Samudrik Ratna Sept 2011

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O 2
All Questions are to be attempted.
lHkh iz'u gy djus gSaA
Q.1 Among the nine planets (including Rahu, Ketu) one planet has two mounts.
Identify the planet and describe their location on the palm. What is the
influence these mounts bear or indicate? 10
ir n -n s nri - nr i (n -i n r| ; nr i i- ni i
rii i ri -ii ln | ;i iii i( i ni r|
a) Draw a figure of palm and write signs of Zodiac on the fingers. 10
rii i l i nli l-in ii ilii ii|
b) Gie five names each of international and Indian palmist of repute. 5
b) i l, ni-i i iini r-nii l(iini i- ni|
Q.3 Discuss in detail about the various types of thumb, its influence and effects
in palmistry, including its utility in understanding the palm. What is the
importance of all the three phalanxes of the thumb? 15
n- i, i ii( i r-niii - ;i ilnni i - l(-ni
i | n- nii (i i i -r-( r `
Q.4 Answer briefly questions- 15
(a) What can we know about native's life from the skin of his palm?
rii i -(i in i( i - i ii i ni r|
(b) What is the effect of an island on heart line?
; ii ,i ri i ii( rini r`
(c) What is line of Mars? From where does it originate?
-n ii l rn r i ;i -i ri r `
(d) Which line in men shows that they have more sexual power?
li i- ii(i (i ini i iii i ni `
(e) Which line shows the foreign tour in the person hands?
l(( i-i (i in i ii ii i i ri r `
Q.5 Which lines do we use for deciding about marriage and what is the method
used for calculating time of marriage? 15
l((ir i - l iii ,ii li ii ini r nii ;i i liii
li ini r `
Roll No.
All India Federation of Astrologers' Societies (Regd.)
Sept.- 2011
Samudrik Ratna- Paper 1
Time- 3 hrs. MM: 70
Write your alloted Roll No. and Paper name on your answer book.
i i . ( l(i -il-ni li|
Don't write your name and chapter name anywhere.
i i- ( - i i- ri li|
All Questions are to be attempted.
lHkh iz'u gy djus gSaA
Q.1 Discuss about the line of head and line of heart, what will be the results of
a chained line of heart on the palm and line of head going towards the
mount of Mercury? 10
-l-n ii ( ; ii i - ni| ; ii ii ri nii -l-n
ii i i (n i i i i ni|
Q.2 Tell about the results of the follwoing:- 15
l-llin ni
(a) Islanded life and fate line (,in i( i ii ii)
(b) Chained travel lines (ii ii ,in)
(c) Rahu line (ir ii)
(d) Mystique cross (r-- i)
(e) Presence of ring of solomon (n (~ i l-iln)
Q.3 (a)Difference between main and secondary line and their effects 15
- ii nii nii ii - n i ii(
(b) Locate and Explain about marriage line ?
l((ir ii ri i; ini r `
Q.4 Write the results of the following:- 15
l- lii- ni
a) Short fingers (si-i nli )
b) Long nails ( ii)
c) Square hand ((ni i rii)
d) Nails Broader than they are long (i; li ii; (i ii)
e) What would be the result of short little finger curved towards the ring
si-i l-i ni il-i i n -i r; ri i i ii( ni r `
Q.5 Write the results of the following planets if their mounts are highly devel-
oped, less developed or average. 15
l- nri l(ln, ~l(ln i -- ri ii( li|
a) Venus (i)
b) Jupiter (n )
c) Saturn (il)
Roll No.
All India Federation of Astrologers' Societies (Regd.)
Sept.- 2011
Samudrik Ratna- Paper 2
Time- 3 hrs. MM: 70
Write your alloted Roll No. and Paper name on your answer book.
i i . ( l(i -il-ni li|
Don't write your name and chapter name anywhere.
i i- ( - i i- ri li|
All India Federation of Astrologers' Societies (Regd.)
Sept.- 2011
Samudrik Ratna- Paper 1 (Objective)
Time : 30 Minutes MM: 30
Roll No.
