Prelim #1 - THESIS 1 PDF

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Thesis 1 Laboratory Exercise #1 Rules: 1. In naming controls, objects or variables, USE ONE WORD.

Example: HomeAddress, FirstName, txtTotalUnits, txtUnitPrice, cboGender, frmLogin 2. First letter of the word is CAPITALIZED. Example: HomeAddress, FirstName, txtTotalUnits, txtUnitPrice, cboGender, frmLogin 3. Provide prefix (three letters) before the name to identify the type of object. Example: txtUserID, cboCivilStatus, dgvTransactionDetails, frmCustomers, grpCustomerForm Note: frm Form cbo Combo Box drg Data Grid View pic Picture Box rdo Radio Button chk Check Box grp Group Box mnu Menu dtp Date Time Picker tmr Timer lbl Label btn - Button 4. Always use Remarks () single-quote txt Text Box Example: This is a remark If TotalAmt>5000 Then This is also a remark 5. Always know where you save your project (STORED IN ONE FOLDER). To copy, COPY THE WHOLE FOLDER. 6. Always Save (CONTROL+S). And BACKUP. Procedures: 1. Hierarchical Structure Login Main

ABOUT: frmAbout About ARAULLO UNIVERSITY PHINMA Education Network About INVENTORY SYSTEM 1.0 btnClose X



2. Graphical User Interface Design LOGIN: frmLogin Login User ID Password btnLogin Login txtUserID Employee ID txtPassword btnClose Cancel Name Position X Employee EMPLOYEE: frmEmployee


txtEID txtName txtPosition Close

btnClose CUSTOMER: frmCustomer Customer Customer ID Name Address txtCID txtName txtAddress Close Employee Customer About X MAIN: frmMain Inventory System

btnEmployee btnCustomer btnAbout


3. Create a Windows Form Project. Name it InventorySystem. NOTE WHERE YOU SAVE IT. 4. Create Five(5) Windows Form. Change the name: Form1 (frmLogin), Form2 (frmMain), Form3 (frmCustomer), Form4 (frmEmployee), Form5 (frmAbout). 5. Draw the following GUI for each Forms.
6. Double-click ALL CLOSE button. Type Me.Close.


In Login (frmLogin), Double-click LOGIN button. Type

If txtUserID.Text=Admin And txtPassword.Text=Admin Then Msgbox Access Granted!, vbInformation+vbOkOnly, Message Me.Hide frmMain.Show Else Msgbox Access Denied!, vbCritical+vbOkOnly, Message End If

8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

In Login (frmLogin), Double-Click CANCEL button. Type End. In Main (frmMain), Double-Click EMPLOYEE button. Type frmEmployee.Show. In Main (frmMain), Double-Click CUSTOMER button. Type frmCustomer.Show. In Main (frmMain), Double-Click ABOUT button. Type frmAbout.Show. Click PLAY button to execute the program.

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