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Botanical Art and Illustration Program

Storybook Illumination
Instructor: Renee Jorgensen

Note: An accessory materials fee of $5.00 will be collected by the instructor at the first class.

Materials & Supply List

(Bring to first Class)

Drawing Pencils: 2H & H
Colored Pencils: Red, Yellow, Blue, Green, Purple, Gold
Pencil Sharpener
Kneaded Eraser & White Rubber/Plastic Eraser

(Bring to remaining classes)

Tracing paper: 9"x12" pad
Sketch paper: 9"x12" Spiral bound pad
12" Clear C-Thru Ruler
2- Black Pigma Micron pens: .005 and one with a thicker line width
(Optional: Rapidograph technical pens: 000 and 0 filled with Universal Black Ink)
Low tack tape: White artists tape or 3M 811 tape
Good quality 00 & 0 paint brushes
Purchase good sable (Isaby) or synthetic sable (Winsor & Newton)
Inexpensive paint brush for mixing colors
Gouache: 2-Yellow (Cadmium Yellow Light & Lemon Yellow)
2-Blue (Ultramarine Blue & Cerulean Blue)
2-Red (Cadmium Red Light & Purple)
1-Permanent White
(Artist grade recommended: Winsor & Newton, Michael Wilcox or Dalor Rowney)
Mixing tray/palette for colors
Water container
Roll of Viva paper towel
Winsor & Newton Gold Ink
(Small jar)
. . . . .
Optional items to consider:
T-Square, 10" - 45 degree triangle, water color pencils, agate burnisher
(We will discuss these items further in the first class)

Class supplies are available at:

**KOZO’s, Meiningers, Jerry’s Artarama,Guiry's, Art Hardware, Hobby Lobby, Michael’s or your favorite on-line art supply
store.**KOZO’s Fine Art Materials (10 E. Ellsworth Ave., Denver) has a 20% discount for the Botanical Illustration Program
participants with proof of registration. Bring your registration confirmation letter from the Botanic Gardens.

2009 Winter-Spring

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