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SECOND GRADE CHINESE FALL 2011 Victoria Wenyu Urbina

Language Development Lesson Plan From ()Week of May 9---May 12, 2011 Teacher: Victoria Urbina Subject: Chinese Language Arts Topic: Lets go to Japan Linguistic Objective: Speaking: Students will be able to read new vocabulary and use sentence structures and sharing their experience of traveling. Listening: Students will be able to understand the content when the classmates and teachers are sharing their own travel experiences. Writing: Students will be able to write new vocabulary Reading: Students will be able to read the small book and the script which related to the Academic Performance on June Content Objective: Students will be able to Demonstrate an understanding of the basic ideas of Japan, including the location (reading the map, different time zone) and the different cultures and arts Demonstrate understanding of the content by pointing out several specific points when it comes to Japan Language Objective: Content-Obligatory Students will demonstrate understanding of key vocabulary words Students will demonstrate understanding of key vocabulary words , / Content-Compatible Students will Use known vocabulary/ sentences to share their own experience of traveling,

SECOND GRADE CHINESE FALL 2011 Victoria Wenyu Urbina

such as when they were having the trip? In what states/ countries they have been to/ who were they going with? What was the feeling of traveling? Use known vocabulary such as maps (clothes) (pants) (hats) (shoes) (socks) (umbrellas) (sunglasses) to share their experience of how to pack their luggage and how they decide what to bring for traveling. Materials: Big flashcards for teacher to demonstrate Small flashcards for students Chinese character worksheets Asian and Japan map transparencies Postcard, kimono, origami paper, and art crafts of Japan (More detail materials for art craft, please see daily procedure) Procedure: Monday, May 9, 2011 A. Review all characters students learned in this lesson. B. Have students making phrase and sentence pattern. Each student will present one sentence on the small white board. C. Ask students finish practice worksheet 1. Homework: One worksheet. Tuesday, May 10, 2011: A. Review sentence patterns practiced yesterday. . Have students making sentence pattern. , B. Have students to describe Japan what did they learn before (each students will pick one sentence to show they understand well). Example: Japan is an island country C. Have students write a sentence and draw a picture to present their thought.

SECOND GRADE CHINESE FALL 2011 Victoria Wenyu Urbina

Homework: One worksheet. Wednesday, May 11, 2011: A. Review this lesson content. B. Students will be working on the Chinese dictionary.
C. Students will finish another art work: paper fan origami.

Homework: One worksheet. Thursday, May 12, 2011 A. The teacher will finish this lesson and have students bring home the
small book and read 5 times to their parents.

B. The teacher will working with students to prepare the Academic performance. Homework: One worksheet & practice play own part.
Differentiation: Linguistic intelligence ("word smart"): Chinese characters and the sentence structure. Logical-mathematical intelligence ("number/reasoning smart"): None for this week lesson. Spatial intelligence ("picture smart"): Reading the story book My Japan by Etsuko Watanable Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence ("body smart"): Hand on crafte. Interpersonal intelligence ("people smart"): working with their classmates Intrapersonal intelligence ("self smart"): classroom worksheet Assessment: Worksheet and homework will be the formal assessment. Teachers observation and students interaction with the teacher and the classmates will be the informal assessment. pokemon Bw&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dhow%2Bto%2Bmake%2Bpaper%2Bpokemon%26hl%3Den%26sa%3 DX%26rlz%3D1C1ASUT_enUS392US392%26biw%3D1138%26bih%3D555%26tbm%3Disch0%

SECOND GRADE CHINESE FALL 2011 Victoria Wenyu Urbina

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