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5th August 2013


Preemptive Crackdown in Bahrain Against Planned Tamarrod Protests
The Bahrain government is currently engaged in a new crackdown on activists and wider civil liberties. In the past few days alone, dangerous new legislation has been introduced, there have been many arrests including prominent activists, and the government has sanctioned awitch hunt through the creation of a hotline for citizens to report websites and social media accounts deemed to be against "public interests and targeting national unity and civic peace. Security has been ratcheted up with reports of increased police presence in many different areas. Three deaths have occurred over the past week in suspicious circumstances, according to the opposition. All involved trafc accidents. Hussain Kadhem was in police custody at the time of his death. Two youths were fugitives when they were killed. Their family believe they were being chased by police. Meanwhile, another protester is in intensive care, after being run down. Read More

Bahrain: After Arresting and Disappearing of Two Journalists, ANHRI Demands Revealing their Fate
The Arabic Network for Human Rights Information (ANHRI), denounces the continuing harassments against the photographers and the journalists by the Bahraini authorities in addition to arresting them without clear reasons in addition to the denial of the authorities for its relation with some of the direct detention process, which arouse concerns related to the life of the detainees.

The Bahraini Security Forces had in the second of August 2013, Friday, arrested the photographer Qasem Zain El-Deen after storming his house in Diraz and the forces had conscated his mobile phone and his lap top. In addition to inspecting his car and the police station of Badie denied knowing about the arrest. On Wednesday night of 31 of July 2013, Hussien Habel, had disappeared after being surrounded by several persons wearing a civil costume in the Airport of Bahrain while he was leaving to UAE. The security forces denied knowing the place of detention of the photographer. Read More

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