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The objective of this lesson is to give an insight into:
Sources of Information systems How to capture information Components of Information systems Systems stake holders System builders


Internal system users: These include,

Clerical and service workers Technical and professional staff Supervisors, Middle managers, Executive managers


External system users: these include

Customers Suppliers Partners Employees

The first and most important step in information processing is gathering of the information. The information gathered is raw data and hence the same need to be purified to be of some use. Let us now see the different sources of information system

Sources of Information System

Primary source :

Data designers: these include

Database administration Network architects Web architects Graphic artists. Security experts Technology specialists

This pertains to original data and research. This includes quantitative and qualitative data gathered as part of the research. The primary sources of data consist of,
Books, newspapers and magazine Diaries and journals Autobiographies and memories Government documents Photographs, paintings, movies etc., Archival material, Surveys and polls

System builders: These include

Applications programmer/developer System programmer Database programmers Network administrators Security administrators Web masters Software integrators

Secondary sources: These sources analyze, review or restate information in primary resources or other secondary resources. The following are some of the secondary sources of information,
Books Journal articles, Magazine articles Newspaper articles Grey literature World wide web

The application of systems approach to business systems has become very popular during recent days. As a step toward understanding this let us classify business into following groups,
Systems owners Systems users

The system users can also be classified into two categories,

Internal system users External system users System designers

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