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Good and Evil The words good & evil, good & bad, etc what is perceived in the

present context of way of living are been defined on ones own perceptions. The definition of good is very simple. Good is nothing but the truth. Evil or bad are other than truth. What is then the truth? The answer is simple. Nature is the truth. The truth is what exists. The truth is what was, is and will be created. The knowledge given by nature is the truth. The energy emanate from the nature is the truth. As humans everything what is seen, heard, sniffed, tasted, felt are the truth. Due to ignorance and inability to understand the truth, humans had come out with the perception of bad or evil. The whole nature is good because it s the truth. Our perception is not the truth and so the words lingering around us are evil and bad. The perfect world is the truth and so the perfect world is good. Bad or evil is what we perceived as humans and postulated them. Humans are ignorant of truth. Ignorance of truth is propagated by humans as evil or bad.

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