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Manage E-Learning

This is a short PowerPoint that I have created for the purpose of the Week 5 Blog Assessment

The four learning theories:

1. 2. 3. 4. Behaviourism Cognitivism Constructivism Connectivism

Note: The voki may take a short time to load.. Be patient!

What is Manage E-Learning?

Manage E-Learning explores the technological competencies required within the 21st century classrooms. It looks at the theoretical underpinnings of e-learning and how technology provides a platform for creativity and innovation with a particular focus on Web 2.0 interconnectivity

Before discussing various technologies that could be used within the classroom; it is important to remember the rules of Is it Safe, Legal and Ethical?

Safe, Legal & Ethical

Programs and or additional techniques that could be used in the classroom:

Blog Wiki Weebly Website Voki Wordle Glogster Prezi Fakebook Mind Maps etc.

Images Videos Podcasts Etc.

Videos are only one aspect that could be brought into a presentation! Note: The video used is expected to be relevant The video below is just an example of a video being attached to the PowerPoint program!

Just a quick note before this PowerPoint ends: The idea behind this PowerPoint was not meant to be informative. This PowerPoint was supposed to provided an example that techniques such as videos, audio/podcasts and images can be applied to a PowerPoint to make it more engaging!

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