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Escola: Edite Porto Mendona de Barros

Aluno (a): ____________________________________________________

Srie: ___________
Turma: _______
Data: _____/______/_____
Professora: Marcela Apolnio
1) Passe as frases para forma negativa utilizando o would
b) She'd like to drink water.
c) We'd try more times, if possible.
d) The plane would land, if there was no rain.
e) I'd tell you everything.
2) Passe as frases para forma interrogative utilizando o would:
a) She would bring you gifts.
b) They'd be happy if you came.
c) I would love to be in Dubai.
d) It'd come in if I opened the door.
e) You'd stay more days if there was a place.
3) Faa perguntas, usando Would you like e as palavras entre parnteses.
Exemplo A: ....................................
B: Yes, please.

? (some tea)

A: Would you like some tea?

B: Yes, please.
a) A: ..........................................................
B: No, thanks.

? (some chocolate)

b) A: ..........................................................
B: Yes, please.

? (a cup of coffee)

c) A: ..........................................................
B: No, thanks.

? (a pancake)

d) A: ..........................................................
B: Yes, please.

? (an ice cream)

4) Responda Yes, please. J ou No, thanks. L para as perguntas abaixo:

a) Would you like some rice? J
b) Would you like some chicken? J
c) What about some juice? Would you like some juice? L
d) Would you like some water? L

5) Read the text below / leiam o texto a seguir:

If I could - I'd protect you from the sadness in your eyes.
Give you courage in a world of compromise.
Yes, I would.
If I could - I would teach you all the things I never learned.
And I'd help you cross the bridges that I burned.
Yes, I would.
If I could - I would try to shield your innocence from time.
But, the part of life I gave you isn't mine.
I watched you grow - So I could let you go.
IF I COULD - Ray Charles

6. Traduzir as frases abaixo:

a. If I could - I'd protect you from the sadness in your eyes.
b. If I could - I would teach you all the things I never learned.
c. If I could - I would try to shield your innocence from time.
3. Answer the question (Responda a pergunta)
If you could live your life over again, what would you do differently?

7) I would live here = Eu moraria aqui. Passe as frases abaixo para a forma contrada
Ex: I would live here. Resposta Id live here
you would live here. _____________________________________________
he would live here. _____________________________________________
she would live here. _____________________________________________
it would live here. _____________________________________________
we would live here. _____________________________________________
you would live here. _____________________________________________
they would live here. _____________________________________________

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