later, as Ronald Regan sat in the White House, Wilson reached 50 and, looking back, felt astonished at how much folly had persisted even in his 40s. As he approached 60 a few years ago, he began to realize that he still had his share of human idiocy even in his 50s. Today at 66+ ' Quoted in Revelation X, translated from the original tongues by the ‘Sub-Genius Foundation, Simon and Shuster, New York, 1994. a 2 Preface (beginning to merge with him now), I can only wonder how much of the current Robert Anton Wilson literary output of palaver will embarrass me when I reach 75-80.. Nonetheless, I don’t feel particularly disgraced by another printing of this book. Some of it still makes a lot of sense to me, After corrections, and I see that in the semi-fictionalized “case histories” I have accidentally provided a sort of “ideogrammic” history of the 1960s!—still the most controversial decade of the century, and well worth looking at again, to learn what we can from both its wisdom and its blunders. ‘The major blunder I acquired from the 1960s counterculture was the notion that the Enemy (with a capital E), was ignorance and that this could be cured by education. 1 now feel more inclined to accept R. Buckminster Fuller’s description of the four major problems confronting the world as “ignorance, fear, greed, and zoning laws.” Being untypically brave (like most fools), 1 always underestimated the role of fear in human affairs; having simple desires, 1 underestimated greed; and not being an archi- tect, I never grasped the perfidious nature of zoning laws. Above all, | failed to realize the extent to which the synergy of igno- rance-fear-greed-zoning laws in maintaining the tyranny that Fuller calls MMAO (Machiavelli, Mafia, Atoms and Oil)—the banks, the mob, and the energy cartels.)? ‘My current thinking about MMAO derives from Fuller and, in relation to the topics of this book, even more from the Sub- Genius Foundation of Dallas, TX, which refers to MMAO as “the Con.” ‘Many think the Con is just a joke or a parody of other conspir- acy theories. To such doubters, the Sub-Genius Foundation says that this is “the Time of Pee”—the time foretold, when people would be judged not by works, nor by family, nor even by looks, but by their urine. | "[deogrammic” in this sense means sensory/factual as distinct from abstracUtheoretical. 2 Fuller's ideas on these subjects can be studied in his Critical Path, St Martin's Press, 1981, Grunch of Giants, St. Martin's Press, 1983 and at hup:// on the World Wide Web.

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