JyotishRatna March 05

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All India Fe de rat ion of As t rologe rs ' Soc ie t ie s (Re gd.

Marc h. - 2 0 0 5
Jyot is h Rat na- Pape r 1
Time- 3 hrs. MM: 100
All Questions are to be attempted and carrry equal marks.
Q.1. Calculate Lagna, Showing at the stages clearly, by using Ephemeris and
the Table of Ascendants, for a birth at Calcutta (Kolkata) on 28
Feb, 2005
at 11.50 AM IST.
ii +-i -in r i l-l nii - n i =- +i i
+n r, +n+-ii - zs.z.zaar +i l- - .ra - in+ +i n- --
Q.2. Showing calculations of the Tenth House, calculate the Bhava Madhyas
and the Cusps of all the twelve Bhavas in the birth chart of Q. No. 1
- i + +i +=ni - i- ii +i ii- -- +il nii ii ,ii
iii + ii- nii lii -- + |
Q.3. For a native born on 1
March, 2005 in Delhi at 10.00 PM, the balance of
Vimshottari Dasha at birth works out to Jupiter 14Y 1M 28D. Please prove
that the above calculations are correct by using your method of calculations
and answer the following questions :-
i. Name the Janam Nakshatra and its Pada.
ii. Which Mahadasha shall the native be running on the 50
iii. Cast the entire antardasha chart in the Mahadasha of Venus.
rni -i zaar +i l~ni - il a in+ +i ii ii r-ln i
-ir zs l- r| -i i-i +n r l, + l+ i + ii i i ri r
l--- -i +i ii -i il
() --i i +i -i- ni |
() in+ - ra - l- l+ -riii - ri ri i|
() i+ -riii +i --n nii +i -- ~n i + |
Q.4. The Graha spasht of the birth kundli at Q. No. 3 is : Ascendant Libra 6:05
Sun AQU 17/16 Moon Libra 21/29 Mars Sag. 22/22 Mercury Pis. 0/10
Jupiter Vir. 23/45 Venus Aqu. 9/53 Saturn Gem. 26/51 Rahu Pis 29/38
Ketu Vir 29/38. Please cast all the Saptvarga charts of this kundli.
All India Fe de rat ion of As t rologe rs ' Soc ie t ie s (Re gd. )
Marc h. - 2 0 0 5
Jyot is h Rat na- Pape r 2
Time- 3 hrs. MM: 100
All Questions are to be attempted and carry equal marks:
Q.1 In the given horoscope, prepare the panchdha friendship chart, stage by
stage, first depicting the natural friendship, tatkalik friendship and then
finally the panchdha friendship. Asc. Libra, Sun : AQU, Moon : LIBRA,Mars
: SAG, Mer : PISCES, Jup. VIRGO, Ven : AQUARIUS Sat. : GEMINI Rah.
+ i ; +=ni - ii -i i- +i l--ii ; +i + l+ -l+ -i,
n-+iln+ -i ,ii l-iln -- ri |
Q.2 The following horoscope contains at least one dozen yogas. Asc. Taurus.,
Sun, Sat, Mer, Ven, Ke in Virgo : Mon, Mar in Scorpio :, Jup in Aqu : Rah
in Pisces. You may please enumerate at least ten yogas, clearly mention-
ing the combinations which constitute the yoga concerned.
+=ni - +- +- + - i l-l-n ri n r | i i i i + l--ii
+i iii nin r -+i ii + |
Q.3(A) Name the biped, quadruped and keet rashis. Mention their significations
in predictive astrology.
(B) Which are sheershodaya, prishtodaya and ubhayaoday rashis. What is
their importance in astrology?
() l,, n +i- ilii + -i- ni i lnn ilni - ;-+i i l-+i
+ii =in |
() iiii, -i ii ilii +i-z i r i ilni - ;-+i +i
-r- r|
Q.4(a) What are airy signs? What happens when an airy sign is posited in the
House and what type of profession one would pursue?
(b) Some planets are classified as "Male", Some "Female" and some
"Eunuchs". Please name them respectively and tell us something about
their role in astrology.
() i n- ilii +i r ` l +i; ; ii +i ili i- ii - ri, ni in+
l+ +i +i i + i`
() + r i, + -i + - + +rni r ` -+ iin -i-
nin r -+i ilni - i l-+i +i i- + |
- i s i ; +=ni + r -- ; +i r n- nni c,ar
+-i /,c nni z,zs, - n i- zz,zz i -i- a,a, +i
zs,r i+ +-i s,rs, il- l-i- zc,r, ir -i- zs,ss, + n +i
; i + iii -n +i ii +=lni +i l--ii +|
Q.5. Attempt the following :-
(a) Importance of Lagna Rasi in delineating personality of a Native
(b) What shall be time and the day in New Delhi 77
13' East Longitude
when it is 10 pm (Sunday) in New York 74
W ?
(c) What are the elements of 12 Rashis?
(d) At what degree does each planet become combust?
(e) Show a Lunar Eclipse & how it occurs.
l--- -i + i - -i il,n +il
() n- - ili + iii in+ + l+- +i + i-i i +ni r|
() -; l~ni - l- i - +i ri i (//
E s) i+ - (/
W a)
ni +i il ri
(+) ir ilii + lli- n-i +i -- + |
(i) - + r l+ l=i -n -i-i ini r|
() ri + nni r, l -i + -- + |
Q.5. Brief answers to be the following may please be attempted :-
(a) What are Rahu and Ketu?
(b) Explain how Venus is karaka for marriage.
(c) The importance of Vimshottari Dasha.
(d) Which Houses and Planets are important for education?
(e) The Maraka Planets and functional malefic planets.
li-n -i il
() ir + n +i r `
() i+ r lir +i +i+ + -i`
(+) l iii ii +i -r-
(i) liii -ii-n +- rn +i-+i- ii r -r- i r `
() -i+ r +i-n i r li +- + |

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