CMP 7 Categoricalimperative

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Jommel Gonzales



James E. White

“The moral worth of an action does not depend on the result expected from it and so too does not depend
on any principle of action that needs to borrow its motive from this expected result.”

Learning Expectations:

I expect to learn what is the essential in regards to the perception of concept?

The Categorical Imperative – Immanuel Kant


The author mentioned something about the good qualification of each person by their intelligence
as well as their courage by practical reasons. To be good is not said to be bad if theirs a condition that
tells you are just helping a person to his laziness. It’s a way that the actions must define on its end by
achieving moral relevant decisions. The essential aspects of moral reason can borrow of its motive from
the expected results.

He also mentioned that the rational will can be the basis that expressed the recognition of ethical
duty. It is the necessity of responsible and obligations to perform in subjected matter and it must be
carried out in the sources of its ethical perception, it would be the relevant basis of actions of a person.
The idea of a law is to be a better oneself to settle by the means of good treatment of a humanity that
something you would do as your values depends on the actions you might done.

Lesson Learned:

I learned the importance of being good to the others, by putting imperative will.
Integrative Questions:

1. What is good is a hypothetical imperative?

2. What is the principle of moral reason?

3. What is perfect duty?

4. What is Imperfect duty?

5. What is the moral universalism?

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