Signature of Invigilator
1. All question are compulsory.
ii l(i r|
2. Use Blue or Black pen only.
i i i i ri in |
3. No negative marking.
i; ~ii-- -iln ri rini|
4. Write your alloted Roll No. only.
li ni i . ri li|
5. Don't write your name and chapter name anywhere.
i i- ( - i i- ri li|
6. Don't do your rough work on this question paper.
; -i l-ni i |
7. Return this question paper to the invigilator after exmination time is over.
i -i l-ni iii (li -in ri lii i i |
Q.1.Discuss about any five rare symbols found in an individuals hand. What Result
will they give? 10
rii - i; i i lr i - ni;| ii - i i rini r|
Symbols (ii) Result (lii-)
1---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
2---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
3---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
4---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
5---------------------------------- ----------------------------------
Q.2. State which statment is correct by marking () and wrong by marking (X) in
front of question.
lgh ij ( ) dk fu'kku o xyr ij (X) dk yxk,aA 2x10= 20
1. Is the Black mole good on the mount of Moon?
(n ii ln si rini r|
2. Does the longer first phlenge of the thumb represents low will power.
n- - i- i i ri ni ;si iln i -i rini r|
3. Pinkish tone of the hand signifies no heart problems.
rii i nii n ; i l-ii ri ni r|
4. Gurdle of Venus is good.
i i (~ si rini r|
5. If the great tringle on the middle of the palm is considered bad.
rii i - i lii ii rini r
6. Does long Mercury finger represents long life.
i i ni i ri ni - i rini r|
7. Is the chain on the bracelate good?
-ili si rini r|
8. Does the half moon in the nails are considered bad.
l ii - ri ni ii -i in r|
9. Bad sings are found rearly on the square hand.
(nii rii - ii lr - rin r|
10. Head line moving towards the mount of moon is bad?
-i ii (n i ni ii rini r|
All India Federation of Astrologers' Societies (Regd.)
Sept.- 2011
Samudrik Ratna- Paper 2 (Objective)
Time : 30 Minutes MM: 30
Roll No.
Signature of Invigilator
1. All question are compulsory.
ii l(i r|
2. Use Blue or Black pen only.
i i i i ri in |
3. No negative marking.
i; ~ii-- -iln ri rini|
4. Write your alloted Roll No. only.
li ni i . ri li|
5. Don't write your name and chapter name anywhere.
i i- ( - i i- ri li|
6. Don't do your rough work on this question paper.
; -i l-ni i |
7. Return this question paper to the invigilator after exmination time is over.
i -i l-ni iii (li -in ri lii i i |
Q.1. State which statment is correct by marking () and wrong by marking (X) in
front of question.
lgh ij ( ) dk fu'kku o xyr ij (X) dk yxk,aA 2x10= 20
1. The Brain line moving towards the mount of Moon is considered good.
(n i i i(ii -l-n ii i si -ii ini r|
2. Island on the Fate line is considered to be bad
ii ii ,i ii rini r|
3. Black spot on the line of Mercury is considered to be bad.
i ii ii ii i lr ii -ii ini r|
4. The chained type of Life line is considered to be very good.
ii i( ii ri ni rn si rini r|
5. Black mole on the life line is not bad.
i( ii ii ln ii ri rini r|
6. Broken life line on both the hands increases the life of a person.
ii riii i --i r; i( ii - i ini r|
7. Island on the mount of Saturn is good.
il (n ,i si -ii ini r|
8. Straight line cuts the heart line Head line then it is considered to be good.
iii ii ; ii i -l-n ii i i- ri r i s i ni r|
9. Star on the heart lines creater problem in the married life.
; ii --i ri ((ilr i( - --i ini r|
10. The fate line touching Head line is not bad.
ii ii -l-n ii i s ri r r ii ri r|
Q.2. Show below by drawing the five subsidiaries line on the palm figure. 10
rii i nii iii i i l i ii|

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