Xpediter: P.O. Box 31953 Richmond, VA 23294 (804) 266-8899

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P.O. Box 31953 Richmond, VA 23294 (804) 266-8899

This material is the property and proprietary work of Data Directions, Inc. All rights are reserved. Copyright 1982-1996, Data Directions, Inc. This material may not be reproduced without the written permission of Data Directions, Inc. of Richmond, Va. Many of the product names and acronyms used in this material are protected by copyrights and trademark laws by their respective vendors. All rights are reserved.

Introduction to Xpediter COURSE OVERVIEW

Course Description: This course is designed to familiarize the IBM COBOL or COBOL II programmer with the use of Compuware Corporation's product, Xpediter. It will cover the use of Xpediter/TSO and either Xpediter/IMS or Xpediter/CICS dependent on the client environment. The course will review all major Xpediter features, review Xpediter commands, program test set-up, the testing environment and testing methods with the product.

Course Duration: 1 Day - This is a lecture and hands-on workshop class.

Course Prerequisites: Familiarity with mainframe COBOL, CICS or IMS are required prior to taking this class.

Course Materials: Class notes will be provided. Each student will receive a copy of the Xpediter Reference Card.

Course Objectives: The student will become familiar with the functions and features of Xpediter for use in testing batch programs, batch programs within the TSO environment and either CICS or IMS/DC programs. The students will understand the features of the Xpediter testing product for COBOL programs. The student will learn how to set-up the test environment, utilize the testing features using Xpediter commands and successfully test programs within Xpediter environment.

Copyright 1982-1996, Data Directions, Inc. Richmond, VA. All rights reserved.

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Introduction to Xpediter Course Outline

I. Course Overview and Review of Objectives

II. Overview of the Xpediter Product A. Xpediter testing environments 1. Batch 2. TSO 3. CICS 4. IMS/DC B. Languages C. File/Database Access Methods D. SPF environment E. Batch testing F. Interactive testing

III. Testing Functions and Features of Xpediter A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. Breakpoints Storage view and modification Bypass procedure code Insert/modify procedure code Monitor execution Intercept abends Testing log Execution Statistics Test scripts Regression testing

IV. Setting up the Test A. B. C. D. Program compile Test files Scripts Regression testing

Copyright 1982-1996, Data Directions, Inc. Richmond, VA. All rights reserved.

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Introduction to Xpediter Course Outline

V. Xpediter commands that control the test environment A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. ACCEPT - retrieve data from a file ALLOC - dynamically allocate a file COUNT - monitor execution statistics INSERT - temporarily add Xpediter commands INTERCEPT - identifies program(s) to be tested SET - modify Xpediter profile and environment SHOW - display Xpediter environmental data USE - link to IMS PCB's

VI. Xpediter commands that control the test session A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. O. P. Q. R. S. T. Line Commands Standard SPF Commands (END, UP, DOWN, etc.) AFTER/BEFORE - set a breakpoint DISPLAY/KEEP - view program storage items DLI - execute an IMS call GO - to start program execution IF/ELSE - conditional Xpediter command execution INCLUDE - run a set of externally stored Xpediter commands LOG - view the test log MOVE - change the value of a storage item NOLINES - inhibit excluded line display PAUSE - insert a breakpoint within inserted lines QUIT - terminate test session RESET - turns off Xpediter features RETEST - restart a test session REVERSE - execute code in reverse order SKIP - bypass procedure code TEST - define the program to be tested TRACE - monitor execution flow WHEN - set a conditional breakpoint


Review and Questions

Copyright 1982-1996, Data Directions, Inc. Richmond, VA. All rights reserved.

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