Australiana Term 3 Assesstask1 - Lyrics

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Australiana Assessment task one

Analysis and Creation of Australian Lyrics

Throughout the term so far, we have been identifying, examining and analysing a range of Australian lyrics, both traditional and contemporary, to determine how our culture and identity is depicted. Your first assessment tasks will put your lyrical knowledge and skills into practice. You are required to complete two components for the task:

1. Analysis of one Australian song

You will need to research and find an Australian song (either traditional or contemporary) and analyse how the song represents Australian culture and identity. You will need to consider the following: The main idea of the song Themes Vocabulary Structure Social context Analysis length: One page minimum, typed, size 12 font.

2. Creative Piece Your own Australian song

From your analysis, you will need to develop your own Australian song. Be creative! Think about themes, stereotypes and concepts we have discussed and analysed; you could use these in your own song. The presentation of your song is up to you; you may like to: Submit an actual recording with music and vocals Create a music video with your friends Write out your lyrics and submit a hard copy Song length: Minimum three verses, two choruses. You will not be required to present your task to the class; however, challenge yourself to be creative and fun! Due Date: Wednesday August 21st, 2013.

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